HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1893 ry ORDINANCE N0 . „SF,II .' ! Q ' t IdTY 893 ci�cU', AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION , CONSTRUCTION , REPAIR , ALTERATION , LOCATION , OR MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND FEES THEREFOR ; THE REVOCATION OF PERMITS ; INSPECTION AND FEES THEREFOR ; REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES ; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF . WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , believes that the construction , repair , alteration , location , and maintenance of signs should be controlled within the city limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in order to protect the public investment in the streets and highways , to promote the safety and recreational value of public travel and to preserve natural beauty , and WHEREAS , the purpose of this Ordinance is to promote the reasonable , orderly , and effective display of signs while remaining consistent with the city policy to protect the public investment in the streets and highways , to promote the safety and recreational value of public travel and to preserve natural beauty , and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has . made the following findings of fact : ( 1 ) That the uncontrolled proliferation of signs is hazardous to the users of streets and highways within the limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( 2 ) That a large and increasing number of tourists have been visiting the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and as a result the tourist industry is a direct source of income for citizens of said city , with an increasing number of persons directly or indirectly dependent upon the tourist industry for their livelihood . ( 3 ) Scenic resources are distributed throughout the city , and have contributed greatly to its economic development , by attracting tourists , permanent and part - time residents , and new industries and cultural facilities . ( 4 ) The scattering of signs throughout the city is detrimental to the preservation of those scenic resources , and so to the economic base of the city , and is also not an effective method of providing information to tourists about available facilities . THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : MICROFILMED — 84Z'� ry GATE or_T 978 DEED cJ� ?wr2 REEL 114 Section 1 . That the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended by adding a chapter to be numbered 17B , which said chapter reads as follows : " Chapter 17B SIGNS Section 17B - 1 . Short title . This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the " Sign Ordinance of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . " Section 17B - 2 . Definitions For the purposes of this chapter , the following terms , phrases , words , and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein : Banner - Any sign printed or displayed upon cloth or other flexible material , with or without frames . Beacon - A stationary or revolving light which flashes or projects illumination , single color or multi - colored , in any manner which is intended to attract or divert attention ; except , however , this term is not intended to include any kind of lighting device which is required or necessary under the safety regulations described by the Federal Aviation Agency or similar agencies . Bulletin Board - Any sign erected by a charitable , educational or religious institution or a public body , which is erected upon the same property as said institution , for purposes of announcing events which are held on the premises . Controlled Access Highway - Any state or federal numbered highway designated by ordinance as a controlled access highway by the Board of Directors of the city . Directional - Signs of a non - commercial nature which direct the reader to the location of facilities or group of facilities , such as public , religious , and educational or charitable institutions , which may describe the characteristics of and services available at such facilities . Display Surface Area - The net geometric area enclosed by the display surface of the sign including the outer extremities of all letters , characters and delineations ; provided , however , display surface area shall not include the structural supports for free standing signs ; provided further , that only one face of a double - faced sign as defined shall be considered in determining the display surface area . District or Zoning District - A section or sections of the incorporated area of the City for which the then effective Zoning Ordinance governing DEED 842 PAGE 473 the use of buildings and land are uniform for each class of use permitted therein . References to individual zoning districts contained herein shall refer to the zoning districts established by the Board of Directors in Article 5 of Ordinance Number 1747 [ Appendix A , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ] . Erect - To build , construct , attach , hang , place , suspend , or affix , and shall also include the painting of wall signs . Flashing Sign - An illuminated sign on which artificial or reflected light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times when in use . Free Standing Sign - A sign which is attached to or a part of a completely self - supporting structure . The supporting structure