HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2435 r � LE, � r 74 gPr' 27 ir. Crarr o[ir, T ,f hit I" ORDINANCE N0 . T'fI35 C% RK.^, IrSA $ AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE VALUE OF BENEFITS �TO :BEzi RECEIVED BY THE OWNERS OF EACH OF THE BLOCKS , LOTS AND PAR_ �J CELS OF LAND WITHIN STREET IMPROVEMENT DESTRICT NO . 77 - 1 d OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO . Whereas , a majority in value of the property holders own - ing property adjoining the locality to be affected and situated in Street Improvement District No . 77 - 1 of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas , organized for the purpose of grading , draining , curbing , guttering , widening , sidewalking and paving Sycamore Street from Gregg Avenue to Leverett Avenue have petitioned the Fayetteville Board of Directors for the construction of said improvements , and that the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the real property of said district according to the benefits received ; and Whereas , said benefits received by each and every block , lot and parcel of real property situated in said district equals or exceeds the local assessment thereon ; and / Whereas , the estimated cost of said improvements is $ 106 , 000 . 00 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That each of the several blocks , lots and par - cels of real property in said district be assessed according to the assessment list for said improvement district as the same now remains in the office of the City Clerk and that ten per cent of the assessment of each of said blocks , lots and parcels shall be collected by the County Collector with the first install - ment of general taxes becoming due in the year 1979 and annually thereafter with the first installment of general taxes until the whole of the said local assessment shall be paid . 2 . The collection of the annual installment shall be suspended , in whole or in part , for any year upon the filing with the County Collector by December 1 of the preceding year by the Commissioners of the District of a certificate reciting the amount of funds available to meet the debt service require - ments of the bonds of the District and , if necessary to provide additional funds sufficient therefore , certifying the percentage of the next annual installment on the amount of benefits necessary to be collected . 1975 . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS_d_DAY OF y QAPPROVED : �{p 959 791 Ik F AYf- T 41 iiJJ 'j � s Lei%. MAYORI CERTIFICATE JF RECORD 9 � 2 ' State of Arkansas ° '�" _ •: City of Fayetteville SS CITY . 0 EFKr. I, Darlene Westbrook, City Clerk and Ex- Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is or r ord in my office and the same appears I7n7 . �o , F a , book at page , witness my hand and/l this a7 day of MICROJIAAID. 197 DATE r 1 Mg REEL r aX � es City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder GENTOCATE • f H 1 OF ARKANSAS J Washington County � 'S I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that he anrzed or fore- going instrument was filed for record in my office on thee2yday of- �9Jv ato'dork M, and the sam Is duly recorded in record_ at ptr�ell Witness my hand and seal thi 40 day of 19 G Circuit Clerk and Ofiicio Recorded BY Deouty Clerk ' . I� r; .a•' • .: r t STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} es. Co�uunttyyj of Washington I, `� N hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Onnt�AN( a. �o. ^_ea considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ' I If Nerservice value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers IF nc % % HA Ali, klruol I ' thereto have p v-P!% IetiS Irl t • . : paid cash for [heir subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents '. I . r. IIPPit, :c F;su" . or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least Rix months ; 4 ll1E ('ll') nl. 1vF-rl1-% oA,r; AKkANSAS, APIO and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent PR�ESCyH�IIHfW ' U'fHER MATTERS news matter. f eMls19e1.�ln Vs stiffenin I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached to the matter of u t [ hoit II, IwniLR proyarly uitiAl nn vet im . h, t., ,, ni . tnl s771cfm "eel Impm Fit I ! . 1 �" .L I at `. �. < - c ) of F .. , i ", .. poirlilOi /� / Poll. gdteri u� Curb. . ._ -Q �_ �N� AIC [ _ AtIP 2 . -.-_----- - I—..--.. pasmg ,! lenuet . I petill was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ... --- ---- r Its nue} theha el '�� can>un<bnn . nrnta, - consecutive insertions as follows : thereat W" tYmt az-avw eK and The first insertion on the .-- - - . ... day of _.CT.-Fti ------ 19-...- 7k whereas, sal lits received by each-'-" "' - --"-- nd every OInA6 M and paneel of seal pro party sit"" is as district equals v ax- the second insertion on the _. ------ _ -. day of _----- ---_._........ is------------ owds the local nl Ma theram: and Where". the estimated cost of said (m provements isgaaeam- the third Insertion on the _..... day of NOW. 'flIER DRE. ffE IT ORDAINED _.__ ----_------- 19...._------ HY THE &)ARD OF DIRECITIAS OF THE CITY OF FAYERVILLE, ARKAN- and the fourth insertion on the ...__. Sas _ . day of � _—,-...._,r'�'1y9-.-.'_-- 1ct ' tialeach of the several bloc". hirid psitbkM in said district M aLeiinpas 4m —_-------_ assessment Its[ 1 Patent didriel as the same Draw remains in the of Orae me ee Clerk and that tides staff blacks Sworn to and subscribed before me on this - l� of ___-_....__ ,fi a of the 01mme of and t a raid bldRs. --- – ---- ------ day loss and panves Mall be reflected by the Cbame Coleslaw with the fire Mstalimenl of tenerel toxia D2entnRte due fit the yearny,r 7 IM stat amela* thereafter with the first ------------------- --� - --------- 19-- --- installment of general taxes until the whok ,Ithessd to011aawetmt sMg be pals 2. The cvlkepm:al Use sorsa[ ieuhll- mem shall by suspended. in whale or in partfor anv )ear is" der filing with the y Public c'oum) collector by December 1 of the preceding your by the Commisamers of the Districtof a certificate rmtnng the amount of fu available to meet the debt My Commission Expires : service rt-qui vents of the Minds of the / per District and, it necessary to provide addi n - yyl.lf L _ /0 , l T 0 onal lunls Mcieta therefore, rerufymg the per,enl set the next annual icptali ment on the a nt of benefits necessary to he colletedl , r PASSED A.'A) APIYRO ,1N) THIS IR 4t � fr DAY OE Ape; . not. Fees for Printing __---- APPROVED. Emest E. Lancaster /- % Mayor Cost of Proof - _-----.---_- _----------. Darlene VasThrui •. .. ` 401 tclerk va --- — Total ........-- i Se ve SeaU