HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2432 FiLED 1� it ¢, RLC0RD '78 91PR 27 MO.' I I ORDINANCE NO . Q1 94A Vi ASHif%'GTON COUNTY a I1 K. iJVS '' 1 I•l :1 �i�' � N,F VC :' AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE/;I,6L;E;�ALNAN�AS , DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R78- 1 FOR A 30. ACRE TRACT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF C) ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 , 1 . 25 MILES WEST OF U . S . HIGHWAY 71 BYPASS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property be and is hereby changed as follows : R78- 1 described as follows : A part of SE . 1/ 4 , NW 1/4 , Section 12 , T- 16N , R- 31W , described as beginning at a point S 00- 21- 53 E 659 . 74 feet , S 89- 59- 18 W 330 . 00 feet , S 00- 21 - 53 E 623 . 75 feet of the Northeast Corner of said 40 acre tract ; said point being on the North right- of-way of Arkansas 16 Highway ; Thence along said Highway Right- of-way N 89-43- 30 W 806 . 56 feet ; Thence N 00- 30-42 W 119 . 75 feet ; Thence N 89 - 59 - 18 E 124 . 94 feet to the Centerline of proposed Carlesbad Trace ; Thence along said proposed Carlesbad Trace Centerline N 00- 21- 53 W 227 . 00 feet to the Centerline of proposed Acoma Street ; Thence along said proposed Acoma Street Centerline N 89- 59- 18 E 419 . 50 feet to the Centerline of proposed Carriage Way ; Thence along said proposed Carriage Way Centerline S 00- 21- 53 E 225 . 39 feet ; Thence N 89- 59- 18 E 262 . 44 feet ; Thence S 00- 21- 53 E 125 . 36 feet to the P . 0 . B . containing 4 . 45 acres , more or less , Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas ; ALSO A part of SE 1/ 4 , NW 1/4 , Section 12 , T- 16N , R- 31W , described as beginning at the NE Corner of said 40 acre tract ; Thence S 00- 21- 53 E 659 . 74 feet ; Thence S 89 - 59 - 18 W 330 . 00 feet ; Thence S 00- 21 - 53 E 498 . 39 feet ; Thence S 89- 59- 18 W 262 . 44 feet to the Centerline of proposed Carriage Way ; Thence along said Carriage Way Centerline N 00- 21 -53 W 225 . 39 feet to the Centerline of proposed Acoma Street ; Thence along said Centerline S 89- 59- 18 W 419 . 50 feet to the Centerline of proposed Carlesbad Trace ; Thence along said Carlesbad Trace Centerline S 00- 21- 53 E 227 . 00 feet ; Thence S 89- 59- 18 W 124 . 94 feet ; Thence N 00- 30- 42 W 1159 . 72 feet ; Thence N 89- 59- 18 E 1139 . 87 feet to the P . 0 . B . containing 25 . 55 acres , more or less , Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas . From A- 1 , Agricultural District , to R- 2 Medium Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the official map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the changes provided in Section 1 hereof . Section 3 . That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are herei5y",re edled . Se % That this ordinance shall be in full force . and .e•ffect . from , and cafter: # he�t }m4 prvided by law . �' i ` ` ` � �� t.r,Lrrul➢ `• A ' � r-' State of Ar'.Tansas ( . t ' PASSED �1ND APPROVED THIS _� DAY OF aveetel,919 SS � V ` ..Q APPROVED -. :-` �Q �j�O��jirZy` I, Darlene Westbrook, City Clerk and Ex- AYOR Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- ATTEST : r going Is of recorAin my office nd the same CITY CLERK appears in VA /i F � book L at page _. Witness my Land and seal this a7 day of r . IACRO%*P 7 1970 / / Q� c fi 197 --• RAS t4 5 J 789 - - ---- -- City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I - Washington County I SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officlo Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instrument was filed ffpp�,� record in my office on theo�day of 197vat�UclockAM, and thesame is duly recur d in j ecord--1?5:7 _at page witness my hand and seal thisA.Eday of gind-/ 192Z Circuit Clerk and dr ' Ex-Officio Recur By Deputy Clerk J • , . rrrf r1At ,! . Fill -Olt . . . . . : R '•1' li 'r ItLr '!.a (la :iiOJ , lrSa ;.1 ;V: trq ril _ -. . . . _ ,.. �iA1 i,•.ra bas `• t. : 01 ^, LE 'o FOR r t- r 0 � TILED INMYOFFICO THIS 44 '�� L! t t� LAAi y Clerk 178 MAY 16 P7 3 . 4U Ah UidTY CE ALMA KOLLMLYct+ This Bill of Assuranc.eRgl§Tmhatdd on this 1st day of May , Q1 1978 , by Randall E . Barnes and Mildred G . Barnes , husband and wife , and Ray Rastall and Alma Rastall , husband and wife , owners of the following described real estate situated in Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , to-wit : The SE 1/ 4 , NW 1/ 4 , Section 12 , T- 16-N , R- 31 -W , Less & Except the W 1 / 2 , W 1/2 , W 1/2 , SE 1/ 4 , NW 1/ 4 ; and Less & Except the E 1/2 , SE 1/4 , SE 1/ 4 , NW 1/ 4 ; described as beginning at the Northeast Corner of said 40 acre tract ; Thence S 00 - 21 - 53 E 659 . 74 feet ; Thence S 89 - 59 - 18 W 330 . 00 feet ; Thence S 00 - 21- 53 E 622 . 39 feet to the North Right-of- Way of Arkansas 16 Highway ; Thence along said Highway Right-of -way N 89 - 43 - 30 W 806 . 