HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2260 nFiLED 01 R ORDINANCE NO , 0 v r� �+ `. 676 AUG 12 AW 8: 48 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING AN ALLEY LOCATED IN BLOCK SEVENTEEN OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN ADMN P� LV'AkYCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , ALMRM� KIAJAS {� WHEREAS , a petition was duly filed withA KOLLMEYER 6the17Boar of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the fourteenth day of July , 1976 , asking the Board of Directors to vacate and abandon all that portion of an alley designated on the plat of the original town addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS , after due notices as required by law , the Board of Directors has , at the time and 'place mentioned in the notice , heard all persons desiring to be heard on the question and has ascertained that the alley or the portion thereof , hereinafter described , has heretofor been dedicated to the public use as a street herein described ; has not been actually used by the public generally for a period of at least five years subsequently to the filing of the plat and is not needed for public purposes ; that all the owners of the property abutting upon the portion of the alley to be vacated have filed with the Board of Directors their written consent to such abandonment ; and that public interest and welfare will not be adversely affected by the abandonment of such alley . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby releases , . vacates and abandons all its rights , together with the rights of the public generally , in and to the alley designated as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of lot # 10 in Block 17 in the Original Town addition of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and proceeding South 160 ' 10 " to a point of beginning : thence South 10 feet ; thence East 160110 " , thence North 10 feet ; thence West 160 ' 10 " to the point of beginning . Subject , however , to existing utility easements . Section 2 , The City of Fayetteville hereby reserves a utility line easement on , over , across , and under the above described alley to construct , lay , remove , relay , enlarge and operate public utility lines ; said utility easements shall also be for the benefit of the electric power companies , telephone companies . and gas companies . Section 3 . As a condition to the abandonment of said alley , the City shall be held free and harmless from liability as to any claims of the contiguous property owners for damages to the property described herein , which damage may result from the City , or other utility companies removing and relocating public utility lines located in or upon said vacated alley . Section 4 . A copy of this ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the recorder of the county and recorded in the deed records of the county . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS Sfd.,dDAY OF , 1976 APPROVED : ' tAY ( • ti4 a LD7U I,[L—L.ILf h R o ATTES3' : CX � (U�� K 913 03 CITY CLERK MI WALMED DATE OCT 1 6 1978 REB. >� CERTIFICATE OF RFC06 ` State of Arkansas ( SS ' City of 1'aycticvi:le I, Suz.nne C: Kemief; y, Cit• C! :rk and • Ex•Offieiorocoiiierfort!1eCity .f 'r::yetce .•iile, do hereby certify that the anneNed or fore- gning is of record in my office and the same ap- peurs in Ordinance Ce Resolution book V at page I S I Witness my j hand and seal thisdr':of 19 City Clerk and i:: :i_ `: . io ;r RIGHT OF WAY GRANT STATE OR ARKANSAS ) ss TRACT NO . 17- B COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) That for and in consideration of One Dollar ( ^$1 . 00 ) and other good and valuable considerations , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , LEWIS LAND COMPANY does hereby GRANT, SELL AND CONIFEY unto the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its successors and assigns , the right of way and easement to construct and maintain . an alley on the following described real estate , to-wit : Lot # 10 in Block 17 original City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Said portion being more particular described as follows : The Eastmost 5 feet of said property described as follows : Beginning at a point 5 feet West of the intersection of the North and East property lines of the above described property thence South along a line parallel to said East property line a distance of 160 feet to a point on the South property line . Thence easterly 5 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of the property thence Northerly 160 feet to a point at the Northeast corner at Meadow Street thence Westerly 5 feet along the North property line on Meadow Street to the . point of