HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2153 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF KAYLOR INVESTMENT COMPANY , INC . , ET AL FOR AN ORTHO- PAEDIC-NEUROLOGICAL CLINIC AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF CROSSOVER ROAD ( HIGHWAY 265 NORTH ) AND JOYCE STREET ; AND ACCEPTING AND CONFIRMING THE DEDICATION OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY CONTAINED THEREIN . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the large scale development plan of Kaylor Investment Company , Inc . , et al for an orthopaedic - neurological clinic at the Southwest corner of the intersection of Crossover Road (Highway 265 North) and Joyce Street be , and the same is hereby , approved conditioned upon the developers extending water and sewer lines to the property and not using a septic tank . Section 2 . That the dedication of street right of way contained in the large scale development plan is hereby accepted and confirmed . A copy of the dedication , marked Exhibit " A " , is attached hereto and made a part hereof . /mf� PASSED AND APPROVED THIS � DAY OF cyz , 1975 . APPROVED : P MAYOR ATTEST : CITY CLERK MICROFILMED DATE1978 REEL^LZ` � CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arcans _s E SS CityOf 1'aYe !t":i �^ I , Su7nn•.;e C. i{e. ne , y, Cit, Clerk and Es-Officio re .oraer fol' t"" c .: , r fore- do hereby cer*ifc that the goinr' s of :e.c^.rd ;a MY of:ice :I d !etc sa+.ne aP- ok Pears in Orc'.i:u:cce Ci Rei _at my Pall �-- Flitness e. __day of hand and sen'. t :is------- —ly— City Clerk and E:'-O ,f,cio r La t 5 C L r. WARRANTY DEED , fT . WITH REIINQUISHMENT OF DOWER AND HOMESTEIlDi1 :4:" KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That we , Tom P . Coker and Elaine Coker , his wife , Jack B . Coker and Rayanne H . Coker , his wife , and Kaylor Investment Co . , Inc . , for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( $ 1 . 00 ) and other good and valuable consideration to us in hand paid by City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , a municipal corporation , do hereby grant , bargain , sell and convey unto the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , and unto its successors and assigns , the following described lands , situate in Washington County , Arkansas , to - wit : Forty ( 40 ) feet of equal and uniform width off the . North side of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of the Fractional Northwest Quarter , containing forty and seven hundredths ( 40 . 07) acres , more or less ; a part of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of the Fractional Southwest Quarter , being more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Being a strip of twelve and ninety hundredths ( 12 . 90 ) chains of equal. and uniform width off 'L- he North side of said fractional forty acre tract , containing twenty - six and forty - five thousandths ( 26 . 045 ) acres , more or less , all in Section 30 , Township 17 North , Range 29 West . Also a part of the Fractional West Half of the Fractional Northeast Quarter of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of Section 30 , being more particularly described as thirteen and two hundred twenty - eight thousandths ( 13 . 228 ) chains of equal and uniform width off the North side of fractional subdivision , containing thirteen and two hundred twenty-eight thou- dandths ( 13 . 228 ) acres , more or less . Also part of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of the fractional Southwest Quarter of Section 30 , being a strip thirty -two and eight- tenths ( 32 . 8 ) links of equal and uniform width extending the full length East and West across said frac- tional subdivision at a uniform distance of twelve and ninety hundredths ( 12 . 90 ) chains from the North line of said fractional-subdivision , containing sixty - six hun- dredths ( . 66 ) acres , more or less , all in Township 17 North , Range 29 West , containing 13 . 