HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2036 Js. F , . n r, ,-- .� t-Ir� l•s ORDINANCE NO . \ '. o�O3(p AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PLANNING AREA MAP OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ; TO REDEFINE THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACT # 186 OF 1957 ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on a proposed ordinance to amend the Planning Area Map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS , said public hearing was held after a notice thereof was published as required by law ; and WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Planning Commission has certified to the Fayetteville Board of Directors a recommended ordinance redefining the boundaries of the Planning Area Map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the boundaries of the Planning Area Map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be , and they hereby are , amended to run as shown on the plat attached hereto , marked Exhibit A . and made a part hereof ; said boundaries being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is the SE corner of Sec . 31 , T16N , R30W ; thence west to the SW corner of Sec . 36 , T16N , R31W ; thence North to the NW corner of Sec . 36 , T16N , R31W ; thence West to the SW corner of the SE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 of Sec . 26 , T16N , R31W ; thence North to the SW corner of the NE 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 of Sec . 26 , T16N , R31W ; thence East to the SE corner of the NE 1/ 4 NE 1/4 of Sec . 26 , T17N , R31W ; thence North to the NE corner of Sec . 26 , T16N , R31W ; thence East 2186 ' thence North 3021 ; thence South 890 26 ' West 148 . 5 ' ; thence South 71 ° 14 ' West 1981 ; thence North 710 28 ' West 179 ' ; thence North 790 25 ' West 200 ' to the centerline of the old Farmington to Fayetteville Road ; thence South 0 ° 40 ' East 59 . 2 ' to the inter- section of the old Farmington to Fayetteville Road and the old Ozark Trial ; thence East bearing North with the centerline of the old Ozark Trail 136 ' ; thence North 00 40 ' West 336 . 8 ' to the South line of Highway 62 ; thence West bearing South with the South line of said Highway 137 . 9 ' to the centerline of the said Farmington to Fay- etteville Road at its intersection with Highway 62 ; thence North to the North line of the NE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Sec . 24 , T16N , R31W ; thence West to the SW corner of the SE 1/ 4 NE 1/4 of Sec . 23 , T16N , R31W ; thence North to the NW corner of the SE 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 of Sec . 23 , T16N , R31W ; thence West to the West line of Sec . 23 , T16N , R31W ; thence South to the SE corner . of_'the .NE -.1/ 4 of Sec . 22 , T16N , R31W ; thence West to the SW corner of the NE 1/ 4 of Sec . 22 , T16N , R31W ; thence North 2940 ' ; thence East 700 ' ; thence North to the North line of Sec . 3 , T16N , R31W ; pQ /�q MiC..OfILMLD EV00 OL 0 01 DATES1 6 1978 REED__ thence West to the NW corner of Sec . 3 , T16N , R31W ; thence North 7900 ' more or less to the centerline of Clear Creek ; thence in a Northeasterly direction along the centerline of Clear Creek to a point on said creek which is 1000 ' more or less , in a Northeasterly direction from the East side of Highway 112 ; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the centerline of Clear Creek to a point which is 600 ' North more or less from the SE corner of the NW 1/4 SW 1/ 4 of Sec . 22 , T17N , R30W ; thence South to the SE corner of said 40 acre tract ; thence West to the SW corner of said 40 acre tract ; thence South to the NW corner of the S 1/ 2 SW 1/4 SW 1/ 4 of Sec . 22 , T17N , R30W ; thence East to the NE corner of said 20 acre tract ; thence South to the SE corner of said 20 acre tract ; thence East to the centerline of Mud Creek ; thence in a south- easterly direction along the centerline of Mud Creek to the intersection of Mud Creek and Skull Creek ; thence in a Southerly direction along the centerline of Skull Creek 7001 ; thence East to the East line of Sec . 27 , T17N , R30W ; thence North 35001 ; more or less , to the centerline of Clear Creek ; thence in a Northeasterly direction along the centerline of Clear Creek to a point 700 ' West , more or less , from the West line of Highway 71 ; thence North to the South line of Johnson Road ; thence East along the South line of Johnson Road to the West line of Highway7l ; thence in a northerly direction along the West line of Highway 71 to the North line of Sec . 