HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2154 ILED t DQE f? ERD ORDINANCE NO . alS 75 OCT 30 H 106. 2. 3 VIASH NGM11 COW-JY ARKAt4SAS AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SEWER IMPROVEMENT D21d1bRIkd'il. t'1EYER NUMBER 75 - 1 OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . CIi;CI!IT 11ER!; WHEREAS , parties claiming to be the owners of a majority in assessed value of the real property located in the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as described in Ex'nibit " A" , attached hereto , have filed a petition praying that an improvement district be established for the purposes herein- after set out ; and WHEREAS , after due notice as required by law , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has heard all parties desiring to be heard and has ascertained that the petition was signed by the owners of a majority in assessed value of the real property within the area described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . There is hereby established an improvement district embracing all the real property situated within the area described in Exhibit " A " attached hereto and made a part hereof for the purpose of constructing a complete sewer collection system , including , without limitation , mains , laterals , and pump stations , to collect the sewage from all the real property in the district and deliver the sewage to the sewerage system of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in the manner and with the materials that the commissioners for the district , to be hereinafter ap- pointed , shall deem for the best interests of the district . The sewer collection system may be extended beyond the limits of the district where necessary for making connection with the sewerage system of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . The commissioners may provide for such incidental work as is necessary for the proper completion of the improvements embodied in the above authorized purposes . The benefits to be derived from the im- provements embodied in the above authorized purposes will be assessed upon the real property in the district . Section 2 . The district shall be known as Sewer Improvement District Number 75 - 1 of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and Joe Fred Starr , James E . Lindsey and Dr . J . B . Hays are hereby named com- missioners , who shall compose the board of improvement for the district . Section 3 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the time provided by law . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS2i DAY OF1975 . APPROVED : MAYOR � or C,5TYJyLERK ♦ a ;• : MICROFILMED r ' r 895 1pU DATE . 978 REEL�` •- EXHIBIT "A" The Southeast Quarter ( SE- 1/ 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE- 1/4 ) , the Northeast Quarter (NE- 1/ 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE- 1/4 ) , and a part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE- 1/ 4 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE- 1/ 4 ) , all in Section 23 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Section 23 and running thence West along the South side of Section 23 1260 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of U . S . Highway 71 ; thence in a Northerly direction along said right -of -way approximately 3120 feet to the center of Clear Creek , thence North 28 degrees 05 ' East 25 feet ; thence North 16 degrees 35 ' East 179 . 4 feet ; thence North 10 degrees 15 ' East 244 . 8 feet ; thence North 01 degrees 44 ' West 50 feet ; thence North 80 degrees East 10 . 8 feet ; thence North 73 degrees 10 ' East 160 . 7 feet ; thence North 66 degrees 15 ' East 190 . 8 feet ; thence North 66 degrees East 80 . 7 feet ; thence North 73 degrees 05 ' East 72 . 7 feet ; thence North 75 degrees 20 ' East 121 . 4 feet ; thence North 68 degrees 43 ' East 80 . 4 feet ; thence South 43 degrees 53 ' East 444 . 9 feet ; thence South 0 degrees 05 ' East 1128 . 4 feet to a point on the East line of Section 23 ; thence along said section line 2050 feet to the point of beginning . 