HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1979 f - FILED I- OR RECORD 74 MAR 15 AM 9: 27 ORDINANCE NO . 1977 WASMNGTON COUNTY ARN;A. NSAS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I , SECTION D , ARTICLE II ,� LMAItOLLM'r: YER SECTION F . ARTICLE III , SECTIONS A AND D OF APPENDIX C . CODECIRCUITCLERr( OF ORDINANCES , CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; SECTIONS 1 D , 2 F , AND 3 A AND B OF ORDINANCE N0 , 1750 ; TO DEFINE THE TERMS URBAN AND SUBURBAN AND TO CLARIFY SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT REQUIREMENTS'. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section - 1 . That Article -: I , Section D of Appendix C , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 1 D of Ordinance No . 1750 , is hereby amended by adding the following definitions to read as follows : Suburban : Located outside the Corporate City Limits : Urban : Located within the Corporate City Limits . Section 2 , That Article II , Section F of Appendix C , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 2 F of Ordinance No . 1750 , is hereby amended to read as follows with regard to Plat requirements for proposals and supplemental informa - tion : Prelimin - Final Informal PROPOSALS ary Plat Plat Plat General drainage plan X Drainage plan with proposed cuts and fills . X Location and dimension of all proposed lot lines , lot and block numbers , building lines , street lines , sidewalk lines , streetlights , easements , dedications and reservations . X X X Radial and linear dimensions including angles , bearings , reference to true North , and distances sufficient to reproduce the plat on the ground . X X 8670: ;•: fv1iCROfIL1 ; 1918 REEL�.1�1�" Prelimin Final Informal dry Plat Plat Plat Proposed use of all Land in the subdivision . X Location and size of utility lines . X X Location and size of any property to be dedicated or reserved with conditions for special uses . X X INFORMATION TO SUPPLEMENT Prelimin - Final Informal THE PLAT ary .Plat - Plat Plat Letter of transmittal X X X Profiles of streets and sidewalks and utility plans with profiles . X Protective covenants . X X X Certificate of survey and accuracy by surveyor . X X Certificate of ownership , title and dedication . X X Certificate of accuracy by the developer ' s engineer . X Signature block for the City Planning Commission . X X X Signature block to certify approval of streets , side - walks , streetlights , ease - ments , grading, " and drainage by the City Engineer . X X Signature block to certify acceptance of dedications by the City Board of Directors . X X Signature block for Water $ Sewer Supt . to certify State Health Dept , approval of water and sewer plans . X X 867 83 Prelimin - Final Informal ary Plat Plat . Plat Guarantees in lieu of improvements (bond , cash or contract with City or County ) . X X Section 3 . That Article III , Section A of Appendix C , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 3 A of Ordinance No . 1750 , is hereby amended to read as follows : 3 . IMPROVEMENTS Before final plat approval - may: be :granted .by the .planning commission , the subdivider shall have installed or shall have made provision to install , either at his expense or in ac - cordance with the existing policy of the city , the following improvements , all of which must have prior approval by the planning commission . A . Required Improvements Two sets of required improvements are listed below . The improvements listed in A shall be installed in Urban sub - divisions . The improvements listed in B may be required in suburban subdivisions . All improvements shall be installed according to the standards specified by the city and approved by the city engineer . ' Urban Suburban Reinforced concrete monuments 4 "x4 "x30 " A B at quarter section corners and subdivision corners . X X Metal stakes !