HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2247 i- r F LED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO , o oZ 876 JUL 14 PM 3: 53 WASH"' "N'y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18 - 47 OF THE FAYETT CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AUTHORIZE THE PAVING OF UNPAVEIAX1ML$1qU Xf'S IN ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOODS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIIUM(1UR'QIIIWNG FEDERAL FUNDS FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 18 - 47 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding subsection ( F ) to read as follows : Sec . 18- 47 (F ) . Paving existing unpaved/dirt streets . (F ) Paving existing unpaved/dirt streets . Upon approval of the Board of Directors , the City of Fayetteville may , when federal funds become available , pave existing streets in low or moderate income areas of the City of Fayetteville . Such paving shall consist of normal construction standards of street construction to include sidewalks , curb and gutter , pavement surface of asphalt ( concrete where required because of grades ) , storm drainage , and subsurface preparation . ( i ) Location of houses and other appurtenances may require that in the interest of economy and for the more appropriate protection of the environment an ex- isting right-of-way ( ROW) should be utilized . A right- of-way less than standard width may be authorized by the City Board of Directors in established sections of the city where the existing unpaved/dirt street and ROW do not meet the standard required . ( ii ) Street design . Existing conditions in established neighborhoods/areas of the city may require altering the standard street design . The street width , use of curb and gutter , sidewalks , and storm drainage may be adjusted when necessary to meet these existing conditions . Any such adjustment must be approved by the City Board of Directors . Section 2 . That Section 18 - 47 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding subsection ( G ) to read as follows : (G ) Cost sharing . Owners of rental ( landlord) property located on streets to be paved with Community Development Funds will be expected to share in the cost of construction . Each landlord is expected to pay 508 of the cost of paving that portion of the street passing in front of the landlord ' s property . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that Section 18- 47 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances does not authorize the paving of unpaved streets ; that Community Development Funds are available to finance the paving of certain unpaved streets within the city ; that such paving is necessary for the public health , safety and welfare ; and that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to accomplish such paving . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . BOOK 999 963 DATE DATE OCTCROFILMO T 1978 REEL .. t 1 iCERTMCATE OF RECORD• State of Ar!;a-. jsss City of h• .•;e: •;;' SS and �.•i , Y�r . f' ,.., •. 'yore. . Rears i\u /C) :'iY : ;:: F: `is • •7 .a3,.. _ ..,,. baud and seal thiof 19�, KY Cksk aad Ez-0ffuw PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1976 . APPROVED : MAYOR ANS !•I�f , ze soot 9gg 964 • d CP�� n C\ t \F ptfid° ae f`t e- C �NSPS SS- tefka°d at L\Ae a°ew� the ae is _, 1tE pF FRn Co\) e OVCo6tp°e(0, they ot(w0 a°d tt,es°u �tS°ga� KopmiY do hecoL ecoid 1�t�$jtP° h poen y'as t1\ed e % o d t cc �ash.°&tOt�me°t`� 19i �e t Pone`°s .° seat ptef a`ocded D�tY o�d�and and G�jcOtOc�o Re ,N%u�ess m peO�<Y pte(k By CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , . Arkansas , r �-z 7 therein set forth , andR the shame is as it appears of Record min ( Q ' d /�—; Volume at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day //of S i CITY CLERK BOOK 969 965 E / r CERSIfICATE OF RECORD OF ARKANSAS SS. Dtnoio Recordnr for ST W a hinBton CouneYe , Circuit CIerN an hat the annex:heor, f DY 1. Alma1-• Kol{m Ydo hereby certitYY fficeon 'thesarne r WashingtOrl 0 wasfilad rl cbC l M,AS and atPoZa �-- %rrdetd um l goin 1� record o' ay of hand and seal Sirsdu Witness mY r Recor ed Ex-Dtficio BY Deputy C1el STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington J} as. 1, OD00 l hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NO HWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class malltng privilege, and being not lees than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of ORDINANCE NO.;'X7 Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated AN ORDINANCE AMEM9ING SEC. and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and TION 1847 OF THE FAYE7TEV CODE`• : ORDINANCES readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for AUT E PAYING Ove - each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is PA V D T VREETS IN EST lcEs RHOODS OFI considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and Till service value it contains, that at least fifty y percent of the subscribers the thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents Pee E*T or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; oe AI' and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent FAVEr Sectine tinews matter. Fayettevlllell'"d of ONmmEM 6 thereby eto �a maiwtfdloa'a:by seems wbseYm I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Sac. 1847(F1. Paving existing la- payed-dirt sheets. (F) . Paving existing unpaved-dill �trsap� Upon Approval of the Boom of : Wdcbrs, the City of FaYaJ_. ......--_..--_.....-_.._._........ en&K fieleml Peds aeeose - ahY. exN9N el+eele \ Q 11N�I come areas of the 1of was published to the regular dally Issue of said newspaper for......... -----_--. such t avms shag 40mut d> seemed construction elanaaede et anpesWle Insertions as follows : etwei•"foo4etrnction b include a80aeepa. carkw ass sutler, pavement sulk" of aMasf fine:retse where neqaft" he- The first insertion on the ..___ day of ...._\ . grass,,: etmm asd ---- -------------- /� `-�--- 19--- - ag..ace pre u raaOn . V io-A.ocetton of housing and otM Ap the second Insertion on the __.--._. day o[ _ . _._ 18.---------- purietmnces may require that Is Na ---------------' _.- __- _ .. mlered of the economy and for tie mere apprpriAte protection of Bhe the third insertion on the day of em lrcnmept an e�Lline righRnf-way -- ... ------___ ------— 19------_.- (ROw) should, M utaired. A righlet- wav less then standard Old lM1 may he aatntnxed fee the ass Dgatd of . and the fourth insertion on the day Of ----------_------------ 19---_--.- MetSire In e¢abllW sections of V` � v H the city where the estates unpaved-- NR a4eet and ROW dp not meat J the standard required. (ti ) conal 'ld nei. Exrns tgdltiaO he In eaCity ed eerequ ft aa>—areae of the City iMr rallt� altering IM1e That sires[ Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __ ____ -.---.-__.. day of .—__-_ entl �Homery dratnaa sensb awilansery _— b meet / itis. conditions. Any such ------_---- 19. (/ rh b epPrpved by fila of de of s. t. That Sa'O:m 1947 d ria `x1� FyHYa�is Code of Ordinances . ia re8lygt�WOndetl by adding epbatct$on - -- ------ - --------- (G) b OAatea follow,: N y Pablic (G) sharing ownera of rental Ginnerly located on sues(& b - M aved with Community Funds wbl he expected My Commission Expires: e tae cnst of construction. to Farb al of expected to PAY at 6 r dads of thea cost of navies That portion rthe landlord's[reet Property. m haat Section 3. The Mand of Drovers heretodetermines that Section IS 97 of r the. Favettevilie Code Of Ordinances reef Fees for Printing -------- ZI t� :Mthe of tnt stmelsthat Communtly Development [ratio, Ase }ealiame m ftnenoe me Cost of Proof pmwiro p e' ll it ghl arcate w81nn ------------- i----------------`--- aa�; rat such paving is aettswvd : Inn the . Public health. Mtow eJ 1%elrare : and thnl me Passage of this TDf81 ___..—..... ........—.--._. - ._napca . to AeMmp �aa1-e� sand that r. L rt nom. int, and 1D Me peak n_ shall be In rn are . _� nm And after nee. ..., .. _1 t4Y OFDAND V, 19 6PROPED; 'tYlb SN . II* araC V EVv i MadfNR. or" , Darlene Westbrook ATTEST: IIAV�A CITY CI.Eaa Ito Is