HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2041 no/ D OR RECORD '74 SEP - 6 PH 1 15 ORDINANCE NO , O MSHiN.G T ON COUNTY ARKi1PJSAS ALMA KCLLNEYER CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE ENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES ; TO CLA IFY THE REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS WITHIN T CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 , That Section 4- 1 of the Fayetteville Code . of . Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 4 - 1 . Animal Control Officer Generally . There is hereby created the office of Animal Control Officer . The Animal Control Officer shall be appointed by the City Manager and shall perform the duties and exercise the powers prescribed by this chapter . In addition , the Animal Control Officer ' shall per- form such duties as may be delegated to him by the City Manager or the Board of Directors . Section 2 - That Section 4 - 4 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 4 - 4 . Cruelty to Animals Generally . Animals kept within the city limits shall be provided adequate space •within their enclosures for proper exercise . Such enclosures shall be properly drained and maintained in sanitary condition at all times . All penned animals shall be provided adequate shelter from the elements . If any person shall overload , torture , torment , deprive of necessary sustenance or cruelly beat or needlessly mutilitate or kill any animal , he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . Section 3 , That Chapter 4 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding Sections 4- 6 and 4 - 7 to read as follows : Sec . 4- 6 . Noisy Animals . It shall be unlawful for any person to keep on his premises or under his control any animal which by loud or frequent barking , howling , or otherwise shall disturb the peace and quiet of any person who may reside within reasonable proximity of the place where such animal is kept . Q Sec . 4 - 7 . Offensive Odors . DEED 874 PAC . 533 .MICROFILMED DATE OCT 1 6 3M REEL _ It shall be unlawful for any person keeping or harboring an animal to fail to keep the premises where such animal is kept free from offensive odors to the extent that such odors are disturbing to any person residing within reasonable proximity of said premises ; and it shall be unlawful to allow the premises where any animal is kept to become unclean and a threat to the public health by failing to diligently and systematically remove all waste material from the premises . Article II . Dogs and Cats . Sec . 4 - 16 . Definitions . For the purposes of this chapter , the term " at large " shall be construed to mean not under the control of the owner or author - ized representative of the owner , either by leash , cord , chain , fence , or other physical control ; provided , an animal shall not be considered to be " at large " when on the premises of the owner or keeper thereof and accompanied by said owner or keeper . The term " dog " or " cat " shall mean both male and female " neutered or unneutered . " Sec . 4- 17 , Annual Tax and Tags . ( a ) LEVY AND AMOUNT OF TAX . There is hereby levied and there shall be collected an annual tax in the amount hereinafter provided on each dog or cat owned or kept wihin the City . Said tax shall be paid to the City Controller or to a licensed veterinarian practicing within the City . It shall be the duty of any licensed veterinarian collecting a tax under the provisions of this section to remit said tax to the City Controller by the 10th of the month next following the month in which said tax is collected . For each neutered male or spayed female , the tax levied hereby shall be in the amount of One Dollar ( $ 1 . 00 ) if said tax is paid on or before the first day of February , and in the amount of Two Dollars ( $ 2 . 00 ) , if said tax is paid thereafter . The tax for each unspayed female or unneutered male shall be Three Dollars ( $ 3 . 00 ) if said tax is paid on or before the first day of February , and shall be Four Dollars ( $ 4 . 