HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2050 r-- IF .FOR RECORD 974 SEP 27 N 8: 03 WiSHI . TON COUNTY ORDINANCE NO . CO2 ALMA i ARK A A !t0 OLLt-I a Li�iEYER CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO . 74- 1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING EVA AVENUE FROM WEDINGTON DRIVE SOUTH TO THE DEAD END OF EVA AVENUE ; AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED BY SAID IMPROVEMENTS . WHEREAS , parties claiming to be owners of a majority in assessed value of property located within the territory herein- after described have filed a petition praying that an improvement district be established for the purpose hereinafter set out ; and WHEREAS , after due notice as required by law , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has heard all parties desiring to be heard , and has ascertained that said petition was signed by a majority in assessed value of the owners of real property within said territory . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That there is hereby established an improvement district embracing the following property : Beginning at the NE corner of Lot 6 in Prairie View Addition , thence South along the east property lines of Lot 6 , 71 81 9, 10 , 11 , and 12 to the SE corner of Lot 12 ; thence West along the south property lines of Lots 12 and 13 to the SW corner of Lot 13 ; thence North along the West property lines of Lot 13 , 22 , and 5 to the NW corner of Lot 5 ; thence along the N property line of Lot 5 to the NE corner of said lot ; thence to the NW corner of Lot 6 ; thence E along the N property line of Lot 6 to the point of beginning , all of said property being in Prairie View Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , as per plat on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . For the purpose of paving Eva Avenue from Wedington Drive South to the dead end thereof ; the installation of curbs , gutters , and necessary drainage structures , and the installation of sidewalks ; all of said improvements to meet existing city standards as set out in the Code of Ordinances and those resolutions ' supplementary thereto . Section 2 . That said district shall be known as Street Improvement District No . 74 - 1 ; and the Board of Directors of the Pity of Fayetteville , Ark . of their offices shall 'AWF&Ih D DATE OCT 1 6 1978 ou $7.4 PACT. 896 REEL 1. 7. „ constitute a Board of Commissioners to make the assessments and carry out the improvements provided for in this ordinance . Section 3 . That the several lots within said district be , and they hereby are , assessed as follows : Tract Assessment Lot 5 , Prairie View Addition $ 1 , 739 , 14 Lot 22 , Prairie View Addition 1 , 739 . 14 Lot 13 , Prairie View Addition 1 , 739 . 14 Lot 12 , Prairie View Addition 11739 , 14 Lot 11 , Prairie View Addition 1 , 739 . 14 Lot 10 , Prairie View Addition 11739 , 14 Lot 9 , Prairie View Addition 1 , 739 . 14 Lot 8 , Prairie View Addition 1 , 739 . 14 Lot 7 , Prairie View Addition 11739 , 14 Lot 6 , Prairie View Addition 1 , 739 . 14 Section 4 , That the property owners may pay the amount of said assessments in one lump sum at the time provided by law for paying the first installment of general taxes in the year 1975 ; or the property owners may pay said assessments in ten ( 10 ) equal annual instamments . The first annual installment shall be paid at the time provided for by law for paying the first installment of general taxes in the year 1975 , and the second and subsequent installments shall likewise be paid at the time provided by law for paying the first installment of general taxes , Section 5 . That all ordinances in conflict herewith be , and hereby are , repealed . Section 6 . That this ordinance shall be '.in full force and effect from and after the time provided by law , PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 9'202-&jyy�f/ V , 1974 , APPROVED ; MAYOR y C� CST V . CLERK-`l ty1' • (cg r 874E89 PAGE ;� ni . CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I I , DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , & & . oJQ'Sb , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in �,r,_ uflyl QACtrifau �,1(Y7/f, Volume I V at Page jJ40 � thereof . I C IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here - unto set my hand and affixed my rs N official seal this day of 19 � r •� J t 1 CERTIFICATE 0 . P = :,GRD `QJ , I ATE o� ARI.A[ 54S ] SS City Clerk Vnishinr•:on County ] I 1 , .Alma L. Kc!! vey^r, Cirruit Clerk and Ex-Officio Rerord ^.r for Washin;;bn County, do hare* cerJ4 :ha. .'. bre. goiof n truni t urns IH for re.-orc., in . : .y^i i-= on ih:�7daY _ 7� g.� e t . duly recor6ed in_ L--L'� o: d_�%Jy.��, �.t/`.