�"x30 " at all lot corners , points of tangency , points of curvature and angles in property lines or easements . X X Street grading and base according to city requirements . X X Stabilized shoulders at least 4 ' wide and a sodded drainage swale at least 5 ' wide and 12 " deep with ' a slope of 3 to 1 on the street side and at least 2 to 1 on the other side . X Curb and Gutter . X Street paving . X X Sidewalks - - Sidewalks shall be installed according to city standards along one side of all streets and cul - de - sacs and around LLD 7 84 Urban Suburban the entire curcumference of the vehicular turn around in cul - de - sacs . The subdivider shall stake out all sidewalks and shall cut or fill the sidewalk grade to the subgrade elevation specified in the plans and profiles approved by the city engineer . For each lot on which a sidewalk is required , the sidewalk shall be installed by or at the expense of the person obtaining the building permit for that lot . In the event a lot on which a side - walk is required remains vacant for five years from the date of final plat approval , the record owner of that lot shall be required to install the sidewalk within three months from receipt of written notice from the city manager to do so . Should the owner fail or refuse to install the sidewalk within the time provided herein , the city may then install the side - walk and charge the costs thereof to the owner . The city shall have a lien against the lot for such costs . X Surface drainage - - An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water . Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit full width roadways and the re - quired natural slopes . The opening size of cross drains shall be determined by the city engineer using accepted methods and records available . X X Culverts and Bridges X X Water Supply : City . System shall be built according to plans and specifications prepared by a li - censed engineer and approved by the state board of health . X Private . System shall be approved by the county sanitarian and systems within the growth area shall be approved by the X city engineer . 867 Urban Suburban Individual service Lines . Installed before streets are paved . X X Sanitary Sewer System : City . System shall be built according to plans and specifications prepared by a li - censed engineer and approved by the state board of health . X X Private . System shall be approved by the county sanitarian and systems within the growth area shall be approved by the city engineer . X Individual Service Lines . Installed before streets are paved . X X Street Lights - Standard eight thousand ( 8 , 000 ) lumen mercury - vapor or low - pressure sodium street lights shall be installed at each intersection or cul - de - sac and along one side of each street or cul - de - sac at intervals of no more than 300 feet ; Provided , street lights of higher intensity may be required at intersections with collector streets or arterial streets . X Section 4 . That Article 3 , Section B , of Appendix C , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 3 B of Ordinance No . 1750 , is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 1 ) Section B . Guarantees in lieu of installed improvements . The planning commission may approve the final plat of a subdivision prior to the installation of all the required improvements if the subdivider : Deposits cash or a performance bond . Such deposits of cash or a performance bond with the city shall be in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the improvements as determined by the city engineer or other city official for the entire subdivision or portion thereof . Upon satisfactory completion of the improvements , the subdivider may withdraw any deposit made . Enters into an agreement or contract with the city . If the subdivider chooses to begin his construction program or to sell lots within the subdivision prior to the installation of the required improvements , he may enter into a written agreement with the city , which shall include but not be limited to the following conditions : CW 7 "; ' f The final plat is otherwise approvable by the planning commission . The required improvements shall be installed , if all the improvements have not been provided , within the period to be fixed by the contract . The terms of any such conditional final plat approval shall be noted on the final plat by the planning commission before the final plat is filed for record ; and when the conditions have been met , this fact shall be noted by the city clerk on the original recorded plat with his notation to be attested by the county recorder . ( 2 ) The building inspector may issue the certificate of occupancy required for each lot by Section 109 . 