00 ) if paid thereafter . Should a dog or cat be brought into the City , or obtain the age of three month$ after the first day of February , the person owning or keeping such dog or cat shall have thirty days in which to pay the tax levied hereby . Any person failing to pay said tax within such period shall be required to pay the applicable higher tax specified above . ( b ) ISSUANCE OF TAX RECEIPT AND TAG , The City Controller or a licensed veterinarian to whom the tax levied by Subsection ( a ) above is paid shall issue a receipt therefore and shall issue to each person paying said tax a metal tag indicating that said tax has been paid for the current year ; provided , a tag for any dog or cat shall not be issued unless a certificate from a licensed veterinarian is presented which indicates that said dog or cat has been vaccinated for rabies within one year prior thereto . (c ) TAG TO BE ATTACHED TO ANIMAL ' S COLLAR . It shall be the duty of the owner or keeper of every dog within the City of Fayetteville to attach the tag provided for in Subsection ( b ) to a collar securely fixed around the neck of said dog ; it shall be the duty of the owner or keeper of every cat within the City of Fayetteville to attach the tag provided for in Subsection ( b ) to said cat in a reasonable manner . ( d ) EXCEPTIONS . Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to any dog or cat under the age of three months on the first day of February of the current year or to dogs or cats brought to the City on a temporary basis for show or exhibition . Sec . 4 - 18 , Rabies Vaccination . All dogs and cats in the City and other pets which are subject to rabies shall be vaccinated annually against rabies by an accredited veterinarian . A metal tag evidencing such vaccination shall be attached to the harness or collar of every dog in the City , and shall be attached to every cat in the City by a reasonable method . Any person who shall keep any pet which is subject to rabies in the City without first having such pet vaccinated for rabies , at least once a year , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . In case a tag for the annual tax or rabies vaccination required by this chapter is lost or destroyed , a duplicate shall be issued by the Cite Controller upon presentation of a receipt or other verifi- cation showing payment of said tax or receipt of such duplicate tag . No tag shall be transferrable from one animal to another animal . No refunds shall be made on any tax because of the death of the animal or because the owner leaves the City before the expiration of the license period . Sec . 4 - 19 . Running at large prohibited . It shall be unlawful for the owner or person having charge of any dog or cat to permit or allow such dog or cat to run at large within the corporate limits of the City at any time . Sec . 4 - 20 . Impoundment- -Generally . The animal control officer is authorized to take into custody any dog or cat found running at large within the corporate limits of the City in violation of the terms and provisions of this article and to place the same in the facility hereby designated as the "City of Fayetteville Animal Shelter . " The animal control officer o�Eo 874 PA,EF535 shall not be required to respond to requests to pick up unconfined cats until the person making the request has confined or restrained the animal so that it can - readily be taken into custody by the animal control officer . Humane animal traps or tranquilizers may be used . Whenever any animal in the animal shelter bears a city tag , ,it shall be the duty of the animal control officer to notify the owner or the person to whom the tag was issued , if such person or owner can . be found , that the animal has been taken up and placed in the animal shelter and will be destroyed or released to the Fayetteville Humane Society within ten ( 10 ) days unless the fee hereinafter pre- scribed is paid . If the owner or person to whom the tag was issued cannot be found , the animal control officer shall , by registered mail sent to said person ' s last known address , notify said person that the animal has been impounded at the animal shelter , and will be destroyed or released to the Fayetteville Humane Society within ten ( 10 ) days if the fee hereinafter prescribed is not paid . For the purpose of this section , the first day of taking up shall be counted as the first day of the impoundment period provided herein . Sec . 