23 , T17N , R30W ; thence East to the SE corner of the S 1/2 SW 1/ 4 SW 1/ 4 of Sec . 13 , T17N , R30W ; thence North to the NE corner of said 20 acre tract ; thence East to the NE corner of the S 1/ 2 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Sec . 13 , T17N , R30W ; thence South 150 ' ; thence N 230 0 ' E 14001 ; thence North to the SW corner of the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Seca 13 , T17N , R30W ; thence East to the East line of Sec . 16 , T17N , R29W ; thence South to the SE corner of Sec . 33 , T17N , R29W ; thence East to ,the _NE corner_: of Sec . 5 , T16N , R29W ; thence South along said line to the NE corner SE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 of Sec . 8 , T16N , R29W , thence in an easterly direction to the northwest corner of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SW 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Section 9 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northwest corner of the S 1/2 NW 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the S 1/ 2 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northeast corner of the SE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southwesterly direction to a point 330 feet north and 330 feet west of the southeast corner of the SE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence south to a point in the south boundary 330 feet West of the southeast corner of the NW 1/4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southwesterly direction to a point which is 561 feet south and 594 feet on a pp bearing of N 870 W from the southeast corner [YOL SOQ o2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16 ; thence on a bearing of S 140 W to the north boundary of the S 1/ 2 N 1/ 2 SE 1/4 SW 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in an . easterly direction to the northeast corner of the S 1/ 2 N 1/2 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Section 16 ; thence in a northerly direction to the north- west corner of the SW 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southeasterly :direction to the . . northwest corner of the NE 1/ 4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the NE 1/ 4 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 16 ; thence in an easterly direction to the southeast corner of Section 16 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northwest corner of the W 1/ 2 SE 1/4 NW 1/ 4 NW 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the W 1/ 2 SE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 NW 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence in a south- easterly direction to a point 330 feet south of the northwest corner of the SE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 22 ; thence in a northerly direction to the northwest corner of the SE 1/4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 22 ; thence in an easterly direction to the northwest corner of the SW 1/ 4 SW 1/ 4 NE 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 SW 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 NE 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence in aneasterly direction to the northeast corner of the NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 23 ; thence in a southerly dire - ction to the southeast corner of NW 1/4 SW 1/ 4 of Section 23 ; thence in a westerly direction to the southeast corner of the W 1/ 2 SE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Section 23 ; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of the E 1/ 2 NE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 23 ; thence in an easterly direction to the northwest corner of the SE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Section 23 ; thence in a southeasterly direction on and along a line diagonally from the said northwest corner to the southeast corner of the SE 1/ 4 SE 1/4 SW 1/ 4 of Section 23 to the center of the channel of White River ; thence westerly along the channel of White River to the point of intersection with a diagonal line between the northeast corner and the southwest corner of said SE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/ 4 of Section 23 ; thence in a southwesterly direction to the southeast corner of the NW 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 26 ; thence in a westerly direction to the southwest corner of the NW 1/ 4 NW 1/4 