shall be firmly in or below the ground surface and is not attached to any building or any other structure whether portable or stationary . Identification and Informational Signs - Signs of an identifica - tional or of informational nature bearing no advertising . Illuminated Sign - Any sign which has character , letter , figures , designs or outline illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes as a part of the sign proper . Illuminated, Direct - Illumination which is so arranged that the light is directed into the eyes of the viewer from the light source . Illuminated , Indirect - Illumination so arranged that the light is reflected from the sign to the eyes of the viewer . Joint Identification Sign - A sign which serves as common or collective identification for a group of persons or businesses operating on the same zone lot ( e . g . , shopping center , office complex , etc . ) . Such sign may name the persons , or businesses included but carry no other advertising matter . Lease - An agreement by which a property owner conveys , usually for a specified rent , to other persons permission to erect and main - tain an advertising sign upon his property . Non - conforming Sign - A sign existing at the effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance which could not be built under the terms of this Ordinance . On - Site Sign - A sign relating in its subject matter to the premises on which it is located , or to products , accommodations , ser - vices , or activities on the premises . DE [ D 842 PAGE. 474 Off- Site Sign - A sign other than an on - site sign . Person - Shall mean and include any person , firm , partnership , association , corporation , company or organization , of any kind . Portable Swinger Sign and "A " Frame or Sandwich Sign - An adver - tising device which is ordinarily in the shape of an "A" or some variation thereof , located on the ground , easily movable , not perma - nently attached thereto and which is usually two - sided . Portable Temporary Attraction Sign Board - A single or double surface painted or poster panel type sign or some variation thereof , which is temporary in nature , usually mounted on wheels , easily movable , not permanently attached thereto . Projecting Sign - Any sign that shall be affixed at an angle or perpendicular to the wall of any building in such a manner to read perpendicular or at an angle to the wall on which it is mounted . Real Estate Sign - A temporary sign placed upon property for the purpose of advertising to the public the sale or lease of said property . Roof Sign - Any sign wholly erected , constructed or maintained on the roof structure or parapet wall of any building . Spot Light Illumination - Shall mean illumination which comes from lamps , lenses or devices designed to focus or concentrate the light rays of the source . Sign - The term sign shall mean and include every device , frame , letter , figure , character , mark , plane , point , design , picture , stroke , stripe , trademark or reading matter , which is used or intended to be used to attract attention or convey information when the same is placed out of doors in view of the general public . For the purpose of deter - mining number of signs , a sign shall be considered to be a single display surface or display device containing elements organized , related , and composed to form a unit . Where matter is displayed in a random manner without organized relationship to elements , or where there is reasonable doubt as to the relationship of elements , each element shall be considered to be a single sign . Wall Sign - Any sign that shall be affixed parallel to the wall or printed on the wall of any building in such a manner as to read parallel to the wall on which it is mounted ; provided , however , said wall sign shall not project above the top of the wall or beyond the end of the building . For the purpose of this ordinance , any sign display surface that is affixed flat against the sloping surface of a mansard roof shall be considered a wall sign . Any sign that is affixed to the face of a building marquee , building awning , or a building canopy shall be consi - dered a wall sign . Section 17B - 3 . Sign Permits It shall be unlawful for any person to erect , repair , alter , relocate or keep within the City of Fayetteville any sign or other advertising DEED 842 PAcE 475 structure as defined in this ordinance , except as exempted under Section 17B - 5 or Section 17B - 6 , without first obtaining a sign permit from the Building Inspector and payment of the fee as required by this Section . All illuminated signs shall , in addition , be subject to the provisions of the Electrical Code , and the permit fees required thereunder . ( a) Application for initial sign Permit - Application for initial sign permits shall be made upon blanks provided by the Building Inspector , and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information : ( 1 ) Name , address and telephone number of the applicant . ( 2 ) Location of building , structure , or lot to which or upon which the sign or other advertising structure is to be attached or erected . ( 3 ) Position of the sign or other advertising structure in relation to nearby building or structures . ( 4 ) Two blueprints or ink drawings of the plans and specifi - cations and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground . ( 5 ) Name of person , firm , corporation or association erecting structure . ( 6 ) Written consent of the owner of the building , structure or land to which or on which the structure is to be erected . ( 7 ) Any electrical permit required and issued for said sign . Application requesting electrical permit for proposed sign must accompany sign application . ( 8 ) Such other information as the Building Inspector shall require to show full compliance with City ordinance . (b ) Sign Permit Fees - Every applicant , before being granted a permit hereunder shall pay to the City Building Inspector ' s Office the following permit fee for each sign or other advertising structure regulated by this ordinance : ( 1 ) Permit fee of $ 2 . 