HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2408 ORDINANCE NO . a�0 F O i 1 � L�� "F�(' U AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ® D FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETIT]®T� 135 �� 1�: 15 FOR A 44 . 2 ACRE TRACT LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER 0�`' ARKANSAS , HIGHWAY 265 AND ZION ROAD ; AMENDING THE Z9LJWWGTO1,1 CO YTY d® DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; AND FOR OTR� , AFnjW . h',A KOLLMEYER BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE` j8TN r6FRK FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That tae zone classification of the following described property be and is' hereby changed as follows : R77 - 53 described as follows : Tract 1 . A part of the NW 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 19 , T - 17 - N , R- 29 - W , in Fayetteville , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 160 feet South and 80 ' West of the NE corner of said forty acre tract ; thence West 708 ' ; thence South 830 ' ; thence East to the Highway 265 right of way , thence Northeasterly along the right of way to the point of beginning , contain- ing 12 . 4 acres , more or less . From A- 1 , Agricultural District , to C - 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District . Tract 2 . A part of the West Half of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 19 , T- 17 - N , R- 29 -W , in Fayetteville , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 80 ' West of the NE corner of said 80 acre tract ; thence West 940 ' , thence South 1656 . 33 ' , thence East to the Highway 265 right of way , thence Northeasterly to the point of beginning , containing 19 . 30 acres , more or less . From A- 1 , Agricultural District , to R- 0 , Residential Office District . Tract 3 . A part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19 , T - 17 - N , R- 29 - W , in Fayetteville , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 1020 ' West of the NE corner of said 80 acre tract ; thence West 330 ' to the NW corner of said 80 acre tract , thence South 1656 . 33 ' , thence East 330 ' , thence North 1656 . 33 ' to the point of beginning , containing 12 . 5 acres , more or less . From A- 1 , Agricultural District , to R- 2 , Medium Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and is hereby amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to effect and designate the necessary changes provided in Section 1 hereof . Section 3 . That all ordinances or parts thereof in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS �� DAY OF 193-8— APPROVED : <. 1p ATTEST: MAYOR 957 231 LM DATE ® DATE OCT 1 7 197E CITY CLERK REEL,� CERTIFICATE OF RECORD .31 C: ^5 ARKAQISr.S I Vern kin . :., County ( SS. I, Aima L. K-9.=;yer, Circuit Clark and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington Cr,_n:y, r'o hereby certify thn' Nle annexed or fore. going instru• , n ,r; filcd for rerord in my 3`8ce or, the .d day of---4A-46 A-b 197 /at /0_/,S_lock/� h1, and the same is duly rccord<-d rl --&�-G( record 9S9 at page .731 Witness my hand and seal this �jay ofofl 19 Ex-Officio Recor ed Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RILCORD St::tc of Arkzm: . ( i: v cF ._. L S.�::. .nre C. he:r-Pe '1'. it: C;r_'. rad 's -Ufti:_.io recorder fr.,. City of i do lier h , eriity ;hat the; ❑ ..n : a.: is of rearrd in my of •a d i'le a.:!o P- nears in Ordinance & R"'soletti;tei V I--at ilrai,e — —_. "Vitncss my h:md and seal ;:his------- -.r'.dy of City Clerk a^d lot / STATE of ARKANSAS ea. County of Washington ROINANCE NO, Saw AN AN REZONING THAT TE FAYET. R IN N.1 I, hereby certify that I A am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally DING OR N newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than OF four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at FA AND p g P P FBEI a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of BE IT OF Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated DIRE AYF.T K Tevt and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and seven tion of readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definiterice for the following d be and is P n, reh> rnangea as m- Ieach copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is sn-sa acw'nhee foliowa: considered the value of the p Tract t publication, based upon the news value and N part of-the NW-, a; the swiss pf service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers .ecmpm 19, . T I- N, Tis n W in Fayel- tectJe. Arkansas, bcing more partictdarly thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents descrinN as reilows 13eglnning at a point or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; nteh is no feet South anti W West of the Na: comer or said forty acre tract; thence and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent 7al'. thence Southal0' twhce East to news matter. .. 'ligh..ay M right of way. thence Nor- -!Irl) along the right of wer' to the d reonning. containitrg 11.1 aaea, I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of r inn A-1. Agricultural District, mhaal CommeNial District I old* _11 Y1QJ !` � ---1 xio.a ��-Ia----F---a. . - -- - ;i� was published in the regular daily issue of said neer tor..acreeeaeeea6ive Inserttomil follows : a &wN I Ebl7o V. �i Ney' ORstee The tire[ insertion on the ----...� ----------- day of r „t negmning; q tha .r less ashes, frail A gd __._ 19 -.... tsar uqi t the second insertion on the ____ .___ day of __ ____ _ h a u l - f r. ... w ' d LtA' ' t nr t q, of NNla ,en the third Insertion on the _ _ day of P r.,.0 iia. ArkYlra, ipera _ - __._ -_. . _.... _------------ 19--------.- viad dnnrgaahh..is'm notes it at a point so frill tithe NE car and the fourth insertion on the . ... .. _____. day of --------- _. 19--.- ser of wd q acre trll thence West Jia' n the %W corner of said so re tract, to the mth wni Iv th w, :•✓t _l. T_ i r it t ... 7 ./ n , , r r Ujtur Ifs, / t °in I c Sworn to and subscribed before me on this /r sa, i A w ------ day of --------- n t'i � and hereesjpeoclby W I t is n the inr osis -__.._..__...._. _vl_. Gj.—.-- 19.1 t h lrCof. /, ///J Section 9. That all ff l th as or rally v e thereof m tmnRkl hwtwitlt -.are "hereby /C--lam-- r .�?�-G-±<a._ —. -... '�'tO repealed. ' NABBED AND ApPfyOVr•:fi `eiRc ty pAy NO PUf111C OF January, I I ll! ON dgs2o�vw; jnyt ®yrer. M commission Expires: ATTFST. Moo 1` Darlene WesLERK I to 11 t Fees for Printing Cost of Proof --------- _---- ---- ---------_----. Total