HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2230 ORDINANCE NO . � 3U , O E D FOR , RECORD AN ORDINANCE PERSONS DOING BUSINESS BINSTHE GCITOCCUPATION AN VI Y OFFAYETTEVILLLEE, ibRe OTHER PURPOSES , WASHIrii70N COUNTY ARlf A NS:� " WHEREAS , the general fund revenues oft141 L&EYERyette- ville are insufficient to meet the annuallyinc U %I eneral fund expenses of the city , including the cost of providing essential services such as fire and police protection to the inhabitants of the city ; and WHEREAS , a local occupation tax and an increase in local franchise taxes are necessary on an interim basis to supplement existing general fund revenues until such time as statewide local enabling legislation or constitutional amendments are adopted which increase the ability of municipalities to support themselves ; and WHEREAS , the adoption of the taxing provisions provided for in this ordinance are essential to the health , safety , and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . Definitionsw - ( a ) The term " person " as used herein shall refer to any `sole proprietorship , partnership , corporation , association , firm , or other legal entity which engages in , carries on : or follows any trade , business , vocation , profession or calling within the City of Fayetteville , except such persons who are exempt from payment of occupation taxes and licensing procedures by the laws of the State of Arkansas or the laws of the United States , and further except Southwestern Bell Telephone Company , Arkansas Western Gas Company , South- western Electric Power Company , Ozarks Electric Cooperative Corporation , and Warner-TVC Corporation . ( b ) The term " employer " as used herein shall refer to any person as defined in sub- section ( a ) above who employs one or more employees in such trade , business , vocation , pro- fession or calling , or the receiver or trustee of the same , or the legal representative of a deceased employer . ( c ) The term " employee " as used herein shall refer to any natural person performing service for an employer as defined in sub- section (b ) above for a period of time in excess of 30 hours per week upon a salary , wage , commission or other compensation basis , unless such service does not originate or take place in the City of Fayetteville ; provided , a professional as defined by sub- section ( d ) below shall not be considered an employee . (d ) The term " professional " shall refer to an attorney at law , abstracter , accountant , architect , registered professional engineer , physician , optometrist , pharmacist , osteopath , dentist , chiropracter , and registered land surveyor whether engaged in business on a full or part- time basis . Section 2 . It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in , carry on , or follow any trade , business , vocation , pro- fession or calling within the City of Fayetteville without first having procured from the city and having paid therefor an occu- pation license according to the following schedule : BOOK 99'S 958 A 1TE QOEQ REE( - 2 - ( a ) Each professional shall pay an occupation license tax of $ 50 . 00 . (b ) Each employer shall pay an occupation license tax in the amount of $ 15 . 00 , plus $ 6 . 00 per employee ; provided , the maximum tax per employer shall not exceed $ 500 . 00 . ( c ) Every other person except employees shall pay an occupation license tax in the amount of $ 15 . 00 . Section 3 . ( a ) At the time that an employer applies for an occupation license tax , such employer shall state , under oath and on affidavit forms provided by the city , the average number of employees employed in the preceding quarter . ( b) New employers shall state under oath to the city the average number of employees anticipated to be employed by such person during the tax period and the tax shall be based upon such stated number . Provided , if the stated number is less than 758 of the actual number of employees employed during any part of the tax period , as indicated by investigation by the city during the tax period , and such employer fails to make a supplemental report to the city , such employer shall owe to the city the tax on such additional employees plus a penalty of 508 of the tax for all employees both reported and unreported . ( c ) The City Manager or his designated agent shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect the employment records , including quarterly reports to the Federal Government for federal income tax withholding purposes , for the purpose of investigations regarding the actual number of employees of any employer subject to the tax . Upon written request by the city , each employer shall furnish to the city written copies of such employment records