HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2070 7 Atf ORDINANCE N0 . vZ�'J� r^ Q i't h J '74 DEC 12 Aj jl. 03 AN ORDINANCE AhTMING SECTION 6 - 34 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF;IORIkI C TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1973 EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING !CODE ; . TO ADD , MODIFY , OR DELETE CERTAIN OTHER SECTIONS OF THE FAYETTEVILME-,CODE;QFC' ; '' ORDINANCES ; TO REVISE SAID CODE TO UPDATE THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY' BUI�LDING CODE ; AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID CODE . WHEREAS , by Ordinance No . 1740 of June 1 , 1970 , the 1969 Edition of the Southern Standard Building Code , was adopted by reference ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , finds that the Building Ordinance needs updating , and it is in the best interest of the City of Fayetteville to revise its Building Ordinance ; and WHEREAS , the' Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has under consideration the adoption of an ordinance relating to the construction standards for buildings and structures as set forth in the 1973 Edition of the Code entitled "Southern Standard Building Code" ; and WHEREAS , three (3) copies of said Code are kept on file inithe Office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the City Clerk has caused a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , stating that the City had under consideration the adoption of said Code and advising the public that the requisite copies of same were on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open to public examination . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That section 6- 34 of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 6 - 34 . Southern Standard Building Code Adopted . There is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by reference thereto , the provisions set forth in the 1973 Edition of ' the Southern Standard Building Code , Southern Building Code Congress , save and .except such portions of said Building Code as may be added , deleted , modified , or amended by the provisions of section 6 - 62 through 6 - 94 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , and the provisions contained in said Southern Standard Building Code are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein , and the . provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 2 . That sub-paragraph (c) under section 6 -47 entitled "Prescribed- For Construction , Alteration or Repair Permits" of the Code of Ordinances , City of" Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended as follows : iVOL MICROFILMS DATE OCT 1 s 1978 REEL / 7 � 2 (c ) No building permit or permit fee shall be required when the estimated cost of any repair work done on any building does not exceed two hundred ( $ 200 . 00 ) dollars . Furthermore , no building permit or permit fee shall be required when the estimated cost of proposed repair work exceeds a cost of two hundred ( $ 200 . 00 ) dollars when the proposed repair work consists of : ( 1 ) Repainting any existing structure . ( 2 ) Re - roofing an existing structure such as any type of residential building , residential garages , car ports , and residential storage buildings . ( 3 ) Installing any kitchen cabinets , bars , etc . in existing residential type building . NOTE : " Repair work" with reference to this section shall be de in'e as work done on the outside or inside of an existing structure in such a way that the roof of the ., structure is not extended or enlarged in any way and such work does not , in the opinion of the City Building Official , affect the structural safety of the structure . Section 3 . Section 6 - 66 entitled : " Section 105 . 1 amended" of the Code of Ordinances of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to real as follows : Section 6 - 66 entitled : Section 107 . 2 ( c ) added . Paragraph ( c ) is hereby added to section 107 . 2 of the Southern Standard Building Code referred to above (section 6 - 34 ) and shall read as follows : (c ) The payment of such doubled fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this Building Code in the execution of the work , nor shall such payments relieve such person from the other penalties prescribed herein , such doubled permit fee being supple - mental to all other penalties prescribed in this Code . Section 4 . That the Code of Ordinances , Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended by adding a .section numbered 6F6 . 2 to read as follows : ! VOL 880 D563 Section 6 - 67 . 2 Paragraph (a ) of Section 106 . 1 amended . Paragraph ( a ) of section 106 . 