HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2292 ORDINANCE NO * as 9CR 7fi DEC 22 Pit 2. 52 1Yq SNkx' G : ! ?,' T ( AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING OFF—STREET PARKING DEVAIsOPMENT • DISTRICT NUMBER I OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAj. r1 ' r --ILII 1 , , :fs ru . . .1 WHEREAS , parties claiming to be the owners of a majority in assessed value of the property located within the territory hereinafter described have filed a petition praying that an improvement district be established for the purpose hereinafter set out ; and WHEREAS , after due notice as required by law , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has heard all parties desiring to be heard , and have ascertained that said petition was signed by a majority in assessed value of the owners of real property within said territory , NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . There is hereby established an improvement district embracing the property described in Exhibit " A" at- tached hereto and made a part hereof for the purpose of con- structing facilities for the off- street parking of vehicles , said facilities to be constructed at such locations as the Commissioners deem necessary in order to provide off- street parking within the District on lands to be purchased in the most economical means permitted under the circumstances for the benefit of the District , with said facilities to be con- structed in such manner and with such materials as the Board of Improvement of the District may deem for the best interests of the District . Section 2 . That said District shall be known as Off-Street Parking Development District Number 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and Pearl Clinehens , Frank W . Lewis , and Dr . C . Garland Melton , Jr . are hereby named Commissioners , who shall compose the Board of Improvement for said District . Section 3 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the time provided by law . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS -1 DAY OF � �Q � , 1976 . APPROVED : 2A4�.M 6i"v MAYOR �1 TTES�I✓y 1 ` CI"PY' E tS ��, 1 •�.fy Ss: 'r' 919 907 A MICR0F1VAmb NSA DATE REEI� I CERTIFICATE OF RECORD- State of Ar 'ins ( SS City of IFayc "le I, Suzanne C. -nnedy, Cir.. C'erl and Er--Of�uao - ..,,or::a : �rtheCi:y .:� hayc!.te . u !e, do hcreb> rer;:iiy u: ? the a . i _ • ,r fo:•c- goinz is of record in my t.ffice ,! � d the same ap- pears in Ordinance (i )! .!I : - :I V- — . .: � --I E. Zn . . ., mY hand 1; of City Clerk and Ex-Oifi, iu Recorder EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Spring Street , with the center line of College Avenue ; thence West along the center line of Spring Street to the intersection of the center of Spring Street with the center line of Locust Avenue ; thence South along the center line of Locust Avenue to the intersection of the center line of Locust Avenue and the center line of Rock Street ; thence East along the center line of Rock Street to the intersection of the center line of Rock Street and the center line of College Avenue ; thence in a Northerly direction along the center line of College Avenue ; thence in a Northerly direction along the center line of College Avenue to the intersection of the center line of College Avenue and the center line of Spring Street , said point being the point of beginning ; as said streets are shown on the recorded plat of the original Town of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , ALSO : part of Lot Numbered One ( 1 ) in Block Numbered One ( 1) in the Original Plat of the City of Fayetteville , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point fifty ( 50 ) feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block 1 ; and running thence North forty- five ( 45 ) feet more or less to the South line of a lot formerly owned by F . P . Hall ; thence East ninety- five ( 95 ) feet ; thence South ninety- five ( 95 ) feet to the North line of Spring Street ; thence West nine ( 9 ) feet ; thence North fifty ( 50 ) feet ; thence West eighty-six ( 86 ) feet to the place of beginning . ALSO : part of Lot One ( 1 ) , Block One ( 1 ) , original plat of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as beginning at a point 97 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block 1 , (which point is on the South line of a lot formerly owned by F . P . Hall ) and running thence East 95 feet ; thence South 3 feet and 4 inches ; thence West 95 feet , thence North 3 feet and 4 inches to the place of beginning . ALSO : Part of Block Two ( 2 ) as designated upon the original plat of the Town of Fayetteville , described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point which is ninety- seven ( 97 ) feet North of the Southeast corner of said block and running thence North forty-nine ( 49 ) feet ; thence West one hundred twenty- four and one-half ( 124 - 1/2 ) feet to