within thirty ( 30 ) days of the date of request . Such records shall be kept confidential by the city . Section 4 . The tax year for which the tax imposed hereby shall be paid shall be from July 1 of each calendar year to June 30 of the succeeding calendar year , commencing with July 1 of the calendar year 1976 . Section 5 . Fractional parts of the last half of the tax year shall be charged on a pro-rata basis from the date of issuance of the license and date of payment of tax to the last day of June , provided that no license shall be issued or tax paid for less than one - fourth ( 1/ 4 ) of the annual license fee or tax amount . Section 6 . The occupation license shall not be transferrable from one person to another . Section 7 . Each person required to obtain a license under the provisions of this ordinance and to pay a tax under the provisions of this ordinance shall be charged a penalty for the delinquent payment of such tax according to the following schedule : ( a ) Such taxes are due on July 1 of each year ; ( b ) If such amounts are not paid within thirty ( 30 ) days after the due date , a penalty of 20 percent shall be added thereto ; ( c ) If such amounts are not paid within sixty ( 60 ) days after the due date , a penalty of 40 percent shall be added thereto ; BOOK 908 959 - 3 - (d ) If such amounts are not paid within ninety ( 90 ) days after the due date , a penalty of 60 percent shall be added thereto . The above cited penalties are in addition to any other penalties imposed by this or other city ordinances . Section S . Any person violating the provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance and/or any person who makes a false affidavit or statement or report to the city as a part of the procedures under this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not to exceed double the amount of the occupation license tax provided for herein . Section 9 . Each occupation license issued hereunder shall be posted in a conspicuous place where the holder thereof engages in business and said holder shall immediately show the same to any officer of the city upon request . Section 10 . Each person engaged in a trade , calling , vo- cation , business or profession at more than one fixed location shall be required to obtain an occupation license for each location . Section 11 . The tax provided for in this ordinance , when paid for any period provided herein , shall not be returnable in case the licensee , for any reason , surrenders his license or discontinues his business , and any sum so paid shall not be returnable to any person . Section 12 . The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to prepare all necessary reporting forms and other documents necessary for the collection of the taxes provided for herein and issuance of the licenses provided for herein . The City Manager is further authorized to formulate rules and regu- lations not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance regarding the collection of such taxes and issuance of such licenses . Section 13 . The individual provisions and sections of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable and the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction that any provision contained herein , or any application of any provision contained herein , is unconstitutional , illegal , or otherwise invalid shall not affect the constitutionality , legality or validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or other applications of the provisions hereof . Section 14 . Whereas , the general fund revenues of the city are insufficient to meet the annually increasing general fund expenses of the city , including the cost of providing such essential services as fire and police protection to the inhabi - tants of the city ; and whereas , the adoption of the taxing provisions provided in this ordinance are essential to the public health , safety , and welfare of the city and its inhabitants ; therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the health , safety and welfare of the city shall be effective from and after its passage and publication . Referred to a vote of the electors pursuant to Ark . Stat . 19 - 2429 by Resolution Number 20 - 76 adopted April 20 , 1976 . 803K i1� cJ e - 4 - APPROVED by electors at special election held May 25 , 1976 . MAYOR 42*b,040r�vi aoor. JO.S 961 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing' is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , . Arkansas , � y'�� a mtherein set forth ,CV acid : the same is as it appears of Record in x (�t-�t�� Volume at Page 167-116 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 3ti day of 1976 . ?