HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2202 I" ILED FOR RECORD '76 FEB 26 PM 1 : 32 ORDINANCE NO . 4a0.;2, C/' $HIItlG T GN COUNTY rR[1 iNSG. S ALMA KOI_ Li _ YER rr AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C , ARTICLE IV , SECTIONCI' CI )17 I OE (4T� FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO EXPEDITE THE PROCEDURE FOR AP - PROVING LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENTS , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE - VILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Appendix C . Article IV , Section I of the Fayette - ville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Section I . Large scale development . ( 1 ) All large scale developments , not hereinafter excluded , must be reviewed by a Plat Review Committee and approved by the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Commission before a building permit may be issued . The Subdivision Committee may , at its discretion , refer any large scale development to the full Planning Commission for approval . Approval by the Board of Directors shall not be required . The Plat Review committee shall consist of the following : Inspection Superintendent , Street Superintendent , City Engineer , Sanitation Superintendent , Fire Chief , Administrative Assistant to City Manager , Traffic Superintendent , Planning Administrator , City Planning Consultant , electric company representative , gas company representative , telephone company representative , and cable television company representative . The Plat Review committee shall have advisory capacity only . Its duty shall be to advise the developer of technical problems , to recommend solutions for such problems , and to advise the developer of mandatory requirements . The Subdivision Committee shall consist of three or more members of the Planning Commission appointed by the Chairman of said Commission . ( 2 ) Before a building permit for a large scale development may be issued , the developer shall : ( a ) Submit a development plan to the Planning Administrator for review by the plat review committee . The development plan shall consist of ( 1 ) a black line site location map drawn to scale and not to exceed fourteen ( 14 ) inches by eighteen ( 18 ) inches , and ( 2 ) an accurate black line vicinity map not to exceed four - teen ( 14 ) inches by eighteen ( 18 ) inches . The vicinity map need not be drawn to scale . ( 1 ) Site location map . The site location map shall depict the following : ( a ) The size and shape of the property on which the development is to be located . (b ) The location , size , and arrangement of existing buildings , signs , outdoor advertising , and other im- provements , water courses , ponds , and streams , and any other distinctive or unusual features that will remain after the development is completed . ( c ) The location , size , and arrangement of proposed buildings or additions , parking and loading areas and the type of surfacing proposed for such areas , streets , driveways , curb cuts , community facilities , pedestrian ways , and open spaces . 900 74 MICROFILMED DATE OCT 1 1978 REEL - 2 - ( d ) A correct legal description of the property lo- cated within the large scale development , and a correct legal description , certified by an abstractor or sur- veyor , of street right-of-way dedications and vacations and utility and drainage easements . ( 2 ) Vicinity map . The vicinity map shall depict the following : ( a) The location and name of any street which abuts or intersects the large scale development . ( b ) The location and name of any other street building or landmark necessary to clearly indicate the location of the large scale development . (b ) ( Required only where the developer proposes new streets or an alteration in the existing street plan . ) Submit to the Planning Administrator for review by the Plat Review Committee preliminary street and drainage plans , showing alignment of streets and direction of flow of storm and sanitary sewers in relation to topography . Where an official street and drainage plan exists , it shall be submitted for purposes of comparison . ( c ) Dedicate sufficient right-of-way to bring those streets which the master street plan shows to abut or intersect the large scale development into conformance with the right-of -way requirements of the master street plan for said streets ; provided , the Subdivision Committee may approve a lesser dedication in the event of undue hardship or practical difficulties . Such lesser dedication shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission . ( d ) Comply with those requirements of Article III , Section A of the subdivision regulations pertaining to streets , surface drainage , water system , and sanitary sewer system . ( e ) Prior to the Subdivision Committee meeting at which the development plan is to be considered , the developer shall give notice of the proposed development to the owners of any property having a common boundary with and a different zoning classification than the property proposed for