a point which is ninety ( 90 ) feet East of the West line of said block ; thence South forty-nine ( 49 ) feet ; thence East one hundred twenty- four and one-half ( 124 - 1/2 ) feet to the place of beginning , being the South half of Lot Five ( 5 ) of the subdivision of said block , less and except ninety ( 90 ) feet off of the West end of said lot . Part of Block Numbered Two ( 2 ) in the original Town , now City , of Fayette- ville , Arkansas described as follows : Beginning at a point seventy- eight ( 78 ) feet East of the Southwest corner of said block and running thence North ninety- seven ( 97 ) feet ; thence East fifty- five ( 55 ) feet ; thence South ninety- seven ( 97 ) feet to the North line of Spring Street ; thence West with said line fifty- five ( 55 ) feet to the point of beginning . Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block Two ( 2 ) of the Original Town ( now City ) of Fayetteville described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 133 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Block Two ( 2 ) and running thence East 80- 1/ 2 feet to the Southeast corner of said block , thence North ninety- seven ( 97 ) feet ; thence West 80- 1/2 feet ; thence South 97 feet to the place of beginning . ALSO : part of Lot Numbered 11 and Lots .Numbered 12 and 13 in Block Numbered 15 in original Town of Fayetteville , Arkansas , being more particularly described as beginning at the present Southeast corner of said Block Numbered 15 , which is located 20 feet West of the Southeast corner of the' Southeast Quarter ' ( SE/4 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4 ) of Section 16 in Township 16 North , Range 30 West , and running thence West along the South side of said Block 15 , 100 feet ; thence North 107 feet , more or less ; to the South line of a 12 foot alley running - along the North . side of said Block ; thence East 100 feet; more or less , to the East . line of said block , the same being the _ West line of College Avenue ; thence South 107 feet , more or less , to the place of beginning . Exhibit 7A " Page 2 ALSO ; a part of Lot One ( 1 ) , block One ( 1 ) of Original Town , now City , of Fayetteville , Arkansas , described as follows : Fifty ( 50 ) feet of equal and uniform width off the South side of the West ninetyfive ( 95 ) feet of said Lot 1 , less and except therefrom a strip of land of equal and uniform width nine ( 9 ) feet off the East end of said 50 feet , the part conveyed being 50 feet North and South and 86 feet East and West , and lying in the Southwest corner of said lot . ALSO : Lot 3 , and part of Lot 2 , in Block 1 , of the Original Town ( now City) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , all being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point 93 - 3/ 4 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block 1 , and running thence North 168 - 3/ 4 feet ; thence East 237 feet to the West line of an alley ; thence South 168 - 3/ 4 feet ; thence West 237 feet to the point of beginning . ( Known as 212 N . East Street) . n��� 919 909 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , , asga therein set forth , and the same is as it appears ofRecordin 04 .0 e n a � Volume at Page �G (0/ thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of Arlt ' n, �coti� lot. t i CITY CLERK DEEB' 919 910 r CERTIFICATE OF Rc.-D RD STATE OF ARKANSAS I cS. N7ashington County V I , Alma L. l(cllmeyer, Circait Clerl< and Ex-Officio Recordi.r for Washington County, do hereby certify tL•at tha amt r irc,•e- t;ic� c•n thaa'aY goinginstr ent was filed tqr recall iA •'nYfD� i as o6choc4�Ffl "n of — a? PaC-_ / Ault' recorded in_— Witness my her and seal thi' M AefKOLL MUEB_._ Circuit Clerk and E � Recorded 6y i Deputy Clerk . � 1 t t STATE of ARKANSAS ss. County � of( Washington I. "'tyH - hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of age----- --------------- -- -was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Insertion as follows : The first insertion on the ---\� . _---- day of the second insertion on the __ day of ___ 19-.-------_. the third Insertion on the .._ . . ---- day of --------- 19------------ and the fourth insertion on thej�_._ -_. . . .___.. day of / �� " ov* H— Sworn to aa'nr/fd,I� ,subscribed before me on this � O.�y of NoFary Public My Commission Expires : Gi-Y,.srw-vim 1�-1 Q�'O Fees for Printing ........ _. -- Cost of Proof _._..... .. 9-----......- ....... Total _ .....