HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2201 ORDINANCE NO . o2A01 '76 FEB 26 PH I : 32 YlASnli{OT �'! COUNTY AR�( aiISHS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 - 14 ( 2 ) OF Tk21,):'AYETTE7;1LLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO INCREASE THE FEES CHARGED �OR ' IPLCMB'ING PERMITS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 15 - 14 ( 2 ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 2 ) Plumbing permit fee . Fees for plumbing permits shall be paid to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas as follows : ( a ) Permit fee schedule : $ 8 . 00 for one fixture ; $ 12 . 00 for two fixtures ; $ 2 . 00 each for the next five fixtures ; $ . 75 each for all additional fixtures above seven fixtures . (b ) Concrete floor building . An additional plumbing permit fee of $ 8 . 00 shall be charged on plumbing permits for concrete floor buildings . ( c ) Large buildings . An additional fee of $ 2 . 00 per inspection trip shall be charged when the size of the building requires more than one " below the concrete floor " plumbing rough- in inspection or more than one " above the concrete floor " ( top-out ) plumbing rough- in inspection . ( d ) Additional fee for extra inspections . When any extra trip by the City Plumbing Inspector or his assistants is necessitated by failure of the plumber or property owner who is installing plumbing work to be ready for a plumbing inspection or to comply with this article , an additional fee of $ 3 . 00 shall be charged for each and every trip so made inside the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . An additional fee of $ 10 . 00 shall be charged for each and every trip so made outside the limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( e ) Double plumbing permit fees . Should any person wilfully or through negligence begin or complete any plumbing work for which a plumbing permit is re- quired by this office without having notified the in- spector ' s office or applied for the necessary permit prior to or during the day that work is commenced , or on the next working day of the plumbing inspector , where such work is commenced on a Saturday or Sunday or a holiday , he shall , when subsequently securing such permit , be required to pay double the fees herein provided for such permit ; and shall be subject to all penal provisions of this article . ( f ) Septic field inspection . When the City of Fayetteville is requested to inspect or make septic tank installations or fill out septic field forms , additional plumbing permit fees shall be required as follows : MICROFILMS DATE OCT ! 1978 REEL - 2 - ( 1 ) A fee of twenty -five dollars ( $ 25 . 00 ) when the plumbing inspector makes an inspection of an extension to an existing septic disposal field installation , or when the city plumbing inspector makes an inspection of a new septic field installation for the minimum requirements as outlined by the Arkansas State Board of Health where a licensed engineer has made a percolation test and has designed a disposal system . The li - censed engineer must furnish the plumbing inspector a design of the proposed disposal system prior to inspection by the inspector . ( 2 ) When the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is requested to fill out any forms such as F . H . A . and G . I . septic disposal field forms , a fee of three dollars ( $ 3 . 00 ) will be charged for preparing each septic disposal form . ( g ) Outside city inspection fees . When the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is requested to make a plumbing inspection of plumbing installed outside the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that is to be connected to the city water or city sanitary sewer system , an additional fee of ten dollars ( $ 10 . 00 ) shall be added to the above plumbing permit fees . Section 2 . That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS IDAY OF �� 1976 . APPROVED : Wiz , x .. MAYOR Sit :G"ti �_ Os OJ � � FS�Qaaa .E� FITY .C,,LERK - - - 900 80 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , &A tu-c- t- a4.c-e-L as therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of, Record in ak- i Volume V at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of too =S �.. 1CIO CITY CLERK �� .. ' r<< c 900 I CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. WashinCton County ] l I , Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Cer!: and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby ceriily that the annexed or fore- oin ins' um nt Was riled for recoy r•r ^!.ice on the��aY of 1 ..'—lo t�— rl� M' and the same I eccrd Q tpaga sv1 /i,, duly 'recorded idaY of r, 19y`c Witness my hand and coal thi �HTAfff KOL! MR= • Circuit Clerk and O"'�(�Ex.O�fficio Reco ed t By penuty Clerk J CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I. Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and I's :-Oiii io recorder furthe City of Fayetteville, do l:crsby ccrlify that the annexed or fore- ;: !i:rf is of record in my office and the same ap- ne;u-s in Orr!in,mce Resolution book -- y—nt p::ge I a ., Witness my hand and sea this clay of 19 . City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS SLC- as. TTE County of Washington i TO \ FOR uAAD f i \ OF I,�, QUI ' � . _ hereby certify that I %z) of am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily i ,...L.aness ie news a t = 1 m 1 .as a: k0ows, p per having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than � ' HL ro " Phpnbmg Permit fee Fees for four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at �tbing permits shim 1A -p 1rig' to the f FaWe vaN, grkensea as a filed ( dally ) interests continuously 1n the City of Fayetteville, County of tollows: - Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated fat trail o fee ecnedul': and distributed from an established lace of business to subscribers and $ale for one fixture; p $1 2.00 for two fixureshe nextsw readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite rice for Efts each ler the next e' ures D E'fs .ern for N ae each copy, or fixed price per annum, which price was filed at what is above seven flit III addl- considered the value of the p m) Cmcmte poor ha publication, based upon the nems value and u mal plumbing Perna Ise M Ee.W snau he charged on to ifor service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers pmbng nncrelte floor busmnp. .: : 1 thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents r) Large of as. AqI net fee sEm per ,napacllon an he or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; I nest when itis 91Ze of the bunions: publishes er id t th that ae said newspaper an average of more than fort III mere than one ' below the P P P y percent .. rete floor' pto Ing ugi)-in news matter. lion or nonce than 0 'lor "tltr I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ;tra inionot I the City ,aAisI ants iT n-I 11 is Plnr.,ler h- Its every was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for .............. ira tevil Insertions as follows : so mettle nisi of CI 11 �J� //,/ 4 d e and euro &aetie.1 tnD outside the Wggi Nf ute The first insertion on the -. _..�-__...... day of . . -_ 10-_!�-- i{ F`�rollemll . Arkau3aS.L! . 5 :, m .. he second insertion on the _. ----------------- day of —-------- 19--------- the third Insertion on the _ ._-- ----------- --- day of _-------_ ----_------- 19_...__-__-_ rr nr and the fourth insertion on the PG re t BY ha glen in be Gal hPABU . I. goes s d fly Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ........ day of .In 977 a L C'14 I k ,e /J o / Wen No Public -,,.. My Commission Expires: cr / Y6'D IOR)eut mng O v moo"ited to NI nY su($3 on as F'.H.A. and G.1. � Se N hen itis Cot of levlW. 1P008 for Printlag ..-.__. ;..�.d...�..1__ AnJ' u.a I told tortes. a fee of t M Cost of Proof _. .____. at will he charged for P" - $_.-_..____-_—_ gg ) each sPmlo ainP^-+al fitZrpI �y (g) Outide rite inspection tegA Is Total ...... 1M city -of F'ayetreville, Ar� Is � - fag to make a plumbing inspection _ a/ e7nbine necalled outside The CIPTI. i IMlts of the city of FayettevHNp A���►pp eshr ^ , that is , be ted to I�ca' ty water or city Sa l' '. seww an additional fee el '.a d011arp tAW9t amil be added W the atilt plumbing permit forts. Section iconflict herewith rnn all ordinances thvor am recent repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 197�PPR0\'BD' Karim R. Orion Ylaynr I It ST O:niena Westbrook . vv Clerk Ito 3