4- 21 . Same--Killing or redemption of animals . After the expiration of ten ( 10 ) days impoundment in the case of a licensed animal , or the expiration of five ( 5 ) days impoundment in the case of an unlicensed animal ; said animal 'shall become the property of the City of Fayetteville , and the City shall be empowered to release said animal to the Fayetteville Humane Society or to destroy and dispose of said animal . Ten ( 10 ) days after any licensed animal has been impounded , as provided for in Section 4 - 20 above , the animal control officer is hereby authorized to release said animal to the Fayetteville Humane Society or to destroy such animal and dispose of the carcass . For the purpose of this section , the day of taking up shall be counted as the first day of the impoundment period herein provided . The owner of an impounded animal may at any time before said animal is destroyed or released to the Fayetteville Humane Society claim said animal and have the same released to him , upon payment of the costs of impoundment . Said costs are hereby ascertained to be Five Dollars ( $ 5 . 00 ) impoundment fee for the first pickup within a calendar year and Ten Dollars ( $ 10 . 00 ) for each subsequent pickup of the same animal within a calendar year , plus Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ( $ 2 . 50 ) for each day such animal is impounded in the animal shelter , together with the tax on such animal , if the same has not been paid , plus the costs of having an unvaccinated animal vaccinated for rabies . The initial impoundment fee for unlicensed or unvaccinated dogs or cats , shall be Fifteen Dollars ( $ 15 . 00 ) . The impoundment costs specified above shall be paid to the animal control officer who shall remit all such payments to the City Controller . Said payments shall be treated as general fund revenues by the City Controller , BE 874 ?�,Z 6 Sec . 4- 22 . Confinement by Owner , Upon the request of any person who has been bitten by a dog or other animal within the corporate limits of the City (or by a parent or legal guardian of a person so bitten who is under a disability ) , the Animal Control Officer shall take such dog or animal , - or a plurality of same if they are reasonably suspected of the biting , into custody and confine it and quarantine same under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian , who shall keep such dog or animal in quarantine until he shall issue his certificate that : ( 1 ) He has complied with the observation provisions of Section 3 of Act 11 , First Extraordinary Session of the 1968 Arkansas General Assembly ( Rabies Control Act ) ; and ( 2 ) The dog or other animal appears to be free of infection of rabies ( hydrophobia ) . ( b ) Any dog or other animal having rabies or symptoms thereof , or suspected of having rabies , or which has been exposed to rabies shall be immediately released by the owner or custodian of such dog or animal to the Animal Control Officer and the Animal Control Officer shall confine such dog or animal in quarantine as provided for in Subsection " a " above . ( c ) When the licensed veterinarian supervising the quarantine of any dog or other animal 'quarantined under Subsections ( a ) and (b ) shall issue the certificate provided for in Subsection ( a ) , the owner of such dog or animal may retake custody of it upon tender to such veterinarian and/or the City Animal Control Officer of their customary and reasonable fees and charges for impounding , boarding , lodging , observation and testing ; except a person who is bitten by an animal while baiting , teasing , or molesting said animal or while trespassing on the premises of the owner or' keeper of said animal �1 shall pay all customary and reasonable charges and fees resulting from his request to have said animal confined and quarantined . (d ) If any dog or other animal confined under Subsections ( a ) and ( b ) is not reclaimed by its owner , such dog shall be released by the veterinarian to the Animal Control Officer who shall treat such dog or animal as one found running at large within the corporate limits of the City . ( e ) The licensed veterinarian supervising the quarantine of any dog or animal quarantined under Subsections ( a ) and (b ) shall promptly report to the Office of the City Manager the place of initial confinement , and the disposition of the dog or animal at termination of confinement . Sec . 4 - 23 . Vicious Dogs . It shall be unlawful for any person to own , keep , or harbor within the corporate limits of the City any vicious dog unless said F. 537 dog is muzzled or confined in a substantial enclosure or tied in such a manner that it cannot bite mail carriers , delivery men , meter readers , or other licensees or invitees coming on the premises . Any vicious dog found outside the above specified locations may be seized or impounded pursuant to the procedure set out in this article . For the purpose of this section , a vicious dog is hereby defined to be a dog which has a disposition to bite humans and any dog which has bitten or attempted ' to bite any person within the six months immediately past ; however , the fact that a dog has bitten or attempted to bite some person when that person was - teasing or molesting said dog shall not cause that dog to be considered a vicious dog within the sense of this section . Section 4 , That Chapter 4 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding Article III to read as follows : Article III . ENFORCEMENT , Sec . 