------ _-- - - -- ORDINANCE NO. 2lfd E1aBIRIT •'A•' AN ORDINANCE EUABLiRRp!G tlonw of the OFFSTREEF PARKING DEYRLOP- Becenter . Street with the HENT DISTRICT' center Ooflege Avenue, thence N"=, I OF THE WeMifeawA .:Miser Sne N SPring CITY ea FAYETCEYD;LE, ARKANSAS. Street tdtlBlt%mm§arrim Of the center Whereas. Partics . Tla ing b be the t BD�g with the center line Owners of a twa},4y Is andri the valve of Ineuat Antuar thesre South along to Me properly toiled wltbln Me fared- � Jp� Avenue to f tIW Yb ° Imestilflt�br Ilm of AWO: a part f �1 rnte I :. btu :. district Drayk)g wr 1mDNa�ew Raeut Avataa�ar1d,.,urs COIR" Ibis Of One (1) of Ori w4 Pow Cit85 heredistrinafter Y he WHERE ed at' and M � Rock go of & so" t abed Me cen- of Facetteville, �ARAi6W. equal WHEREAS, afar, dw police as ter Ihw N 11peY f4aet to the Iptenttt- � ,. ._ f'irn, ( in) Irot of equal and requited by law, 40 BYrtl of Directors ton t tl�g Bte of Rack S<r°°t c t the City Of. P WDa�'eee `pix 4Allima 'Avenue; has Yard All ries dg X W e, a Rthe Neerp along parties detr111d M be IhaeOe YP'� Rlalb A then peen, and,.YFa aao�ah1atl that avid the mpleO Q9QCdl! MM1B0 n A,etitbn was e1paL by tck odltCye o4t�ri9P M9 .}fie cen- 50 sae Value N the owners yrear ter Mro' of lSl4ggee' AAOtlOae 'io Property ��6lIqq ���sga�ldy� t�prppsqq her Iwo a St Straw L YId point end WuSt, al ❑ I 'InR I [Jo' `3, and . NOW. 1>�[Rd40jtR' BE 'tT OR- bdog tYR91ot: ;d4Pet1lkrWiaa min DAINED BOARD DIRECT- dmtx gl'S,WDFTt pot luted q=&y"t DIN comer, OI wld Ipt .* ORS OF CCH FAYETTE- of tY '� .- d t'ayesbWlle. Part of fol 9 M at r f. to ll Original VII; Arkad" Y filth Ib VA ' OMN of the Town (pow City) N }artfularl An yes, an being mon pesykmlerlY descri- SemsFr' %mA y hisiet 005 rdieli fished Clmtl- Clarkahl"de .Cad y. Artue►4•aeceeder bed es follows IO wit; Begioni al an Irrrty dateeN dltrlR ea6rwdng Me ort of Tgtoa County., Oft (1) Block a moot A3->s feet North of Me Southwest property described p Egalblt •'A^ at part d tat Numbered Ode tl) fi Block nl -v .- fached affN6.HiA �.ya' a pais hereof Numbered One (1) in Me Or ter el Plat for lY Vr= ofNoo facilities of the Cly of Fayetl foillc. mon Pi Dain fur t(a dPtdret ' vet men ata int fiibed u follows:North of the wind r6' 4al such at a Mint bey (.5D1 teat lack at the locatk°a' ,tpan deem ! running t eoroer of said Block 1; and n ilial qr ek'Aeaoff-street Mai thence North forty-five l (45) feel ° thR tY r4on lands mon or lyse n the South Ill: of e to be 61',{M IIfO�r eearmmicel bt formerly owned by F.P. Hall: thence means undK dreum- Eat ninety-five (95) feet; thence South stances for Me benefit of the District, nInety-five (99 feet; to the North line with pod fwiHUW bfig- constructed of Spring SlnOunce ence West nine (9) in aced manner aAd ,}RTt vada mater fed; thence North fifty (50) feel: thence tab M we Board df aPDe IIDpment of Went eighty-six (Bfi) feet to the place the D4rict aay dNIG for the best of beginning. AISO: part of LM One M14a�sattaayAithe Diulo. (1). Block On (1). Original plat Of eaeBRYr'F. That' District Mail be the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas. hours known as - Particularly described as beginning at nraet Peaty a rl coracrnl o� saitl Block ]fact North f, theSouthwestp int CHO@bod C qd and Dr. In on the South line of a IN formerly AttEnlop enelq nam- owned by F.P. Hall) am running thence ed Cnmmisaioten, who shall acmWu East as feet; thence South 9 rcet and the Meet ar for said Dis 4 inches: thence West 95 fed, thence In 1, North 3 feet and 4 Inches b Me place SMI(91 3. That thn ordlnunre shall of beginning. N. 1 'ill fnrve and cleat frim and ALSO: Part of Block Two (2) as aver it, time prodded he las, designated upon the original plat Of I' KSF:D AND APPPOI'ED THIS 7 the Town d Fayetteville, described as V " )1 04' Mivrnbrr, IKS. follows, to-wit: Beginning et a .7 tag which I nitwty ses'en (W) fed North L n slnrbn R. Orion MAYOR of the Southeast corner of said block AM running thence North forty-nine (4id feel; Merge West One hundred twenty- four ant me-half (124 N) reel to e Mint which is nimy (m) fact Ease N the Wet Idle of avid black: thence South fodynine (49) feet; thence East one hundred twenty-tour and one-half (124 %) fact to the place of beginning, being the South half of Let Five (5) '' of the subdivision of said block. less ant except ninety (9B) feet off Of the Wed and of min lot. Pert of Block Numbered Two (2) in the ortidnal Town, rmw City, of Fayetteville. Arkansas des cribed As follows: Beginning at a Pahl eeventyatight (711) feel East of the South- west comer N mid black and running Mance North utndy-aeven (97) fact; thence East ORY-Rve (Wheel; thence South Nnarydervin (W) fed to the North line of Spring Street; thence Went with mid line day-five (55) fin to the point of beginning. Beginning at the Southeast comer of Blm�r TWo (2) of the Original Town (pow City) of Fayetteville des- tribal! as follows: Beginning at a point which is 133 feet East of the Southwest corner of mid Block TWO (2) and cunning thence West 11D4A feet to the Southeast corner of said black, thence North ninety seven (W) feet; fence West W% feel thence South W feet to the Plane of beginning. ALSO: part Or Lot Numbered 11 And Lnts Numbered 15 in Original Town I ... ... li Illn. k Nwnbcn•rl 19. oln, u 1: 20 feet West of the SOOMeaat if 1 N the gouthemt Quarter (SE4) or i NorthPA,l Quarter rNY 1) nf crtiml