� CITY CLERK 300 (}, 062 1 i CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville Suzanne C. Kennedy, Cit; r`c"'.c and CERTIFICATE OF RECORD 7fficiorecorderfor the City ofi';i;' rt "ille, reby certify that the anncsc.: r ' I' 're- STATE OF ARI :ANSAS ) SS. of record in my office and the s:uIle uP• J Washington County ) Ordinance & Resolution book I, Alma L. Kolimeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recordar for V. /.Nt Page Q� Witness mY Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed .,r re. day of . goingi- strument as filer re o;q . ... ffice on the day h Yhis m S.,lnnnRJ . igIO'0o% M, and the same is --- 19 du y ad in record 0 pp at page�Sy City Clerk and Ex-Officio` Recorder M taeas my hand and seal this jtg -!Y•',am KOLL YW Circuit Clerk and c-Officio R Cord d BY Deputy Clerk OE "E TME t'eF STATE of ARKANSAS mm ss. „1 t : . euevl9e a County Of Washington +ent b meet the llltmUaDy lu creasbg Inaeral rum aapeneeh 'of th, city , Ineladlqg IM mat of provWini Mora l sritcie web q. fire gM ItYip hereby certify that I ,nreuree•w aa• mne a eeemstyt am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Kliv 41al a )seal oreupaibe to and .. D _. c a, in awal firpnelal taxes newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than `.re on an Intents vilb four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at �IAzz 'FLera "1PA antes. until sow-tuts : as eaetewe& a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of T to i.gyl.uo. ar .. ans<Iwm Washington, Arkansas for more than a Period of twelve months. circulated 1tyge gg�a and distributed from aestablished place of business to subscribers and - Inn r:netsh. me ad,o�eos readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for -mnded t•r in tuba ordinance .,m,„1 l the he, lie, aeach h. tar i.. nd , or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is veteran of Pass Pity end its considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and • ' OTimtyroM*/ i dR service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers " 1 ' BY TRICM thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents I '. '. o lag; OF TIM: OF , i t (Id.F. 3FK AN. or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; I^ n 1 , n Scot Mier and that the said newspaper a publishes an averse of more than fort P p P B Y Percent Into r,r par-mi . lipnews matter. ro it'111 or polliql, In. �eaniee 0 ..m I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of or geq, Pole rallinA ill in the Cas F i'.• eta al nl rates, tea. a rc camtera , ,m r .raper -re p 9,taf a IFa Flare n Parra Tellhd���ppmpe r ":ll A .a^.as was Y pa8sr for.......... ...._ toe iern , canon l . . S) term published 1n the regular dally Issue of said news _ ...... a ran,pnap „ arks consecutive insertions as follows : . d peretice rp�tltrl ion, , i1tCs1 er RIecMIvIIIIF'�n (.pr erto u p' ental a D.,c and wMW}pfll� /' - �, sum ar Wetter to anvr" . ewn.aed The first insertion on the ____........ _...__.. day of __.. ..Z/ly.Q... 18..71 herein Neth reler to any bAw as • � eaMbn (a) aalw' woo '7 em t 10 the second insertion on the ___1. __.. day of - aemil 18___/ .�7rte. rapw _,p� e w the third insertion on the _..__. (...___ ... day o1 .. „((itt.Q,�. 19_.�LZ p para it The tem er, to d A” used heu herecats refer , aur. el and the fourth insertion on the -5..►-{.1--.--._-_ day of 1*rvaniplol pert an tnmr a (b) nonce fo for I y0 M1 a eft per a mm .�—._��/• Waite. CotR � m' -- ---,i+. ponatbn bub, se, • ce ,ry does not In 4L- the Cay a Sworn to and subscribed before me on this pmt --__ day of .. ...... tdr forlorn ae employe. tall TM t" L ptwtas an 19 +76 refer to ans , erchiLl , r ---_.......___---- —_------- ----- a cc o u4ta�l eself IroMSIOW d ftod t o m e t r I a I. pharmeefat, o ' dentist. chhvppeter. and m -- ----------- land surveyor whether wg to No ublic ws busaon a fm or pal section t. It than he uNeness any person to engage In, carry M . or follow any trade, business. creation, My Commission Expires' prefesabn or counts within on City of Fayetteville without first having therured from the city and having paid � T thin the of loll" sn license (a) Each ----- .— lo the fel abbil spay a ; on t� Professional tax Nen ). as eeeepflee license lax N faille (D) Foch ,emy�o er_ e¢all pay m occupations ,it, ma. amount Fees for Printing ........ of $15 an. pGii Jr employe: provided. < x ler em- ployer thea aro. Coat of Proof - --- ------- -- 8..... ..._____...