4 - 24 . Summons by Police Officers . The members of the Police . * Department - ':areu.authorzed for violation of any portion of this chapter , to give to the offender a notice to appear in the Municipal Court of the City of Fayetteville . Such notice to appear shall state the name and the address of the violator and the date of the violation , and shall contain a statement of the nature of the violation . The notice shall contain a printed statement in which the violator promises to appear in the municipal court without issuance of any warrant or other process and which statement is to be signed by the violator . Upon failure to sign the statement to appear , the usual procedure upon the filing of complaints in the municipal court shall govern the arrest and trial of the violator . Upon the violator ' s signing the agreement to appear and his appearance as set out in the notice , no warrant shall be issued for the arrest of the violator . Sec . 4- 25 . Interference with Animal Control Officer . It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with or attempt to prevent the Animal Control Officer , or other authorized persons , from seizing and impounding any animal which is authorized to be impounded under the provisions of this chapter . Further , it shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to deliver any unlicensed or unvaccinated animal or any animal observed to be running at large to the Animal Control Officer , or some authorized officer, upon demand for impounding . Section 5. That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith and specifically Sections 4- 1 , 4 - 4 , and 4 - 16 through 4- 24 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , be , and hereby are , repealed . �tEo 874 rnut,:. 538 Section 6 : Should any section or provision of this ordinance be declared by the Courts to be unconstitutional or invalid , such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole , or any part thereof other than the parts so declared to be unconstit- utional or invalid . Section 7 . It is hereby determined by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , that the uncontrolled keeping of animals and fowl within the City of Fayetteville constitutes a danger to the health and well being of the citizens of the City and that the existing animal control ordinance does not sufficiently regulate the keeping of animals and fowl within the City to protect the citizens . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the protection of the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS tia — DAY OF 1974 . APPROVED : MAYOR �ATTES y W*� I 4CLERJK v/ 'i t 't a DEED 1 Pco-c.539 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing isa true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , &Ldt.� e7 ,pr IF a0 $C/ therein set forth , 0 and the same is as it appears o/ff Record in `.2� Volume I V at Page /�7J/f/d thereof . 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official t 1At"( / seal this day of •�.., � 1 f � q � 5 � . F:7Y � (.L( ®077'.2 /L�-� CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE C-1 At? ,'..',; V-_ S I ss. Wcahn`701 County Circuit Cler4; and Ex-0fficio Recorder for I Nma E. Kcllmoy --r. Washington �,.• nt`;, annoxed or fore- do hML)Y cer6' ti,a; the e on the &- day goimgins ument gas filed for re:.`rd inocl(Y �rl ,Ind the same s Cat page of record_ - duly recc;ded in day of19 Witness my hand and seal this 9 A Kot MM Circuit Clerk and i Ex-oincio cor d By � . .