1 of the Southern Standard Building Code prior to the installation of a required sidewalk if the person obtaining the building permit for the lot : Deposits sh ca 'or a performance bond . Cash deposits shall be in an amount equivalent to one hundred percent ( 100 % ) of the estimated total cost of the sidewalk as determined by the city engineer . A performance bond shall be an acceptable surety bond guaranteeing the installation of the sidewalk within three months from the date of the bond . Section 5 . That all ordinances and resolutions , or parts thereof , in; ,.conflict herewith be , and they hereby are repealed . Section 6 . It is hereby found and determined by the Board of Directors that a number of subdivisions in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , are dimly lighted and are without sidewalks ; that such conditions encourage crime and increase the likelihood of accidents ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to insure that new subdivisions constructed within the city will be safe for pedestrian travel . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance , being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health , and safety , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _D77aAY OF , 1974 . APPROVED n J (�' ATTEST : MAYOR - - Ir -C, 8�7 87 �y Clerk CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . PATRICK J . TOBIN , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas ,4�iwita.aP.% frl , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in L"gte 44ZX.4 /� Volume _� at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have here - unto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of 22aUIV 19 fe7l p i ..'`a CERTIFICATE OF RECORD ;:� .. . NATE OF ARKANSAS + . •1!• SS. ;io r Washington County - - I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Record nr for C • y (Cleft. ,?j, 7 • , Washington County, do hereby certify thai the annexed or fore- - �'.• ;, : p ;� going instrument was filed for record in my ofJce on the day II of �'12Q CII1 _19at_Q' '�Ta;k.XhA and the same is J/ duly recorded in record at page-19 -•'•• Witness my hand and seal this]Lday of _C�19 Al MA KOI I MFYFR Circuit Clerk and Ex-01;icio Recorded ByC Deouty Clerk L P QQ0QQ6 1�ry 88 .N CERTIFICATE OF RECORt State of Arkansas ( SS i City of Fayetteville City Clerk and Suzanne C. ICenlledY, " Ex-Of ' - do hereby ccrtifY that the annexed or fore- r r din my office aad the same aP- v Pears is 1 v r l it:us MY Prise-- __day of hand and sea': this---- "l9 . Cid Er.-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 } ss. County of Washington 1 _ o COLLEGE CLUB Df t F �W1y� ^\_�yIL� hereby certify that I fi . . All Employees am the ubll er of TFC NORTHWEST\ ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily >` newspaper>., having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than >` RATCLIFF'S FURNI four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at +`t; CENTER a fixed ( daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. l Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and V fi readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for 1 FIRST NATIONAL I each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is 1 . . . Directors - Officers r considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and L service value 1t contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers NEWLIN REALTY • thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents `oorthrough recognized news dealers over a . . . James Newlin and A g g period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent fi news matter. + HOLIDAY INN GUL :•`;, . . Clark Jones I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of + JACK BURGE CON: qq;••• . . , Jack Burge and EmF --------- '"aLh.d�t`C`� - /_-7--7.q_--_ ---- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_. �. .. ._ _-. KARSTETTER & GL esnewaliss insertion/ as follows : 1 . . Don Karstetter and L >< The first insertion on the '� day of _ 19_. 