HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2257 S ORDINANCE NO . ' as s 76 AUG - 3 ph 7: AN ORDINANCE WHEREBY THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE� UF�!� HE @TATE, OF ARKANSAS AND THE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COQ f !' ,1CJ •Ar MISSOURI CORPORATION , AGREE THAT THE TELEPHONE COMP ILLYl CONTINUE TO OPERATE ITS TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND ALL BUSINESS JINCIDENTAL TO OR CONNECTED WITH THE CONDUCTING OF A TELEPHONE BUSINESS AND SYSTEM IN SAID CITY , AND ERECT AND MAINTAIN ITS PLANT CONSTRUCTION AND APPURTENANCES ALONG , ACROSS , ON , OVER , THROUGH , ABOVE AND UNDER ALL PUBLIC STREETS , AVENUES , ALLEYS , PUBLIC GROUNDS AND PLACES IN SAID CITY , THAT THE CITY SHALL RECEIVE AN ANNUAL PAYMENT FROM THE TELEPHONE COMPANY , AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND AGREEMENTS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH . WHEREAS , the City desires to enact and impose upon the Telephone Company a tax which shall be in lieu of all other licenses , charges , fees or special taxes other than the usual general or special ad valorem taxes , and WHEREAS , the City recognizes and concurs in the purpose and intent of an order of the Arkansas Public Service Commission entered on December 10 , 1957 , in Docket U- 1281 relating to the treatment by the Telephone Company of all City special taxes . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , STATE OF ARKANSAS , THAT : Section 1 . The Southwestern Bell Telephone Company , its suc- cessors and assigns ( herein referred to as " Telephone Company " ) shall continue to operate its telephone system and all business incidental to or connected with the conducting of a telephone business and system in the City of Fayetteville , State of Arkansas , ( herein referred to as " City " ) . The plant construction and appur- tenances used in or incident to the giving of telephone service and to the maintenance of a telephone business and system by the Telephone Company in said City shall remain as now constructed , subject to such changes as may be considered necessary by the City in the exercise of its inherent powers and by the Telephone Company in the conduct of its business and said Telephone Company shall continue to exercise its right to place , remove , construct and reconstruct , extend and maintain its said plant and appurtenances as the business and purpose for which it is or may be incorporated may from time to time require , along , across , on , over , through , above and under all public streets , avenues , alleys , and the public grounds and places within the limits of said City as the same from time to time may be established . Section 2 . The Telephone Company ' s tax obligation to the City for the year 1976 shall be $ 75 , 000 . 00 . Said amount shall be payable according to the following schedule : ( a ) $ 56 , 250 . 00 on or before December 31 , 1976 . It is understood that sums previously paid by the Telephone Company to the City in 1976 pursuant to ordinances then establishing the tax obligation for the Telephone Company shall be an offset to the tax established by this ordinance . ( b ) $ 6 , 250 . 00 per year for, three ( 3 ) years , beginning January 1 , 1977 , in equal quarterly installments payable on or before the last day of March , June , September and December of each year until the sum of $ 18 , 750 . 00 is .paid in full . Beginning in 1977 , the Telephone Company shall annually pay to the City $ 100 , 000 . 00 . Said sum shall be in' addition to any deferred payment of the telephone Company ' s tax obligation for the year 1976 and shall be paid each year in four quarterly install- ments on or before the last day of March , June , September , and December of each year . ottc;A 912 04 MICROFILNO 6 "yJl DATE • REED CERTIFICATE OF RECOR6 State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville i SS 1, Susanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk . and Ex-Ofii,:io recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do herebY certify that the anncscd or fore. g�nnl: is of record 'm my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & �Resolution hook y at page'_ — Witness