HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2255 F1 LE ORDINANCE NO , crassFOR 1F? E"C0R0 076 AUG - 3 PM 2: ppggHH � - CC AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17B OF THE FAYE �T•LL � '�ODE OF ORDINANCES TO CLARIFY THE REGULATIONS APPLICABH$ I�I_ #A9gECTING SIGNS , WALL SIGNS , AND NON-CONFORMING SIGNS . CIRCUIT CLEFT( BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 17B - 2 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding the following : Mansard Roof . Any roof that has an angle greater than forty- five degrees ( 45 ° ) and which derives part of its support from the building wall and is attached to (but not necessarily a part of) a low slope roof and which extends along the full length of the front building wall or three-quarters of the length of a side building wall . For purposes of this chapter , a low slope roof shall mean any roof with a pitch less than three . ( 3 ) inches rise per twelve ( 12 ) inches horizontal . Section 2 . That Section 17B - 5 ( A) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : (A) For the purpose of this section , a non-conforming sign shall be defined as a sign existing at the effective date of this chapter ( 1- 19 - 73 ) which could not be built under the terms of this chapter or under the terms of the city ' s zoning ordinance . ( 1 ) On- site , non-conforming signs . All on- site , non-conforming signs not otherwise prohibited by the provisions of this chapter shall be removed or shall be altered to conform to the provisions of this chapter ( a ) when the nature of the business conducted on the premises changes and the sign is changed or modified either in shape , size , or legend , or (b ) when the name of the business changes and the sign is changed or modified either in shape , size , or legend , or ( c ) on or before January 19 , 1980 , whichever occurs sooner . ( 2 ) Off- site , non-conforming signs . Off-site , non-conforming signs not otherwise prohibited by the provisions of this chapter shall be removed or shall be altered so as to conform with the provisions of this chapter on or before January 19 , 1977 . Section 3 , That Section 17B - 10 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 17B- 10 . Projecting signs . ( 1 ) It shall be unlawful to erect any projecting sign that projects from the wall of a building upon which it is erected a distance of more than two-thirds of the width of the sidewalk ( in those instances where there is a sidewalk next to the building) or within two ( 2 ) feet of street right-of-way ( in those instances where there is no sidewalk next to the building) ; provided , no projecting sign shall project more than six ( 6 ) feet from the wall of the building upon which it is erected . ( 2 ) Projecting signs shall be located on the vertical surface of a building and shall not be higher than the eave or rafter line , whichever is higher . Projecting signs shall clear grade level below the sign by a minimum of eight ( 8 ) feet . aooK %j.L 624 MICROFILMED DATE �T 1 51978 REEL CERTIFICATE OF -119CORD ; Stafe of . Arkansas ( SS Ci''y of i'aycttevillc 1 I. Sazonne C. Kennedy, .City C'erk and E ::•Ofiiciorecon<lerfor treCity-, drnyett : ine. do hereby certify that 411e 'u m(!Ne: l ( r 94 :in" is of recm-d in thy office and t'.jc same ap- nears in Ordiiiatice Resolution bank V at %age _J_- witness my hand and seal this _day of , 19 , ( 3 ) The display surface area of a projecting sign shall not exceed sixteen ( 16 ) square feet . Only one ( 1 ) projecting sign per business shall be permitted and a projecting sign shall not be permitted on property which has a free- standing sign . ( 4 ) Off- site projecting signs shall be prohibited in all zoning districts . ( 5 ) On - site projecting signs shall be prohibited in A- 1 , R , and F- 1 zoning districts . Section 4 . That Section 17B- 11 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 17B- 11 . Wall signs . ( 1 ) Wall signs shall not project more than eighteen ( 18 ) inches from the surface upon which they are mounted . Wall signs shall be limited in number to one ( 1 ) wall sign per business on each wall with a limit of four ( 4 ) wall signs per business per building . The display surface area of all wall signs on any one wall shall not exceed one hundred and fifty ( 150 ) square feet or twenty percent ( 208 ) of the area of the wall on which they are located , whichever is greater ; provided , in the event a building