74/ fi fi ?'• the second insertion on the day O1 .._. 19.._____ the third insertion on the _- - day of -------------- ..._....... 19....------ These and the fourth Insertion on the - --- --- - ---------- ---- 1 ------- 1 Min ( _ 1 Firms Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _ day Of + fi '-- -.-GSL_..--- 191-.- - -- Individual - -- •4 .1. WithNotar bite 1 Membl My Commission Expires : 1 - - ,< of aL _ •` Fees for Printing Washi s s------- + -- - Cost of Proof .......... $- 1 Cou Total $-- Area RE 1 Faiths Reg ( Attenc ,• fi + STANDARD REGIST fi . . . All Employees fi COCA-COLA BOTTL 1 . . . Allen Reynolds and E 1 MEXICAN ORIGINA 1 . . . T. W. Spencer and Ei FAYETTEVILLE PLI + HEATING '>• . . . Bill Kisor and Emplo + LEE'S EXXON SER) 1 . . Joe Mundy 1 BENNAN-BOYD COI 1 COMPANY, INC. . . Byron Boyd and EmI QUAKER DRUG ST •4• . . . Floyd Conine 1 1 MOORE'S CHAPEL :L . . . Randall Roberts and SCHELL DRILLING 1 . . . Mr. and bars. Will J. 3: - HARRISON DAVIS, CONTRACTOR 1 . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harris( fi fi 1 COSBY REAL ESTA •le4 . . . Bill Cosby and Assoc WAL-MART DISCOL . . . J. D. Romine and En OZARK BOWLING I . . . "Invites You To Bow :L Wha STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} ss. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. IM n 1'. ) NIF NI Iron ARTYJXA t SECTION D, ARTlaa R Emmmm ) ' 41 11 F "1 14 ♦' A AND D OF APFORDDL C, (ADE OF ORDINANCE®R, J� S . ( 5 � , hereby certify that I OF I 1 PFTl:'+ III } ARKANSAS SECTIONS 1 D. 2 F. AND S A AND R '�\l 111 pR-)INNN eF Ni ) 17-'); TO DF FIRE Tal TEaMs URBAN AND SUBURBAN er of T NORTHW ST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Tl v1... 21Fy N:++:WALK A' D STIVOR1' UGM RF.OUMEMENIR, +Ing a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than :1' IT (`t^ :)XtNEP RK-gQ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Cir! or : '. l:TTE - . nRXA ive columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at on 1. 'ria: A -.c:e 1, setlim D of Appendix C, code a or'dtaaacin, Sts a 1 intervals continuously r,:. , ,. ,Pv IR knit, i, ser.00n 1 D or ordi,:ana No. rrw, is hereby minded >4 Y 1 n the City of Fayetteville, County of q c+r .. . ,mons M rind AN knows: .rkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated '.'.n1� de the Ory Limits.1 1 -._ "d corporate city Limits, d from an established place of business to subscribers and ,.1 . . I \N 'o the Ne Cyclamate m —. en That I <e U. SMbm F of Appendix C, Code Of cloth ee, Qh. a By of all classes in the City & County for a definite rice for a Alt:nr ii, Sent 2 F of ordinance Na 1750, is hereby amended P Pna� d. f0io" I va.m regard to flat requirements for prolxaala and anpvle- a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Is 'hitt +'. InMrn,arpT value of the publication, based upon the news value and I93UFOSAIL9 Preliminary Final AforrMl P P Plat Plat That It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers :neral drainage pin, X fid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents ' n,mg! plan drainage p-"IaNed slits utl Rlb X P 'Vatooand dimen,nn of a'1 proposed ognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; r. line%. lot and h:... it numbers, building Id newspaper g Y percent �p Soret . 'idr.v'a'k hone, streellighb, p publishes an averse of more than fort IPinot m -dotoon .u'd reservations. X x X udal nod Lrenr n Vor, Art laeltidiNari/es, eear'10 'fe A-,,n m trcr North Cid Mutims to 1, •t, lum per Mat An the [mond R X Ify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of - rt no ,f n the vabdMrl in. x it i,f tit it, llnPc x x + •r to of an, Property omiti n be ( �] AI it .cited Wats mndniao Mr 1 �r�� / l .