NE 1/ 4 NW 1/ 4 of Section 26 ; thence in a northwesterly direction toward the southeast corner of the N 1/2 NE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 22 to the inter- section of an east-west line parallel to and lying 440 feet south of the north line of SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 23 ; thence in a west direction to the west line of the SW 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Section 23 ; thence in a south direction to the SE corner of the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 22 ; thence in a northwesterly direction to the Southeast corner of NW 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 of Section 22 ; thence in a westerly direction to the northeast corner of the N 1/ 2 NW 1/ 4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence in a southerly direction to the southeast corner of the N 1/2 NW 1/ 4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence in ,:VOL 880 03 a westerly direction on and along the south boundaries of said N 1/2 NW 1/ 4 SE 1/4 SW 1/ 4 and the N 1/ 2 NE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 0£ Section 22 to a point 526 . 5 feet west of the southeast corner of the N 1/ 2 NE 1/4 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 of Section 22 ; thence ina southerly direction on and along a line parallel to the West boundary of the SW 1/4 of Section 22 to the centerline of State Highway 16 ; thence in a northwesterly direction with the centerline of said Highway to the northeast corner of a tract of land belonging to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and recorded on page 368 of book 522 of the Circuit Clerk ' s Office , Washington County , Arkansas ; thence South 270 29 ' West 2 . 91- 1/ 2 chains ; thence South 56 ° 54 ' West 2 . 62 chains to a point on the east line of the NE 1/4 NE 1/ 4 Section 28 , said point being . 97 chains south of the northeast corner of NE 1/ 4 NE 1/4 of Section 28 ; thence in a southerly direction on and along the east boundary of the NE 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 of Section 28 to the centerline of the right of way of the St . Louis and San Francisco Railroad (Abandoned ) , said point being 1 , 074 . 5 feet south of the northeast corner of Section 28 ; thence South 621 West 1 , 003 feet ; thence south 450 West 614 feet to the southwest corner of the NW 1/4 SW 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 of Section 28 ; thence in a westerly direction to the northeast corner of the NW 1/4 SE 1/4 SW 1/ 4 NE 1/ 4 of Section 28 ; thence in a southwesterly direction to the southwest corner of the NW 1/4 SE 1/ 4 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 28 ; thence South to the centerline of the Middle Fork of the White River ; thence in a southerly direction along the centerline of said river to the south line of Sec . 28 , T16N , R29W ; thence West to the NW corner of Sec . 31 , T16N , R29W ; thence South to the SW corner of Sec . 31 , T16N , R29W ; thence West to the NW corner of Sec . 2 , T15N , R30W ; thence South to the NE corner of the SE 1/ 4 SE 1/ 4 of Sec . 15 , T15N , R30W ; thence West to the East line of Highway 71 ; thence in a northwesterly direction along the East line of Highway 71 to a point which is 1000 ' North and 1000 ' East , more or less , from the SW corner of Sec . 9 , T15N , R30W ; thence East 350 ' ; thence North 2250 ' ; thence East 700 ' ; thence North 2000 ' ; more or less , to the North line of Sec . 9 , T15N , R30W ; thence East 3001 ; thence N 13 ° 30 ' W 1380 ' ; thence West to the West line of Highway 71 ; thence in a Northerly direction along the West line of Highway 71 to a point which is 1320 ' North and 1250 ' East , more or less , from the SW corner of Sec . 33 , T16N , R30W ; thence West to the West line of Sec . 33 , T16N , R30W ; thence South to the SW corner of Sec . 33 , T16N , R30W ; thence South 3000 ' ; thence S 76 ° 25 ' W 13001 ; thence South 675 ' ; thence East to the East line of Sec . 5 , T15N , R30W ; thence West 630 ' ; thence South 1000 ' ; thence West 1820 ' ; thence N 680 0 ' W 1400 ; thence South 300 ' ; more or less , to the centerline of Wilson Street ; thence in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Wilson Street to the West line of Sec . 8 , T15N , R30W ; thence North to the NW corner of Sec . 5 , T15N , R30W ; thence West to the SE corner of Sec . 