HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1994 ORDINANCE N0 . i9p� 7t1 RPR 16 P {1 2: 16 c'l.Siili ' �T �' : I C4Ufi!IY AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING FAYETTEVILLE STREET IMPROVEMENT1`• NQ 60 ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . AUTA WHEREAS , on October 6 , 1969 the Fayetteville Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No . 1702 which established Fayetteville Street Improvement District No . 60 for the purpose of widening and resurfacing Block Avenue and East Avenue from Dickson Street to Meadow Street , and WHEREAS , sai- r. ordinance named the Fayetteville Board of Directors as Commissioners to compose the Board of {� Improvements for said district , and 'Y WHEREAS , no assessments on the property within the VV district have ever been made , and WHEREAS , construction on the proposed improvements in said district has never been begun and contracts for said construction have never been awarded , and WHEREAS , that Urban Renewal program in the City of Fayetteville known as the Center Square Urban Renewal Project , Ark . R - 105 , provides for the widening and re - surfacing of Block Avenue from Meadow Street to Spring Street , and WHEREAS , construction costs have increased significantly since the original cost estimates for the proposed improvements were made . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Fayetteville Street Improvement District No . 60 created by Ordinance No . 1702 adopted October 6 , 1969 , be , and is hereby , abandoned for all purposes except payment of preliminary expenses . Section 2 . That upon the application of any person having a legally valid claim for payment of preliminary expenses incurred by Fayetteville Street Improvement District No . 60 , a tax in the amount of the cost of the c867 ; . 99:L MICROFILMED DATE OCT 1 3 1918 REEL preliminary expenses incurred by Fayetteville Street Improvement District No . 60 is hereby levied upon the real estate therein , upon the basis of the assessment for county and state purposes , which tax shall be paid to the Board of Commissioners of said district , to be distributed amoungst the creditors of the district . Section 3 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in- 'conflict herewith , be , and hereby are , repealed . Section 4 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publica - tion . 1974 . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ,,? a DAY OF , APPROVED : e � MAYOR ATTEST : �< <� 067 , . MW CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . PATRICK J . TOBIN , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , jv C therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in Ad � B?OG��/ui, -, , Volume _[z at Page ds�bp 6. thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here- unto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of , ' 19; CERTIFICATE OF RECORD NATE OF ARKANSAS SS. . Washington County I, Alma L. KoNmeyer, Circuit Clerk ani Ex-Officio Record_r for Washington County, do hereby cer'l:�, in cnn.xed Dr fore. C ' ty Clerk going i +rument was filed for recor y o: P:a on the& day 19 4 at oi, � b Ao Li, and th. same is aP q _ ee duly recorded in -o• J -__Q_6 7_at pag. Witness my hand and seal thiS7_u"y ot_ 19 ALMA KOLLMEYEI% Circuit Clerk and - ' - Ex-Officio Recorded By�� Deputy C40( 8VC LU 9M a C�RTP> f�AT OF Rr.COR& State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville SS 1, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for Cie r do hereb;. C a' �' ray^nt,-vine, fii•l . is of .e.. ,: .j„ .t f°r_ reef),.: is y , f ': Pe;:r.; i �.. O. :;:e 'I :d the smune a - - — dinance G' I;e ;' V book c--------La S C;• aness my hand a '::i • ,- t .•. :_ of City Clerk and ) STATE of ARRAN8A8 County of Washington } as. I, _gn'I `.' 1. 411 ' � _ ____. _ hereby certify that I aIn isher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than - - —__ four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at ORDINANCE no. DO a fixed (daily) intervals continuous] in the Cit of Fayetteville, County of AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING FAY- Y Y Y ETTEVILE STREET IMPROVEMENT Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated NO. OD: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, on ocmber e, is* the and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and Fayetteville Board of Dlrecmril adopted readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for Ordinance No. 1704 which established FayetbWlls street Improvement District each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is No. es roc the Ik Avenue of wlaenittg .ae considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and No 60cing Block Areata entl East; P P Avenue from Dlrkaop tltrNt m Meadow service value it contains, that at least fifty Street and Tu„ Y Percent of the subscribers WHEREAS, sem tonna" stag the thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents Fayetteville Board of DlaenMe u or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; Commissioners or compose tYa Roan] or improvements for said dilaQN1, am and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent I WHEREAS, no assessments of the pro- pertywith;n the district have ever beep news matter. ` made, and WHEREAS, constriction on the ps I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of posed improvements in said dbtrlet eaa never been begun and cont^cY for Wil construction have never bqft **"dad, and J WHEREAS, net Urbau' / 9 Bram in the City of Fayetlevll ._._------------------------ ------ _____._ -L---.`__._ Y___-------------____._...._ las the Center Spume Ibbs Protect, Ark. R-105, provides widening and resurfacing of Bi A was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for------------ ...__. nue from Meadow Street to $prilt cerst {nsertio4 as follows: Street, and WHEREAS, construction costs were til- creased significantly since the illi The first insertion on the ._.___0f7___.. day of _....41977 riginal cost estimates for [he Proposed -- -----..- menta ware made. ce hnprova� E IT DIRECTORS OF BYTHE CITY BOARD OF OF the second insertion on the day of -------------- 19.------ FAY tion 1. That ARKANSAS: Section 1. That Fayetteville street Im- provement, District No. m melted by the third insertion on the ___ day of -------------- ------------ 19...____._... OMtnanH He. I7a1 adopted October 6, 1969. 'be. and Is hereby, abandoned for all Purposes except payment M prelimm- and the fourth insertion on the ______--- ---- .__..._- 19______ acv expenses. day Ot ---------- Section S. That upon the application 1 of any cecson having a limina valid / c/_ - � � r' ` - �t claim for payment F mMimlle S ex- et v IN i^i tA'`QO„lA�_ _ pensee incurred ri Fayetteville a Street improvement District No. e0, a [ax In the amount of the cost of the preliminary expenses Incurred by Fayetteville Street Improvemem nistrict No. W is hereby Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ._. ____..... day of - ------------ I uLitea mat the basis of the assessment for county and state Purposes, h tax ll Pais to the Board to be ba Commissioners -----------------------t------- 19.1 emotion the creditors l the ordinances Section 3. That all prif, in endresolut ] v // herewith, , Parts Netan, in conflict __ KK -__--- - _---_ - ----_---___--_--- herewith, b . and hereby ere, repealed --- - Sein f 4. That nils ordinance shall NO I?ub11C be is full force and effect from dna after Its passage. approval and publi- cation. M COmmissioII Expires: AND APPROVED THIS �pires: DAY OF APRIL, 1974. APPROVED Russell T. Purdy, Mayo ATTEST: P. J. 1bb(n, (.TTY FICA K CERTIFICATE F. CITY E F ARKFVIf.1.E a� L/fit eTATJ. To ARKANSAS Fede f0[ Printing ._...._ I PATRICK J. 1C1of city. Clerk wArk, and for the Clty of Fayetteville, Arlo amass, do hereby certify that Ne annexed Cost of Proof ------------- j-----------__........... and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville. Arkansas. Ordi. notice No. 19M therein set forth, and . Ne same is As It appears of Record Toa _ ..__._.____ In Ordinance A Resolagon Book, Volume IV at Page M A Its f. IN W17Tnm w1O F, I have hers. into set MY hand and affixed my efbli l seal Mos Sia day of April, 1974 He - ZI P.J. Tobin, City Clark