HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2131 FILED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO . Pig/ 675 = 18 AN 10: 35 WASHINGTON COUNTY AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE LARGE SCALE }� ftT PLAN OF RIDGEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH FOR PROPERTY LOCATL 11 �TONETVIILLLDE ROAD ; AND ACCEPTING AND CONFIRMING THE DEDICA UTILITY EASEMENTS CONTAINED THEREIN . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the large scale development plan of Ridge - view Baptist Church for property located at 1880 Huntsville Road be , and the same is hereby , approved . Section 2 . That this ordinance shall be effective upon receipt by the City Clerk from Ridgeview Baptist Church of a right-of-way grant sufficient to bring the right-of-way along Highway 16 East into conformance with the requirements of the City ' s Master Street Plan . Section 3 . That the dedication of said street right-of-way is hereby accepted and confirmed . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS"j;�LL DAY OF , 1975 . APPROVED : . 04� MAYOR ATTE n,. v` ti � ' r u ^ ° : ITY $6 Pit. . 77jj, M k r VOL 893 234 MICROFILMED DATE pCT 1 6 1918 REEL I ') 1 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I . DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexedand foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , a�3V Arkansas , , u p p , therein set forth , and the same /is as it appears of Record �i�nL �J tw_! L I' ✓ / U ; Volume at Page 7oC 2 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREJF , I have hereunto , set my hand and :) ffixed my official seal this //// f day of . p du 19 •- � •� CITY CLERK rr • �� fev, l • •' - V-oL* 893 235 EERTIFICATE OF RECORD ,Estate of Ar!autsas ( SS Cit:: of i�a>cttrville T . ;:an ;e C. Kennedy, City Clerk an Jfiicio recorder for the City of Fayettr d . . 'seeby certify that the annexed or if I ;;.i i; 14 rer`rd in my office and the sang. nears in Ur:i .lance f3 Resolution boo 3 a Witnc hand and seal itis — d 19- pty Clerk and Ex-Officio Re - CERTIFICATE OF RECORD V STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that tha annexed or f re. going in ument was filed for record in my office on the> of or duly recorde n I 1��-�o Ic o � and the same is record ��++ t Witness my hand and seal this .0 at page ti , ALMA xn �Y + Circuit Clerk and�� • • ` EX-Officio Recorded f ey � � Deput— y— Clerk l k -- • � t • 9 i e STATE of ARKANSAS l County of Washington I, .... £. ae. ..(/—.��+ �• '` _-__----_ hereby certify that I am the PublYsher oY THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspap r having a second class fuelling privilege, and being not less than Pour pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news matter. --ORDINANCE-xo.z(ll— - � I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE' , LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF RIDGEVf BAPTIST CHURCH FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT AC. ____ _______ __ _ __ --___ -•--_ � -_�----_--------_-__ HUNTSV OPE ROAD; AND -• AG 1990 I CEPTING AND 'CONFIRMING 'THE DEDICATION , AOF .SfTREET AND' was published in the regular dail DTmITY I,pS®tiliNryq•B p g y issue of said newspaper for.-____ ____-_------- i'CDNTAPNED THEREIN. - 1k 'I asmageomflee insertioly as follows : BE IT OADAINED.BY':THE BOARD, OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF / —,'{�Q]�- FAYETTEVILLE, ' ARKANSAS: The first insertion On the ---__-_/ .�j/.._-_ day Of __C V ...- 19_ section- I. , That,_ the large wale development plan'of mdgevlses Baptist Church for property locates an- leeo the second insertion on the --------- _____ day of --------- - _-------- 19 --_-._- Huntsville Roatl ba, and the same Isf harohT, approVetl. L, . ^ 1 p eSecfiontfect v That this ,ecelpt y'the .. City,- the third insertion on the -_- ---------------------- day of ---------------------- - 19----_------ he effective Than receipt inance " hal Clerk from Ridgeview BaptistOChutcnj of, a right.of wey at sufficient in bring the `tightbpway along"Highway , and the fourth insertion on the -- ----------------- day of ---------------------___- 19------------ 16 Eaet into 1wvfor Ity's aster S r► auiromevts of the CI[y's Mester Street 1 Plan. n Section b That the tledicelk_u. of said street rlrnied.waY is hereby aczapted I and PASSED , PASSID AND APPROVED IBIS gW DAY OF August, 1013. - ( Sworn to and subscribed before me on this --------- ---- day of ------------- .n R. OEDy 1 ATTEST: ' Merim R. Ortov' iT•c 19 - 1/S--�_ � DARLENE vF5TBR00K / �CITY - CLERK -____-.