HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1924 r ,- ' 1 J AUlri' „ x4,14 W03'' 10 ORDINANCE NO . J9211 , L ;, x0i i •a: YEK AN ORDINANCE REZONING VARIOUS PROPERTIES IN4THE� -CIT-YL. OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS AND AMENDING THE ZONING DRItiRTCT `MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following properties be , and is hereby , changed as indicated : (a ) R - 73 - 26 - described as : �J1 Part of the West Half of the Northeast Fractional Quarter v (Wh NE; ) of Section Four ( 4 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West and part of the South Half ( Sh ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE', ) of Section Thirty - four ( 34 ) in Township Seventeen ( 17 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , , more particularly described as beginning at a point Two Thousand Seven Hundred Forty - seven and ninety - one hundred - ths ( 2747 . 91 ) feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northwest Fractional Quarter (NW; ) of Section Four ( 4 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , and running thence South Twelve Hundred Sixty - one and one hund - red twenty - eight thousandths ( 1261 . 128 ) feet ; thence East One Hundred Forty and ninety - one hundredths ( 140 . 91 ) feet ; thence North 29 degrees 35 minutes East Two Hundred Ninety - three and eight hundred ninety - eight thousandths ( 293 . 898 ) feet ; thence North 5 degrees 10 minutes East Four Hundred ( 400 ) feet , more or less , to a point which is Five Hundred Eighty - two and fifteen hundredths ( 582 . 15 ) feet North and Seven Hundred Ninety - eight and eighty - four hundredths ( 798 . 84 ) feet West of the Southeast corner of the West Half (W' ) of the Northeast Fractional Quarter (NEh ) of said Section 4 , - the same being the Southwest corner of the present Mack S . Young et ux property ; thence following the fence line between the grantors , and the grantees property in the following courses and distances North Three Hundred Twenty - five ( 325 ) feet , North 22 degrees 13 minutes East Eighty - eight and ninety - five hundredths ( 88 . 95 ) feet , North %1 55 degrees 43 minutes East 103 . 88 feet , North 14 degrees 10 minutes West 36 feet , North 63 degrees 33 minutes East 107 feet , North 26 degrees 06 minutes East 83 . 95 feet , North 12 degrees 42 minutes East 323 feet , North 5 degrees 05 minutes East 479 . 24 feet , North 83 degrees 13 minutes East 58 . 19 feet , North 18 degrees 42 minutes West 81 . 46 feet , North 60 degrees 47 minutes East 233 . 09 feet , North DEED 6J4 PAGE , MICROFILMED �� DATE O^T 1 31978 REEL 40 degrees 02 minutes West 30 . 87 feet , North 62 degrees 31 minutes East 141 . 15 feet , more or less , to the West right - of - way line of the St . Louis and San Francisco Rail - road ; thence with the said right - of - way North 31 degrees 35 minutes West One Hundred Eighty - eight ( 188 ) feet ; thence North 60 degrees 30 minutes West One Hundred Six - teen and sixteen hundredths ( 116 . 16 ) feet , more or less , to the South side of the Old Public Road ; thence with the South line of said road South 84 degrees 30 minutes West Eight Hundred Twenty - three and seven hundred forty - six thousandths ( 823 . 746 ) feet , more or less , to a point in the Southwest Quarter ( SWk ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE', ) of said Section 34 , which is due North of the point of beginning ; thence South Twelve Hundred Eight and seven hundred twenty - four thousandths ( 1208 . 724 ) feet , more or less , to the place of beginning , containing Thirty and thirty - one hundredths ( 30 . 31 ) acres , more or less , all in Washington County , Arkansas . From R - 2 , Medium Density Residential and I - 1 , Heavy Com - mercial and Light Industrial to C - 2 , Thoroughfare Com - mercial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas be , and it is hereby , amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to effect and designate the necessary changes provided for in Section 1 hereof . Section 3 . That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval, publication , and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of July , 1973 . APPROVED : &�& J MAYOR ATTEST : CITY XLERrd DIED 854 PACE A \' CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , ' HELEN YOUNG , City Clerk within and for the City of ° Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , / dmtzzrz,* & 1 140 �4 , therein set forth , and the e same its ass it appears of Record in A"annez s( // Volume /h� at Page 113 3 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this .;?kJ — day of f A Y( /�� 191 . 7, CITY C RK �d Ir " ; ; r CtRTIFIC".TE OF RECORD STATE O.' Af;:;: I SS. WaShln':rn Co�nly 1 , Nrnr L. ICcll +icy ':r, ;ir.^.oi'. C!or!c and Ex-Officio Recori ' • x Washin".tcn Co,.niy, do herchy cer.i;y th-. . ' : . Lnn going instrument was fila. •Ror re oC y ice on :I�� day of 197ia-�•(�,_ 'a:.: . is duly reco,de n rord _9.Jr1 at Pa3- ec � Witness my hand and s,oa: this day ot_/lt.