development by : ( 1 ) By Mailing written notice to at least one of the record owners of such property that a large scale development plan has been submitted to the Planning Administrator . Said notice shall be mailed by certified or registered mail . The receipt shall be filed with the Planning Administrator along with a copy of the notice . Said notice shall describe in general terms the nature of the proposed development ; or ( 2 ) By publishing a similar notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the city . Said notice shall be published in the legal notice section . The developer shall file proof of publication with the Planning Administrator ; ( 3 ) By obtaining the signature of at least one of the record owners of such property on a copy of the pro- posed large scale development plan and filing said copy with the Planning Administrator . ( 3 ) Each large scale development plan shall be reviewed by the Plat Review Committee at its next meeting , provided , if a development plan is not submitted to the Planning Administrator at least six ( 6 ) days prior to a scheduled meeting of the Plat Review Committee , the Committee shall review the plan at its next scheduled meeting . The Subdivision Committee shall approve , 900 / V - 3- disapprove , refer back to the developer for more information , or refer to the Planning Commission each large scale development within fourteen ( 14 ) days from the date said plan is reviewed by the Plat Review Committee . In the event a large scale development plan is referred to the Planning Commission , said Commission shall approve or disapprove the development plan within fourteen ( 14 ) days from the date of referral , or at its next meeting . ( 4 ) The Subdivision Committee or Planning Commission may refuse to approve a large scale development for any of the following reasons : ( a ) The development plan is not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this section ; ( b ) The proposed development would violate a city ordinance , a state statute , or a federal statute . ( c ) The developer refuses to dedicate the street right-of- way , utility easements or drainage easements required by this ordinance . ( d ) The proposed development would create or compound a dangerous traffic condition . For the purpose of this section , a " dangerous " traffic condition shall be con- strued to mean a traffic condition in which the risk of accidents involving motor vehicles is significant due to factors such as , but not limited to , high traffic volume , topography , or the nature of the traffic pattern . ( e ) City water and sewer is not readily available to the property within the large scale development and the de - veloper has made no provision for extending such service to the development . ( 5 ) ( a) No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the improvements required by Section 2 ( d) above are installed to city specifications . (b ) Upon completion of the development , the developer shall file with the Planning Administrator an " as built " plot plan for the large scale development showing : ( 1 ) The location of all buildings and the set-back distance for said buildings from street right -of-way and adjoining property lines ; ( 2 ) The location of any free- standing signs and the set- back distance of said signs from street right-of-way and adjoining property lines ; ( 3 ) The location , number , dimensions , and surfacing of all parking spaces and of all screens or fences . ( 4 ) The location and size of all water , sewer , gas , electric , telephone , and TV cable lines . ( 6 ) An appeal from the decision of the Subdivision Committee may be taken to the Planning Commission by filing written notice of appeal with the Planning Administrator within ten ( 10 ) days from the date of such decision . The notice of appeal shall spe- ficially state the reasons the appellant contends the committee ' s findings and decision were in error . An appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission may be taken to the Board of Directors by filing such a notice of appeal with the .City Clerk within ten ( 10 ) days from the date of such decision . 900 16 - 4 - ( 7 ) The Planning Administrator may authorize minor modi - fications in an approved large scale development . Minor modi - fications shall include , but not be limited to , substitutions of one approved structural type for another or minor variations in placement of buildings in such a way that the overall limits of approved floor area , open space or rooms per acre are not in - creased . In the event that a developer wishes to make major modifications to an approved development , such modifications shall be submitted to the Subdivision Committee in a form which compares the approved submission with the desired changes . After submission , the Subdivision Committee shall approve or disapprove the requested modifications at its next meeting . ( 8 ) ( a ) Excluded developments . The following large scale developments shall be excluded from the requirements of this section : ( 1 ) A