HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2022 .. ~ F ,1,'1,- 'E Di FOR RECORD ORDINANCE N0 . aoaa 74 JUL — 9 PIA i s 15 t/ASHlhf;TCN C,*:,Uf4TY AN ORDINANCE AMDENDING CHAPTER 15 OF THE FAYEMT%J3V..jLLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO UPDATE THE CITY PLUMBING COD8141AN15LODRYiOTHER PURPOSES , ZIftCMT CLzitI' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 15 - 2S of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding Paragraphs ( k ) and ( 1 ) to read as follows : (k ) Section 11 . 2 . 1 of Chapter 11 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to in Section 1S - 1 is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 11 . 2 . 1 SEPARATE TRENCHES . When installed in a separate trench from the water service pipe , building sewers shall be cast iron sewer pipe , vitrified clay sewer pipe , asbestos cement sewer pipe , or acceptable DWV plastic . Acceptable DWV plastic shall be ABS (ACRYLONITRILE - BUTADIENE - STYRENE ) Type 1 , Schedule 40 , as defined in A . S . T . M . specifications D - 1788 and CS - 270 , and shall bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF ) certificate . DWV plastic shall have indented markings in compliance with Arkansas State Board of Health requirements . ( 1 ) Chapter 14 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to in Section 15 - 1 is hereby amended by adding Section 14 . 14 " Identification" to read as follows : 14 . 14 IDENTIFICATION Water piping from multiple meter installations shall be plainly marked by the installer , so that the piping system supplied by each water meter can be readily identified . Section 3 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith , and specifically paragraph ( c ) of Section 15 - 2S of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , be , and hereby are , repealed . Section 4 . Should any section or provision of this ordinance be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid , such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole , or any part thereof other than the parts declared to be unconsitut - ional or invalid . Section S . It is hereby determined by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the City Plumbing Code needs to be updated and clarified in order to protect the M"CR090T DATE 1 61978 REEL8T3v� 88 ��� IIt b �7.� FD i° f , u property and lives of the citizens of the city . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the immediate protection of the public health , safety , and welfare shall take effect immediately after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1974 . APPROVED : T or C � � AMAYOR ATTEST it FF b •' C R , r : 7 87' P,SGF 89 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , A�.p_14 therein set forth , . and the same is as it appears of Record in LLu Volume / at page thereof . a IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto' set my hand and affixed my official seal this da4641 " ^� Z, ?. 19 `��i�KLLI A_C�C�La,.C,� � •t ~ +ti'1••• ' • Ilij'I 11.. CITY CLERK •': ':> r'`; /lr� 1, 1� ` CERTIFIC^,TE OF RECORD STATE OF AR•KA`K", •S ] SS. Washington County ] I, Alma L. I:cllmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder fon` `\ Washington County, do hereby certify that the annsxed or fore- Washington strum nt was filed�f/or re :or�r/ll in y o: '.cc on the day _ 17y-a' =�J• ;,, R, 1r.x: 11116 thosame of- at go duly corded _lV..,�,Q-�t--X-r_.o, 6 �D Vday of 9 Witness my hand and seal this_IALMA KOLA VEF Circuit Clerk -and . Ex-Offici Rco ded:,. ` . rv• ' _ { so BY �\ Deputy Clerk, e • e _ CERTIFICATE OF RECORD. State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I I . S _t an^c C. K�'me''y, City Clerk and E ,)f i . i re- )r 'c,,- f ,, tae C';y of F: Yctteville, d . r; Litt the :, n ^ns .l or fore- S -fd e S:ane ap- pears in Or._Iunce 3? .–Lia b )ok � V„t plg^! — witness my hand and seal tliis _play of lY City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington I, . . hereby certify that I am PJelisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily its wsp per having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than _ four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at OR INAI CEI NO.