31 , T16N , R30W , which is the point of beginning . Section 2 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith be , and they hereby are , repealed . `von 880 04 Section 3 . That the City Clerk be , and she hereby is , authorized and directed to file a copy of this ordinance in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , PASSED AND APPROVED THIS !O&V) DAY OF ` 1974 . APPROVED : ».,.,. ., MAYOR r� CITY RK CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ] SS. Washington County ] I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Cterk and Ex-Officio Record -.r for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or foie- going instrument was filed p for Jygprsl in my office on the oe4day of 191r t_o'clor,*lmlan the ss�ie is duly recorded in recordatpadez) / Witness my hand and seal thisj3day o19-Z-T ALMA KOLLMEYER Circuit Clerk and Ex- ficio Recorded By Deputy Clerk IN 880 05 PLANNING . AREA MAP CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS M / ' '•�J � �. Y\ r–a J.,-.—..`ter y`.. _ '< - i , \ �"" ,�: \\ 1--- • is _: �--- --- -��. i } ;- Yr I s ° i Y; • R 4. _ ' - S is . . I" �•,. - . _.. . .-.. j _ FAYETTEVILLE . ARKANSAS ASHED LINE INDICATES 1 ' ` • � l �"'� '- LANNING AREA BDUN DRY { _ � - f - r -"� ; - ' 1' _ .1,. ' ot APPROVED ElY FAYETTEVIFLE PLANNING ; APPROVED BY FAYETTEVILLE BOARD OF ' COMMISSION , AUG, U T 13 , 1974 . DIRECTORS , AUGUST 20, 1974 . SECRETARY, FA/ETT VILLE ,PLAT ING COMMISSION MAYOR CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , ad 3(0 i I ,/therein set forth , and the psame is as it appears of Record in/ (UI /�XL ,2400 C- A'/� d a / nst�2Dlw Volume � V at Page /W/6 - /L6 . 4 Iff thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here- I unto set my hand and affixed my ? official seal this .�1 day of 19w. `4 9,�•�, 1 . Cl RTIPICA I�+. Or ECORD C{'�so „ P-r!:•+ nom. - r Ha City • L •E -. :. )e i•. .in^ t, � '";i :• C'.eric and do lwre'a cera ' i ,Y< . . .. . . :: . 1 Or `ore. City Clerk guit., . o .. . .:nrvi %:; myo£ ce ap• pears `.in Orciaance fd hesOlution 11001- V at page my {. hand and s_al `f:is — _ aay of . t9 City Clerk ant! i::: J:[iro Re: .r !^." L 880 00 j i C OftDmAvr -WIS of Section N_ AN ORDINANM - .:mer;" direction to PLANNING �1tEA 5lA? JF' THE CITY t, or « me N Se Now:NF Y'AY . 11ZE TY, RZDE4I1473 fit Sftl of Hecllon Z ; then" In THE Titans"tAL .NRffi��ff,','/lT7ON OF a westerly dire0tion 00 and along the STATE of ARKANSAS THE 0 (YtN3V�1'3W AND south boundaries of a9b No NWt4 tip vamp,q FOR "M PVR- BE % SW Ni qnd the F jn NE t1 SW m Whe m32 Taal comer f 5 1eet County of Washington ))) na �O'sy .. . wnq e N 's the Pla rna Omani a,nn - 32; "a'puhilc hearing on a Promote[ and NO tab OF W7 AND t4 « b ►- a An b �mtbd the` Pln Planning Arrn Iwum M Ue C1tr of Fa•eu .. 111e, Ar'. , 1 the I, � �_� � - -- . -- - , hereby certify that I And nen fe am the ublisher of T E NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Amor a tab Woof Merinc the Atter a npuaw tang wale If I, lorof ging newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than TFRMS, law; and in ins IEREAO., the Favetlr, 1. ..mass, four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at radon 14e eenurd , - = a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of crowd Of mtwdon a Nl ��in 'iPk ' " n10�°° Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated 'rt rldehine the f the . .- ng Areal elan m the tand distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and Artr,n,x. ' , . Tvfatyoee c- " readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for imT CIV. 41 each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is i]sAS; a considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and area Mn,, service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Piloted w"„° thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents .�arhed aorto,�t marirn e , - or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; ane a pert hereon nate bon,. ,n ts; and that the said newspaper publishes an averse of more than forty percent more parttculedy errnnee P g eel; ng at it sore• It feel news matter. r of Sec, No TIV NW4i -^ m• sw Off of e in I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of rNn.. I meast Nwil ---------------- ---- k of Airite . ... . o t ...r. aumc lection - - gy dents ifgf said rmer to was published in the regular dally issue of said newspaper for et�yt�,'eG1il: 28. TIM, R25W: consecutive Insertions as follows : 'gF'TO Yha'N7e comer of See. -V VNW III, - -n South to the TIM, R99I The first insertion on the _-_. _-. day of .....