(�q�{— _ Circuit Clerk an Ex�t7r'i` Recorged By Deputy Clerk DEED �. ., 54 PAcE ��5 ll4. wc�\''. y% :4\Ip V CERTIFICATE Or RECORD 5tat���Arlcnnsas ( SS l` City of f'aYett^vil!e C I{�'}iel City Clerk and : I Suzan.te f F c etteville, + , t':ry o for t.:e fore- Officio recor_er ea or Ex ghat the r,. .. . . , do hereby cC1 cMY ce a:.cl t^e s:unc aD' goi: : is Of '. el- �;� iae � &esol .:tio,i book pea �j" lz%ji jvl, a • Witness my 1 t ) ge day of • f hand cad sett. ------------ Recorder � lye �—� - City Clerk and L' x'Officio --oawfM e"WA WIN AT ORDIVANCE REZONING VART- STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Ot`F PROoFRTtFc 1N THF, =rs OF J} F \ Y FIITEVnSA d.E, ARKANSAS AND A- County o[ Washingtonas. M/ E MINDING THE, ZONLVG DIFTRI(T MSP OF FAYL V[1 r r ARKANfiAR; A\ It FOR DIVER PURPOSES. eS " ORDAINED BY THE BOARD IMRWiIORS OF 'MM = OF ra r 6T171EV71 LE. ARKANRAa: I, -- - , hereby certify that I +ertion 1. That the Issue clan "tion am theeubli er of TI NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily a :he fnlloatng propereu he, and 1N hereho . MargM As mdlpted: newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than pR-S-76-derr hod u: art of the West Hatt a Use Northeast four pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at rrnx'tlonal Qturter twos Nato a ser- a fixed ( daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of n Four tQ In Twerehlp eLNteam (16) .or h of Range Thou tam west and Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated 'art a Me south Half save[ a tn� �•otheaxl Quarter nHEt•P a seehw and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for IA North of Range Thirty 139) We1161 ohP psourriarlY descrsed as Ifs- each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Is ms at a pont i o Thousand Rex" r iasioit Forts-seven and mfrero-ona considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and endive Mx T147Mt feet East of the service value it contains, that at least fifty lorap t comer of me Northwest easY Percent of the subscribers r-aetioml Quarter ,Nwyp of septic" thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents Pour a, h Townxhq Wateee as, or through recognized news dealers over a ::nth a RangThirtr 90) Wst, g g period of at least six months ; s,d running thrfrrc seatin Tate,, and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent t suadrad alxty me and we hmtdpd wrnty<ight t sandhs (IM.Mt feet: news matter. ' -base! Emaf One Hundred Forty auto n nega N hu 70 d n<a.Mt feet: I further certifythat the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of .slit North d olul s 10 l fpr ga Feat Ten Hummed Ninety-three andl eight hundred nmrri mousandthal ,'tale RISC feet: theare North s decrees to misses rest Four Hndlred 14M, - Q { reef. ode of leu. M a Mint which _Ola\t\clYtCF ----.-_-_�1�------------ _ A Five Hundred nighty' ivhs am fifteen if hundntha gild[ feet NdM and Seven Hundred Nlneii ighl ail rirhr.-four was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for I _. hundreMR #71111.1041 feet West a rhe consecutive Insertions as follows : neuanan twmar,a tltr Weal Half tWSH � the Northeast Ftachnso Quarter NFPp of amid Secdbn d. the same hemp Me sesuore.t roper a me The first insertion on the i day of ->_1i19Silt---- 19--'15. present Me& m. Young M nx prop J r:'t); 1Mnfe fm~ng the from line .n Fourth". following Meconmoa the second insertion on the day of ........_____....._ 19___._ .. between the armee mi and Me am and pmdrtr dnunrct North 'ITree Hundred Twenty- Me G251 feet, North M degrees IN the third insertion on the day of -- ------ 19.- mmuvs Fast E1ghtyljrht and fleets- haP htuoln a t9.95s feet. North IN W BortU minutes Fast ID9. fen. Norand fourth on e da -____- ___. - . North 14 degrees le' minutes West P d thfth Insertion the y of _---- 19......._ . Met. Norte p degrees 33 minutes Rap lm feel. North _7l degrees 06 degrees Fast IMM fee( �aMth 11 degrees V in mmuln Fast as eae1. North 5 degrees ad mirth East ff E feet. NST fe Begum Il mitwlet ate, Wiest fee6 Nath I6 North Not d minutes m M.M feel. Nom et degrees 17 minute. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this .... day of rant PAW tort, fee on degrees e1 minutes West minutes feet. Norte 62 et, [rtes 31 minaret East 143 right tnq �/t more or lean, f. the and b Fran-why ___ _________ _______ Imo Of Railroad; 9L m w and @ id rrli'a -- iffWayMede with the S notes west North d dig igh o minutes fe-I one Hundred Edegreei111tt tri fret Menrc North W degrees 3a min- ------ --------- utra west ree Hundred sixteen asea No Public ci.o"n hundredths (116.16, feet, mop or Ins, to the South side of the Old ! Pohlie Read; theme with Me Spate line a .said road Shi R deem" al My Commission Expires: minutes west Right Hundred Twenty- a'rpr and seven hundred ortloss. thnuae Mint sin Chet feet. more or Ira, `vim 7 to m Mint In the oin Quarter Quarter ofR qac M Me Sou. earl Quarter tREKI a Said Mint a which is due North M the Ment M heglnntna: theme abun. 'MPirr tnmdfre L1she and seven num Fees for Printing f•r• mnrcrr Ins, to she marc a ^rennin¢, continuing and tide hundredths M [ inew more Cost of Proof ----- -----_--- -----------_._--.-_.._-- or P, t PTI In Washington County, Ar- XaRsFrum �q P.1 Seed lwn Denaihl Rn Usi<I Total __.--.----.._ �f----- and tl neesR' 2. It'h errrel and Limht tadnanel to eax Thnmvshfere Caern- Grt nel D11 en I. TTet Me afieial shiningArk map the N, M Fa)'enAmen. Auto the nod �I hefelvs mendM In the ffei mod w our reepeets neves eon• es .mot des innate the niiq changes m p- ndM for m aesection1 1 mi hereto. q0risful 0 That this Ordtna from wall •• r culla force am cocci ado and -- s IMWP, a ",the 1, pWllotlp, M lemspp- q Pelf of retreaded.teaap< 1 MrtwltR �n ppeefepr e171 :ern ANn AllttOV2O ,tela ITh doilJ. ' . . . , nt : T. . . - T. greedy. Al STTiT'. Mien -Yeeme. ,ab ta<ee It 9