HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2467 1978 Se 2 R RfCOR0 IVAS 1pCrp 9 09 ORDINANCE NO . ay� 7 R (ly 'NCOUI� Cllr T�NE YERARi( AN ORDINANCE VACATING AN UNOPENED , PLATTED PORTION OF STORER AVENUE IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has the authority under Ark . Stat . 19 - 2304 to vacate portions of streets which are not required for corporate purposes ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the following described portion of Storer Avenue is a platted but unopened street which is not required for corporate purposes . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby releases , vacates , and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally , subject to the reserv- ation of utility easements in and to the following described property : Part of the NW Quarter of the NW Quarter of Section Nine ( 9 ) Township Sixteen ( 16 ) N of Range 30 West described as beginning 700 feet South and 290 feet West of the NE Corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence West 40 feet ; thence South 200 feet ; thence East 40 feet ; thence North 200 feet to the point of beginning . Section 2 . The City of Fayetteville hereby reserves an easement on , over , across , and under the above described street to construct , lay , remove , relay , enlarge , and operate public utility lines . Section 3 . As a condition to the abandonment of said street the City shall be held free and harmless from liability as to any claims of the contiguous property owners for damages to the property described herein , which damage may result from the City , or other utility companies removing and relocating public utility lines located in or upon said vacated street . Section 4 . Said utility easement shall be for the benefit of the electric power companies , telephone companies , gas companies , and the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 5 . A copy of this ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ' 1978 . APPROVED : n a e c F. MAYOR ATTEST: Stato of Arkansas City of I,'ayettevi;le SS f— fCVTY .CLERK `� ' ►. 7 4 .e•� i'. I, AYl4 e. Mecubck City Cleric and 1517 - 4. yp ,r � Officio _•eoordar for the City oP rayetteviP e. CoUN1Y. PP do hereby certify that Ole :: onesed or fore- going is going is of ,rr�ee1cord in my office and the same appears to �1Qt,;lwncL 4- 1e2 � book V/ — at page -_f_.o�,. Witness my lw_ . -- _ -973 493 hand and seal this __J s"` • _ day of MiCROFILhLD ;• ' DATE OCT ' 7 1978 -- , 191 ---• REEL , City Jerk and Ls-Officio i�.c.n: r;p� - Ij V I UERTIFICATE OF RECilRD 5IArE OF ARKANSAS I WaShlnr-'On County I SS. L Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuft C!^ric and Ex-Officio Recorder IM Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or flora going instrur, ent was filed ffoof racer, n �,,y office on tfra�day 19 at 9M, and the sam91� of U J'.' 1� duly records in �- a 73 0;; F? :'A d 7 ` Witness my hand and seal this` day of 19M Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recurded By 61ePUM CJert ' i 46 STATE of ARKANSAS 1 } ss. -- County of Washington , ii.Nu A14 Ile sofa ! 6'ij il - f - fit J r r (6 jb 1Hardd I, hereby certify that I W� 9�.a�1� am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily lee 1NnM vacaa newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than ywt� sig the a Board Di rM wRElnecl nip ht 1.1 ul leg J, sc' liths [our pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at aete•' nif r-i m,, L loa,as attend 1ithil but a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of pxhon u( �Wrw n„- �. Is a plallatl but anhwnen three( . h , -.d required for Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated r„Altai,,Hei!-Fsrnt n -: ITO and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and sY Ill[, s,lex� u. :tlxect'oea readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for TNF. I ''TY OF FAYBI I F., 1LLE. ailtil - d II h egccopy, O[ II YeTice SAS p per annum, which price was fixed at what is aectwr. I that the r.1. of 1 vet p considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and arkan,.,, h.rebr teI¢�s¢.. . . .atn, ap abe�da„ .,u ,a lis right togrlher wrlb la service value 1t contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscriber, '.ts w n8lshe publie gehenlly, subye►b the reaenatI , of of easements in aatd thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agent, to the fonoving deacnbed perfectlyI or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months . Part of the NW Quarter at the NW quarter d yeroori N,r,e ,9, Towtwhil and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent teen Ila, N of ILmge xl weal d",rribed a news matter. neglnn,ng lath Ieet South and _w 'eel Waat ,n the g t carrie" el aW ab achy vest eM - I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Aimee Nmee Well W feet, trI gash sal lees. I the p Eaat p lent; II Nit lr vain t :w fretto the pointdbeg g n Secure 2. the CItY d Fayette.die R resen,sen r: sernenlrl over. eet to 1t�/ ( 1/A rtr/l q v n,br 'p¢ a:a,ve descnbM street to roo- -_---_-V..L-I_r---f-11Y-S.e .....-...—_D '-------semq_Y-l-----------_ atrurt. we remove, relay, enlarge, and o sect yubbc uhcondion was published in the regular daily issue o[ said newspaper for--... �.._. S¢¢te p b ic a condition,hn on to the aha,Mon- mens of said street the City ,NC to !geld l ree and harmless from habdll> a, to any aaaassati!el ingertiosy as follows : t ,oh s of the ronogus preprr'.> wowners .f1'L ter dama8n to N” profess. des, r.b•4 }}1 / herein, Ah damage map re„d; Run Ise The first insertion on the .. ..---- day of L.G -___ 19-_/__ b i,1, . or oth"r ouhhc coil LLylioo bcaudm anerelxahngp the second Insertion on the Ir awn �nd . :,¢ales s:,""t _... day of ._..-_. ._ _____ 19_.___- iectwn + Raid uuL:; eases" 00he for the berwfit d dye eleelAa aaa tar, W a ea yS, asst the third insertion on the __ - day of - __--------- 19-------_--- prah and the fourth insertion on the -.... - - day of ___-' - x PA>1tD AND APPRnVm Urr W day _ / d gaptertual IOU. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this -..-..-�'"' _��-.. - ------ day of ------ APPIIOY®. FrrwtE Lane Wer tlAYOtt Angela Is \leAlcek a==�fatl9��� Irl II EHF . . r Pablic ------ My Commission Expires : /p O Fees for Printing _------ Cost of Proof _ _ _--_--- _-----_q--t---------/..--.-- Total -_----.___ i✓1_-rl p