beginning . and containing in all an area of 800 square feet more or less . subject to all valid existing contracts , leases , liens or encuabrances which may affect the property , but without covenant by grantor against the existence thereof . WITNESS the executor hereof this the Z_day of 197 7 T� - p ACffiVOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT RUIMMERED , that on this date , before me , a Notary Public within and for said County and State , duly commissioned and acting , personally appeared , to me well known as the person ( s ) wino executed the foregoing Right of Way Grant , and that had executed the same for the consideration and purpose therein mentioned and set forth . [-FITNESS my hand and seal on this /yam day of 019��. . Notary Public ry cornission expires�D/ /� RIGHT OF WAY GRANT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) ss TRACT NO', 17- B COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) That for and in consideration of One Dollar ( $,1 . 00 ) and other good and valuable considerations , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , LEWIS LAND COMPANY does hereby GRANT, SELL AP1D COi4VEY unto the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its successors and assigns , the right of way and easement to construct and maintain . an alley on the following described real estate , to-wit : Lot # 10 in Block 17 original City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Said portion being more particular described as follows : The Eastmost 5 feet of said property described as follows : Beginning at a point 5 feet West of the intersection of the North and East property lines of the above described property thence South along a line parallel to said East property line a distance of 160 feet to a point on the South property line . Thence easterly 5 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of the property thence Northerly 160 feet to a point at the Northeast corner at Meadow Street thence Westerly 5 feet along the North property line on Meadow Street to the point of beginning . and containing in all an area of 800 square feet more or less , subject to all valid existing contracts , leases , liens or encumbrances which may affect the property , but without covenant by grantor against the existence thereof. llITNESS the executor hereof this the ; day of -- t— a i i ACI NOW=MENT _... .....__. . — STATE OF ARKAP-1SA5 . ) — - --- -. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REIZABERED , that on this date , before me , a Notary Public within and for said County and State , duly commissioned and acting , personally appeared , to me well known as the person ( s ) who executed the foregoing Right of Way Grant , - - and that had executed the same for the consideration and t'."Purpose therein mentioned and set forth . ;TITNESS my . hand and seal on this__ day of , Notary Public � ' • . ley` conunission expires / ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING AN ALLEY LOCATED IN BLOCK SEVENTEEN OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , WHEREAS , a petition was duly filed with the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the fourteenth day of July , 1976 , asking the Board of Directors to vacate and abandon all that portion of an alley designated on the plat of the original town addition- to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS , after due notices as required by law , the Board of Directors has , at the time and place mentioned in the notice , heard all persons desiring to be heard on the question and has ascertained that the alley or the portion thereof , hereinafter described , has heretofor been dedicated to the public use as a street herein described ; has not been actually used by the public generally for a period of at least five years subsequently to the filing of the plat and is not needed for public purposes ; that all the owners of the property abutting upon the portion of the alley to be vacated have filed with the Board of Directors their written consent to such abandonment ; and that public interest and welfare will not be adversely affected by the abandonment of such alley . