HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2158 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND CONFIRMING THE DEDICATION OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY AND UTILITY EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE LOT SPLIT OF BILL GRAUE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN EDGEHILL DRIVE AND MISSION BOULEVARD , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLEt ARKANSAS : That the Board of Directors hereby accepts and confirms the dedication of street right of way and utility easements contained in the lot split of Bill Graue for property located between Edgehill Drive and Mission Boulevard . A copy of said dedications are attached hereto and made a part hereof . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS y� DAY OF � � � 1975 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : CITY CLERK MiCROFII . 1 DATE OCTdCT 1 61979 REEL � A CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Ar:cnns':s ( Ss City of F:;Y Itecii!a I. S an C. Kt n ; 1 t':. City Clerk and INC . -i rea r ier f"'It!C ':tYof Fayetteville, d. : ' t . b ; c_ i < i •, that the r:e.1 or fore- is myoffi ce e 1d t:c same ap- )c : rS in Orthianc i:soiation boot: 0 _. . Witness my harI aad seal —day of 19 City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder l . ARFILEDPrr � T Io URPEC :I ,: t, meow ALL m By Mrsr Pc1sr•.rrs : 71 J:Y 12 That the -undersigned grantors for the Cons �tatloo oL, }�fe . •'� ' lb: lar ( SI . 06 ) and et.:e: good and va2uat le ocnsi }tJs 1,gf! •tor 92 eT , 1 � , 1e Land pall tp the City of rayett ori : :e , ) rkarsas , a winlcrpa : t ec .-peraticr. , the cra-..tee , the receipt of wh . ch in `eroty a:kecv:eGged , C do ierety grant , tarcaln , ■e : : and convey to the City of rsysttev: Ile , Arkamaas , a r_.seipa . cereczat . cn , a perpetna : euerwrt for tie purpose c ! Ccr.str_^ : r[ , as ituia:r< . re-ra: r .rc and re. : acirq a p_-.0 street and . . . .1ty 1 .. .nes . rive f '_ t feet of ec_s! and '.r i !cr width off the East si Ge of tl.e !o ' .c: rc des _rc: ed real prrrorty : Far of ` %t So' 1 , lT 7 , Section 7ewr.s Lip It Ter RArce 3 : Vast descr :ted as tecinn. rq at a .cart S 02 ' Cl* E 105 . : : feet of the "CztLwst e^_ rer e ! op . ! 10 acretract : •tierce S J : • IS sa` C : 2 . ' fee .:erre S 1C • 3 : 5 0^0 ► 9: feet : t erne S '9 • t ? • r feet to the Meet T1Ci t-f f-• a• � ! Arkarses a ! PSCL.Vmv: t?w- za S 114 Is • 0 " v 2% feet a .TrC said . 1 _.�s.. r .-• s.. thence ! ; S • 49 ' `7 • �. J:! . !tet : t.-Crce N' ' Co C2 ' . _ V 111 . 1 : feet to the pe: - ' r ' `eC :coin C , corta .- ni^ C C . SJ1 acres , �. re cr :ess . :'C PA%T J%: CC Ac4 said . rrises to saiG crar.tee , tie Cay Of rayettevi :lt , Arkansas , for the uses and peroses iere :rLefcre descrited . BI:'NESS ocz `ur.Gs and seals or. this i ay c i� 197T. : . /•raoe Tu :dre? C•zauc ACrNCk���•_.T�_ S:'A'E Cr ARY-.MA< / ) SS COCNTy Cr wASS. XU:'CN a On this ..� �� day of 1977, tefore roe , the uadersi=F c°ficer , peraca y�T S;Pea:e3 Pill rraue and !'zldreG Croue, hustand and wife ; known to m to be the azaators ir. t`e foregcinq raserent , and stated that they had executed same for the purposes and Consideration therein soer.ticned and net !ori . ''"^�`n witness when cf , I here,.