56 feet ; Thence N 00 - 30 - 42 W 1279 . 47 feet ; Thence N 89 - 59 - 18 E 1139 . 87 feet to the P . O . B . , containing 30 . 00 acres , more or less . WHEREAS , owners have secured the approval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville Zoning map to re - zone the above-described real property from A- 1 , agriculture , to R- 2 , medium density residential ; and , WHEREAS , to induce the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to so amend the zoning map as aforesaid , the owners have agreed that no structure larger than a duplex shall be constructed on any tract of the above-described real property ; and , WHEREAS , the owners desire to make a declaration of their intent in the form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of preserving certain values and amenities in the community , and the further intention of binding the owners , their successors and assigns and the above -described real property and its subsequent owners , with all obligations and restrictions as hereinafter set forth for all present and future development and use of the above-described real property ; now , THEREFORE , the owners hereby declare that the above- described real property shall be held , sold , conveyed , and occupied , subject to a restriction that no structure larger MICRDATE APR�2 0 1979 . 964 661 DATE REEL` .�... l than a duplex or containing more than two living units shall be constructed on the above-described real property at any time , without the formal approval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors ( in the form of an ordinance ) . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the owners have caused this Bill of Assurance to be executed on the date hereinabove first written . RANDALL E • BARNES MIL RED G . BARNES Y TALL ALMA RASTALL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) SS . COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this date , before the under- signed Notary Public , duly commissioned and acting , personally appeared Randall E . Barnes , Mildred G . Barnes , Ray Rastall , and Alma Rastall , known to be the persons subscribing the above and foregoing Bill of Assurance , and all acknowledged and stated that they had signed for the purposes therein contained and set forth . WITNESS my hand and seal on this � daday of 1978 • \``;.d�puinmrnr�i,� •.�. CW1 F 05 Notary Pu lfc My . (2ommission Expires : CERTIFICATE OF RECORD >TATE OF ARKANSAS J Washington County SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Record -r h �1vashington County, do hereby certify that the annexed )a :ore - ioiitg instrument was filedforrecord in my office on thd% day of - ..._ ) - 19/�tj�p'clorkhM and the sa.�i is , ouiy rccorded in 0 - record�P at papa I Wltnacc my hand and seal this�day of __ . . 19W �f . Gircuif dlbrk and . 964 6ry� 9i; iio ecerdcd /J V 00putY Clerlt _ --- STATE of ARKANSAS l ss. County of Washington f ---- I,V hereby certify that I DIN tyl STI T am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily P newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than T j tour pages of five columna each, published at a fixed plane of business and at • � a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of NIBNWAY Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated a OF and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and Y TY& BOAIID NMf¢• readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for wof each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Med is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further , certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of iM C � ._�-li.I�-1LY...R.Lv-- c G-—--N-o---------2---4�.Z--------------_-----__..__..-... TMata [ Aseso I sneer Y ap.w faM to was published 1n the regular daily issue of said newspaper tor__---. tM firtfe/ewp z TMrrae '[yafad Certiiot consecutive insertions as follows : way 6776.}feet: , �7 T feet: 1 .' feet to the n The first insertion on the �' _.. day of ;T_�°----- _. 19.7...-. a. •L� sees, more or ku. 1 I'aceaeville. wuNglon Counts. Arkan the second Insertion on the _ ____ _ day of A petd0k•� NW14, section 17. T fcN. the third Insertion on the _._ IW tksrr*b" as eMtetens at the NF ___ . .__- day of __.......-__--..._ 19--._- 1 r and the fourth insertion on the ______ _ . _._ day of _..----_----........_ �.- �I�aYk,e�N � ✓ 'S - Sworn to and ss/ubsscccrribbed before me on this �___>S.day of - ---------- --- --------- ------------------y+ --------- 19-----zc - -- --------- -- -- -- - -' No Public My Commission Expires : • -��zn-�Getcs�'_LQT�-�O timev - Fees for Printining -------- $.._.S_.� • 2 Z F•A`1i`D iNO THIS i UA1' %pr,l, Ip6a I iu . ei _ Cost of Proof --------- ...__...._--_----------- r Ir Total ..-.....___- j......:a , Z Z r:f. k