HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1995 ra E •J o� Cf� RECORD 174 MAY — 2 A(ri 10 ' 45 ORDINANCE NO . 995 %'i SHT0 "! COU(JT `( AkISAPdSAS ALii.a ROLLMEI'ER AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE SALE OF DISEASED OktCF'bI(9ONOUS OR ANIMALS THE SALE OF WHICH IS PROHIBITED BY FEDERAL LAW ; TO REGULATE THE OPERATION OF PET SHOPS AND KENNELS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . As used herein , the terms "kennel " and "pet shop " shall be construed to include any individual or establish - ment for the raising , training , boarding , or selling ; of dogs , cats , birds , mice , rats , reptiles , fowl or fish or other small animals for hire or profit . Sectioh ' 2 , It shall be unlawful for any person , pet shop , or kennel to sell , offer for sell , or expose any diseased , or poisonous animal or any animal the sale of which is prohibited by Federal Law . Section 3 . Every place used as a kennel or pet shop shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition , and no refuse or waste materials shall be allowed to remain thereon for more than twenty - four ( 24 ) hours . The owner or operator of a kennel or pet sh6p shall properly treat any diseased animal and shall properly isolate those animals having a disease contagious to animal or human life ; provided , any animal which is diseased past recovery , shall be destroyed . All animals in a kennel or pet shop shall be humanly treated and properly nourished . Animals shall not be confined in one area in such numbers that access to food and water is not readily available . Section 4 . Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than Twenty - five Dollars ( $ 25 . 00 ) or more than One Hundred Dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) . Each dayTs violation shall constitute a separate offence . Section 5 . That all ordinances , or parts thereof , in conflict herewith be , and hereby are , repealed . Section 6 . Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by the Court to be unconstitutional or invalid , such decisions shall not effect the validity of the ordinance as a whole , or part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid . Section 7 . It is hereby determined by the Board of Di ectors MICROFILM 151W of the City of Fayetteville , . Arkansas , that the sale of diseased animals is dangerous to animal and humane life and that the con - finement of diseased animals with healthy animals encourages the spread of contagious diseases . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the protection for the public health , safety , and welfare shall be in full force and effect from andafterits passage and approval .p5 PASSED AND APPROVED this _day of Q,QALL , 1974 . APPROVED : OR ATTEST : CITY 69L`ERK QEi6 O'G)� PAu. 337 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , PATRICK J , TOBIN , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , , /99S therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in y &d%N 4ACt 'd ie4*&—yjAW4polume t ✓ at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here - CERTIFICATE OF RECORD unto set my hand and affixed my STATE OF ARI:ANSAS I SS. official Seal this / Washirton County I, Alma L. Kollmoycr, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for day of , 191y. Washin^ton Coun:v, do hereby certify thai the annexed , ,;re- goin,; ins.ru,aQnt was ri,a . .or re .ord in my of:ice on the C7 day �r1t r �............ ... oP _/�197�(a;fl.'� pGG1 :npd e is/ duly record in _AY.$Ed•-_: ' :o d _Q�G_at Pa„ =. � y,�i- , ......, �4 Witness my hand and sso eal this day or _ ;. � � ': .`+'M+� ALMA KOLL1415YERr `a Circuit Clerk and f � �: t Ex-OPfidio Recorded By aty Clerk �•... �° r .3 ' :: ' Deputy Clerk �r ...•. ••,�.�. - ULU 868 DAF 308 I I � - :�CERTIFIGATE. OF RECORI) State of Arkansas f SS elty of Fayetteville Clerk and I Susanne C. Kennedy, City Es-Officio rec.)rder for the City of Fa'>'ettwille, tif:: Ali the annex<ed or fore. do hce.ri ;tl the s:;me ap goin(z is of rico:-d i-.t my otiice ` look pears in Urdl,ance ;�3 Rzs:;iut c❑ �_U at page �, 4vitness my d:ry of hand and seal this_ City, Clerk and Lx-Officio Recorder I STATE of ARKANSAS Ba. County ��QQ��C�o����ffDDfDDl1 ��/��/��'Washington I, .. ` ' W41 Y.,' hereby certify that I am thel Publisher of HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously 1n the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and OF readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for lir SHOPS AND KENNELS; AND FOR each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was tilled at what is A 9� , �� considered the value of the publication, based u on the news value and 7RS OF THE CfrY OF P vF , 1.1 e. AItK4NSAS: service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers S , -mn be I thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents " or ectaesv°' or through recognized news dealers over a ,re. g g period of at least sill months ; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent _ I ',e• news matter. mr I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of r ! c" .. 19gs -- -- --"------ ---------------- In in • ,, was published 1n the regular daily issue of said newspaper for . _ _.__...._.- n eqm a insertiond as follows : 'it ,I The !fre .!t insertion on the --_.. (..�--""". day of .�.,�.L fQ.Lf.-"_ 19" n ." " the second insertion on the day of ____._ .__"...._. 19"--_ n«1 ,. n the third insertion on the - _. day of -. ."........ _------ ----- 19--_ ., r and the fourth insertion on the _._ _____ day of -- ---- 19-"".". . .M e n t, yV 'blleh 'kn P I I o e ', ' nonoes, nr parts Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �{ ____ day of _ _ -_.__. -. v, herewith be, and Y R (IOO prpvl' Hw M w INtl # b by . -. ..._."..."" ---""""" 19Ittahilt ,�w ' n, oft rn. •oIri, M PW Wry1,.0 I r. �qynla�p �✓! �woo.uwtronel nrinvnlN l --------"------"—_._-__-_-" """..."..""_"_-.__---""-_---" [lot, it is barony detefttI by N Pnb11C .oe 'shard of Dir6vlars of ase City H , Fayetteville, Actame , that ,thi Mie of dlsresed Rnilnete Is deneet to ntlnul My Commission Expires : end Manse We, sad Bat the CmGds- anent of di.eReed athe sp d Of 10eeiMY a it di snot,.! xea the spread M W Y nni. roles s. Therefore, ndi a7and this hemb�' declared to Rxast, and this — ,rd]W 11, c holing ninessar0far the 1:1701 ten rob the Poeta full have Sally. and bourna shall ri in full force and asset from and soar as passage and approval. Fees for Printing ._...." _"_" ..__... ^TASSF.D AND APPROVED thislMs 2nd day of April 1974. APPROVED: COBC Of Proof -- ---------- ;..... ..... "".""""_"". MARION ORTO Asst MAYOR �) ATTEST: Total _......_----- __��__y P.A'- TOe1N Cr l'4 e.ERR H; - 10