--to wt e7 land tins -:_- 'day of • ' � C� Lf lv. - . 197 . ! • � T r .�. Rotary V ' - .1c 920 3S9 y �, F1LE0 r . r A F F P F Y T F03 RCC :jR , RS l: A._. MEN FY 7P ISE FFSSF -5 : 77 :.n Iz PN 2. L ) That the undersigned grantors for the oor.aideri£1eq ,e! Dollar ( SI - CO) and other coat and valuat /e "..si deratLac-� . _ tq,tDer In .hard paid by the City of rejette:•ille , Arkansas , a rcnicipal ocrperatiee , the grartee , the receupt o ! which is herety aokrow.edced , do here_}• crart , tarcain , se . . ad convey to t.`e Cita• of rayettevi . .e , Arkansas , • r _r :c :pa : ccr, e:stir.. , a pe^etas / easerent for the Turrets of cast T .' -t: nc , rairta:rir.c . repairing ar _' re; : boron a F'ac : street and u . _ _ : ty _ lnes , to-wit Fivefeet c! ecna : - d - _ _ . . . C . . _` e East r '_e of the � . _ _ _ c%l nc desCr :te '- real ^, --pert, : j9 : i A part c ! tTe F. : , '.T ' -e:t= r. 7awr. s.`. :- ' E Ncrth , Rance 3C `est des . : . . _ at _ e = : . . . . c at a >?'. 02 ' C1 ' E : : ? . : - feet - • e 7 - `.. est cc-r 40 acre tract t6ee r ' 9 feet ._ Vie ►est r :cnt -cf -. ay cf l :ka:. sas eh•'ay : t`.erce a : crc said tic•.. ,y _ .,ap F 3 : ' left c a : . ' feet , S 3O . 56 ' CC * •6� : i f , feet ' `.encs . SPC 1 : . 4 % feet thence .. . , ' 63 . 9C fee• tc •e feint -o• beg-' nn. nc , ccntair : - : . 553�a ,-res , rcre cr less . . . TC EA%T IC CC PC= $al _! p :er. ses tc said c:ar. tee , the City of rsyettevi : le , Arkansas , fcr the uses and purposes herei-te !ere P described . gi 14: %755 Cor hands and seals en this ?'-� day of 1973 - r-, Q'q STATE CF Ar?',A::ape ) ' � ) SS CCLNM OF AASP1967OY ) on this A - day of -✓ 71 :. '-.� 1 , 1976 , before ne , the urdersigr.ZT--cTf icer , persora_ .y appeare Fill Grace and Pildred Graue , husband and wife , known to ce to to t.`.e eranters in the foregoing resonant , and stated that they had executr` sa-le, fell the purposes and zcns ,;deraticr tt.erein re-..tiene'_ and seJ !Crth . In witness whereof , 1 here- to set ry ha..^.d tt.is J _ day c! 1971 % j Ull .• � �ci� � l f. e-) . rCi I11 lo�_ . _c S 1 S Cc�stss :er lr �res : 920 JJU Pi ✓Y 'i it A P r M F x • F I L [ (It FGOI RcC ` Svc« A Z stn Pr 'fisc FILSL`r f t 77 Jwn 12 F;, Z. t that the uadersicred granters for the corstderq#.:.cr. of Mw V t, polar ( f1 . : : 1 and ether goof v1 ea :uat le eonOiderattion a4 _thas in hand paid by the City of Fay tte.Slle , Arkansas , a snmu- ; d : =�:. . eorperat : cr , L`.a grantee , the receipt of which is berety ackr.wledged , do hereby grant . targa:n • ss : : send ecreey to tl .Sty of raysttevil :e , Arkansas , a r-e� : : :Fal eerera:it a perevt_a: euerswet fer t .0 tie pez-,ese of eerst:_ettne , rairteirire , repairine and replaelr.q a : - pub: .z street Ord u: l :ty lues . five ' • ` feet .cf ecus : and urlfcrere vi !th off tY teat pi side of the !cl :ewlre !eser : :ed red : prcpe^': : A part 'f the Svid . 7.7 At Fecticn SC , CC•vrs.`.:p :f Scz• • Pang* 3 : Vest . !es :r:red as rerinnire at a p^:nt 02 ' C : • • F ! : 3 . feet Cf the e':rn••est 'crner e . sal! 40 sere tra^t : hence s E3 • ld • F : '. . 4P .feet to t1e ►est TSeAt- : f-�'a Of Arkansas d ! Fierwaye thence alone Goad hiel+lav • :eft -^ f. -wav .e 3: 0 • e ' : C v •• C : feet q 25 ' 19 ' CC d .