`: '•� t'P/ f VJitness my hand and seal th�45day 1 ALM KOUME M, — Circuit Clerk and I EX.OffRip :2ecoded ! BY ��! t Deputy Cie rk 'El a 874 898 t CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Af ;<ansas ? SS City ofavette ills ,, \ ( i I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. going is of record in my office and the same ap. Pears in n in Ordinance & Resolution book --�—`!at Page---L—Cn Witness my hand and seal this clay of -. 19 er. STATE of ARKANSAS as. ORDINANCE NO. 9m9 CODUCy OL W lT1IIgtOII AN ORDINANCE ARTABIRTFUCG 8T-i RbS F D1THE PU PO OrBll71' NO. Irl FOR THE PURPOQ M EDING• wtL3G raw N'\ TNG EVA APDRII TO E DING. r TON 1371iVE MITA TO TIlB' DEAD I, _ . _ - _ ._ . . .._ . __ _. _ .__. _ . ._ ___ _ , hereby certify that I END OF EVA AVENUE; AND LEVY- am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily ING R PROPERTY BZUWrMD B AGAINST IM- PROVEMENTB newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than WHEREAS, DOOM dtleva :.jD M Pour pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at owners of a MON" Ig nine a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of of properta IeoDly within ftl'rlww hremDaer aeaferfr hue i Pee- Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated da D`aylag that On 1m"oyemat dbhict and distributed from an established lace of business to subscribers and he OnabHend ale con pur'" buruna'ter P set ca. and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for WHEREAS. aW due codes a requir. ed by law, the leard or INrectees of each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is the city at Figs as, Arbnea, m considered the value OP the p hard all Parties twlrb,g b be head,. publication, based upon the news value and and–Fast saceififirEd that avid f6mmn service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers was afof ay a owners ofur in ProveeM thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents value or the owners or reel "Warty P P within aid territory. or through recognized news dealers over a NOW, of at least six months ; OW. THEREFORE, BE IT OR LTD BY THE BOARD WF rRECTOn and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent OF THE QTY 01 FA #VILI.E, news matter. ARKANSAS: Section 1. net 1Mrs N serMO meb- fished an Imprtrvenreat district embrac- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ing the following Property. Busunin g at the NE Weer d Lot 6 In Prarle Vim Additim thence 4outk /D slang M Mr Ropey Spee of Id 9. 6, 7, t 9, 111, it, am ss the 8h Comer or Lot Il: Rena War nbN 'tM esgm _.._________-""...___""""'""" -_- Property lines of !qts Il Amed 13 In W ISW corner of Iat It [Tapes Norm along was published to the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Yr wear ie NW o seg IAP 7,, 7& - - . and s to One NW onaer oO tot l; Matureto �coIItaecHNve inaertiogh as follows : tloY Me N Iiw o/ Lai n to the NE Wroe"roDf yl�t'p IA: Mesa to '7 G Me NW erneer of F&qe{ it Name N .lag The tire[ insertion on the '.( i -._ day of ._ •,.//,/ the N prowdy Ita`A[7bt 9 to the point' -. . of beginning, all of Wilt PteperiF Issues In Prsirle VIesi �Addd1Iu�8D to..,fl1! city i the second insertion on the Of Fayelterrille, 11Whodbo teals. Ata- _-------- ---. day of ----- 19--__.--_- anae, Y we PIAL Illu fSe. IN the Oma of the Circus: eleeli d Sivernei Rr corder of Washington Caa4 Artawaa. the third Insertion on the __ ---- day of __. _ 77_77_.__ 19-----.------ For Me wrpom a1 ;amid Era Ave- nue from Wedingla vd" kla�la b Me lead and [hearse(• me rleeBSYen and the fourth insertion on the _ _ __ _.T�A ay oof curbs, sand Sagesea 1 d sh ase _^ _ 91w W\structum, and the taW4tloe arsidle walla: tll d b --- dry Y eel rYQ WA e0N — --- ._-___---_---- Beeson L YNha he kaa Y s Sworn to and subscribed before me on this - 3Q day of _....-_....-- No. wl sod ' _. __ at !e Cay 4.'S wttita.. by victim of their aaetltW a Boatel of eats the 01 esaeesme M; Mpmv► --- -- --------------- 19.---�- m3eNara -wShtn - -- � said dleltld rod, aneased Y f ----- ------ -- ----""----- 'yQ TRACT' Notary ublic Ld d, Ptateb 474 Los ll, teshi Lot 13, hal My Commission Expires : 17, Prat 4 U. 9, Prairie View Adagios 1,739.14 a Prairie View Adtaa 17339.11 Lot 3, Prairie View Addition 1,7311.14 Lai .. Prairie View ALftitions 1Owas. 3/ 9e Ya Pa .. Thr terO awe.. Pay Me a n at Pt asmmb Fees for Printing __...- _------- b los for at® ate . pnv91e _ by Pew al payer the first I of general tam M the year 1976[ a Cost Of Proof _..-...---_... {----------_.----..--_.._ the "owns ownpe may Judd eeeemenO he !n gE) 3 lla�wiyt6ltt TGiB] _.---aal ------ _—."--- �o by taw art Igar*a of Ywra1 Issue M the year 1913, and Me second and subsequent aWallmeota Met likewise be paid at the Uma ptevid_ ed by law for paying; the nest iatallmeot Of general tam. Section S. That W ordMasaa In runs herewith be. and hereby aes, ed. section 6. Thu this ordhea ce Neo be M pal fom and eNeet tram sad anter the rime provided by law. PAS® AND APPROVES) 7ffiS 11E DAY OF SEPMO ®t, im C l y Rd•ep11 T. PWWI 331AYdW ATTEST' Darlene Westbrook CITY CLERK ,9ra ) 13T 29