HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1919 c � . F'ii0R Rpp; ..IR ,ArL1 A ' � ( 3 JUL — 5 Fia 3: 53 S?ASHINGTON COUNTY ORDINANCE NO . ARr A01SAS „LMA I;OLLtIEYER CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE REZONING VARIOUS PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 1747 OF THE ! CODE OF ORDINANCES , FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF pJ FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the follow - ing properties be , and is hereby , changed as indicated : (A ) R 73 - 18 - described as : The East 100 feet of a parcel of land described as follows : A part of the SW; of Section 10 , T - 16 - N , R - 30 - W of the 5th P . M . being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 512 feet North and 30 feet East of the SW cor - ner of said Section 10 , thence East 300 feet ; thence North 200 feet ; thence West 300 feet ; thence South 200 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1 . 38 more or less . from R - 1 , Low Density Residential District to R - 0 , Residential Office District . (B ) R 73 - 20 - described as : A part of the South g of the NW; of Section 19 , in T - 16 - N , R - 30 - W , described as beginning at the NW corner of the SE; of the NE; and running thence South 496 . 96 feet , thence West 204 . 2 feet , thence South 5 degrees , 44 minutes East , 423 . 1 feet to an iron at the NW corner of property previously sold by grantors herein , thence South 93 degrees 50 minutes East , 64 . 5 feet to a Point of Beginning . Thence , South 93 degrees , 50 minutes East 167 . 5 feet to center of new road , thence northerly fol - lowing center of road 160 feet , thence North 93 degrees , 50 minutes West , paralleling South line DEED 854 PAGE 62 MICROFILMED DATE 1 3 W8 REEL 11 — of said land herein described 157 feet to an iron stake at NW corner of these lands , thence Southerly 160 feet to the point of beginning . from A - 1 , Agricultural District to R - 1 , Low Density Residential District . (C ) R 73 - 21 - described as : Part of the NWh of the SE', of Section 26 , T - 17 - N , R - 30 - W , of the 5th P . M . described as beginning at the SE corner of said forty acre tract ; thence running North along U . S . Highway 71 , 330 feet ; thence West 660 feet ; thence South 330 feet to the South line of said forty acre tract ; thence East 660 feet to the place of beginning , con - taining five ( 5 ) acres , more or less . from A - 1 , Agricultural District C - 2 , Thoroughfare Commercial District . (D ) R 73 - 22 described as : Lots 11 and 12 , Block 8 , Parker ' s Plat of Valley View Acres , Fayetteville , Arkansas . from R - 3 , High Density Residential District to I - 1 , Light Industrial and Heavy Commercial Dis - trict , (E ) R 73 - 24 - described as : Part of the East 2 of Section 33 , T - 17 - N , R - 30 - W , being more particularly described as follows , to - wit : Beginning at a point which is 1435 feet East and 2879 . 41 feet South of the NW corner of said East z and running thence West 580 . 16 feet to the ROW of Highway 71 , thence South 30 degrees , 58 minutes West , along said right of way , 237 . 67 feet , thence East 702 . 45 feet to the West ROW of a country road , thence North along said country road ROW 203 . 8 feet to the point of beginning . Containing 3 . 00 acres , more or less . from A - 1 , Agricultural District to C - 2 , Thorough - fare Commercial District , DEE ^ 85 ?AGE 63 Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas be , and it hereby is , amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to effect and des - ignate the necessary changes provided for in Section 1 hereof . Section 3 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publica - tion and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . 1973 . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 1,xjb,( DAY OF , APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : oazqtn CITY R] DCS " 85 F.AGi F4 \ . r CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , ' HELEN YOUNG , City Clerk within and for the City of ° Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , r Arkansas , Ad a41ct-,� Wa W , therein set forth , and thesame is as it appears of Record in y Q Volume Zr at Page /R3 QRS thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this ��� , day of . r .. 19 . . CITY C6ERK CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF AC::.',; !^,•,g W 'hm ::rn Coun:y ss. I, AL ,�c 1-, I(Cllne.„r Ci do cult Cler!c and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washinzton County, her cu r- goin-, ' 1 er,i:y that (h_ _ r run • was tileU torr i cn n the _r fore. _ e,,or; in my office en the _r da of ?? dul a� S :;onk�, y ecorde n— �/] �e�� and the same is Witness my hand and seal thirecord sat paaa day of MA LLMEY i �� p DEED 05 , PAGE 65 Circuit Clerk ander . g _ Ex-01ii o Hacorded . 