1 of the Southern Standard 3 Building Code referred to above (section 6- 34) is amended and shall read as follows : (a) No person , firm or corporation shall _erect , construct , enlarge , alter , repair , move , improve , convert , or demolish any building or structure in the applicable jurisdiction , or cause the same to be done , without first obtaining a separate building permit for such buildings or structures from the Building Official ; and a building permit shall be required for the following work, regardless of the cost : (1) Enclosing a carport or car garage whether attached to the dwelling unit or detached from the dwelling unit ; (2) Enclosing an existing roofed over patio area ; (3) Erecting a new fireplace onto an existing structure ; (4) Attaching brick , masonry , slate , or any type of heavy veneering to the outside of a structure . (5) Enclosing any type of existing porch or balcony area . Section S . The "Violations and Penalties" Provisions as set out in Section 6- 72 entitled "Section 114 amended" shall also apply to this ordinance . Section 6 . That paragraph (d) of Section 6- 74 entitled : "Section 301 . 3 (a) and (d) amended" of the Code of Ordinances of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to read as follows : (d) Roof coverings in the fire district shall conform to the requirements of Class I or II - -Roof coverings as defined in section 706 except that redwood cedar or redwood shingles or hand- split shakes are permitted for roof coverings of movable frame or metal awnings and frame or metal mansard type roof structures in the first fire district under the following conditions : (1) When said awnings or mansard structure is attached to the outside of a wall of an existing building of type VI - -wood frame construction ; (2) When said awning or mansard structure is attached to the outside of at least a two (2) hour fire rated masonry wall of buildings of the following construction : Type I - Fireproof Type II - - -Fire-resistive -- p Type III - -Heavy Timber ! VOL Oust Type V- - -Ordinary NOTE : The rear side of any part of the awning or mansard structure , as set out in above numbered paragraph two (2) , that should project above the top of the 4 supporting masonry wall of the building shall be covered with metal or other non-combustible materials . (3) When said awning or mansard structure is attached to the outside of a metal or masonry wall of a building of type N non-combustible construction provided such walls face a , street or permanent open space of fifteen (15) feet or more in width . Section 7 , That Section 6 - 77 . 2 entitled : "Section 802 . 1B Paragraph (a) amended" of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby deleted from the City Code of Ordinances . Section 8 . That Section 6- 79 . 1 entitled : "Section 1605 (a) . and, (b) added" of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 6- 79 . 1 Section 1603 (a) and (b) added . Paragraphs (a) and (b) are hereby added to Section 1603 of the Southern Standard Building Code referred to above (section 6- 34) and shall read as follows : (a) A base course of gravel , chat , crushed stone , sand , or a combination of such materials a minimum of six (6) inches in depth shall be provided underneath the concrete floors of all livable areas including attached carports and garages . (b) Concrete used in the construction of floors shall have a minimum compressive strength of three thousand (3000) pounds per square inch. Section 9 . That Section 6- 79 . 3 entitled : "Section 1705 . 1 amended" of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended by adding subparagraph (4) under paragraph (a) to read as follows : (4) Concrete nails driven by hand (claw hammer) may be used to anchor sills to concrete floors and foundations provided that concrete nails are driven while the concrete is green (within a day or two after concrete is poured) and provided that the concrete nails are spaced not greater than sixteen (16) inches on centers . Section 10 . Section 6- 87 entitled "Section 2204 . 2 amended" of the Code of Ordinances of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 2204 . 