° ' • v : 33 . .ef feet : • x 8 : . 3C feet : :hen ee r :9 • • thence 33 CC • C: ' Ole v 13 . 97 feet to t:e ;c:nt of tec:nntnc • eer.Cainiee 6 . 4P2 acres , rare :r seas . ?'• . •;,�;: , TO BALE AS. Co Me, *& .A Prcisss to sa S! grantee , the :Sty of yayttecil • e , Arkansas , for the ries seed F•zpoaes .`.ore iaefore described . . VITSESS Oust hands and seals on this '.qday Of . • 1977. /^ � • � 'J — Sill •rue t ' 5'.^A-t' CF AFYA';SA5 ) SS !;1. . . 1 . 1972 , before r.e , On this c3day of V,f -w-'•-#--" (: .. the yndersigr�ficer, - persona .y appear PS11 crane and Mildred Orae , husband and wife , -kn-m� to re to be the grantors ir. the foregoinq Fasenert , and stated that they had ezerted sage for the purposes and consideration. therein neatio.•.ed and �st�torL4 . .-� In witness wherec! , I `ereaetc Not MY hard this qt;;� day of ��• •. �-.-__ 1972 . Lar � - lot �Ce issi,- - Expires , . . � •� f. r A F r F03 SEC ; . . WVO7 ALL 1¢\ BY Ta1S£ PUS£X:S : 077 J29 Z C That the undersigned granters for the "nsider•tion 12of FN " VI ar tb : : ar lSl . : O1 •na Other oeo_ and ya : uab :e consider yT� �tL 4AR in Land paid by the City c ! Fayettey: : :e , Arkansas , a r�:n icTpa: eorporat : on , the grantee , t.`.e receipt of Which is hereby actnavled ;ed , i_ Y do ereby grant , ba:gain , se ] : and cor.,�ey co LLe City of layetteyi : : e . Arkansas , • sr..icipal car •c : en , a pe retua : *asereet fcr t-%e Purpose cf oar.atruct :ng , ra :nta:ninc , repairing and rep : ac:ng a pubic street and a - - _ : ty : :res . tc-wit : riyt ' S ' feet - f t.as : acd �r _ foar Width off the East Bids of tie .` _ : : er : ri dcscr __ ed rem : property : A part of Le Fr, t , 1S ' 4 , Fe:t : r.. I7 . �er,.s .' :p if Ra- _e 3c Vest , des : : :re' as t*c : nn .nc at a poi..-.t S - OI ' c1- £ mfE . 9c feet ' ..t `e yc-• • , t cc ^er cf sa - _ • : acre tract : thence F '9 • F :33 . : 4 feet tc the rest :: 7ht-of-ray ea AYrar.sas is ! : ohvay : therce a ' cnc said h . clwsy richt-cf-wal s - c . :F ' - : 0 w l : . a : feet : . tient* F !f • 13 ' ) v : 5 i , f ] feet : thence !, ccm CS ' M 13 : , & l feet to _.`.e pc : .. _ of !e< : .-..- „ centain-..c . . _ . - acres , acre cr less . TO RAVE V--Z TO FCU- said prerises to sa:d crantee , L`.e :ity Of Fayetteyi _ le , Arkansas , fcr the cses and purposes Lere _ n!efere described . vl^;Ess our hands ant seals on thissday of dr-s �-��-• 1972 G �� 6z _ Bill Grace -- �LL . ,' . Elu la. ec . : a -_c _— STAGE OF AAAR:FA-c 1 ) SS ' tbtl'-Y OF s:A592T:Z'CN ) On this day of ` P ' o.-« .-.,., 1977, before ne , the nndersignic o?ficer , .peracne -y •ppeare •? i: l Gre_e and Mildre2 Greue , husband and rife , knMn to Ate to be the grantors in the foregoing £aserent , and stat*d tiat they had executed sax fcr he purposes and consideration therein r.enticned And "t . fcrth . ,`Ia r troa whereof , 2 hereunto set my Land this day of r _`.,, � s,.� s: Exr : :es : t.,f 920 392 - .: '�i � i� ra. 4 i, n '76 238: 24 n it r.er _ in _ r_ ai-7s e : ' - - ' e' ' ` rt -. _ _ _ c2 .. . . roof • _ feet , -. re .es _ . . * ne �. . _ . ,be: .� .: : � .. - a..._ . : . res , sre ,, . :ess . .tker sa.e r. aivisiz:' c: : :.e ao-n'e descr: ted ;r _ _erty raj r - ' re - ... _ r- ' : • ::. . a - ' . . io.^.s �i n - - . �. - _ si . : - aryv rOrtiO.. :r .::e at :•:e .'