8Y tLJ Deputy Clerk 4 . s , T%J%4p OF RECORD Efate of Vrlmllme ( iS City of F;.yc' t .i'.'e I, Suzn ne C. Kc-r^c !y, City Clerk and Ex-Ofiici � rc=nr:?er f.;_ f:c C;sy of ?.tyctteville, do here ); cep i thet the a mi e:l or fore- goial is of rec:rrd io qty of �ec n • d f,e same aP- pem is O."_'inance 0 1'zosa:�atioa 'rook �lV-„;i pa^.e I . "fitness my b=d e-r,Is^s? t" is. --.day of . ly City Clerk and Er-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} County of Washington aa. tNtDW A.YCA Nm im AN ORDIta"M Z& NINO VAW' We PROPRRT1119 IN 110 Cr" OF ae ' FAYL'CrDVILIX ARKANRAR. AMWD-LNO ORDINANt7R NO. ITe7 OF 17[6 1, _ �[.`^� �' ` -_ _ . hereby certify that I mon or ORDINANCRR. FATIC1 - 810 tubl her o[ T E NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily VIIlA ARLANW. AND AIASADIIt6TNR WNINa IMWC`f X&P OF FAY- newsphaving a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than FI rnVN,Ln. ARKANUS: AND FOR four 8 P P ci 7 PDRPosri pages o[ five columna each, published a[ a fixed lace of business and at BR lir ORDAINRD BY Tim VOAED a fixed (daily ) Intervale continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of of DAmmillaR OF TRO 17M O!1 FAYPfITRVILLE, ARKANRAR: Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated - eentlm t. raff me tuna cbe,MWA It and distributed from an established lace of business to subscribers and of me BM.a aha pqi tions is WA Y P heresy. pttanxel as Indleaw: readers generally of all classes in the City & County for definite rice for (Al R 7W — dooMbed Int: a p The (ease us feet of a Parrot of INTO each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is deATlld as Rdy,.: A part of the considered the value of the p ew!L of swum if. T-7611. R.mw of publication, based upon the news value and Was IM Pal- MIM mm par lorry service value it contains, that at least fifty deY•ebM as 101101 91/1111171/ at . percent of the subscribers P90feet A tea or an oro thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents spId y. anew ]Beetthence or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; worth 3q bat: bines het: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent flora MAO ]A het W LM Pint M 1psemd ad pentamb[ LIB mon er news matter. few. from R-1. r'o'w rtenRiry Renldential I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of rnorot W RA Residential 01 Dtn- Irirt. 'B, R 7&$ — deacdhed as: A pine at nna 9nttr 1A of the NW'L M amain lo, in T-16-N. R-WW. deR- erMad an bealm ing at the NW mr- _.. .��i-uSi.Y�t`.E.------ q..l.�l...---- -- _ --. --. ------- ner of the INCffi 'L 4 Ole? NL Ynd ron. ._.._ ninR thence Booth 4".." fee Moro Weft 2I4 7 feat, thenc�ee seam s degree., was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for et intents' mat. 4 1 het man tint consecutive Insertions as follows : at a few corner 0t proof t nrc.n- nayy aMd by grarion herein, thenen n � Anil RI degrees, ie 'Ranvtet ryd, The first Insertion on the -_ da A.i•Af>\ fear m • mint of a mite% . 'menu __ _ y of ._ _ 191-3 _ se th M d"mot, initOcten 11111'.3het to center ofwVW rnM. " a @ northerly umt seater at the second insertion on the day of ____.... ___ 19...._..._ tNSM $ tN Rr'eaa. ! mints -ak"F PNrdwm! Renin line or saw rend tMrem the third insertion on the day of ..... 19---------_ crthad 1'7 rep. Mer' NIt turner yob. - Rmiherb IAL MMMTTT r Ff1� 1 Tefhtand the fourth insertion on the . day of qe ---- ------------- 19-------- glpa. 1Ad, A Lav fwfnte _ m' R 7i-3 — deegftl-11 - i•aR eM Me ti�r� of BBP4 M fypl "vs. R-�7r. m a ith a P .` dearrbed as hit et tl RN comer M Raid forte sen ttrp; men's running Teresa along U.M. Neth- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___.�.. -- day of ___-_.__..._ wry n. xse Leet: theme Wel OP feet: Menta fenoth xW feet to a NOM flat O morty am trach {Reno red J t0 the Marc a beginning. Ira in Ifee rig aural, mac W Ire. M1vrs; A-1A-1. Agricultural DMaM C-7, TMhn tMnwnemini DlMtyt T' R :rt . �:dRrnNd lb: Tr Is 10 alai a. PA.". 9 rat —_—_____ of t iI P. new Aries. FAYettr xW. Lary Public linea, R i. High jW*jLr Residential He.% t to t.l. Ggat 7ndoldei am see." 24 — 1p al eai set. My' COmm18Ri0II Expires : F.' R of t — des-rhea as: Port of w Itiri 'i at e. pan $. T. 1 ttN iheet , bema more Wrtreein to A hM of offs jq twit suit Ana rat R mint w1vM it leRi feet Finn end - � pn {t fee, smi'h M Ma NW corner at asid first % and raaIM Mame Wad : Fees for Printing ..... Cost of Proof ..... ...... j.........._. .-p..-____. Total ........_....