single- family residence , an addition to a single- family residence , or an accessory structure for a single-family residence ; ( 2 ) An addition to an existing structure if the addition will not ( a) exceed ten thousand ( 10 , 000 ) square feet , or ( b ) require more than twenty- five ( 25 ) additional parking spaces under the provisions of the zoning ordinance , or ( c ) require a change in existing ingress or egress ; ( 3 ) An additional structure when erected as part of an existing development , subject to the limitations of ( 2 ) above . ( 4 ) A prefabricated , movable accessory building . ( b ) Building and moving permits : If a large scale develop- ment which is excluded from the requirements of this section meets the requirements for a building or moving permit , the Building Inspector shall issue such permit immediately upon determination that the development will not conflict with the City ' s master street plan ; provided , if city water and sewer service is not available to the development , no building or moving permit shall be issued until the water supply and waste disposal system proposed for the development has been approved by the City Engineer . Section 2 . That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the present requirements for approval of a large scale development plan are unduly time -consuming for the developer , for the Planning Com- mission and for the Board of Directors ; that said requirements interfere with the effective administration of local government ; and that this ordinance is necessary to alleviate such conditions . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared , and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety , and welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF t , � an � _ , 1976 . APPROVED : MA OR . :W e EL ] 3K 900 77 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of ., , ' Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and ' - foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , �¢_, o2ad therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in v� Volume V at Page 74 — *7q thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this _�3 r Q_ day of ay E. CITY CLERK Id :r CERTIFICATE OF RECORD $TATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. yYashinVn County 1 : 1, Alma L. Kolimeyer, Circuit Clark and Ex-Officio Recorder for ` Washln�ort County, do hereby certify that the• annexed orr,pre. ` "go!reir t,� rurenlwas_fileQfprrecorrljnmCicaontheoc"flay -�`�—� (�^lb1($tJ/_oA oc4 M, and ;he same is duly recorded iif_1 iba _record of pag2 witness my Mand and ,eai thiqgjday ofs-19- ALMA KOMMFYFR _ - Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recor ed ey CERTIFICATE OF RECORD oeputy Clclerk State of Arkansas SS City of F:grottcvi!le I, S;izanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for tae City of Fayetteville, do herebv certify that the anne%:e:l or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance Resolution book V at page DT Witness my hand and seal this day of 19 City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder • c. STATE of ARKANSAS 1 sceT.¢ nsvELOPMENTS,` �` County of Washington J} as. Pe: IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIn FCTOHS OF TnE CITY OP @Still I ILLe: :1 a KA <SAS. : serbor . .re ?. lPrellrc C Article 1 [yV�_�({��f-a�eh_ Tc. III, I to py„ me Code hereby certify that t n ere9daa b ettet ( Orhin:,nk hereby ame I' - - -- . ( III as follows: IN am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Scouoo L l.atp a t newspaper havin a second class mailing Se .1m: Laic arAlr deQv���t°,t' g g privilege, and being not less than I lip ftrr oa(luill mLd "itis four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at : •d be a Pbd -rtv I 'lv, Cominitlee "Pro.rn ba th, NIhldlFisbn Com- a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously 1n the City of Fayetteville, County of we , rtn",+. pgya ly d,, Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated ill, lJ Permit . P.Y tie g o' . sil [Mata[[ Committee and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and to rarer .ny ming readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for >(' 4 devo.omuant w Ill* o rev la tie i opup�,ylop far approval. Approval to each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is ab• ��D.bwtm. Man hot be aetl�alla• t bconsidered the value of the publk.atlon, based upon the news value and The yptl bview comonates shall service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers of Pn Af�ollowing: Inspection thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents S �Vect Superintendent, P CloN Sanitation superinten- or through recognized news dealers over ap eriod of at least six months ; dents; lily Cbl Admidstrative Assist ant N Blip Manager, Trofnr suporin and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent (utlent, Planning Adm l'inludnr, ( IIInewsmatter. I” �nttli , I lwv e . I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of c , or Inn 1 t u i) .. IN , , int a In tIt It olutions lo, It (rh _ 1 'CY4Cl..a__.. a -/-J- 1La_.. 