HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2021 F. 11, E 0 FOR RE-CORD ORDINANCE NO . aoa1 '74 JUL FA 11 15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE FAzYETTEVILG RCTOfDE OF ORDINANCES ; TO UPDATE THE CITY HOUSING CODE BY IN ;tTEfE., 1973 ED ITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD HOUSING CODE; �AND T�ROR F r. OTHER PURPOSES . Ci r ' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 12 - 1 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 12 - 1 . Adoption of Minimum Housing Code . There is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that certain health and housing standards known as the Southern Standard Housing Code , 1973 Edition of the Southern Building Code Congress , of which not less than three copies have been and are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein , and from the date on which this chapter shall take effect , the provisions thereof shall be controlling on all dwellings and premises within the corporate limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 2 . That Section 12 - 2 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 103 . 1 Right of Entry The Building Official shall enforce the provisions of this Code , and he , or his duly authorized representative upon presentation of proper identi - fication to the owner , agent , or tenant in charge of such property , may enter any building , structure , dwelling , apartment , apartment house , or premises , during all reasonable hours , except in cases of emergency where extreme hazards are known to exist which may involve the potential loss of life or severe property damage in which case the above limitations shall not apply . pA1GROFo?r b �51e DATE�� REEL�� 873 P,av 91 The occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit shall give the owner thereof , or his agent or employee , access to any part of such dwelling or dwelling unit , or its premises , at all reasonable times for the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with the provisions of this chapter or with any lawful rule or regul - ation adopted or any lawful order issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter . Section 108 is hereby amended by the addition of the following material : Section 108 - Violations and Penalties . Any person , firm , corporation or agent , who shall violate a provision of this Code , or fail to comply therewith , or with any of the requirements thereof , or who shall erect , construct , alter , demolish , or move any structure , or has erected , constructed , altered , repaired , moved or demolished a building or structure in violation of this Code , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . Each person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed , or continued and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than $ 10 nor more than $ 100 or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not to exceed 30 days , or by both fine and imprisonment . Section 201 . 2 is hereby amended by the addition of the following material : " Occupants shall mean any person , over 1 year of age , living , sleeping , cooking , or eating in , or having actual possession of , a dwelling unit or rooming unit . " "Housing Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall mean the Housing Appeal Board as established by Sec . 12 - 3 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances . " Section 304 . 16 is hereby amended by the addition of the following : Section 304 . 16 -' Iriterio•r Floors , Wal1s , and Ceilings " Every floor , interior wall and ceiling shall be substiantially rodent proof ; shall be kept in sound condition and good repair ; and shall be safe to %74P use and capable of supporting the load which normal use may cause to be placed thereon . Every water closet compartment floor surface and bathroom floor surface shall be constructed and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition . " Section 3 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith be , and hereby are , repealed . Section 4 . Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the Courts to be unconstitutional or invalid , such decision shall not effect the validity of the ordinance as a whole , or any part thereof other than the parts declared to be unconstitutional or invalid . Section S . It is hereby determined by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the City Housing Code needs to be updated and clarified in order to protect the property and lives of the citizens of the city . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the immediate protection of the public health , safety , and welfare shall take effect immediately after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS c2a DAY OF , 1974 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTE, ' G '� T 1 R ^ " iiE � 4 0 Pf1CF 93 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , DARLENE WESTBROOK , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , dyt,"r t/lj aQo therein set forth , and the same -is /Jas. �i-t appears of Record in (!