HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2077 ORDINANCE NO . cQ6 07 0/ AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPTAND CONFIRM THE LARGE - SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2070 NORTH GARLAND AVENUE ; AND TO ACCEPT AND CONFIRM THE DEDICATION THE STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENTS THEREIN . WHEREAS , there has been presented to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , a plat known as the large - scale development plan of Calvary Assembly of God Church for property located at 2070 North Garland Avenue in which the owner has dedicated for the public use , street and utility easements shown upon said plat ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Commission of. the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , has recommended acceptance of said plan . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby accepts and confirms the large - scale development plan of the Calvary Assembly of God Church for property located at 2070 North Garland Avenue hereby accepts and confirms the dedication of street and utility easements showntherein and hereby declares said easements to be public easements and the Board of Directors hereby assumes the care , control and jurisdiction of same . Section 2 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the time .provided by law . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF Ax , 1974 . APPROVED : MAYOR � 1 ( At J �, ,\� ,, ..ATT : • _ ,., ;- � �,.. • ' T � `�t%CL( /�./1-OAR-/ �'. v`> ` C� s • LER c Jrn N VOL 841 159 MiCROFILM DATE CT t e tees ID REEL f ; f t CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and !!! foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , (YhGLjI i(� Ap a0 therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in QA-,� �A wQ Volume ✓ at Page a thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of } ` �( S A L CITY CLERK VOL 160 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD FATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County I SS. I, Alma L. KOlimeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. going instr ent was filed for record in my office on the �ay of lgaaj�—o'clock(aM, and the same is duly reco ed in :a o. r record P at pagel'� witness m hand and seal this-Z of 1D71— y AfWX K Circuit Clerk and fficio Recorded BY � Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD t State of Arkansas ( SS City of i:rycitcvi!le I, Suznnre C. K r:c .'.y. Cit:; Clerk and Ex-Or5c:o reeoraer E: : the City . f F:: ea :ille, do hereby coif, that t :,f, s:: :: : :r forc- ge,in;C is or record in my ofpice aed t. e sa:;ra ap- pearsl in Ordinance G �Resoiation boot �J--�nt pagewitness my hand and seal this--- clay of 19 . City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder } STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} Be. County of Washington I, gstwv hi . , hereby certify that I am th Pu isher ofIU4� E NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five polumns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated ORDINANCE and distributed from aestablished place of business to subscribers and CE no. 20-17n AN ORDINANCE To. ACCEPT AND readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for CONFIRM LARGE-8 ALE each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is DEvBLOP OF CALVARY P E -;: 'ACHUll UN Fro'1nHt considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and cAR1.A TO ACCEPg' service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers ANn C THE DEDICAT7011 T thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents STREET UTILITY EASEMENTS THEREN. - I or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; WHEREAS, mere has been presentee and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a plat known news matter. as the large-scale development plan of Calvary Assembly of God Chutes for property located at seNorth I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of located owner ' Avenue In which the owner hM dedled for the public use, street and utility I easementsRE S. the upon said plat: and WHEREAS. the vettemorning Commission of me City of Fayetteville. Aof fisa. --- -'-- ---- - - has recommended acceplan0 pt sltl pian Now. THEREFORE, BE IT OR- was published in the regular daily issue of aald newspaper for.......------------- DAINED BY THE BOARD OF 4ghiseemilikee inBertionw as follows : DIRECTORS OF THE cl'rY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. Section 1. That the City of Fayeuevtua. The first insertion on the __ -._ day of 19_;7 Arkanrai, hereby accepts and confirms the large-scale development plan of the Calvary Assembly of God Church tar the second insertion on the day of property located at arro North Garland - -------.--- 19--- Avenue hereby accepts and conarme the dealce0th of elaeetnd and by de nemesia the third insertion on the __ _ _ . --.. day of ____- 19--___— ememtherein end hereby cement% Mid - ----- ----- -- - ---- - theemenb to Di public easements and the Hoard of Directors hereby assumes the rare n , T a,a tis ordinance nn ce same, and the fourth insertion on the ___ .- _ day of ..----_ -------- 19---------- Sevtjon i. That this y law. shall be. In full force And effect nota and after the time D Aad by law. PASSED AND ROVED 8Hi5 7th DAY OF isuwtwlikY / -- -* ePI{OVED: - Marids R. txtrm ATTPR MAYOR Sworn to and subscribed before me on this - .. day of _ ----------- Darlene Westbrook CITY CLERK liv IS —----—---------i rviv r_p�,s� - -- -- - - ---------------------- -- Notary Public M ' Commission Expires: /e / 97G Fees for Printing -------- $-.---_L..L�S� Cost of Proof .._-_...__t.. j._--....—/--__-----^/- Total ........_.....