.!scri- .CC _ .-e^ ;' , you sn r.is .rat :r , = ' :p r 2r :r�arsae , _ ; r t .%e '_etai:ec Fa.-ettevi::e , :.rxar.s,te ° . 'r' . lraae - '' 913 334 01 ' REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION RLQUIREMLYrIS I hereby request a waiver of the subdivision requirevcnts : NAME rile ADDRESS00000000 TELEPIIJ\E DATE RLQ('ESTED Flo Purchase From = , : e DTo Sell To aLegal Descript cn of property as of June :9 , 1970 : :' art tae -ta - 5 . :-3:ter _ . _ne ...east uar: r - - r _ _ as -� �< : .e7 i.^.ni:i at _Le Nortnwert c _rr.er : f 3a] 1 • C :"' icre : ra . t , n- r�S.-ri , _. . _ . .ce : as : fee: , more ar less _ . tGe • rest _ _ :e Df _ ne ar.]a1 ,rnC. 3P. _:n. ttez as Y.:s31cr T!^.'�! �. .f.! Jf thence wi . . . _one - est -se _ f si '_ _ _ _. eel ' n a^�07:.'.we te - .a. : i. n = witr. ` � }' -.^eel J.^. : �.. . ' feet , sre . . less _one ._ . _r.e ,. . _ _ rrer cf a lot conve7ed ty t . .- 'r;a:-a .. . liars e: ux ; onence _ r . n J> r Wiest .?l d feet ; thence . _ - .. 11° 3. +.es: a3 feet ; tsence Nortn cic ., ,e• . 2 _ s feet , = re or less to to a :.est -irx :f said. forty acre tract at a Point .„ _j feet lcrtn cf the _ . sanest cc-ner Lnere _f ; tnence :ort: ae fee; , more c, l or leless :., tte Pc nt cf begin..' nr , contaLw=g 3. acres , sore ss . Sketch or Drawing Survey DLegal Description of property being split off : see atttacne'_ s .re•: Fol Sketch or Drawing Survey. Filing Fee Paid J'/ CASHI ER G 39 9 tt 'r c ' NE — N1'1 10 ------- -- CAwlyd STFLET LI W _ .' •I 91RWR! $T7ErT Crz! 01 x � OZC 2 Vi �' tl EASE flow VV: /W, 116v 4, < <,SkFAi�CC u � - - N, -. �, :i �, •S ;1 - NE at i toi + .__. , 0Ke ; - - y 3 • I Ld; t, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS RECEIPT NO. F ? r DATE - L/- ,5' 19L . RECEIVED FROM r7S ADDRESS ----- _ __-- _ RECD BY 4= il 0 ENT OF 171 `•!5 1I%Tfb P41_•_ _ FC?Y OF i \1fT7E\ q F , . t \r: e AT _ a A((Ot UI%G I OR)IATIO> 70i 4, C %LMSIR F0&gvrM ]MV7ILLE, ARKANSAS I OFFICE OF CITY PLANNING IAICC' � a o...s� enol (sol) s2: . 770C ADDENDUM TO Planning Commission .Agenda for February 24 , 19'6 12 . Other Business . At its October :8 , 19-5 meeting , the Planning Commission approved a lot split on Edgehil : Drive for Bill Grave with three contingencies . One of those contingencies was to widen Edgehill Drive . Mr . Graue has recently called the Office of City planning stating that in order to widen the street they would have to renove approxi:.ate : y 10 to 12 , 20- foot pine trees , and he has already received complaints from neighbors . Mr . Graue wis.".es to know if the widening of the roadbed of Edgehill Drive is a "requirement . " If it is , he has stated he will cut the trees and widen the pavement . ��AYCT/t � �- ;�ti,/��'���, F'-AYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS y OFFICE OF CITY PLANNING Feb:-,:1,7 =7, 1971 Faye: tevil'.e , • _ . s7lit . .. _ = 1e'_' - .•:e _ cep . t� t ` e .1st : e - ' - ` _."_ _ . the 1._ _• rte` - 02 , cf the cd st st c' .,rise w s are _.. : _ __ -: sL ne :essitl.e the . _c :a -S . - _ . _ _ - _ . - -�2y :.. . t o r : e, _l:e-_- _ . . rdl: the : adwl-. If „ _ c” be :! - .- _.._ r help , c:ase :et is lmcti. 54 �.:e:el; yeas , r� (Mrs. ) Bobbie Jcres F:a_gig ;d-_cist:oto. lc ; e' - = - r