___._... (c) In exalt employes "cutworms ucenar tags ns.as. Total section that an —-----'— -' $-....... employer roccupatiga hearer alt Male, under o t affirms provided average number in the precadin8 (DI New k ureter oath to number of employs employed by such a Perim em the n such eGterm 1M Wkd number i nt of the actual nurAbw employed during any oukw perfptlI as Indicated by .t4 the city • ung the tax such am pom•r ratio to ' makes" supplemental sport to the Cny, wrpployer shall a ni the efts the tai on such ad- opvwr ' employee plus a pnNtr of An Per year M the tax Irl, all employee 1. r,Tpned and urrogirntld. The City Manager or his �jgnalnd agent Shan have the right - 1. aR' ix'eaweDl! tion[ to nzp¢m,n % thereof pls'-e u'.mre Ow holder rePurtb ant record. . aa'asmng ment for thereof u][ gas l businesc and ante rape[$ n the Federal Govemmea fnr holder Mell r of m ;rel) Mnw the same federal hoop tax withholding my p S. b any officer of the city upon gaged . for the Purpose Of byes atone Section 10, Each person engaged b regardiaf any actual number of em- a trade, cAtng, vocaltha Dunef or m poses of any emlMu su by t b the Profession ll more IM1sn fixan Ino. Upon written l riven by the Idly, IncatioP shall be required Inobtain an each employer shall such b the rely Section license for each lidetlon. written copies it such empSys or Section nc The lax d ror any for In records within thirty ("C days of the this ordProvided here, , Sha pall be any returnable date ti weal. Such records shall be In ca." herein, shall not bo returnable kept tionHd . T by the City. s case the limnsent for any reason Section 4. sed lax year for whicia surrenders his ncense discnminues the tax imposed J hereby Shall M paid his business, and any sumrm Paid shall shell be from July 1 0[ each calerMer , nut be returnable to any Person- ae" b June 30 of the succeeding Section IR. The CitManager Is cutendar year, commencing with July hereby authorized and directed to I of the Calendar year 19'16. prepare all Weasars' mounting forms Section S. Fractional para of the last and other documents n v for the half of the tax year SIR 0 he charged collection of the taxes a ProvidM for on a prorate basis from the date a herein and IaSVRPCP. of IM1e licenses Issuance of the license and date of provided for herein. The City Manager payment of tai to the last day of June, is further authorized to ormnlate rules Provided that no license shall De issued and regulations not inconsistent with the or lax paid for less than one-fourth Provisions of this ordinance regarding 04 ) of the annual license rise ar tax the Collection of such taxes and Issuance amount of such luenses. SwVnoo G. That occupation hienes Mall SeC4m 13. The lttdividual provisimat nM he traneemble Room one person and sections of this ordinance are to another. hereby declared b be severable and Section 7. Each Person required In the decision or a court of competent obtain a license under the provisions Jurisdiction that any provision contained of this ordtnanee shall be charged a herein, or any application of any Penally for the delinquent payment of Provision contained herein,' is no suchtax according to the lonowning conw:ittnimal. tdeial, or dJrmwiae schedule: lnvalld Shan not affect the con- (c) Such taxes are din an July rtilutiorAhVI legality or validity a 1 of such year; the remaining Provisions of this or (b) I' such amounts are not paid dinance or other Applications of the within thirty (9a) days after the due Provisions; hereof. date, a penally of 21 per cent Mall Section 14. Whereas, the general fund be added therein; overseas of the CRY are keufftoenl to (c) If such amounla am not paid meet the annually Increasing general Within sixty ty days aft" the due fund expenses of the city. Including the date, a penalty of 40 per cent shall cost of Providing such essential services be added therein; ss fire and police protection to the (d) If such amount; are rot peel inhabitants of the city: and whereas. sntlnn mnety (9a) days agar Medue the the to visions dere, a penally a g0 par eSd than be ❑ added tlieielo. to the public health, safely am welfare The above cited penalties an In ad of the city and its inhabitants; therefore, dltion to any other Penalties imposed An emergency is hereby, declared b by this or her city oMipanca6. exist and this ordinance being necessary Section i Any paraPn vissaliig the for the preservation of the health, safely provisions Of Section 2 of this ordinance and welfare of the city shall he effective and-or any person who makes a false from and after its passage ant affidavit or statement or report b the Publication. CRY as a part of the precedures Ruder Referred to a vote of the election this ortlinence Shall be deemed guilty Pursuant In Ark. Stet. 193429 by of a misdemeanor and upon romicoan Resolution Number 1676 adpptnd April thereof shell be ttrKE As We amnurA A. 1976, act b Potted double the amount of APPROVED by elecbrs at special the occupation license tax providen for election held Mev 25, 19-,6. brrem. Mani ATT n R. Orn. MAYOR e DahT: O, clerk Wea[broolt. Q ' C1[y Nerk