___.-------_--t�---- 19--- MY -- Ll-�-N--o-ta--r---- u--b-li-c- -------------- Commission Expires : - moo / gJ� Fees for Printing ----- $--------Z1 �ss- Cost of Proof ----_ ---- $-----_----/_-------_--- Total ------------- $....... STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington I, 0�4ade I " -� , hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NOATHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is AN uRU'NANCt; REZONING THAT considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and PROPI IN THE OITY OF t „ ! K ARKANSAS, service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers 875-14 RP It M IN ZONTH PtZONIOG thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents DISIa, HPI iP OF AyE CONING or through recognized news dealers over a DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE. g g period Of at ]east six months ; ARKANSAS. AND FOR OTHER POR- and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent POSES I news matter. BE T ORDAINED By BOARD THE _ qAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS CITY OF Section 1. That d t the . ed Property cla,odiCatLon I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of .! iha (ol and Is hereby changed as follows: R ;:, !i described as follows'. //(�� �) /J�/ TC iCT 1 ii 1. 4/C-A...r_.....-"e"-/-O.�Q3.1.a_/_.____-------..__—.-_--..---.- The South 390 foal of lM (allowing -- ----- - !+a Abed Properly. io-wit: Part of the -- VE '. . sectiea 29, T-Ig-N, R�w- 4ercrmed as follows: Beginningat a was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for.._.__ ___.. . _.. ,,.Int v,h.I,.h is 901 feet Soon of the WwsvldNlek Insertion{ 8b follows : `cnor ,f said 40 Here tract. and rorwllthen, -,xi-ttree,IIcP Nm h 01 2 m nmes.feet: 3 f� Snnth 761 feet to the centerllw The first insertion on the _ __ V.---. day of _._ _ S _. - -- 19---7- 5 Ions Cher 62: thence S fig deRmaa •,v nfp me thence No of held Highway the second insertion on the _ ____..... -- day of _ .._...._.. 19.___.--. _ In fret thence North g Oa west - -- - Oct to the beginning Point, cen- e,n,,,g I % acres, mare or lessthe third insertion on the -.-._._-__.-_. day of Ir runt 1-1. Agrlctinural District, to G3. - --- - -- ------- 19------- :h. mn_uare commercial Disttrict. TR1c'T 2 NF ,� section t9, and the fourth insertion on the rar ,,, the HE Eley of _—. ___--....__-__. T.,a.N. Rhe N assailed ns Nllowal �r a IVcimmng at a Petri which is "I had \ J� 42111 , Truttthe NW corner of old h onI frost rend running ISthere North ales r.rt- Il sae N aM1 degrees 30 minutes h 761 Fto rye names78 1 feet ,centeri ng of. U S.ut Highway t m; hence S fix deet w -tiro the meter Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _. �l __. .. (lay of ___--._....— me of raid If[ B" 240 feet; thence North bettors w�, = feet to LM le`ginning co nt. containing 4.94 acres. 7 more cr Ics. LESS AND EXCEPT the ------------ --_ _ 19<.. . Sn e4 From li W 399 feet Lh Fm A-1. Athis mlurnl mMifet, to A-0. ` ' A ' Rebidential Otics dnel. "_ems segLlon 2. ThaT•.S YadY adM me0 _ it the Clly of he thriine, v Arkansas, --------"------'"""--"""""-" he and Is herby od to the eent No y Public and In the respelfs Weshery b effect and de,ignnte the necessary changes provided In section I hereof. M Commission Expires : sec-ion 3. That !B 1pimNaiwes or Peru thereof in consU6WIM'dth are hereto• reroHled. to lQ�tr wthin 4. stall ._ _-___.._... .. --__ V- 14 fn hdl fnrci t from and . - --��-- --- after the time P 1 w. PAa91t1h A rnrax `'�ff� 'Wy DAY OF August. 1075. Fees for Printing APPROVED: *I .-___ f. *9s�a A. Orion r ] r MAYO$ Cost of Proof ..... ....._ -I Bene Westbrook (TY CLERK - c Total =.... ....�t._..S