/iLQti( llorc"( Volume U at Page /o�16 /t/02 thereof . j m IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of i 19 4 JAI 44 ' CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE OF RECORD M+T iTATE c, P,Rtt'WiC's 1 �'s. Washin;;ton County I, Alma L KciVmcYar, Circuii Clrrd% and Ex-pfficto Record ' '0-n Washington County, do hereby cerJ;y t'net :h', a°c axid T� dny goi "nstrumcnrivas fi:ac:ec,�oa r/a'h5 P, i. Mnj h . sar. .e s of 1jl- I - Y7f re_; ,{ dui ecordeci . W�ui3y.X Witness my hand and seal this/ Cay �ALMA_KO.. EYE circuit ClerR and Ex-Oiicio I cor e BY D 8 ` P�sE. 9 J ' 1 d ` n 1 1 y " CORD c!! State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, v do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book —at page Witness my hand and sc:j'. '. . ., day of _ , 19--• City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder AV ORDINANCE AMENDING COAPT ER 12 OF THE T 'EVILLE , .i CODE OF ORDINANCES: TCU UPDATE THE CITY HOUSING CODE BY A DOP 9010 THE OF TIRE STATE of ARKANSAS 1 SOUTHERN ROUSING J} col ARP Nn FOR Off"Et PURPOSES. County BE IT ORDADWD . BY THE BOARD ' COunLy OC Washington OF DIRECTORS OF TRE CITY OFI FAYF.TTEVLLF., ARKANSAS' ?,tYion 1. That Section 13-1 Of the � Faietteville Code of Ordinances Is cc ��nn �� hereby amended m nod As follows: i, w W __ f- hereby certify that I ser. 1'-1. Adoplia, of Mimill am the Pub skier of 4HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily training Coda. There V hereby Adnptod by the Board newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than of Dlrerlors of the City of Fayetteville. [our 8 � Art.,nsas, that certain heaim and pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at han our standards known of the Southern a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Standard Housing Code, 1973 Edition of the Scothern Building Cade Ciugress, Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated ofwo a and nn now Hied In the office arn not le. dun era ea have hrrtr and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and ' I noir, if rho Ciro, of Fayetteville, readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for me +, tar " by -t ,e nils fully he neach copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is - - , . a xm- - nevem and from considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ce � this chapter shall take effect, the previsions thereof shall service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers x Bort within we A pirahe ha len f thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents prim:ar. within tlM all reale lis a of p r, ^ . art;ansn. I or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; " l Ill or the r ora runes yl and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent - read u follows: news matter. Fao-y. 'ficion�hYl " mel . . a s Cgda indvm- His I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of rd rePtwntanw We pre- .r proper ideaensern n to Be :ant, w fel in v. eb��ffy�e of , �rtany enter any Airlie ,1 • n ,r.+rtmeN. Awrl- �O al t el " Weed ..---_---_-----.-_- ----.-----._...._-_.._ -.-----._._ _------_ . , ter : eWrY � Wr �.,;,;,;a %Uldel0 was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for l-n+pe -0eeaeeeb4Are Insertions as follows :rich lass the L apply. s 1' ,g� =Iiher maw, , a or awThe first insertion on the �� __ day of yd.(...YJt7.., 19... - 'rh "`ll" Ar or a'"OPOZ .... ' the second insertion on the day of i7 � n.n -- to the third insertion on the _.. _ ._ . day of --- 19------------ of tela or night. n 1N � M4r[� ic ip and the fourth Insertion on the _ day of uan ,..t w pr ens a( - of the rollowlng materia[ . n Ino t < / Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ---(- �_._-- day of . rmtl. hctlaing ''1 19---� Of a l / r F.arfrl d Ie:;i s ty of si (Iffr,c Oar dura eM wars' �- }!, �YVZQ ,r part thereat during wbicn any No; Pabllc Code of env nr the pr conch or Cede Is committed, such! ronaaeVe 1, ,porn onn yshall of any dish[ vioby a Person shall be punished mom by a or not lea, earn sin nor mare cern My Commission Expires : or by imprisonment to In the County ' an a pinna net to sommexceed t. days, bath fine and i rider, meet. Aden n of is following amended by '•`-`✓%y— nAEWon of the fororiourpants shall m Sana matsaial: mean t, i rot ,�0Ygin{ f, as ifngAdfusartor and ' Fees for Printing ___ ;...f7f..,�..__-2i-3 Isgeon er I Nsr o[ age, Ilviog, aWping. , ng inatrud ua a �— .. Cost of Proof ______.- 9-----...---_--.-_.__. Board shell mean the sec. Appeal -- th e t as dillsestahullhed by gee. 123 of the tion 30 ilU mac of y am ntta. Total Section n of a hereby amended by - ----------- - tne addition of the Mellor l Section 301,16 .- Interior lrisore, Wellal and callings. "U be Ham, interior wnt and ttihng eheH kept ante i ned c rodent omaf: shall ai kept la all b osafe to arse pool repair; and shall be cafe d Whichand capable es aupy eau OM yid whim nems. uses may side to be Placed Wr Every raise Clough romr just rot floor t. . surface tri edbraand deer amrice still after . Ine; to constructed and 'mervise rod so er after an M reasonably b such ua b water PASS p and no kept to permit such acct ut l DAYeasl coedtrent in a clean and aepilarY . rondttlnn." Soften 7. That ell ordinencs end re.arewt ria, or p�s thereof. m conaicl ' Herewith be, onald less arc, repealed, Cil t ,.liter. section i Shwid, any oetelon or 1naN• Inc 11 the d is ohelepnee be eeclaror los the Courts a he n shall hole of or h alio. such decision shall Cwt effect thr il o'e;Htl',ly or the transfer odwtt as t whole a i pert moreof other than the penal retia red to he mmnstifuamyl o[ Invalid