1L --------____.._..________-------- 1u: vlasahi'developer nVvrrtm4le. . / . . . inn„ III) eon was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for _ ......_.__. ._... or the coneesNiw Insertional as follows : �.� by the " ', a � for The tire[ insertion on be the ____..._ - day of _--2,1la<f.�.t�.. 19..-7.& Pe devet�alalannr theLileNthe second insertion on the __....... _..__.. day of _____ -:�r � ... 19... .__.. lrabm f sw by trill wl ' ii llIY,1Ino :yp,*NI the third Insertion on the __ .. ....... . day of __..... . .... ...... 19...._------ not ho i �1-, ylNIINNI ' and the fourth insertion on the . ---------- _- da of -------- I1) inches y .. _------------ 19..._.._. IN. vtPNHY .: . the Priv 1 �it, it is /// Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __L__...._..._ day of .. _------..__ NNIN .. ..., ramp Pit . ILL!2 ( . 18...E and io ee' i, J ti n, n� of atr 'Al 1.. . .,, Ie, ` I non l roan. and nfan � n4N resile ad mord of ProWaed bu ifl tl- Mlrona, perking uandnlacing ng Pr areas mid the tape. . Warts, d proays, for N Pnbllc such ar6ee, streets. driveways, roan cotsl community farniuea. pedestrian vrllot. and open spare' M Commission Expires : I ire titGHu� U, / `lid IL - ' i � • aO °'°1' Fees for Printing ......._ $,-92 , 7 � and name of any. 1(t - or intersects the i„rm"tit. Cost of Proof ._._---------- j..........._............... Ill and nems d ady 'I huiltli In satin the 7 7n '.r to clearly ' all ale the. Total j..... ..(..�L.Y... IF l ur Gaga scall dfyelop- +e<rrrcd only the i lal new an 11 cap pxw lit n. l + t I"I'll I alor by I,ne I pops. L Mae Novel 4 streets .titchuft stormand relation to s lcal street 11 hall be tbntalliSm. ri_Id.duay . a1 P(CH u .5 L one,. Ih "ser into it Say re- . street plan Provided. -'the sib- ' na I At Not the a III pe Ne A 641 11 1 kit loan fit) r^mWy wlm � n MME.mu n Ill Article TO. Seellnn A of the cuh - 12 dN•smn reau'aCnns pertaining to -if o in, s urf Ace ire In age, %voter sis andsmitamm\sterile. - (e) Prior to thewSubdivislon Com mitre meeting at %blah the develop mens plan is to be considered, the he developer shall Rive notice of the pm in. posed development to the owners of ` ril c properly having a common bounon dary with and a different zoning elassiftentinn than the pruperiv pro - pn-ed he P nal be i I , to Ind el•i ;it ;de nk 'ttfd the aid IT II led I.it all Ile Ad Ole to on 11 IT nut mn ,r to r To I.r. It .,1 t at I IT or Ill .rl) IT : I.1,. 1 11 . oro. m- poe.d rte all, tlevolopmem oleo and filing said copy with the Planning �,'I , Administrator.` (3) Each large scale development di plan shall be reviewed by the Plat dl . , Review Committee at Its next meeting, at provided, if a development plan Is tst i .-n h..eleded df cLlnptoet.t.. '] Ile net submitted to the Planning Ad- following large AT ale developments minislrator at Iif six (6) days prior shall be excluded from the equire to a scheduled meeting of the Plat mens of this section: Comtriuee. to Commitee � o .Im- (1) A 101181111 family resld I PIT addition a to a single family "n- or it aesideory structure to rn - Ire fa(2) sm addi ; , Ire t2) Ab rhe ad io an routing 1pg structure V the addition will not (a) 'II- exceed ten rilliltheforand (la.grM) equate • ' hIITT) torr • M1) rrrl uirv• III I All Twi ds- I 'm .!J Inprnt2 or disapprove the development plan - wtihin fourteen (11) days from the dib orf refclill. IT al it, next _ t bore or (4) A prehbrlealed, ntoi to ary building. `ret Of Buntline and moving 1), 1 In If a large scale development r job not I% excluded from the requirements of - re this motion 'meets the reoNrrme:ns L Vt 1. .: i i : . n- shell I ; I m.. lM 1 11 (b) The inormsed delvelopment would violate a oily orelnfull a state I , TWO I 1 i"Ier:J . ams. 1ri I I I nn :da led Wd IT Ilk brrr:n ...� r. 11 br i .. al m•til the water supply and waste • iap dosall ��r system Proposed for the development 411 has been approved by the City Engineer. e Section 2. That all Prfluences or part, -ask thereof in conflict herewith are hereby �. Its repealed. Social 3. The Board of Directors ' u Ile• hereby determines that the Present re- 5Apm barite quirements for approval of a large seale TI development plan are unduly for the I auminin for the develinand pfr for and IT vel Atm Planning Comons; that and for the Beard of Directions; that said requirements service ro the dev interfere with the effective ad extending such service b tiro develgp ministration of total government; and m�10. - that this ordinance is necessary W A (a) Nn certificate of os<up alleviate such conditions. Themfore, an be issued until the emergency is hereby declaredand this kill 2W ordinance being ncressary for the public in y admis. ' ' health, safely, and welfare, shall be (b) i��,cpm a �19q the devealro11p� in full force and effect from and after mens. ' Eiv tlper kli'elf yy xfW its passage. the Plc Torg Adm inislralir an A PASSED AND APPROVED THIS fifth built" plan fmthe large 'vale DAY OF February, 1996. d, Irl ' I ' APPROVED- - - Nation R 00... :ATTEST MAYOR Darlene Westbrook CITY CLERK In 4