�2023 I a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County o1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING y � caePTEn IS of- THE FDMANCEwYETrEVII.LE� Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated CODE OF OR9 TO UPDATE and distributed from an established lace of business to subscribers and TRE CITY PLUMBING CODE; AND p FOR 077M PURPOSES. readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for BE IT. ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OFA each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is F geounsELoThe ARKANSAS: t considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and BMJiao VI1LE.t Section 1SZi of the Fayetteville +code , of ,ordinances is service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers hereby outreached by adding 'Paragraphs (it) and ay .to mad asfollows: thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents (k) section 1i.2.1 of Chapter 11 a or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; the Arkansas . State Plumbing Code referred to In Section, 15-1 is hereby and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent emended to read As follows: news matter. Sectiui 'll.2.1 SEPARATE TRENCHES. When Installed In 'a separate trench from the water service pipe, building I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of sewers shall be cast `fron sewer pipe, vitrified ' clay sewer "pipe, asbestos cement sewer" pipe, or acceptable DWV I plastic. - Acceptable DWV - plastic shall - �f Ilflbe ABS (ACRYLONITRILE - BUTA DIENE - MRENE) Type 1. Schedule _._..........._.._ .. _ ... .._. ..___- __ _-_ 40, as defined In A.S.T.M. ,specifications �D-1785 and CS-270" and ' s0ali' beer the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for............/.__ Saal of the ,National r Sannatloa Founds- p I tion (NSF) certificateDWV plastic shall eensecut{Te-Insertions as follows : have indented markings In compliance with . Arkansas, State: Board of Health / requirements. ' The first insertion on the _______.._.. (1) Chapter 14 oVilus 'Arkavaes. Slate ...... day 01 --- -------- - ------ 18.7.. ._ Plumbing Code referred to in Section lion 414.14 by atnendeB by,' adding Seo- the second insertion on the .__----_.._._-__----- day Of ----------------__....._. 19._.____ tion s:. "Ideot(fiEetiav" to reatl v to 14.14 � wilt IDENTIFICATIONipinfrom ou witionit tptne ,from 16ibly meter In- the third Insertion on the .......____._......—.... day of ___.__............._. 19_.-....... striations r. s be the marked by the led Pyq so Naltthe piping ayslem readies b each water meter can by and the fourth insertion on the ----------------------- day of _..._ ._...._ .. . readily nn,s.aled y Scctiont '6r pat e8 erentnames end resobttlom o`r parts thereof, In eoaOlct i0fSefutfi end specifically Fayette,.... (c) ._.__ Iof SOclloa 1525 be, the. Fayetteville Code Pe led. antxa, her and hereby ars M Peeled. Section;, 4.� Should air • section or Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ------ --------- day of .__.____.__ provlsidp• of;this ordinance be declared Ib the rnuris m be uncoustilutional or invalid, 'fine eclslon 'shailCnotkeffect Me validity of the ord nenoc.-is a whole, - or any part thereof other Man the part .-....._......_. ._..—... __-- deeleretl toitia `vnrou3litufimal' lor In. ' valid. Sec , Section 5, It Is hereby declared by f We Board of Directors of the City o1. -__ . . ......._G'W/4 Fayettevihe. , Arkansas, that Ne Gip- Notar ublic Plumbing Code needs to be updated and clarified in ender to protect Ne property and fries of the citizens of the city. Therefore, .asas emergency is hereby de- MY Commission Expires: elated to evpl , and this onlinance being !of the p ler ale Immediate protamine m the Isrbfo health, safely and wmlon V shell fake effect immedintely after Its — Ipassage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED TH19 jnd DAY OF JULY,-1974. . / OO APPROVED: Fees for Pr{IIfiD o RVNIId. T. PURDYB -.-...-- _.._._._. ��. ATTEST: MAYOR DARLENE WESTBROOK I COBC Of Proof -----------_--- ;----------_-------------_ Icily Clerk , Tc 12 Total --------_..... ;..._�.�_: ..V..