my Page— hand and seal this . —day of — — -- - lei City cleric ,. - 'v Section 3 . The annual payment herein required shall be in lieu of all other licenses , charges , fees or ' impositions ( other than the usual general or special ad valorem taxes ) which may be imposed by the City under authority conferred by law . The Telephone Company shall have the privilege of crediting such sums with any unpaid balance due said Company for telephone services rendered or facilities furnished to said City . Section 4 . The Telephone Company on the request of any person shall remove or raise or lower its wires temporarily to permit the moving of houses or other structures . The expense of such temporary removal , raising or lowering of wires shall be paid by the party or parties requesting the same , and the Telephone Company may require such payment in advance . The Telephone Company shall be given not less than forty- eight hours advance notice to arrange for such temporary wire changes . Section 5 . Permission is hereby granted to the Telephone Company to trim trees upon and overhanging streets , alleys , side- walks and public places of said City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires and cables of the Telephone Company , all the said trimming to be done under the supervision and direction of any City official to whom said duties have been or may be delegated . Section 6 . Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to require or permit any electric light or power wire attachments by the City or for the City . If light or power attach- ments are desired by the City or for the City , then a separate non-contingent agreement shall be a prerequisite to such attachments . Section 7 . Nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving to the Telephone Company any exclusive privileges , nor shall it affect any prior or existing rights of the Telephone Company to maintain a telephone system within the City . Section 8 . All other ordinances and agreements and parts of ordinances and agreements relating to the operating of or right to operate a telephone system within said City are hereby repealed . Section 9 . The said Telephone Company shall have ninety ( 90 ) days from and after its passage and approval to file its written acceptance of this ordinance with the City Clerk , and upon such acceptance being filed , this Ordinance shall be considered as taking effect and being in force from and after the date of its passage and approval by the Mayor . The ordinance shall continue in effect and be in force until terminated by the City or the Telephone Company as of the end of any year after giving sixty ( 60 ) days written notice of intention to terminate . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 1976 . 7 t? MAYOR `ATTEST ` • <• ` ZITYi 6 P 635 ACCEPTANCE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville of Washington County , Arkansas , - did on the 20th day of July A . D . 19 76 enact an ordinance entitled : 2257 AN ORDINANCE WHEREBY THE CITY OF Fayetteville _ OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS AND THE SOUTM-TESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY , A MISSOURI CORPORATION , AGREE THAT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY SHALL CONTINUE TO OPERATE ITS TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND ALL BUSINESS INCIDENTAL TO OR CONNECTED WITH THE CONDUCTING OF A TELEPHONE BUSINESS AND SYSTEM IN SAID CITY , AND ERECT AND MAINTAIN ITS PLANT CONSTRUCTION AND APPURTENANCES ALONG , ACROSS , ON , OVER, THROUGH , ABOVE , AND UNDER ALL PUBLIC STREETS , AVENUES , ALLEYS , PUBLIC GROUNDS AND PLACES IN SAID CITY , THAT THE CITY SHALL RECEIVE AN ANNUAL PAYMENT FROM THE TELEPHONE COMPANY , AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND AGREEMENTS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH : and WHEREAS , said ordinance was on the 20th day of July A. D . 