& 1� �jA putyGerk. D[ ED 874 L'Auf.51�o ANN • pv i CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and ' x-Officio recorder for the City of Fayettevilled do hereby certify that the annexed or fore+ goia;i is of record in my office and the same ap+ pears in Ordinance & Resolution book V.at page witness my. day of han•' aad' seal this 19 a:;d E_ -0 ffi, io Recorder 1C �.. may be used. or molesting said animal or while trey and fowl within the City W protect the whenever my animal M the animal pawing on the premises of the owner clams. Therefore, m emergency U shelter been a city tag, It Stall be or-keeper W. said animal shall Pay all hereby declared to earl, and this ordin- Me duty of We Waal control officer customary and reasonable charges and 'ante being necessary for Me protection to notify the owner or the person W teen resulting from his request to have of Me public health, safety and welfare wrfiom the tag "a Issued, If such person said animal confined and quarantined. shall be In full farce and effect from ol's.lOwner can be found, that the animal (d) It. any dog or once animal con. and after Its passage and approyal. has been taken up and placed in the fined under Subsections (a) anti (b) Is PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3rd .animal shelter and will be destroyed not reclaimed by its owner, such dog DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1914. Ioereleased to the Fayetteville Humane shall be released by no veterinarian APPROVED: Isocd,ety within ten (10) days unless W the Animal Control Officer who shall RUSSELL T. PURDY 'Cleve hereinafter prescribed Is paid. treat such dog or animal as one found I MAYOR H the owner or person to whom Me running at large within the corporate ATTEST: tag was Issued cannot be found. the limits of she City. DARLENE WESTBROOK animal control officer shall, by registered (e) The licensed veterhmMn super. CITY CLERK =it send to seid person's last anown vismg the quarantine of any dog or (Seal) address, notify said person that the arab animal quarantined under Subsections IW 7 mel has been ImpatMed at the animal (a) and Ib) shall promptly report to 'shelter, and will be destroyed or released Me Office of the City Manager the place to flu Fayetteville Humane Satiety. sofa- 07 initial confinement, and the tllapoaltlon In ten (30) days Ie the tee herelnaIXet Dffi of the dog or animal at termination ecrlbed Is nut paid For We purpose of confinement. of this section- the first day of tektne Sec. 4.21. Vicious Dogs. P shell be counted as the flat day It Mall be unlawful for any person of the Impoundment period provided to own, keep, or harbor within the herein. corporate limits of the City any vicious ' Sec. 4-21. Same — Killing or redemp- dog unless mid dog is muzzled or con. tion of animals. fined in a substantial enclosure or tied After the expinOm he ten (10) days in such a manner that It cannot bila Impoundment In the can of a licensed mall carriers, delivery men. Maine me. lanlmal, or the expintlm of Ore (5) den, or once licensees or invitees days Impoundment to no case of an coming on the premises. Any vicious unlicensed animal, said animal Mall dog found outside the above specified become the property of the City of Fay- locations may be seized or impounded ,elteville, and the City shall be em. pursuant to the procedure set out in powered to release said animal W the this spirit. Fayetteville Humane Society or to For the purpose of this section, a destroy and dispose of said animal. Ten viclous dog is hereby defined to be (10) days after any licensed animal has a dog which has a disposition to bite been Impounded, as provided for In See- humus and My dog which has bitten Has 4.20 above, the animal central officer or attempted to bite any person within Is hereby authorized to release said W- the six Murtha immediately peat; how. Mal W the Fayetteville Humane Society ever, the teal that a dog has bitten Or or to destroy such animal and dispose attempted to Hite some Person when net of the comms. For the purpose of this Person was leasing or molesting said dog section. the day of taking up Mall be shall rot muse Mat dog to be considered counted as the first day of the impound. a vicious dog winln Me some of this ' ment Period heroin provided. section. The owner of an Impounded animal Section 4. That Chapter 4 of Me Fay- may at any time before said animal ettevllle Coda of Ordinances Is hereby U destroyed or released W Me Fayette- amended by adding Article HI W read tolls Humane Society claim said animal as follows: and have the same released W him, Article III. ENFOROEMP2iT. upon payment of the costs of Impound- Sec. 4.21, Smmmma by Police Officers. meet Said costs am hereby ascertained The members of the Police Department 4o he Five Dollars ((5re.00) Impoundment aauthorised for violation of any fes for the tint pickup within a calendar portion us this chapter, to give to the year and Ten Dollars (110.000) for each offender a notice W apVear Lt the Muni. subsequent