which houses multiple tenants does not front on the street or highway from which principal access to the building is obtained , the display surface area of each sign on a wall shall not exceed one hundred and fifty ( 150 ) square feet or twenty percent ( 208 ) of the area of the wall and the display surface area of all wall signs on the wall facing said street or highway shall not exceed the area of the wall . ( 2 ) Off- site wall signs shall be prohibited in all zoning districts . ( 3 ) In R and R- 0 zoning districts , the following limitations shall apply : ( a ) Limit of one ( 1 ) on-site wall sign for each business located on the property . (b ) Display surface area shall not exceed sixteen ( 16 ) square feet . Section 5 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith , be and hereby are , repealed . Section 6 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the present regulations applicable to the use signs should be changed to facilitate the effective enforcement of the city ' s sign ordinance , which enforcement is hereby found to be necessary for the preservation of the public health , safety and welfare ; and the Board of Directors hereby determines that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to make said changes and thus facilitate the effective enforcement of the city ' s sign ordinance . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation . of the public health , safety and welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED THISAODAY OF /tie , 1976 . MAYOR ATTEST : aooK 912 625 CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , a 9 Sr , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in Volume �— at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and a�fff i-xed my official seal this Cj // "/ L� day /of 1970 l � ( SEA. L ) CITY CLERK - - - - — - • r to ` d°°A 91� 626 1p CER( 1F1CP1E Otot F RECORD TE OF ARICPNUns ;SS" Clerk and Ex"Dfflann xeor�ote" STA as �•on C° Circuit that the the � W hin„ 1' c11,r.aYer , r,w cechfdY office °n the sanie s 1. A1mz untY do n r rey,°: IrCFL aPd ,pgshin6ton C Par- nt.Was We� !( ocloc. la.at DaC19 r.ume 1 /Lr Secord gotnB' dal of dot 00 cnY hand and seal th 5 and C� 0t `iorR°GO ed Owless utY CIerK BY' DaD STATE of ARKANSAS ss. County ���) off�;Washington I,0- D4�Wnie ' H � . .' hereby certify that I O"fe.e N('E NO. "e" protecting r ect`he signsbsh ll clear mwof vet am the Publisher of THE NO THWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily A N ORDlN.Ascls INIENDINri newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than CHAPTER 178 ` OF T"; FAYCT. (8) feet. Tiff CODEjj�1FF' ORDINANf E5 To (2' The display, surrace as n m a four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at CLARIFY THE f%VRilp. AT1035 AP-Prolerting sign shall not exceed sixteen PLICABLa TO ,�11q�t.crrvG SIGNS. (16) agnare fret. Only are n) 1Pre)egh.ing a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of WALL SIGNS. ,1�D NON rovFoRNma arm Per business shall be permitted Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated SIGNS.I sae LL�da POpv party wmrealnra al( b RE M ORDAINED rev THE BOARD OF standing des. and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and OF DLREVILTE cR THA (TIT OF F1YEr1'EVn,i li \RF.aNSAS: - (4) Off-sib Protecting signs shell be readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for Section 1. Thal Sm tine I]R 2 or the PMhlbaetl in all zoning i is+ricts. each copy, or a fixed rice lraaetlevWe Cede or Ordinances n (51 on-site prolerting signs shell M p per 8II¢nm, which price was fixed at what Is hereby emended by abimR theprdcohded m Al. R, and F-1 wring considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and slaossrd Ancif Actor nor that has secaon a. That section 17B11or the service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers An waste I i6ter than fifty-rive demreresFalwltevWe Code of Ordmarmea is thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents (f5 fl w+d whtrt M(uhim pacthersdr amended to Lead as follows: of Its from ,1M bulrsiw wall Bee, 1713-11. well signs. or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and h b (litAol acessarllr (1) WM of 11, net project hiss + ryM1 nf)alxJlwe M qIf and which We atl�teert (18) Inches from the and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent extends a itte YnRih of Poe Shruim Upon which they are mountednews matter. ftvd bYl� .. ytynsre V" slope r11a be limited in