HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2297 FILED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO . oZoZ �I *" JAN 12 PH 2. 41 gRKQNSA U] VTY ALMA h AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17-B OF THE FAYE0YER J CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE SIZE AND SET-BACK REGULAT _ 1 APPLICABLE TO FREE-STANDING SIGNS . v BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Sections 17B - 9 ( C ) ( 3 ) ( a ) and ( b ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances are hereby amended to read as follows : ( 3 ) Free- standing signs shall be subject to the following : ( a ) Display surface area shall not exceed ten ( 10 ) square feet ; provided , the display surface area may be increased two ( 2 ) square feet for each one ( 1 ) foot the sign is set back from street right-of-way beyond fifteen ( 15 ) feet ; provided further , the maximum display surface area for a sign which is set back from street right-of-way forty ( 40 ) feet or more shall be seventy- five ( 75 ) square feet ; provided further , the maximum display surface area for an on- site free - standing sign located on property which abuts a controlled access highway shall be two hundred ( 200 ) square feet . ( b ) Shall be set back a minimum of fifteen ( 15 ) feet from street right-of-way ; provided , an on- site free- standing sign located on property which abuts a con- trolled access highway shall be set back a minimum of forty ( 40 ) feet from street right-of-way . Section 2 . That Sections 17B - 9 ( D ) ( 3 ) ( a ) and ( b ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances are hereby amended to read as follows : ( a ) Display surface area shall not exceed ten ( 10 ) square feet ; provided , the display surface area may be increased two ( 2 ) square feet for each one ( 1 ) foot the sign is set back from street right-of-way beyond fifteen ( 15 ) feet ; provided further , the maximum display surface area for a sign which is set back from street right-of -way forty ( 40 ) feet or more shall be seventy- five ( 75 ) square feet ; provided further , the maximum display surface area for an on- site free - standing sign located on property which abuts a controlled access highway shall be two hundred ( 200 ) square feet . ( b ) Shall be set back a minimum of fifteen ( 15 ) feet from street right-of-way ; provided , an on-site free- standing sign located on property which abuts a con- trolled access highway shall be set back a minimum of forty ( 40 ) feet from street right-of-way . Section 3 . That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . Section 4 , The Board of Directors hereby determines that the present regulations applicable to the use of free- standing signs should be changed to facilitate the effective enforcement of the city ' s sign ordinance , which enforcement is hereby found to be necessary for the preservation of the public health , MICROnLMED 1978 R QED 920 384 safety and welfare ; and the Board of Directors hereby determines that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to make said changes and thus facilitate the effective enforcement of the city ' s sign ordinance . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS a?&L DAY OF 1976 . APPROVED : 22 Aa' D. MAYO ! •;' ATTEST•: �i� M 1 CI9W C CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Ark::nsas SS City of FaycU evil^ ], &,-an^.e C. K2:inedy, City Cleric and -r "r 'ei FortheCityofFayetteaille, do t'., t ar:n^-;el or fore. • . .. ____�._�{._ . IViY.u•s my Of City C eri: .._ :dr,).•;i _io recorder �� � 920 385 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , as 9 `l . therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in Volume at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea! this 9 CJS day of 1976 . A . S E L ) CITY CLERK r . � e .J 920 386 i �I �f I pT1; tiCPT � DF Rc �;DRD CiE" 1 S Recordarfor ore- S M (3f AR ountY 15S uitGlerKandfy--o"i2o exed or f .Nsshln8t�n ollcneY°r, Cir` by c,Km that tlr� Y on the I. Alrna C untj , do he recorir11 rrr- i�ceacd thesame rs//�J yirinRton C° Was filed�°r A �o1clockM atDage Bonof gins ume„ �t / 1��—at/{��record� 19 (A�"" a) a, du13 reco hand and seal this - CIerK and otness mY Circuit Recorded .0i .,60 utY CIerK eY DeD i I ill I . . I it STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} ss. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO .en- _ T A ♦ ORDINANCE AMENDING _ _ CHAPTER 17 -8 OF THE PAVEToat TF) ILLP CnDF OF ORDnaANCEg T'O 1, >tlohereby certify that 1 A\e t - I ( I ri v s APPbiCCAA9LIC TO am the Publisher of THE NO HWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily FRF :ar:Ns. - newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not leas than RFI IT TOR Fn BY TEE BOARD of DIRFeTORs w' THE CITY of four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at FA}"F:TTF.I'I.. , ItRANRA9: ' sou^^ t That soeticas 77E--Ndi (s) a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of 01) and (m of the Fayelhvnle Code Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated of Ortll mases are hereby amsaded to ned as monwa: and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and (7) Fite—standing signs Mail b subject to man following: I readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for (a) Dlapley surface area aha]) not each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is exceetl ten (10) sonars feet; provided. the display surface area may be in considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and (Teased two (y noon pet By each service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers use tiled h pit haek from "t'� Myoug 1YWn us) thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents r«t. ° (uriher, the maximum or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; display egrraw-arn for a sip which actarra Dos Mr" rlghtof-way and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent (1m feet or rope ahan be I seventy (75) solpn feel; provided news matter. I further. (lie maximum display surface Area Ne An an ** Irpe-alaodiog men I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of Inca p� a con has h (b) l am of 9p IN Y; .. M f(eas4nding S -1np Y which abuts ret r Party antw) was published In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper [or_--.....1____ rwtinsertion as follows : fa (s) Code In read as ibimbF onniow to The first insertion on the day of __ GS1V]--. 19_ (a) �i�a�.-awa Max not Me t4 pi3" "w�mw he the second insertion on the day of __--__- 19------------ ored IM hm�Isw orerN . 11/a Cli sonM om fer each one (1) hot ted <MPi sreata ham S ir." ❑s) the third Insertion on the day of .. ----- 19—__.-..- um ay and the fourth Insertion on the . day of _.__-. _ .___._. .......-r —am1 ( ► HP oft .= mYlmpm of Rosen (1s) foot nom grant rights- . Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ..... ____ clay of -----__---..__ wVrsip Provides, an= vow n per •ICM 19----L—1 togs l • � �� aie 6tfa No Public busby In +egaletlsns faat cilitate tg geto My Commission Expires : the aayg alp i ag rpxamnt b ' so- p penNL-Ymen rax bumf F�alitrxod b r be d baallh. the r% p� w<Harp� lbs ana is Ignominy Ibin m sY1 tagllgea Fees for Printing �` pf ealraort g _._-- _----------� °Oo Tbwetam eabt Cost of Proof far ►rrg Ilaaeaaaq -- -------- --------------'-------'-- agiffie andsafcfhm��� ;Y he ba fame i a-� Y 0 and AyIO OBONW. . Total =._- CA\ OF OF TOM LN 1M. "^ 1 I APPROVED: Marion R. ONna (7TRS1' \' >\'DR ('I I