__._..__ ...--'._._ - q r x x CIPORMATll`N TO fTTFTLF1tRNT PttlPat Plat Informal _- TFDF. PLAT Plat Plat Plat / lzudr or fransrrrnet x x x n the regular daily issue of said newspaper for__. .. -. _._.. ... Profiles a streets and sidealks X lrtlond as follows : and aillty plans with pridt". PrMM11R emseltantt. x x x e-t^`ate a amtncy by ..eyor x x action on the _.._.. day of19.. �-toa ownership. nue and dedioatim x X - - . �.y -refill a amwaq by Ce ,�vpupeYs Maneer. X rtion on the __ a^eLsr! fi:o'k for lite.. Of ...._ 19----___.- ,ins (tanm4drC x x X .a'.gnarorw boost to cath appaoval .ton on the - day of 19. Chaeta, sidewalks MUOS$ wb, easements .... ...____ i -ximi am drainage ld fa 10tf x = '.nrPr. J nsertion on the _ .. . _ .•.rature block W ref Rb ass"Acae __ - ____ -- _ --- I♦I ---_ 1 +rt ootmi. ons b9 the Qty BoardM SIT Dirretaa. X X G FFF.rrr✓✓✓"`huh FNNaF" �"FM�\ -,n+ore Illinois for water A Bawer Shpt. + rF State Health Deist apprnvel Of -- . er ant sewer plana. X X L-m in Hsu Of improvements cob or gardener with Qty or cameo. R x r.00nn x. Thad Article m, SeedWn A of Appendix C. Code of Oppnamrs. Qts subscribed before me on this __.___ .....___ day of nr Fayetleville, Arkansas, Section 3 A of Ordinance No. 17504 Is Mreby amended n teed AN Wllbws: 1. mrstIvELdItim Bidem libi Past 1pprovat may be granted by tits MAndng m %Mm, the an"The --- ------- Her doedsr Ault have totalled or shall have made provladan W matted, either at his 'zpenle /drr in aomivinnre ,nth the exiabng Policy Of the city. the following mproverrants, all a which must have prior approval by the planning commission, A. RD7DmED LAfPROV£T1ENTa .. — Two arb Or required Improvtrnenta are listed below. The myrrovemenq board NOtar nbRC n A .ball be Installed In Urlren wtbdiadsimx 'Dine improvements listed in B rose be required In suburban subalvialons. All Improvements shall be iratslled atl(oldlnF to the standards specified try the city and appenred b , the city engineer. Urban suburban n Expires : Reinforced ronctete mman 4&..xl"xW' at truirter A B tworiAlidai enrnel� and Aubt all contn. P X x � � _ Metal acorre n<"x30" et all M11 comers, gats o[ 3ng'nc, mn!s of curvature and anCls In property ,,leg or easements. X x icaht grnTh' and ma! east C [ to city naauir Nodded R x 5labnbM sant an at lees ia w•dr and a sodded �`' iDrage Re , to at ! the T wide and 1?' deep Whig 8 U li - yJ voPP of Ir m m the etthal' side and at least 2 b 1 iIlg ..._ {...__.._i .. An the Other :de. x X Curb and nmr. x ■reel Pea-ns. --._ .. ..........._________...... Alks — Sidewalks "it be hYeed according M city (J 1'ds stood a aide a all abeeta arta cul-0e-cao of the vehivu!ar turn ......_..._- f---o -a--L -- Atoll stake out at! side- sidewalk Cad! in the Plans and pmnles earn la on wMdt ahall be Installed tit• obtaining the building a sdewaa IS repored from the dote a final a that lot shall lie re- hIeYR M t fifty three mmiha from a wrRte cadre from at city rinmge[ to An Should the owner fail a throw W Install the a wltein the time provided harem. the city may Install the odewalk and charge the eoefs thereof tate owner The city shall have a lien against the "A such ruts. x re drainage -- An adequate drainage system Ali the for the proper dratmRe of all surface water. dMins shell be pr tMd to eavanodete all natural AN flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit g width caderayf aid the required natural slopes. r of emw Metro grail be determined by V _,,.i r. n+:ng oorpted methods and records vaR:,1.P x x Ewyr nrd Pr dens. x X a ter opr'. Qty- � .e in Stan be dni^, awndImg to plane and speriituc n•. pe!ared by A 'lrensM enatneer ant approved on Ve N+'e ward of Fra'•^ x Prlaatr. +"tem 'ha'I he o. -m'ed M• the county sanitarian and go is ma within the growth arta 112111 be Approved by the te+v ensigner. X Inda,dral le Hire Linex bvtated before streets arc Paved, X X sanitary Sewer 5vstem: at . s: surn shall be bolt Noontime to piety and apecificallnns presered by a licensed engineer ant apprnrrd to the state board Of health X X Private sit ' rm shall he approved by the many sanitnnn and "stemwithin thin the growth area sna0 be appmcerl b5 the Pro' engineer. X Ind' doa! Fioaoce LAter. Installed More streets ere failed. x x Spee'. I.:^htc !Randard e'.ght thousand !9.000) lumen mercurl-vnnn• or Ina-pre"Som sodium street lights shali be !n .a Ialcii ace I .Prceoron or vu!