number or the ler;gth Of .OuilAing call. b Over (1) wall war Per( bulk" On For purPocoWtty pyx, a low each wan with a limit of four (4) wan I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of slope ricafany reef wib sign Me business per building. The a Paco lea t1kwi (JI harries Of. digi smtam me Of d1 wall ai8ne pertwalve (1$jtpaelmnlel. on any we wall Mall not accred one Section 2. Ths n ITB-a(A) of htoedtad and nrlr 1150) egpme feet -- the PaF�<esdBi Y OPdlai+rrcea as twenty percent (m psseent) of Ne here(; amended to lead As follows; area of she well on whiP4 bry are fA) For the purpose of this section, bated, whichever is .,•enter: provided, a. lawreonfolA� dn .bell be deemed b ah the em a building which houses ee a sign n et Ise etfectse MWUPy tenants des not front an the was published In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper tor.. .._ ._ _._. . ... day' of thfa r (LI►t$) which .treat or highway from which principal Insertion 8s follows : roul a Out be bafY under the terms access to Na recording is charmed, of this chapter gel ender the forme not display surface am of each sign of the city's w yrgytlinaneas a well ohne at exceed me hundred The first insertion on the __.._....... fn Omelfo, aaelM ormig signs. All � fnlf (1510 sewn asst or twenty ............. day of -_..Se 1yt.---- 19.x ..-. 'f�gle. non-roetell�bsg Signa not parc"hXlo Mr mm) of the area of (� ,dtBerwty prohl �,hn fo< previsions she wall and Ola d1yYr Vast eras at hila M x .tr rernm'!'d tr of a• weB rngrs�wm try sea y m the second insertion on the _..--------------_._----- day of __-._---__........ 19............ DOC essioned the..Bi nalurso'A thi l Chao"ew t i rs" wan d � the third insertion on the — ... day of ..._---------------------- 19------------ 00 the premtsee roan re and the sign ar resici or wlndi(i wither In aha a (2) In R and R wring districts. size. or Intend. foeq A) whin the tome and the fourth insertion on the of the business a6aBges and the sign (a) umil of one (1) onsite wall ---–"---"'-"------"-"- day Of -'-"_-_"""_""""-"- 19. is changed or modified either 1n ehaM, yen roe eacts buwnae treated On the Axe, h• lexard, or :) on he before prnperty. January 19, jgBO, whichever occurs in) DisPtsv (16) se ane shall at Nom► na. ¢� (I6)d sixteen aquas feet. ('/ f1Af+e•e Orin r nca no Mona. nerO,@ o 5. That r all ordinances and sly an rnnbr the mc not atOf this re 101nns, or pails thereof, he conoid prelsiered a e p r.it or t. Mzs Pere ion be aTh hereby an, regaled. vn .neer shall m -d m scan ha s(rtion b The sthat a Directoril Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _ - - _�.__.... day of ._._.__.._.— provisions hit as to crier a with ted hecuka tlelermhaes Ihar fry Present Jamcryof this charier an or Man should be hanged t b jg8 esr sign Jaauarr ia, W" IW Ifs changed In fee�te lire of •' _ , �f 4 Sefl,,, i. TM1 Sr '•'P 1781n er. ted ord a enforcement, whicheof rn"- hie a sign _. ... _ «q //'.____ 19----.(— eG /e eft Ilse e of OMMn yea u � --- �— /T T . he h a4 lbws: bowndenee, which a 8ryfire b hereby f� Se A :t) I 1 - some, Lod b be nee :arts far �)t A and (I ) It (=11 he i f..l to enrt ,ann � d the Pb health. tors atwndby and the Beard of passage MT4� Pmle of yen chat nn•ii w fmm t is no& lis determines that the PaNRe nr --------_-- ._____....._---__..... wall A n build �tR ufr'n whlOh t ea box orAwbea is necesNrr to make 1`4 PabI1C carried a it "dol 'c urs ehan tAr midr4c4padM ant the fet'dttey to thirds of the width • �'t the eldewaR tlfectiva tosfoaememt of the cib•'a foga (in those iutanrP! n'here. Ihere a aOnsianN. Therefore, an emergency is sidewalk next to the balding) V with rl hereby' deeltoad w enter and this or- My Commission Expires : Ian (2) fret of street right of way ( influence being deceeaery for they UPON ineyn(ea u•mre there Is no pee!ereatiin of the public health, "rely sidewalk next In ye Mdil and welfare• shall be N tt full forand _ p provided. m Projective sip shall .(feet fen and ease its passage. - - -- T project mom than bil (a) rest from PASSIM AND APPROVED THE 2111711 the wail or the building upon wblrh DAY OF JULY, 1176. it is erected APPROVED (2) Protecting slap! !Soh be IoreP,. Ma!,ro R Ottm, Mayor Fees for Printing ;. an the !ertical surrs'P of A build" :. ATTFSC� —'---- ------- and Mall not be highs, then the e • D.AHI. Fir wrESrRRIX)E Or rafter Itne, ahcbea er V hPSr+r IT, TT v r^.erk Coat of Proof .....- .... _. Total . _.__....__ _