1 "General" VOL880 565 5 (a) Except as otherwise exempted and provided in this section , no building or part of any building shall be moved from one site to a different site (whether on the same property or different properties) ; moved through or across any sidewalk , street , alley , or highway within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , without first obtaining a moving permit from the Building Official . (b) Exemptions from City Moving Permits - - No moving permit shall be required by the Building Official for moving the following structures: (1) No city moving permit shall be required for "loadst' trans - orted on County , State or Federal Highways within the City limits if properly licensed or permitted by the laws of the State of Arkansas . (2) No city moving permit shall be required by the Building Official for structures that will be moved around the same property in such a manner as not to be transported on or across any street or alley . However , a building permit will be required to .relocate said .structure .upon the property unless otherwise exempted in other sections of this = code . (3) No city moving permit shall be required by the Building Official for mobile homes transported through the city or to a location in an established trailer court or mobile home park . (4) No city . moving permit shall be required by the Building Official for moving portablerbuildings , . prefab buildings or any other type of structures where the height and width (the total height from the ground to - the top, of the structures: when loaded upon or connected to the. transporting vehicle) will not exceed thirteen (13) feet and six (6) inches and/or fourteen (14).. feet in width . A building permit will be required to _ relocate said structure upon any property in the city except in mobile home parks unless exempted in other sections of this .code . Section 11 . That section 6- 87 . 3 entitled : "Section 2204 . 4 (a) added" of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to read as follows : Section . 6= 87 . 3 Section 2204 . 4 (a) added : Paragraph (a) is hereby added to section 2204 . 4 of the Code and shall read as follows : (a) Exemption to moving bond requirement . (1) No (moving) bond shall be required by the Building Official for structures that will be moved in such a way that the structure or the vehicle carrying said structure will not be transported upon or over city streets or other public roads or highways . `voL 880 D66 6 (2) No (moving) bond shall be required by the Building Official where the total height , when loaded upon or connected to the _transporting vehicle , will not exceed thirteen (13) feet and six (6) inches in height for the following structures : (A) Mobile home transported "on its own wheels . (B) Portable buildings with a width of fourteen (14) feet or less . (C) Prefab sections of a building as well as any building or any other type of structure with a width of fourteen (14) feet or less . Section 12 . That the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended by adding a section numbered 6094 , and said section shall read as follows : Section 6- 94 . Paragraph (b) of Section 2303 . 3 "Wall signs" is amended to read as follows : (b) Wall signs , as defined . by Section 2301 . 2 (d) of the Building Code , shall be constructed of the following materials : (1) Sheet metal surface . However , the ornamental moulding surrounding same may be of wood construction. (2) Duraply (a special water resistance plywood) . (3) Plexaglass and approved plastics (see section 2304 -.- USE OF PLASTIC MATERIAL) (4) Woods that have a natural resistance to decay such as the heartwood of bald cypress , black locust , black walnut , catalpa , and cedars , . chestnut , osage orange , red mulberry , redwood and white oak . (S) Duralux (an extra hard exterior type tempered masonite which has a smooth surface on both sides) , marine plywood and AC exterior plywood of three -quarters (3/4) inch or more thickness . One-quarter (1/4) inch thickness of Duralux , marine plywood or AC exterior plywood may be used with proper framing or backing to prevent warping and bending . Section 13 . If any section , clause , provision or part of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, clause , provision or part shall be deemed severable and separable , and the remainder of this ordinance shall be and remain in full force and effect . It is hereby declared to be the intent of the Board of Directors that this ordinance would have been passed and adopted had such invalid or unconstitutional provisions , if any , not been included herein . VOL ��0 00 "1 7 Section 14 . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this ZLXZZ- day of (/yy{ %y , 1974 . APPROVED : ` Q /0` Z CERTIFICATE OF RECORD �' `• r + ' r State of Arkanses ,.� SS City of I ::vett ci: !r f I, Suzanne C. Xenne y. Cit)- Clerk and Ea Oifiicio re.e- r'er fortae City <%f F:yetteville, do hereby ;:etiv that the o i o. fore gain,, i.; of teen;c, in mY d ice :: rd {te wire ap- pears in\ /Orainanco &P R^„—�ui �JtLm book � Y—_at pmre�-- Wit+:ess my CERTIFICATE OF RECORD hand and seal this--..