HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2120 FfLED WASHINGTON COUNTY ARKANSAS JUL 9 / 94s' ar._................/�:o.a........4:...... m ORDINANCE NO . ' c� lc+� O ALMA KOLLM$YER CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING AN EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF AIRPORT WARNING LIGHTS SOUTH OF DRAKE FIELD EXECUTED BY HILTON F . HUDSPETH AND NORA MAE 1 HUDSPETH ON APRIL 23 , 1962 , AND RECORDED IN BOOK 598 AT PAGE 116 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK AND EX-OFFICIO RECORDER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY , ARKANSAS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the easement attached hereto , marked Exhibit "A" , and made a part hereof be , and the same is hereby , vacated and abandoned . Section 2 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the time provided by law . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /,0i- DAY OF , 1975 . V APPROVED : MAYOR ;F� t ► rt /�! 4 '1TTES,,Tc CITI CL �r VOL 888 21 MiCROFlLM® DATE ::OCT 1 b 1910 REEL...A� f CERTIFICATE OF RECORI7w ° .G.• + hate of Arkansas ( Ciro of F:iccttcvuss ( 1 C . Ronne;'y, City Clerk and r:!e: _ . et:l.e y ::ff:;yctte•riile, a . : . .. .::.'. .�� iorc ap. vvitn H38 my Lod t. :Iay of City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder ;is ; FILED WASHINGTON LOUNTY ARKANSAS RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT JUL 9 1946 STATE OF ARKANSAS AT•............. .......//'I4 t.....R..... M ALMA KOLI.MFYER COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CIRCUIT CLERK That for and in consideration of the sum of One and no/ 100 ' Dollars ( $ 1 , 00 ) , and other valuable considerations to the undersigned , Hilton F . Hudspeth and Nora Mae Hudspeth . husband and wife Jpaid , the receipt of %^hic;i is hereby acknowledged , the Grantor ( herein so s yled , whether one or more ) , does hereby grant , sell , and convey , to the City of Fayetteville, Q Arkansas , a Municipal Corporation ( herein styled Grantee ) , its successors and assigns , n the perpetual easement and right to enter upon and to erect , operate , survey, maintain , repair, rebuild and patrol on or over the real estate hereinafter described , one or more .� electric power and/or other transmission lines and appurtenant signal lines , telephone ` and telegraph wires Poles , cables anchorsguy wires and appliances necessary in connection therewith, together with the right of ingress to, from and over said real estate for the enjoyment of the easement herein granted , to-wit : r Property Description : The Northwest Quarter ( NW'v) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE'y) of the Northeast Quarter � (N E'w) of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Fifteen ( 15 ) North, Range Thirty ( 30 ) West of the Fifth Principal Meredian , containing Tan ( 10 ) acres , more or less . . said right -of-way and easement being more particularly described as follows , to -wit : A permanent easement of thirty ( 30 ) feet in width, being fifteen ( 15 ) feet on each side of the centerline of an underground electric transmission cable, as constructed , and more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point on the north line of the above described real estate, said point being 416 . 7 feet east of the northwest corner thereof , running thence south 40 26 ' east a distance of 636 feet , thence south 80 04 ' east a distance of 27 feet to a point in the south line of said above real estate , said point ppp being 472 . 9 feet east of the southwest corner thereof , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD , said easement and rights unto the saiu Grantee, its successors and assigns forever . The Grantee shall have the perpetual right to cut all trees and to remove all other obstacles that are tall ,nough to interfere with the operation of said transmission lines and appurtences thereto , and to clear all brush, timber, fences , structures , improve- t ments , and fire hazards , located within fifteen ( 15 ) feet o . the center line of said transmission line and appurtenances thereto. The consideration recited herein covers all damages to Grantor ' s real property , including damages to growing crops , arising out of construction of said lines , and as additional consideration Grantee agrees to pay Grantor thereafter actual damages which may be caused to growing crops from the construction , maintenance , and operation of said transmission lines and appurtenances thereto . Grantor agrees that all poles , wires , and other facilities , installed on the above described real estate at the Grantee ' s expense, shall remain the property of the Grantee, and shall be removable at the option of the Grantee . Grantor agrees to forever warrant and defend the title to said easement and the quiet possession thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all persons . All covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be binding upon the re'spective heirs , legal representatives , successors and assigns of the parties 7 hereto , t e 000 C) Ir 8 eei i 1 E { E I + CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing isa true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , 0./i (� y�dm_n e a/aU therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in & LL,c-tLu_(j, -,,&-- " �B C c�l p N �Ci , Volume I V at. Page 3/0 thereof , IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this ,-- day of (, ��ITE '.)$�d�y'. �r, fr� ti lllP Iti lh �_ CITY CLERK 4 V`f'vf �Or : t `i .��+ dam VOL 888 24T CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County I SS. I, Alma L. Kolimeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify tha; :he annc:;ed ..r F.re- ,• going instru ent was filed for recon my office on the -Q day a 19,LSt�o'dork�lA, an the same is "' 7 y r t , GUIs ieccrded in--record ���'at page r � > •' ylfitniss my hand and seal thisfQday of _1 Circuit Clerk and 4, r ; r •> Ex-Officio Recorded _ 1 By Deputy Clerk Right -of-Way Grant q"1 Page Two r It is hereby understood and agreed that the party securing this grant on behalf of Grantee is without authority to make any covenant or agreement not herein expressed . WITNESS , the execution hereof on this the +="� C° day of t9 a ;r /t 21 iz r �Ffi /Z i ACKNOWLEDGMENT {{ STATE OF ARKANSAS SS 4 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) 1 BE IT REMEMBERED , That on this day camre before the undersigned , a Notary ' Public , within and for the County and State aforesaid , duly commission and acting Hilton F . Hud spc th and Nora Mae Hudspeth T-0 me we known as the Grantor in the foregoing Right -of -Way Grant , and stated that they had executed the same for the consideration and purposes therein � . mentioned and set forth . WITNESS MY HIND AND SEAL , as such Notary Public this '>� day of r , 19 NO AP,Y PUBLIC X My domiti�sipc�.expir�s: `. �G rmt : '.r All aUoh. , r I CERTIFICATE OF RECORD CTA)'E OF ARKANSAS ISS. ;,%joington County I I I, Alma L. Kollrl circuit Clerk and Fx-Officio Re'r�: Washington County. do LercbY ceriiiY that thJ anne%ca': q going. insiturron', was !ilea for rccm in my of ice on the 7_ day > ,,(( and the s::rne Q� 19[ L �Ddccl'-p r of -f1.'"' }— recorU�1 __nt Par.' as duly recorded In ._._l 197 S Witness mY hand and seal this Oday of- _e f- 4 ALMA KOLL146ff Circot Clerk and S Ex-Officio Ittcorded ny i ---� -- pi Oenuly Clerk VOL �(� u o : VIP 1 y 'o 1 Jd '���lY (h5114 a e 6 ,p�. ,j� L. LL lira e� CJ (S GU 7Jd15 U,IY �+�ICkRYr11lS:1Q/CF1^> P , 4 I,, a _ L i �1 .,b. d r�a�c J • r �S�1Ea � mEtl Bm"�so•"m�tl�bQ®C�om 'c4 •(� t �'< " s,�+�+�QBcsas. a.>� mca>�G .�;:. o . _...o w 06 O b7a{��Q C4�I1 0 QG7A �B0111 1� s Y} _ = . 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