895 187 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is /a� true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , (5G Arkansas , t-e.t�r eta ' //therein set forth , and the samen is asitappears of Record in Volume at Page // thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this m a l m day of 4 �•� 1.4 ��j _ r S**E ;A L ) ' �� :T •' : ^ CITY CLERK '. ' . .. aEo 895 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County I SS. 1, Alma L Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex- off.Count , Y do herab Officio Recorder for Sol ng Inst me was filed f Y certify that the an of or reco vexed or fore• l.rl�a . i _ �4 mYpof;ice on the !Z duly reCorded in 'CU 9"JcktLAf and the Sameay Witness is ess mY hand and seal thi record � ��++ / tldY of at page4y2`(0 [V 9� CircudCler an7"' iEx-Officio R corded By eputy Clark CEt"I"HgR ATS OF if E RID = • St3se of ArkaTmzs Cr I. Sn.;r1 :e C. K4olne 'y, City t `:^�e!F 4 ytA Ea_-CYL;eorecareerfort'ieP?r,• ;ter.;i do hercbx ceC ; rn;,: t.'tut tl11 c qz6�- goi:t^, is nr record ii my af!'Ire :t ii t'xe :v i?w app Pears in Ordinance Cz+ R=)1'%10n1 40ok V at nacreI Wtt; m my hand and seal of 1V , City Clerk and Ex-Offidio Iteatiedar STATE of ARKANSAS ORDTNA\'t F" N0. 21. 4 - SS. AN n❑Of NA.W F, ESTABIj4H1NS County of Washington SEA Fn I>IpRnt E51ENT nl.4Ql1CT Nl51Be:R 751 OF FAYETI'EVR.LE, ARBAN9AS N'IfEREAS, parties claming to be the '_ %t owners of a maloray In assessed %alue 1, f hereby certify that I or the net property located in the roe, am t}f(7! Pui11ihot4hrbf N DISAS TIMES, a daily paste limits or the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as descrlhed In Exhibit "A•', newspaper having a second class (ling privilege, and being not less than poached hemp, haw lues a peolimt four pages of live columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at psyche that an Improvement district D P he mublimed for tae purposes aerejor a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of after vie{ out; and WHEREAS, after due notice as Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated required by la the }�Doata or Directors and distributed from au established lace of business to subscribers and of taA C1W'. Faiierulvllle, Arkansas, p nae neuy . paruerj, dealrma to he readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for heard s ascerW d that ma ceu. each copy, or a fixed rice per annum, which ttnn ay ay +pp owner. or a P p price was filed at what to onalnr'1{y,l hl v1Au. er the nal considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and Pro peRr w ,tae afY ribald m Exnrba ''A^ Mn+^ service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Now, T HE 1T 0w thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents r, a1NF.p BY HOARD OF DIRE(: ' oI "ftp; cry' OF FAYerTE. or through recognized news dealers over a period of at leas[ six months ; I'ell IN established and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent Ail `n• d, IltIN d within( he news matter. ry ,vine ed rvitM1ln Ind + 11 E¢nier ' A" "ached f ' .aAe Vrr' hereoforr I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of I" complete'aiii,stelon n Complete o3., l lu ands umn ta:na, lase a;=, and pump . . . . .he t colla tae lathe from (J (.� _ _ _ _ -.___I-p-o yf y__.__-----------a I the real pr m the distrix I- -t/i- ----- n --------- ' 'Pdeliver the � this seweraie m of IM1e of Faxeueltla, ac ;I,. to me ,aaeeer enc loth he was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for....../......___he _. r„n""lae`n"ere rile ---- -- Insertions as follows : I,= heremefter appointed, rL'am 'tnr the ail Interests M —r it III n . The peen system (/ INV berxten We limits of The fire[ insertion on the -. _.a / day of At -.rt wile ars, for making - r aCh �( star syetend 11 raver III', At'kan.aae, the second Insertion on the day of ..___.._ _ _ 19___-.__ r; •=, 'de For such Ill .lei ns �f m,,.einip for the .. I i 1:in the nr a uvpnwampal the third Insertion on the - __ __ day of _. __ 19.__....... - Ina abnvr dreg gad pal Is. The neneffln to he tleriyed frons - „rrmelot emhodied in the Above and the fourth insertion on the _. _ day lo[ '{..f_/ __ ------.._ ... . -, q pfrIII ea will be l lotment n• n rl tlland L , iu ha known ' tap D ct Number - ; I and Joe E and Df. ap 11,, named nim-% 4 ,+ =7au � '� rwip the board Sworn to and subscribed before me on this u(. flay O[ I,. ,I It FM1nli M1e ' r" ^ if m and aI1M �/ I% ` ,•,: 'D. THIS 21a - ._..._.. ' _.....___. .._—... 19..!_ APPROVED: �, o Narwll ' IL Cannot Westbrook NI Public A'.y 'jerk EXHIBIT "A'• M Commission Expires : otheast QuartSgita of his TheMter east. 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