HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2140 FILED FOR RECORD 75 AUG 28 Ap 10: 31 WASHINGTON COUNTY ORDINANCE NO . RNO ALMARKOLLN EYE ? CIRrUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE 5 , SECTIONS VIII AND :IX OF ORDINANCE 1747 (APPENDIX A TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDI - NANCES ) ; BY DELETING OUTDOOR ADVERTISING AS A PERMISSIBLE USE IN I - 1 and I - 2 ZONING DISTRICTS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the Planning Commission and Board of Directors have determined that the use of outdoor advertising signs (bill- boards ) is a compatible use with other permitted uses in C - 2 , Thoroughfare Commercial , Zoning Districts of the City , but that the use of outdoor advertising signs (billboards ) is not a com- patible use with uses permitted in other zoning districts of the City ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Commission and Board of Directors have determined that the prohibition of outdoor advertising signs in those areas of the City other than C - 21 Thoroughfare Commercial , Zoning Districts is necessary to maintain and en- hance property values , to attract new business and industry , to encourage economic development , and to eliminate and prevent visual blight . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Article 5 , Section VIII , [ B ] of Ordinance 1747 (Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances ) is hereby amended by deleting the following : Unit 24 - Outdoor Advertising . Section 2 , That Article 5 , Section IX , [ B ] of Ordinance 1747 (Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances ) is hereby amended by deleting the following : Unit 24 - Outdoor Advertising . Section 3 , The Board of Directors hereby determines that there are conflicts between the City ' s zoning ordinance and sign ordinance regarding regulations applicable to the use of signs within the City ; that such conflicts have prevented the effective enforcement of the City ' s sign ordinance , which enforcement is hereby found to be necessary for the preservation of the public health , safety and welfare ; and the Board of Directors hereby determines that the passage of this ordinance is necessary for the effective enforcement of the City ' s sign ordinance . There- fore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this or- dinance being necessary for the preservation of the public health , safety and welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS JZv ' DAY OF �Oiim Lo , 1975 . APPROVED : MAYOR ~ TT19f : X93 56 � voL 'i' • MICROFIW'ED6 WS'�•.�""`.'.. DATE REEL � CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within - and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is m/a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , 4)/-Q therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in L� C awn it n )03 4 Volume _ at Page _��a thereof . IN WITNESS WHEP10F , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this a6-1A day of ,• ,> . a ( STEAL ) Gi CITY CLERK r' VOL 0 :3 DOU %3 City of FayeZwviiie �s I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book \V _at page Witness my hand and seal this —day of 19 City Clerk and E::O:ficio Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for , Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. - �•� going instrument was filed for record;'n rt y'�ofMce on the e9day of.�19.,�J1�`aV�—�G o clockQM, and the same is duty recorded in �recordZZ .7 at page S7 Witness my hand and seal this,9�—day of 19 S' ALMA KOLLMEYER �- Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorded -' By Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS se. County ofWashington I, X �114 M4 hereby certify that 1. am the Publisher of THE NORVIFtWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily- ) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for . . each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is ORDNANCE NO 2140 considered the value of the AN ORDINANCEJEA' NDING publication, based upon the news V81lle and TITLE s. SEcrtoNAND M. service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers ORDINANCE 1747 bIDix A thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents TIIF. FAYETPEVrtODE � '. DINANCES): BY D46 or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; USE I slNG Asand that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent USE IN i-1 I-xDISTRICTS: AND O news matter. POSES. (d Board o the Pg gnatI further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of n d Bnerd of Directve tletthat the use of outdvertions�(bill-boards) is a - ible oR 'other permitted uaeC Y, T was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for......... . WFihIREA3. '[he ase insertions as follows : and Boats of Di that iM1eprohl vertising at; in NOR itM' 7 ctev other than c-2, Thamughtfor The first insertion on the . . .""--. ____... day of 19--- x' Commercial , Zoning Districts i necessary to maintain and enheno property values, he attract new huslness the second Insertion on the _____ __. ._-. day of _ ..__- . 19----- _-_ and industry to encourage, rrmemlr development, and to eliminate and, prevent view] blight. the third insertion on the _ _......" _. day of _.__".".. 19....-.---__ NOVI. 7"EIREFORM, BE IT OR DAINP9- BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF and the fourth Insertion On the day Of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: ----- --'""""""'""""""" Section 1. That Article S. Section Vlll. (R) of Ordinance 1747 (Appendix A to the Fayetteville Code of ordinances) is IlerebY amended! by deleting the s following: Unit 24—Outdoor Advertising � Section x. That Article s, Section Ix, Sworn to Id subscribed before me on this _. d8 of . �R) of Ordinance 1707 (Appentrr A to ----- y --------- mc Fayetteville Code of Ordinances)1hI�s, /J hereby aendetl by deletion he Inwing: l •�Y��) I'nit 24—Outdoor Advertising. 1 .-- --- ._. .__ Section 3, The Board of nim'tp hereby determines that there are con flicts between the City's zoning "- dinance and sign n ain Tth�e CI�yL [halt uchnce regicts have —Omerarding ..""""-"_.__ use of Notary blie prevented the effective enforcemonl of The City's sign ordmenls, which R To ( c,"a t is herebygra found o he M}' �OIDmi8910Il Expires: nere meet for the peeRrvand to the M3mss/t//.� public health, saRly and welfare; and the s that he passage o hereby Jain- /� •lf7G p; n that necessary passage of this ordinances is necesse[Y for the effective en. T hereto nt pf the a ry ordleee by Therefore, an e y is hereimm, a / declared m ry, f he this o tim 4 Fees for Printing __.."".- _"the Isr" ticneceery, for the , said vaU® e, """"— the public healdl ..fety, and welfa,e, sball be to full tosce and effect ftv,m Cost of Proof __ . and after its passage. - PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 18th DAY OF AUGUST, 1975. '7 APPROVED: Total ......... Marton R- Orton MAYOR ATTEST: Darlene Westbrook CITY CLERK tic 3