-- --__ ___'av of , 19---• STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County ISS' City Clerk and Ex-Officio Re :rmler 1, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio ReI r for Washington County, do hereby certify that hc ani _xua going i rumen, was filed for rec�o,�d in my office on the ZLOLday of 0 _ l a IL4 Vock QM, and the same is duly recorded in record � at paga$ Witness my hand and seal this�day of 1 ALMA KO Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorded By � Deputy Clerk iVOL8�Q �� ' F • F CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ) I , DARLENE WESTBROOK, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , J Zfe` Al &J . a%!740-, therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in � J nisi 0 . &Ark, Volume V f at Page 3-aa9 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this "! day of ,. •• �Za u F p� 1 . .e , , CITY CLERK VOL 8U0 569 Section 4. That tel Code of Ordinances, Fayetteville. Arkansas. is hereby amended by adding a section numbered gLf.2, to read-as follows: erection &67.2 Paragraph (a) of Been 1106.1 amended. 1!1®P Paragraph (a) of section 1N.1 of Southern Standard Building Code referred Ito above (section 8.34) is amended and Mail -rea3 as follows: (a) No person, firm or corporation shall erect. construct, eNarge. alter. repair, move, . Improve, convert, or demolish Any building or structure in the applicable Jurisdiction, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit for such buildings or structures from the Building Official: and a building permit shall be required for the following work. regardless of the cost: (1L Enclosing a carport or car garage whet5rer attached to Ne dwelling unit or detached from the dwelling hurt; (2) Enclosing so. existing rooted over patio area; (3) Erecting a new firoplace onto an existing structure: masonry, aisle. (4) Attaching brick, or am type of heavy veneering W the outside of a structure. .. (5) Enclosing any type of existing Parch or balcony area. Section 5. The "Violations and Penal. ties" Previsions as set out in Section (142 entitled "Section 114 amended" shelf Wan apply in this ordinance. (dl of Section 6, That paragraph Section 6.74 entitled: "Section 301.2 (a) and (d) amended" of the Code of Ordin- ances of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is herehy,amendeds1ro mad as follows: rd) Roof coverings In Ne fire district shall conform W Ne requirements of Class I or R — Beer coverings as defined In section 708 except that red- wood cedar or redwood shingles or hand split shakei are permitted for roof cover- ings of movable frame err metal awnings and frame or metal mansard type mor structures to the Best fire district under Ne following conditions: (1) When said awnings or mansard structure Is attached W the outside of a wall of an existing building of type VI — wood frame construction: (2) When said awning or man zi SWeture ;is attached -m the outside of at least a two (2) hour fire rated: masonry wall or buildings of the following construction: Type I — Fireproof Typo H — Fire resistive Type III — Heavy Timber Type V — Ordinary NOTE: The mar side of any part of the awning or mansard structure. ' As set out, in above numbered paragraphi two (2), that should project above We' trip of the supporting masonry wall of the building shall be covered 'who metal or other non-combustible materials. 43) When said awning or mansard structure Is attached to lite outside of of type N noncombustible construction ) provided such walls face a street or permanent open specs of fifteen (15)1 feet or mom in width. Section 7. That Section &Tl.2 entitled: "Section MAB Paragraph (a) amended" of the Code of Ordinances, City of Fay- etteville. Arkansas, Is hereby deleted from Ne City Code of Ordinances. Section 0. That Section 6-79.1 entitled: "'Section 105 (a) and (b) added" of Ne Code of Ord Ina n es. City of Fayetteville, is hereby amended 0 read as follows: Section 6-79.1 Section 102 (a) and : (b) added Paragraphs (a) and (b) are hereby added. to Section 103 of the Southern • Standard BuildingCede referred to above (function 8-34) and shall read as follows: 'a) A base course cf gravel, rxal, crushed stone, sand. or a cambinalion of such materials a minimum of six (6) Inches in depth shall be provided underneath the concrete finers dr all livable areas including attached carports and garage, (b) Concrete used in the construction of floors shall have a minimum com- pressive strength of three thousand (300) pounds per square inch. Section 9. That Section &79.3 entitled: "Section 1705.1 amended" of Ne Code of Ordinances, City of Fayetteville, Ar- kansas, is hereby , emended by adding subparagraph (4) under paragraph (a) to read as follows: (4) Conerele nails driven by hand (claw hammer) may be used to anchor kills in reareas Bo01] and foundations provided that concrete nails ah driven while the concrete Is green (within ' a day or two after concrete Is poured) and ytnvlded thed the eencrals Wills, ORDiNA11i NO, 11affoled, net greater then sixteen (16) AN ORDINANCE AME simmine not OtNera. TION 634 OF ?HE FAY16i Sec os I& Section 687 entitled "Book CODE - OF ORMANCES TO ADOM ton 7104.62 amended" of the Code of To REFERENCE T , 1973 ppPPRiN Ordinances W , li'menerille, Arbaptee,. le , O,, THE SOUTHERN aFANDARD bereby amendee w nM b fol STATE of ARKANSAS 1 , DING CODE; TO ADD, CODIFY. Section 2211 "GeAsk 0611 � J} ss. :(1.1!TE CF:RT.413 >Vi Eacr 0s otherwise �l County of Washington I"IT: seyyldnd In wig session, an aor I %kxxty. 