888 acres . TO HAVE AND TO I?OLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and unto its successors and assigns forever . And we , the said Grantors , do hereby covenant that we are lawfully seized of said land and premises ; that same is unincumbered , and we will. forever warrant and defend title to said lands against all claims whatever . And we , the said Elaine Coker and P,ayanne H . Coker , wives of Tom P . Coker- and Jack B . Coker. , in consideration of said sum of money , do hereby release and relinquish unto the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , all our interest , richt , title and dower and convey our homestead in and to said lands , WITNESS our hands and seals this 27th day of 0ctnhor 1975 , __fes �iti� •l-� 1 Tom P . Coker 7 Elaine Coker OF Jack B . Coker ✓ Rayanne H . Coker �J KAYLOR. INA.TESTMENT CO . , IAiC . BY ATTEST : do n � ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) SS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT MIEMBEPED , That on this day came before the undersigned , a Notary Public , within and for the County aforesaid , dul%.y commissioned and acting , Tom P . Coker and Elaine Coker , his wife , to me well known as the Grantors in the foregoing Deed , and stated that they had executed same for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth . Witness my hand and seal as such Notary Public this 27 day ;, :�. „fr,1'-: •(lntnhpr , 1975 . Notary Public ,;ona Allen . A (7c1_ 1C. t,i y ; Com*� ission F ;:pires : Tuly 6 , 1978 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) SS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REMEMBERED , That on this day came before the undersigned , a Notary Pubm oileillrWRq °Kttsae o�.ty aforesaid , duly commissione and acting , / ac>Q . 66ker and Rayann H . Coker , his wife , to me well known as the Grantors in the foregoing Deed , and stated that they had executed same for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth . Witness my hand and seal as such Notary Public this 27th day October , 1975 . Notary Public Nona Allen �{fQ'Lbly';Coirini"ssion Expires : Julys 1978 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) SS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REMEMBERED , That on this day came before the undersigned , a Notary Public , within and for the County aforesaid , duly commissioned and acting , _ Coy C . Kaylor and Coy C . Kaylor , Jr . , to me well known as the President and Secretary respectively of Kaylor Investment Co . , Inc . , Grantors in the foregoing Deed , and stated that they had executed same for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth . Witness my hand and seal as such Notary Public this �ulday o October 1975 . Notary Public Nona Allen i•, 6airamission Expires : 61 1975 zb 1 � QUITCLAIM D.:ED a�s3 KNOi4 ALL idEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, a municipal cor - poration , for . and in consideration of the sum of Orae Dollar ( $ 1 . 00 ) and other good and valuable consideration to ' it in hand paid by Tom P . Coker and Elaire Coker , his wife , Jack B . Coker and Rayanl' H . Coker , his wife , and Kaylor Investment Co . , Inc . , do hereby grant , sell and quitclaim unto the said grantees and unto their heirs and assigns forever ,_ the following describe.cl land , situate in Washington County , Arkansas , to-wit : Ten ( 10 ) feet of equal and uniform width off the South side of the following described property : Forty ( 90 ) feet of equal and uniform width off the North side of the Fractional Southwest Quarter of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of Section 30 , Township 17 North , Range 29 SVest , Washington County , Arkansas , containing 40 . 07 acres , more or less . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Torn P . Coker and Elaine Coker , his wife , Jack B . Coker. and Rayanne H . Coker , his wife , and Kaylor Investment Co . , Inc . , and unto their heirS and assigns forever , with all appurtenances thereunto helengir_a . WITNESS the hand and seal of the City of F' ayetteville , ✓.Zn u/.c r[� . Arkansas this day of Dece : := r , 19740 CITY OF FAYE:T'TEVILLE; , 1=_Rz:'1-117SAS A Municipal Corporation By 1 . MAYOR CITY CLERK ACKNOT7.T,F'i1�;i�tij1i`"P STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) SS COUNTY :OF T% ASIIINGTOJJ ) DE IT REi'LEi'Bi:RED , that on this day ca?ie b ^ fore L'he %L%M :ersiq ? :.,. , 8 D'. Gtary Public F:1tI"l1n aI? d for the ('. 011nty a% Or c^ ; aiC'. , cu .Ly COIl:rO.i SS1on E:i: and acting the City of Fayetteville , Arhansas , h:' ':.a.ri (in r) --ton , Mayor , and Darlene WeF; Zbrook , City Clel: K . to r;e i'. e .l. l as the C,.L" antCr lIl the foregoing Df' e;?. , i. I1Ct S 'Gat^d Thai= t:lo . had e ::eCllti:d s a'1le on behalf o ': the City of FaVetteviller fO:" considcrations and purposes. thcrein iine_ n Cloned cincl fol:t'; . 1'77. tne9S my hand and H .^ al as such Notary of -1. 0711 5 . Flotztry PUJllc :v C:o:9m1551 CI1 Expires. -.