19 76 duly approved and signed by the Mayor of said City and the seal of said City thereto affixed and attested by the City Clerk: NOW, THEREFORE , in compliance with the terms of said ordinance so enacted, approved and attested , the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company hereby accepts said ordinance and files this its written acceptance with the City Clerk of said City in his said office . Dated this 26th day of July 19 76 Approved : SOUTIRTESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY SGP Cerner By General Attorney Vicer sident and General Manager Acceptance //filed in the office of the ty Clerk of la 104tof/Plaz 4-1115 GS This cPfA day of _ u ,t-z A .D . 19 76 City Clerk Gam✓ CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing isa true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , ��p Arkansas , IYAJt_uhi✓t ( PJ yo\s / therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in// '' /�- -'4- - Volume at Page thereof . i IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this � / �i day of r' P( SE � 1 ) r ' CITY CLERK f 80' 1912 636 OF REOO�v i°� Re`O`de t0`e, C����` ptt`"° eyed °` day 5 SS a�dgx• re ani the ePls ) PNs� p\el than e °^ esa e4/[ted SS PSE o�GtOE\pR�ey d h`e ebb peep d �QtoGy a d tip°ge 9 a �t 4 1 t Ptma p°�°ty 'asCde/��p e ,otd �asviovgo Jme�ta 4� i day °t Q\Og�P a\ el °tde aat °plded od apd se "Gpt<�d�o R ha By STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington Be. 1 , 0�r1i. ASCE NO, zt5` !) MANCE WHEREBY THEI LooitAI )F FAY/ArrP.'VNy$ of THEI, �_ hereby certify that I Of ' ARKANSAS AND THE zi,rL ,'Ins- ZN aELL TEIATIllulf am the Publisher of THE NRTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily COMPANY ,AcnVF MISSOURI Ty I paper having a second class mailing p ,Unews g prlvllege, and being not lees than for ONE COMPANY SHALL ! four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at CONTINI' E TO OPERATE ITS TELF.PAOM SYSTEM AND ALL ! a fixed (daily ) Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of RUSINN INCIDENTAL To OR Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated CONNE(TIOD WITH THE fbEx]WrD'FG OF a ..pbF�xoNE Bu E88 AND and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and Sl'SrE!ey M 5.11D CITY, D ERECT Asn ►WNI'AIS ITS ODN. readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for SPR! DN yNn ANCFS each copy, or a fixed rice A 1, 0 , 4 NCH( q. OVER, p per annum, which price was fixed at what is T"R^Ir°x NFIA I� INTI DNDn+ ALL r yyty� �� pg�,y��g onsldered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and Pt IU, 1C STREIH: I S. AVENUES, raqulr be In !leu of all other ALLEN'S. PORIAC GROUNDS AND ervice value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Pf %('FS •IN SALT CI'r1'• THAT THE lie fees an Impodlbns ('ITN SHALL RRCEIVE AN ANNUAL, f4n'e'' aaud general or aPecidIr hereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents PANbili FROM THE TEL at tan) which nap, beim, through recognized news dealers over aCOMPANY, AND REr RACING b by City under authalilYperiod of at least BIZ months ; OROIN'ANCEI9 .AND AGREEMENlw by law. The TtlepRea and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent CONFLICT HEREWPIR. .M . ny shall have the Privilege of -WDERTA.e, the dealers Its 91 s sums with any uttWid news matter. 6 ilD]ICse u��ppopn� Teleph40 jance dW+ M Compnn, [.telephone alla tea wide %'" AR he n d►a. s Kd ^4 or fa I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of all other licensee charges. neer n Clly. 1 speriel tab's. elaalf Chea 1M ostial Scotian f. The Talagbenr Cobapany on gepeml he apstdd. y:. valorem taxes, the request of say person sheep remove ' and , „e, or r;rise m lower Its wlres /snporaray r—. WHEREAS. the CRY OTIRO ices and to permit the moving of houses or other 1 No p���F� concurs In-,'gel:-OugnW dM intent or, 'iilmaoc. The etarle of such tem- _ �m'_>,`.ae- ------- " -.-- ---. — ----------- 41111 M the Arians Publa service, Prrai' r,macal, rai.inr or lowering of corwlussion eigetM m December lo, knot , shall be paid by the Purty or Hl in Decker u INN relating he the peruse requesxnF the same, nal the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for treatment cl nee the house. a CPmpeny Telephone Daltipany Inc require such Insertion as follows : M O Cily special taxes. Colmenl sh advance. The Telennotb NOW. THEREFORE:, HE IT OR Companyshall be given nM less than DAFNlEDIRECT R]' THE BOARD OF fora eight hours advance notice b The tire[ insertion on the __._ .. day Of ._1!a i3.A.Ae------ DIRECTORS O}' THE CITY OF, .vn\ eight for such tvance try wise - --- ------- AV FAYETTEVILLE , STATE of eh'maps. ARKANSAS. THAT: Semon 5. Pptmissi•u Is hereby Section 1. , The SoulhweWm son mauled to' the Telephone Company b [he second Insertion on the - -------_.