'Ixt yarn of my baBding atoll b—w�eiwsede M IIr1 A re TND horn ase alts' e a dlffet"t elft ttthether THF ITl RUU NG ee the Lm\Ipopi ne d1HeRR me- c \ IIF f F"c.tl TCF £tNt parties), moved through or across any I, C_ _.. qT1 hereb certil that I I I N d . A!D LPI F. s tle k, a[re�t lllel or highway within Y Y1615 - Om a a N lA0 oft tle Gq• M ' hMMteville, Arkansas, am the ublis ei of TNORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally .7n he t! '9 J:diteon of the without first obtain" a moving permit newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than ismL nidard Building I was from the RUlldpla Official,sort 'r• . and ( (t]) $aemptems rtvm city Moving Per- four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at BF >S, are Ream fir mmmmn of mets a fixed (daily ) Intervals continuous) in the City of Fayetteville, County of - of Yaike B t] r Of acres, rinds Y Y o BodrLnc ordinance needs uto : No moving permit I be required Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated atl I in the beat ratio be the Building orne o r moving the - C 11, ni eygle m rectae rollicking urnrlurvr and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and I ea fiend{ and No for ma permit shall be Ileac fie or D t In of let d for ' I ads'• [nnsported an readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for „I F ' ieue Arkan' s, has I sate . or YNOW&I Highways each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is . . o ase sem ddeal) m M au IM1 oar I meds if properly licensed relating rs42M': epastro"ork oor r Arkamaeed by the Ie4 a me state considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and o= a. In e b he iw7gl• a t w d���s I '�' CHIP WANW' feiyea shelf be service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers IIIPit 'Ra nam sYM,l fid me "Idi f Official for thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents sl 'Nal will he d�oVed around ¢e:As, wrr 6)• paw e[ wtdlthe Same broody in such a manner or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; , .e kept on file In the Office of a° ,beet he I r,j Bnlwcver, nrh across and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent . rk fir th Clly of Fayetteville. . :" ' no In lie Cit. Geri, has caused p^"oo Ira) be regwmd to relocate said news matter. m puhll it�`` d newspaper '. si I n1� nrvn oa' 11 1101 umess .other- ivdulalon ei the cite : wile exempted In other sections m this le. Arkan..i sating teal Cook. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of d tinder consideration the f! i Na npc Permit shat] be ,ainrr sal for coP f ,:. .I-.e the Io �m d ad he nI dhnme•ll Dividing 91f Ick-_hod .� d core and tttLL was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for . ras esei P insertionF as follows : ! tae The first insertion on the _ . J _.. day of a rk the second insertion on the day of _. .____ ._____ _ . 19.....--.__ pole bile or the third insertion on the - _ . __ _ day of --------- 19._-____ a, and the fourth insertion on the - Ar- provisions of fotlew. Is herepy�{mentled m read as `/ 1 ,f [he he Fa Fa% ttr_ I t CC i I 2311 t N H� �Me tied -, L Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _`.._. day of _ .------ ___ III , ------------ - --------------- ---- ---- -------------- -------- I .r rmeeTnQ) 6ewrle I beWilred Nota'n' Pnhlh' ,i. „ • . i. ..._. .. , final .,led not My Commission Expires : (6) N6 // ,.s Its .-- � 0 C/ 4 pruv slon or part of this ordinance Sao mrb be DIM ovaad w 0aea IU*I Ml n anymum of Camike ent Jurisdiction, s' as Fees for Printing ........ ;_.1.L,L---moo AC �egr Ini . Cont of Proof .....__---- _----'---------------- ,s ximg r • ,.ns Shan Total ..___--_--- elpliusiold or a work Of the Chi u r' ! 't the J cltaal ai,prook, I . Im dVED T' neddNw Menaded: ^See- - Je ' nAv s , " HbSI . der Cade d ArIVP sat Arkanais ROeSF:LI T. III, ' No fellows:es, I . .IJod; Ifiarl 107.2 (c) I '; 'i � Beall IANORR 1 by added to XrrK;T. n 1 Standard 1 ' I'. ro.ISI DAft1.EN� wbbTBROOK le to hove (section '' a Iteatlgoed C11Y CLERK it, .plead a. cfl, wok 'kLLN, 1iAli k was ^on,' ,I doubled reg Olcsmut. n.: . I from fully r,dwork end Itch I- odenla or this vd arterior ' '. non of the lunch ymkenft relieve 1 ' r "a a I .altle� r.'emarine P