HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2006 X21 ��QOKDI ANCE N0 . A006 i2S - , ^ m!TY AN OR DINANCE'•cAMENDING SECTION 2 - 69 OF THE FA'YE!TTEV'I!LI✓E IGME OF ORDINANCES ; ,,�1'TO;-LAUTHORIZE THE PURCHASING AGENT TO.i1 iEgiccp-,fY OWNED SUPPLIES-; . �E'UPP14ENT OR MATERIALS HAVING A FAIR PARK'hJT.-i VALUE OF LESS THAN SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $ 600 . 00 ) ; AND FOR OTHEA ' PUR- POSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECOTRS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 , That Section 2 - 69 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : The purchasing agent may sell or exchange any City owned supplies , equipment or materials if such have a fair market value of less than Six Hundred Dollars ( $ 600 . 00 ) . Such supplies , equipment or materials which have a fair market value of Six Hundred Dollars ( $ 600 . 00 ) or more may be sold by the purchasing agent by public auction or by con - tract sale after formal competitive bids for the purchase thereof have been solicited by advertisment and by other means and. such bids have been received and opened . Section 2 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this _day of 1974 . APPROVED : MAYOR pY • a' �� E�AC ( / J i • � • ••` = t . , / • + per/ n ILS • CERTIFICATE OF RORD i �t • t , . . . j . ,' ATA-E n- 1C.:S ISS. L. G�li.,r�y , Circuit C k and Ex-Officio Recorder for . e SGS )49 W lahinitc- Coun?y, do eb� cer:ity that the annexed or fore- going in,.ru.. ,_nt was 8!ed ecord in my Lffice on the day of 1 t Oto . / • .4, and the same is duly recordeq in re rd_ at pa __[ 95 Witness [I-Dy hand d seal this ; 19_2se , - ALMAy KO � / c:;c;,it clerk n MICROFILMED By L_ DATE OCT6 1978 Deputy Clerk REEL CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . PATRICK J , TOBIN , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , 2ItQQ , A.tt.CR..therein set forth ,, and 'the same is as it appears of Record in Ohdj am,& PS[�.&LU,(,�q-pct Volume IV at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here - unto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of 19 . CERTIFICATE OF NECORU �rM . , �6 �� � STATE OF ARKANSAS � h . + O j Washington County I, Alma L. Kollmayer, Circuit Clerk and E.Dfffai® R@@BF$ F f@x I W r 0 Washington County, do hereby certify thai eha imii lRad of eFa� v i10 going instrument was filed for record in hty Wiiifa ®R Ilia -* day o} 19'jat{Pi(�'lo 4M , and 'the §aril @• I��, Cit Jerk �i , ` • duty, re rded in �Oa� .D rueard_ met pegs /,. • . , . . ' �� YOtrtess my hand and seal this—kday of___ ALMA KOLLM ER Circuit Clark Arid Ex-Officio Recortlefi - 9Y — Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECOR1 State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officiorecnrder f;rf:eC` _y ,f Fayetteville, do hereby ccaify that thea goi�j,t is of "K. rd i -. my cf;ice a 'A t` e sam : ap- pears rl \V—in Ovlia::nce c�' Reesolution b -)-lx ' � �. vfitness my at nage yL hand and seal this —day of 19 . City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington J}taass.}A�,, I, E 2er ' nr,— ` , hereby certify that I am the Pubyisof 4HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than tour pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for onrmgAscE NO. roo6 each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is AN ORDINANCE AAfENDIHO SMOL h f l h considered the value othe p iTION 260 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE publication, based Upon the hews value and CODE OF ORDINANCF4; TO service value it contains, that at least lift A 11 T H O R I Z E THE PURCHASING Y percent Of the subscribers AGENT To EEM cirrY on i rD thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents ST'SI' P P IA S S . EQUIPMENT M OR or through recognized news dealers over a P P 1 1 E HAVING A FAIR MARKET g g period OP 8t least six months ; cAi.ma of LrsS TxAN Six HUNDRED and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent inn.i.ACSi &A0,0b ; AND MR OTHER PI'JIPOHIsS. news matter. HE IT ORDAIy4;D BY .T BOARD OF' maecTOW R 7HES �GTTY of I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of t'A VF.TTEVILI AR%ANSAa: g Fttamn 1 . y'y{, section 2fi9 0[ the 4h,ycur.-.Ile �f s folnandea Y n The amend get follows: The Vun'haW�{ ages{ . may ,sell eq or / Larhan ge nus Ci-Ji ,if a h haw equip_ ..._.... ... .. __ ___ _ ___,#__��.0_L.Q.___._.____._.__.._______ mrnt or Ague o les h haw • fair n,rrkel value of Haa Nin 61a Hundred uma1a couples was published In the regular dally issue of said newspaper for �.._.._. n <T sue a ey ymeM or aAtf Six I h hire a fan marAet value mo of sin eerrmnl4ve tneertlone as follows : '. died Dollars tt�.1l. or more may 1 mld by the pur being agent by ` lir auction or bt r.�m side atter The first insertion on the __ . . day of _._.__._.... 19-W t mal competitive bid, or the purchase � livered haw been solicited by advertise. mend and by other mean, am suck the second Insertion on the day of - _. 19----------_ nidi haw been reeeived and opened.Setkun .. That this ordinance shall t,P to full force and affect idem 9nd the third insertion on the __ day of __ 19------------ after its passage, approval and publica- - - ion. PASSED AND APPROVED this T �da) or May, 1471. and the fourth Insertion on the _ _ day of ._ __....... _ _ 19--- ----- APPROVED- RUSSELL .__APPROVED:RUSSELL T. PURDY MAYOR f rL ATTEST —9 < P. J. TOBIN .__. CITA CLERK Sash I Tc 'to Sworn to aand�subscribed before me on this - ._. � y day of N y Public My Commission Expires : // popppp .l G � _..___.. _ . Fees for Printing _-. j..._(�...__ " _ Cost of Proof ._.. .___. j_..._ __ ____ Total ............—' j--.--��..a---9P----