HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1997 D po FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO , 177 7 7 NAY — 2 Qrl 10' 45 WASIIWGTOPJ COLINTY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 4 OF ORD WA"NBEAS NO . 1726 , SECTION 16 - 13 AND SECTION 16 - 14 OF THEAW' Yt4'4JEIEDEBE CODE OF ORDINANCES ; TO PRESCRIBE THE REQUIREMENTS Ok1bBUNING A PRIVATE SECURITY OFFICER ' S LICENSE OR A PRIVATE SECURITY AGENT ' S LICENSE ; TO PROVIDE THAT PRIVATE SECURITY OFFICERS AND PRIVATE SECURITY AGENTS MUST FILE A SURETY BOND OR A LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY WITH THE CITY ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 3 of Ordinance No . 1726 , Section 16 - 13 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , is hereby amended to read as follows : 3 . The Chief of Police of the City of Fayetteville shall be the officer in charge of the issuing of said permits . Each applicant for a permit shall exhibit a current license issued by the Director of the Arkansas State Police pursuant to the provisions of Arkansas Act No . 605 of 1973 . Each applicant shall file with the Chief of Police a copy of the written application required by Act 605 of 1973 . Section 2 . That Section 4 of Ordinance No . 1726 , Sec . 16 - 14 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , is hereby amended to read as follows : The Chief of Police shall issue a license of the kind applied for to any applicant who meets the requirements set out in Section 3 of this ordinance and who files with the City Clerk a liability insurance policy , to insure such applicant against any liability for personal injury or property damage occasioned by any act or ommission of such applicant in the performance of his duties as a private security officer or private security agent . Said liability insurance shall provide minimum coverage of $ 100 , 000 . 00 per person and $ 300 , 000 . 00 per occurrence for personal injury and $ 100 , 000 . 00 for property damage . 868 r�tc= 333 MICROFILMED DTE1 DALE OCT 1978 REEL Section 3 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith be , and they hereby are , repealed . Section 4 . That his ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 6{ _DAY OF 1974 . APPROVED : eW MAS ATTEST : UeTTY CLERK CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . PATRICK J . TOBIN , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , , therein set forth , andthe .same is as it appears of Record in Ai nngl4 T1dDVLlNA lowt/r-, Volume it/ at Page 0 - 91 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here- unto set my hand and affixed my official seal this alil 19�f� . day of YMv ..w.wyp.,, Poo go CERTIFICATE OF RECORD I. f ,• STAT'. OF ARI:ANS:\S SS. � � �• •• ww,-hin,-ton County ty Clerk 41ma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit C!er!< and Ex-Officio Record :r for ` ` , 4 •`, ` ti er' i;y !. e zroi :;:a: . rtore- y,f �, here. y c got I :ngton County, do //t�. io' '-h,! 1. crd :beta:,e is gp;,,_; instrument was filed for record in r'.Y o • _Ica on the day 1,1 d at/Q.Vis.. of _ ��_record�6— du' recoroc" "'—� - )— W,,nuss my hand and seal this 3 day of�._ ALMA_KO�L EY- E� Cirwit Clerk and E::Cr• ic;, 1Recorded gymoFL � 868 FA.A35 peputy.clerk . w i p ., if w, �,y�i17 4 � '• h 'a 'i Y ~,\�R�TIPICATE OF RECORD State of 'Arkansas City of Fayetteville ( SS I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder f;r t`. e do hercb f F,tvcft ^ille, . _ ; ccEc; t'_ia L:c •,r :r• -.c � r go'i 1:r o; rell ^rd i .: my of `-e Pears Or;ifaance C� Resoi:aion b.-••Yc --at Page--ac).. \'witness rry hand and seal t?is d;ty of 19 , City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ' County of Washington 1 hereby certify that I am th Pu iaher 0 of HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at t,EDALS - a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of ORDINANCE No. IM Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated AN ORDmAME AME"rNG SEC} TIONS 3 AND 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. . and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and 77361 sE('P F.1 18-METT A3rn s. OD 76dA readers generally of all classes in the Cit p OF THE Fq nj viFLE CODE OPI Y & County for a definite rice for e 'u. I_T , each copy, or a fixed rice "�R� p per annum, which price was fixed at what is ul olceR a� considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and I ' -% . II ren"�.l'}: sPROVIDE service value it contains, that at least fifty I ' � . : n'}X rp ', o PROVIDE Y percent of the subscribers I \ r".: n \'r1: SECF➢I'CY OFFICERS thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents PIIO C:!' 1- !TY A(}ENTA VF E . n t-.'vPo�B call or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; I ' A-I I.n 'c 'NSJ t% . ': YpyicY and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent l4: (" ?) ; AND FDA. OTHER . I,,,11'> news matter. r I-.' (11' 11aiNF.D BY TIRE. HSA" '.V1r cols oI� THE 0377` OR I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached to the matter of N ![a:1 RS AF THE Secum 1. That Section 1 OI ONlpenp No. 1776, Section 1631 of Use fty0u obs Code of Ordinances, b hereby amended t . o read es follows: A 3. T7x Chth ief of Pulls e City .__._._.._.. _.l___L1—______..._____-----_----____—-------_......_.. mr Fayetteville ani b acar to harge of the IesWes of d PermiLL ' +norrant•6or a permit aallexMbiti was published In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for ',. , oe issued by Valli - '. usna state P011140 6smmoomm Insertion/ as follows : 1La• Pm vatting of Arkadi No. ri0.1 Df 1471. • 0b &MBOWFIS 0a Q� r1 ' / wow the Chi Ponce a h of the The first insertion on the _ - day of 7 v ---- 19../Y go trgpind b Ant 86i of IM L. SWUM 4 Ir Ordinance the second insertion on the day of 19..... 16 of the Fsyaµevnle ---- CdA is thereby a atimea to read as fopOvs: the third insertion on the _ da of - 19.._ UYi.r of Prep,yr ahnu lab a Y e t !' I I for 10 any n ) 11 11 -10 is Ord 0lpte Iveco" .e ml. ordinances ee and the fourth Insertion on the _ day of ___ --._ ._ 19--- f _ - I „ e ,. ,' i) the , n Ona s a c,mt• An iey. L, Inas -SOFA tial i1 ay or am liability di MPO` nasi injury or property Whaba tie- lch he W tied tie Performed" or , ,iIrh ties sed 16 Ma Dectritoff of c duties as a private . said liability / nrn:nc zravlty agent. said liability Sworn to and subscribed before me on this - _-L--Y . day of ._.—_-__ .tha Provide ser tttbamnd lf fled nT n(1 ser pat6ee and P, -Once fur Personal and L11MI,II3p.W for property sem- _..._. � 19 v ( tion 3. That all ordinances andlut - - rhwi ms. e, parts thereof, In conflict _ penieh be, tied wer hereby are I•relea. No Public cernon 9. The is oedlnence shan b In bsl fa still sap: T mm after - on paalaA,x', nD am P PASatlan. va. 'a x PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 18th Y Commission Expires :tre_Qe : SAY OF APRIL. 1071. APPROVED: Merin R. OrdenA t. Mayor _ ! r/�z _ TES C — ,I Toole CLERK VI Fees for Printing __---- Cost of Proof .__ ------- .. _---------__r/ - ------ �_ Total .......