�Q�---- 19._ -7-! mer of Sea --- "- '" •num On the ,F% of See, the second insertion on the W me Fes _____ dflY of ___----. 19______ . . In a north I East line loco the third insertion on the _. ---- day of - _____. 19 --- ------- or , less TIM Nom and the fourth insertion on the __ __nw�day o ._.._.......... ... .. . 19-------- ni lin Eas 1388' e rtiohl ngto icon a min Sworn to and subscribed before me on Io Edi this .... Y.r......... day Of -- ------------ nst o I rel to ^ntc nn��/�j -------------f---` -- 19-- — N r. hentn �. hereto s�— - "'"----"" --- """" "-------� Of -IICS 0 Notary hilt nr less. W the cenlerlinc of Wilson Simi itsIt - - thence in a nnKhweslerly direction alert! « (' - , r.'ck the centerline entine Of Wilson Street b no who ` , North. West line of Sec. 8s TI.W. R30I thento y Commission Expires : eat .set abs North to the NW corner of Sec 5, T15N Of i "]eaaMF 113010thence West to the is cornet _ q Iv - of Clear Of Sec, TIM,TI , R31 which is ms rt 4 r1 Noah point or beginning. fro" ,- Omer of Secnnn 2. That all ordimnees ant the i - y, I Timil, resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict /7 R90W; M rete South in I', c herewith be, and they hereby are. of yahgen n Whet b repealed. Fees for Printing .. the RN IF�tterto ,t -e brats; Section J. That the City Clerk be thence 1loul�, !DV of the all she hereby is. authorized and ah 'RVs �4 er 717N, directed to file a copy of this ordinance Cost of Proof __ ... _ _ {.. . .__ ..__. sCono wa l! a b tl corner in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Of Natal a tla�{ lit swm to Ez-Oficto R¢��rder of Washington 72/) he sE Nkrdr « S Id -n r [red; County, ArkatfdW. ' Total !hI ltafl to the'_eo •f1Nd PASSED A�roygp Tills 20th _ CMP4. [Resta In a A6uthe= 'N d= DAY OF AU Oj tum alefrg the care e r ,! Creek s OVER: n the inlerRttion of m art ,an. Pydv in heck: therf tq a c,. MAYOR `ion abna' the ttntafllne r ,k ATTTEST Isla': disc Or less, to trr • of Darlene Weatbroo 718' ; the to Eeat to the '," rte of CITY CIAI ser. 27, 111 VMW ' . North I is 12 1711) no or les, In t'. ^-rl.ne of ['leer Ct'e$' lhencf a a ` oeaslerly, dhertioh nit tRk_,Nenle• of Clear' creek to M hood > 0 a more ar less, frmI t a olio lint li:ghwey .1 :hence North to the r d ]nlr'•Oe Road; Boum line « Johngion' 1 line of Hlghw 71' 1M t. rvrly direction gbp( lips of Highway Cveek 0 mate or 72 to than - . 11, TIM, RSUW; :Ike aC corner « the g K of all 13. T17N, ". Glth le the NE corner of %reef;. thence Ea,: to i f ' of her RSI if NWS; « sec. I R30f thence Routh 150'; thenot N b dogma it E 141 thence North '.o the sow corner of the NE K NE 14 of Sec. 13, TIM. RWW; thence East Of the East line Of Sec 10. TI7N, R29W; thence South to lit- g corner of Sec. V. T17N R ; thence East to the NE corner of Sec. Of TIM, R29w; thence South along aid Ilse to the NE comer SE is SE µ am 0 of Sec. a, TIN, R29W thence in an easterly direction W the wnhwesl cos• net of the NEµ SII 9Rfµ Swift Of section 9; thence in a southeasterly direction to the Northwest comer of me N4 NWIA NEµ NW. of Section 16; thence in a s0umeeslerly direction to me southeast corner « the S% N o NEµ NWS. of section 16 ; thence In A southeasterly direction b the northeast comer of the SE It SE it NW & of Section is: thence in a somhweslerly direction to a point which Is set feet south and 594 feet on a hearing of N 87 degrees W from the southeast corner of me NW to of Section 16: thence on a bearing of S H dee W to the foe boundary of me Stilt Nµ 3Eu4 SW`.: « Sect!m 16; thence in an easterly direction to Me northeast corner of me sK Nle SE Si 6W it of Section 16; thence In a northerly diversion to dot northwest comer as 010 SWu M% Of Sectors 16: thence in a southeasterly direction to the northwest comer of the NE % NW µ SE µ SE 1/4 of Section 16; theme in a southeasterly direction to the south east corner of me NE µ NW µ SW as SE Se of Senlon 16: thentt . in a Wo beaaterly direction t0 ter amotheast corner of me exit nit aE'i 3Eti of Section 18: thence in an easterly direction tome southeast comer of Ser. Won Is; thence in a Southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of Sec, 1 :14h ten to the normwe,t Corner of the W B SE W NW W NWie of Set u: than" in a wumeaierly direction to the Southeast corer of me W N SE' i NWi : NIV of Secllon Ts: rinme . a • . .Nlerly direction to I the northwest of Section I:;e - 'v dirt, na a u -4rlya the it sin n of sWs( to corner of unmet SES ar Kation 211 to the 0-n^.el of Willi, Rlrer.