pickup at the same animal copal Court of the City of Fayetteville. within a calendar year, plus Two Dollars Such notice to appear shall ante Me and Fifty Cents (13.50) for each day name and the address of the violator such animal is impounded in the animal and Wa dale of the violation, and shall shelter, together win Me tax on such contain a statement of the nature of animal, If the name has not been paid, the violation. The Mtiee MSB contain Plus Me mats of having an unvaccinated a printed statement W wh1Oc the violator animal vaccioated for rabies. The initial premises W appear In the municipal impoundment fee for unlicensed or un- court without women of any warrant vaccinated dogs or cats. Mall be Fifteen or once process and which statement Doran (115.00). U to be signed by the vlolator. Upon The Impoundment costa specified above failure to sign the statement to appear. Mall be Paid to the animal control offl. the usual procedure won the filing of car who shall molt all such payments complalnU In the municipal court shall W the City Controller. Said payments govern the accost and trial of the viola. shall be treated as general rend revenues or. Upon the violator's slgning the by the City Controller. agreement to appear and his appearance Sec. 4R2. Confinement by Owner. as Be Out in the hotlet, no warrant Upon no request of any parson who shall be Issued for the arrest of the has been bitten by a dog or other Wmel violator. within the corporate iknlut a the W. 4.21. Interference win Animal City (or by a parent or legal guartlim Control Officer. Of a persen an bitten whois under a It shall be unlawful for any Person disability), the Animal Control Officer W Interfere win or attempt W prevent shall take such dog or animal, or a the Andral Control Officer, or other plurality of same if they an reasonably authorized Persona, from seizing aro suspected Of the bill". Into custody impoundIng any animal which Is and whiles it and quarantine same mWorized W be Impounded under the under the supervision of a licensed provisions of this chapter. Further, It veterinarian, who shall keep such dog shall be unlawful for any person W or animal in quarantine until he shall refute to deliver my unlicensed or un- Issue his certificate that: vaccinated animal or any animal ob. (U He has complied with the obeema. served M be running at large 'W the tion previsions of Section 1 of Act Il, Animal Control Officer, or some First Extraordinary Session of Me IM authorized officer, upon demand for Arkansas General Assembly (Rabies impounding. Control Act); and Section S. That all ordlmnna and (2) The dog or other animal agpean resolutions, or parts thereof. In conflict W be free of Infection of tables (hydro. herewith and specifically Sections 4.1, phobia). N, and 4.10 through 4-24 of the Fayette. (b) Aey dog or other animal having Wile Code of Ordinucee, be, and hereby rabies or symptoms thereof, or suspected are, repealed. of ' having rabies, or which has been Section g. Should any section or exposed W rabies shall be Immediately provlelm of this ordnance be declared released by the owner or custodian of by the Court W be unconstitutional or such dog or animal W the Animal Con. invalid. such decision shall not affect trot Officer ted We Animal Control Offi. We validity of Me ordinance as a whole, car Mall confute such dog or animal or any part thereof other than Me perch W quarantine as provided for in Sub. so declared to be amcmatitaHmal or section "a" above. Invalid. (c) When the licensed venrinae an Section y. It U hereby determined by supervising Me quarantine of any dog the Board of Directen of the City of or neer animal quarantined under Sub- Fayetteville, Mat the uncontrolled willow (a) and (b) shall Issue the keeping of animals and fowl within the cerlificaus provided for In Subsection (a), City of Fayetteville constitutes a danger the owner of such dog or animal may W the health and well being of the retake custody of It upon lender W such bens of the City and Mal the existing veterinarian ander the City Animal Con. animal COMMI mdhunce done not RUB'' trel Officer of Weir eustamary and res- ciently regulate Me keeping of animals Baptista fees and larges for IMpounding boarding. lodging, observation and testing; except a person who is bltten BEST BUY IN TOWNI by an animal while balling, leasing, and accompanied by said owner or keeper. The term "dos" or "cat" shall ' mean Emh male and fatnale "neutered arreLEE ed.