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : _ Section 1 , That the Board of Directors hereby releases , vacates and abandons all its rights , together with the rights of ` the public generally , in and to the alley designated as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of lot @10 in Block 17 in the Original Town addition of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and proceeding South 160 ' 10" to a point of beginning : thence South 10 feet ; thence East 160 ' 10 " , thence North 10 feet ; thence West 160 ' 10" to the point of beginning . Subject , however , to existing utility easements , Section 2 . The City of Fayetteville hereby reserves a utility line easement on , over , across , and under the above described alley to construct , lay , remove , relay , enlarge and operate public utility lines ; said utility easements shall also be for the benefit of the electric power companies , telephone companies and gas companies . Section 3 . As a condition to the abandonment of said alley , the City shall be held free and harmless from liability as to any claims of the contiguous property owners for damages to the property described herein , which damage may result from the City , or other utility companies removing and relocating public utility lines located in or upon said vacated alley , Section 4 . A copy of this ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the recorder of the county and recorded in the deed records of the county . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS &&DAY OF 1976 i APPROVED : �1 MAYOR ATTEST : CITY CLERK _ s CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , t n d1 rt [ p as (o0 , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in . d .A X I/ jam-� JA;-s`/ Volume at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this ��j day of 19 i o . CITY CLERK 3JOn a�1� 4" c �fi�f1cA�6 of REGOKo arta° NgR� , gS• ptticto F or.fore" S-Vpo- pF A� alnw ` opt" 5" en�ex ed WyshlnSl Kpllm°Yat hief by par'Jiv ODyofifice °n �e,some t$ % Plm nc+®UnYl d0 �rracotdY �k ead ga D Hsstim mpntWp` ttl'rJ�° ° nf at Pa 19 Be�nQl ay °f SEN d Y reoord0d t told and gpat tM and V 10, nil,to `JAI - R rn STATE of ARKANSAS ss. County �) ooff ;Washington I, L/'�+'_7 . r� _ . hereby certity that I am the Publisher of THEARKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated oaop - and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and AN A14J readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for R each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is O considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and t STM,' service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers or thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents lsenlg 4 or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; a Mix cs ON ty� Sys and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent designalad• ao tAk �6i eygnal news matter. town addidon to the cur of 1•retyvW, Arkansas; and III WHEREAS, afterdlwhKlbttevas I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of rep Wren hr lea. the 9 I trims has. at In time and plane manuoned In the motor. hard all persons draining to be hoard on the initiation and hes ascertained that the alloy or the portion 1.........___._..s....v__..y:._.______.____.___--__._ ha 'rbertrf, hereinafter tlearrithhas rtYa(T allies" din,ort ed m the has \ An as +� -t t harem described. has was published in the regular daily issue of sai _ _ _ _..__.. O:Mi' sc&WIY used by We While ..1 d newspaper for ganstssir,Apples period of at law ave •sass•ga6WB insertions as follows : soh•sls Ody I , the mens not as ,t &Ad iv04 �11 � IM far Wblte W.trol owners ed N The first insertion on the .._.1. l..._....___. day of .} s kie,� .._..___ No I n have BUU wYh t their srt�a1te1�qs the second insertion on the tray of ------- 19____.___.. . ,ar.nm l /�ihd am addMII not M enactee - by the tM ab.eewmsnl , the third insertion on the __. __ ------__ --- day of .. ----- 1l............ P. Tp _ TlBE! BE IT OR- n BY THE BOARD OF and the fourth insertion on the _ . .__.... dal of OF' , IRS OF THE or Di ors I I I X, a % 11 ' As I ii — of abandon . . I abandons — the rights -- ,I . g� gNorthwest 'I , m and b the ce ng et the N rt v r. Ua xrJlld,'rl .m ru ♦ _ let • ori PJ al t anew of Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __. _4...._...- flay of ._—..._.._ 7 At tt(p Original lee • of --- ---_----- _ — ---- 1D---24/ -- .141 ael In tett : he<point teat leg m�o In stt+,rid In Ire litof btirag ng, ...rr_. i. m ef-n Lo eaul,ng uttlih As. ......—...__ +' a No Public 'IYm Cho a PayttevKle ,...',as asrpafw>a did, , art' My Commission Expires: MofVM _, Iris LVfapanithe torr NAZI ,a 5 I 'll .nen. 'film rho Prone ;ra, e1a,a,. r.r ore con. Free for Printing { me rolRrt} ox'nera for damages the p [I-A% dcu'rlbtN herein. w'M1IoM1 - -.age r,:,,r ,r..ar from the at., or Cost of Proof ._._---__--- f....__ i'llio, removing and /1 I..: ti 1, 111 rmef IlfalM Inr )I a I . Total urG m 1. A I I I u.in al dolt M in ,-k s ey . t- r orderl eM bs the , recorder - otl the manly and , t , rclrn In the deed rerofQk,of the founts r PASTED AND APPROVED THIS led VAX OF ♦tICUSr, Ira. . . . a APPROVED VIA MARION R. ORTON o " AIAVOR Darlene WMbl CITY CLERK 1 tC 14