-dPdae and along one Aideof r,rh , M .tenet or cui ddsac at intervals of no more than 310 feel : P-nseded. street lights a higher mtert mar he requ'.iyd at IntenwtimA with collector streets or arteria' arrets. R Serlkm 1. That nlWe 3, section R, of Appendix 0. Code of OMlnantts, Qty a Fayetteville. Arkansas. Sefton 3 B of Ordinance No, 1750, is hereby amended to read as follows: (Il Portion B. CunraMees In lieu a b11alled Improvements. The planning man. mission may approve the final plat Of a summabn prise W the installation Of all file natured '.mprovements if the subdivider: Deposits cash or a performance bond. Such deposits Of cad, or a performance bond with city shall be to an amount equal W Ne estlnmled chat of the Ime pr'memmis as deterintnM by the city engineer or other city Official for the entire suhdowsim or portion thereof. Upon sansfactary completion of ua Im- provemenLa, the subdivider may wllhMaw any deposit made. Enters Into an agreement or connacl with the city. U the subdivider dipmet to begin his Construction program or to sell fats within the subdlvision prior W the Installation a the required Improvements, he may enter Into a written a[rewnenl with the city, which shall Include but pet be limited W the following condition: The first prat is otherwise approvable by Ne planning Caratibalan. The retu:rM improvements shall be Totalled, M all the knprwemenb have not been provided, within the period to be fixed by the contract. The terms of env Audi awdthmal final plat approval Abel be noted on the fins pal by the phoning commission before line final plat Is film Mr regard: atm when the emotions have been met, EMs fact tamp be noted by the city clerk on the brilimt rioorded plat with his notation to be eneated by the minty reOONPn. (2) The building Inspector may Issue the certlncate a Occurrence required far each :ot by ssrdim 109.1 of the Southern Standard Building Nme prior to the Installation or a required sidewalk if the person obtaining the binding peraat M the IN: DEPOS T9 C-AFIR OR A PERFORMANCE. BOND. Cash deposits roll be Is an amcant Pgo'va!ent W one hundred Percent (100 e) of tld eseninied WW pest Of the A.drwa k as delelm:ned by Ne city engineer. A perfOrmeptt bond shall be an amen!nble Nordin bond suarenteeing the Installation a the sidewalk within then months from int date of the band. Section 5. tent all ondnanoes and roroutions, or parts the elf. W mdlict he"- wlSi be, and ruts' hereby are relxaled. Secllnn g n 1, hereto found and determined by tis ROerd a Directs" plat s mmbrr of sandl yhc'nns in the Ctty M Favoceville. Arkanws. are dimly lighted and Rm wlhom timwalka: that such conditions encourage crime AM Ircrease the likelihood of aOrldents; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance IN nP- @efary to moire that new suMhistons constructed within bre city will be sate for pMrstrtan trove!. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and tMs Ordination, being necessary for the hrmetiI preservation of the public Peace. health, ant safety, Ansel be in hili force and efreet from and after its passage ant approval, PA D AND APPROVED Tim dab DAY OF FEBRUARY, 19'!4. APPROVETIt RUSSELL T. PURDY, MAYOR ATTEST P. J. TOSIN. (TTY CLERX CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARICAlu Crl'r OF FATETIrMeT LZ 1, PATRTCK J. TORIN. Qty reert within and for the City a F§vebtevlRe, Arkansas, do hereby century that tie Annexed ant Mrastiong a a true Sud correct MM- Of the Fayetteville. Arkanms, Ordinance NO. 1981, [heroin set tsars IV el the same Is As it apps," a Record to Obdurateness k Resolutions, Page Itself) thereat. IN Tvr NETS WHEaloor. 7 bit hereamto get my hand and apexed III official seal this 14th day at Marti, 1974. 1T- 7 (SMO