•' STATE of ARKANSAS - Sec.c. 4-17. Annual Tax and Tags. far LEVY AND AMOUNT OF TAX. gg. beco is hereby levied x i there shall County Of Washington he collected an annual ter e h amount cat channel provided hi seen dog ar cat owned or kept o the it City. Said . r tar WaK ea Te the dry lamenting Or b a e fair. It shin the date I, -.-. 5 4,Qt/ , hereby certify that I within Me V. It Wan be the nab am the Pub er o TH N011THWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily of aro ncYMd vMrhWalWal ealbaddis a til: alder the provisions of this see tiao newspaper havi a second class mailing b Amt Wall tar Us the City Chierear g privilege, and being not less than by Ore I" at Ike manta next falbwht four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at ear sac V Wall tat Wa mltatM. a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, Count of ""' GRnO1rANdr No: zsD r'a igh is etas' or aparad Y Y Mtohp ME F FAMENDING IHAP � ta - •• the il ' billed bshag an be Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated TER AYErrTVU;A CODE b W amAat of Oat Dolir (1LM) 1 of T� l>P' ORDWANCDS: Tp Clw�leY Tim sald r•• is paha SO ar beim tba and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and RsiomI roof s APIi,)CABLZ TO ftraf dy of pabgarr, and b the amotet readers generally of x11 classes in the City & County for a definite price for TIM RZFJ G (� ARMAe{e� OAORA at Da[lls (bkde), C sam tai b THE Crry OF. FArk9T'DVDA,IE ARK. paid tbmansl'• 'ms tar for ateh ga^ each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is ANSAS ANO FOR diE[mt PVR.pOA'8. alJRYed tamale are taWaaataled mai -Wall = rr ORDAINED BY TIM be Thee Dollars (WOO) if am tax considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and OF DmECrONe OF T16 �oy Is MM an er b°mae ma that der of service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers FAY17 TEVndy, ARKANSAS: .. February, and W W be Issue Da[bn �/'�y��T 1. Tawe ataice tit M . . (44 00) N. paid thereafter. thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents texelmte Code M hue 4-1 is MUT Ohould a dos or eat be is t into or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; amended to read as follows: t o City, or obtain tha age of time Ba6.}i. Ahmed Contra[ officer Claaee. =@Oft ells• the drs day of February, and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent ata. i - the pAaa owwbs or haaples wob dog Thai! la hereby created th'e Of ice b C eshatlnhavah th e� q� news matter. of Animal Control Officer. The Animal Contra Officer shall be apm]ntkt- by failing to pay said tar winds each period I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of me City Nonsense and Own perform shall be tetarlrM M. r b gpdoa leas duties and exercise t tax pra� g had _Dr ofe chapter. h ad01 b) TAID The dzmrQ ,Controllair m e ((/(��//" ` u Animal Control Officer shell pMohn Ikentad Eoteellledfan b whom Na rex ft�/.� L�`. each duties aa mar W dabltod W lMbd by Oebaabtlen (a) above b -------------------__-------.-.-_ kin by the City Manager or tha Ibatb Mid --------_____._.....____....._-._._-_-...--__.____.-- of Directors. Wall imw a racebt therefore and Wall - sauce. 2 IWM,R bm N Of the lin}. LM b each perms peylog cad tax Wabvdte Cada .adllQlanrea b barky • 1 tae inme.um that acid ta: was published in the regular dally issue of said newspaper [or_--_G�'!^_L�_ amended b mad r Mows , has bass paid fm the turned year; consecutive Insertions as follows : sec. N. Ce��b Ganar•�'. . ao be • tag fm any dog l tat Wall. Anirsblk! see aft, Jhalb set b isatad union • nr11fIWaY home t, be yeewf�d apace wnNw a DeWaeed vWaWateaNan b lseteted , The first Insertion on the r� . . _--- day of eok"lba ennalae. sub �aladlcabs that said dog Or eat' -__ 7 " lrea ahhg r drained sed has Lawn vaccinated for tables within' nod I amtary all one veer Prior 1M1 roto. • - �nnnlnan at .t 'r v: ah- + l-rvurn To the second insertion on the _ . _ _ _ day of ---... .. ----- - . . tree every -. ,lie to the third insertion on the day of ------------ 19----- ---_ .rum routs ,e the; and the fourth insertion on the _. _ day of - --------- _____ 19... .------ every, . - _ Ih• b • •:caner. f,!`tY1Q r' ( at_ Sworn and subscribed before me on this _ day of _ 'nary ---------—----------- 19 ub _�L— nilly ,.,: N ry Public -;brr oa. � ; My Commission Expires : rimed / 'hall r or t ae ,. ue e s "Ther Fees for Printing _.-_ {..._. .. ;ax No aril. Cost of Proof ..... ......_. _---------. the 6-t' m¢ me Total p:rai d. vier ,Ina rel sniff r¢9� nn� f a rV I illy' iB I' r:oa� �tfl ¢h e