----- day of _. ...__.___ 1p------------ Telephone Con exaso, its aceayors and 4 trees upon and overhandng streets, vaslgns (heMit referred �p as alleys' sidewalks and nllc platys of lepone "TehComp ,,) abw shown. to sold City w es to Prevent flee brandies the third insertion on the _ ___ day of 19- ePeratr telephone syglem ted all o such tl of tram morn¢ h conbet ns with the wires end ,aloins of the Ourand Sit ofm es y t'oMacted with ' incidental of b telephoa business anlophora Onmyr ' as tar eatd -etmt. and the fourth insertion on the ._.. coOf ok i'.`, rIaI wore u M is mvler oy wws'gdm _._............. day of __..-_..-_........-..- 19..._._._ a Ae '� end rysaem the nt5' M trbastion xan m State o[ :Ar t,mas !herein referred b d M anD nV MRcI'ee b /AN /� as LYR' , '1 'e lent cpnatepetion and Ge de!� bays nem or mtO (�Nial/t�J(�,tA(/yY ^ al b�.att m Section s. Nothing m fills ordinance floe mailu f t h sends and b aontabbd alf be conotruai to Maine tM mYsten f e felePhoa business ge Permit anly electric night or power '- antl y ten F D Tel hone Company wire. atlnchmmts by the Cdo pr x&.nnieda o 1 to Teri ochi a�a1o0{We� ae the City If light or Power Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _ 30 Wray be d nee cosi by ,rent are r nem a by the separate fer frM flee Catty. - _--._.... day f .__..-_.. O fLLv r I LLa P npuaondn nipµ r telephones Commomy kRreement shall be a Premluisits b . m th '.meas gpd seed &tell atticbments. .._ 11) Z�- _..- ned Telep an tl 11 continue to . Section T. otthd herein roto the xe - d l glare remove, dtall M coroad tl as MvloR to Me r r is t, extend and TeloPeone Company agy ezrltMive i r : lit fila Styptic I leges, nor shall it effect .any . prior Vol �'0� /yL(Q _- ....—_Si •for i - ill, sand pe¢Pgse C exisUn¢ rights M the Telephone (for ii i. r ,be mtapn�ated nm Pam' to maintain a telephone system NO Public may from r rr. n requ,m. alone, within the Qty'- anm'o. on r r filon. ...not 4 i on a aR nether ordfinaneea and. troffer all a aleyc [ ala and narts of ordinances and And Ins pu Fir e Dusan �11 pinr,Pc nitnir ,gree hers rebtln¢ to the operating of My Commission Expires : fie hint, IrA cl Grp A, top ams or riphr b, i a telephone system front [oro ill TIT114i ma - n t o ! art. r ' - 'rent CoxThe a hereby [Healed. --C JC� Serra 2 110 Teleph[ ne Chepaear 5l a e Try IdTeleplys mmpand ]/ fax obligation m the City for the Yrer hell i re Passage (881 days fmm and -- - Shor eM1eR M ►le AW.Mbiltba ding amount iter is passage end f aria f to tae fhdl M he ole hrcorNg► b the its written sty "fent of lura and A ce fol01) let schMWo: Acct titlan City tlaili loot span Bach (ne rsa,aIti on or before Dation, .„ptrbe rn tieing this Crel Rtt Fees for Printing ..------ i_5a•�� Acceptance Pr oust It i understood that arms ► iahing effect and Candpory Paid M' the Telephone of gab mom eh& Mer the dare CpmPADy b the Ct4' H 1818 Pursuant pestis and (Shan l by the h orahantet Men esfehllshinF the fax Maymm. TM orelnante shall continue In Cost of Proof __...__... ;-.....,..._-._-_--.,_.- ohligstion for the Telephone Cnmpam effect aid M In force until terminated shall be an Moet b the tax e.mbbshn' Er Cal iba Its one Comuaey S� by Iha cedirrm< as of the sty1� any year after StWng Total ....._----- `-'� rbc ts.me011 par year lips- (brae (3) sixty agi �1f Written notica of b- S—._.._.:_._.. !caro, baglmhtg January f- I.". in � equal quartmly ireataBryema psgabt0 m PA FwY•RROVED THIS e H (or Ibfere the Tart dais of Marc ]Wee. DAY YD1.TV1//6 September and D2t'e SIDE.. Of each year Msraon R Ortm until the sum of IIs.TjpI yrs, paid tp MAYOR toll. A.m,wrt Scanning he ISA]. IIAn! j�ya ' Company' shall annually pqy She Ca% ITB 8 $twoany sofa .urn Mall ba of the b any deferCondi ra tax obligation the o ne C76 and tax obligation rt tM year 18;6 metl Tly M nigra each Hes In four quaas day fvMarch, J m Se hefcre Hee aa e.-H M March ohno. September, and DeucmMr of each year.