00 plus $ 0 . 05 per square foot of sign face . ( c) Issuance of Sign Permit - It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector , upon the filing of an application for an erection permit to examine such plans and specifications and other data and the premises upon which it is proposed to erect the sign or other advertising structure , and if it shall appear that the proposed structure is in compliance with all the requirements of this ordinance and all other laws and ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , he shall then issue the erection permit . If the work authorized under an erection permit has not been completed within six ( 6 ) months after date of issuance , the said permit shall become null and void . DEED 842 PACE. 476 ( d) Sign Permit Revocable - All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this ordinance or any amendment thereto, are mere licenses revocable at any time by the Fayetteville City Board of Directors and all such permits shall contain this provision . Section 17B - 4 . Sign Maintenance . ( a) Sign Identification - Every sign or other advertising structure hereafter registered shall show in a .conspicuous place thereon which is visible to the inspector and is readable by the inspector. from .the ground , the permit number . (b ) Premises Maintenance - All, free standing signs and the premises surrounding the same shall be maintained by the owner thereof in a clean , sanitary , and inoffensive condition , and free and clear of all obnoxious substances , rubbish and weeds . ( c) Unsafe and Unlawful Signs - If the Building Inspector shall find that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure , or is a menace to the public , or is abandoned or is maintained in a dilapidated condition , or has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of this ordinance , he shall give written notice to the permittee or property owner thereof . If the permittee or property owner fails to remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within ten ( 10 ) days after such notice , such sign or other advertising structure may be removed or altered to comply by the Building Inspector at the expense of the permittee or owner of the property upon which it is located . The Building Inspector shall refuse to issue a permit to any permittee or owner who refuses to pay costs so assessed . The Building Inspector may cause any sign or other advertising structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without notice . Section 17B - 5 . Non - Conforming Signs . ( a) For the purpose of this section , a non - conforming sign shall be defined as a sign which does not conform with the provisions of this chapter or which does not conform with the City Zoning Ordinance ; such signs shall be removed within a period of three ( 3 ) years from the effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance , except that : ( 1 ) On - Site Non - Conforming Signs - All non - conforming signs not otherwise prohibited by the provisions of this ordinance , relating to a place of business and located on the same premises as such place of business , may be continued until : ( a) the nature of the business conducted on the premises changes in such a manner as to occasion a change in the existing sign ; or ( b ) the name of the business changes and the sign is changed or modified either in shape , size , or legend . ( 2 ) Off - Site Non - Conforming Signs - Where an off - site non - conforming sign is located off the premises {off the place of DEED 842 PAGE. 4 7 business to which the sign pertains and exists at the effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance and could not be built under the terms of this Ordinance by reason of restrictions on sign area , height , its location on the lot , or other require - ments , the owner of the sign shall : a . Place on record in the Office of the Building Inspector within one ( 1) year following the adoption of this Ordinance a sworn statement regarding the term of the lease agreement that was in effect on the effective date of this Ordinance , if any , and other information describing the existing sign . b . Ifa lease is in effect , remove said sign at the end of the lease period . C . If a lease is not in effect , remove the sign within three ( 3) years from the effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance . (b ) No non - conforming sign may be enlarged or altered in a way which would increase its non - conformity . ( c ) Should any non - conforming sign be damaged by any means to an extent of more than 50 percent of its replacement cost at time of damage , it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance . Section 17B - 6 . Exemptions . Exemptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of such signs from the responsibility of complying with certain applicable provisions of this ordinance . The exemptions shall apply to the requirement for sign permit only and no sign permit shall be required for the erection of the following signs : ( a) Professional name plates erected flat on walls of building and not exceeding four ( 4 ) square feet of display surface area . (b ) Building Construction Signs - One on - site building construction sign on each construction site in any zoning district provided that : ( 1 ) Maximum display surface area : 8 square feet or less in R zoning districts , 32 square feet or less in other zoning districts . ( c ) Real Estate Signs - On a zoning lot in any district , there may be erected on each street frontage one unanimated real estate sign , whose permitted illumination and maximum area shall be as follows : DEED 842 PACE478 District Permitted Area Illumination ( Square Feet ) A Non - illuminated 32 R - R - 0 Non - illuminated 8 P - 12 C $ I Non - flashing 32 ( d) Signs painted on the exterior surface of a building or structure as follows : ( 1 ) On - site wall signs in A - 1 Zoning District . ( 2 ) On - site wall signs in R - 0 Zoning District not to exceed 16 square feet of display surface area . ( 3 ) On - site wall signs in C or I Zoning Districts . ( e ) Home Occupation signs erected flat against the wall of the building and not exceeding four ( 4 ) sgaure feet in area when erected in the R- 2 , R- 31 C - 3 , and R - 0 Zoning Districts . ( f) Memorial signs or tablets , names of buildings and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials . ( g) Traffic or other municipal signs , legal notices , railroad crossing signs , danger , and such temporary , emergency or non - advertising signs as may be approved by the City Board of Directors . ( h) Posting of bills on signs , repainting of signs , or the changing of letters or numbers on signs designed for changeable lettering or numbering which were legally erected and maintained for such purposes . ( i ) Election Campaign Signs - Political signs are permitted to be placed on private property in any district , subject to the following conditions : ( 1 ) In districts where signs are not permitted , a political sign shall not be placed more than thirty ( 30 ) days prior to the elections to which it applies , and it shall be removed within 72 hours following the final election that is held ; the owner of the property on which said sign is placed shall be responsible for its removal . ( 2 ) In districts where signs are otherwise permitted , politi - cal signs shall meet those requirements . ( j ) Time and temperature displays without advertising matter , providing all clearances prescribed herein for signs similarly located , are maintained . DEED 842 PACE479 ( k ) Banners shall be exempted when used in conjunction with public and private events as follows : ( 1 ) Election Campaigns : Election Campaign banners when said banners are not placed more than ten days prior to and removed within 72 hours following the election to which the banner applies . ( 2 ) Public Events : Public event banners shall be removed within 72 hours following the event to which the banner applies . ( 3 ) Private Sales Events : Banners placed on private property for advertising a special sales event . NOTE : Banners bearing advertising matter shall be considered wall or free standing signs , depending upon mounting , and shall meet all regulations pertaining thereto . ( 1 ) All signs located within a building that are not visible to the public outside said building . (m) Signs painted on , or affixed to , ; glass surfaces of windows or doors and pertaining to the lawful business conducted therein . ( n ) Directional , identification , and informational signs , provided that such signs are limited to wall and free standing signs with a maximum of four ( 4 ) square feet of display surface area . ( o ) Collection boxes for charitable or non - profit organization containing no commercial advertising and located on private property in any C or I Zoning District . (p ) Subdivision Signs - In any district , one temporary subdivision identification sign indirectly illuminated , not to exceed fifty ( 50 ) square feet in area per surface may be erected at any principal entrance to a subdivision , provided that in no event shall such sign remain for more than six months within 50 feet of a dwelling in an R District occupied as a dwelling . (q ) Bulletin Boards six ( 6 ) feet or less in height with display surface area up to sixteen ( 16 ) square feet . Section 17B - 7 , General Regulations . ( a ) Removal of Certain Signs - Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted , or a product sold , shall be taken down , obliterated , or removed by the owner , agent , or person having the beneficial use of thebuilding or structure upon DEED 842 PAGE480 which such sign may be found within ten ( 10 ) days after written notification from the Building Inspector , and , upon failure to comply with such notice within the time specified in such order , the Building Inspector is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign , and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner of the property , building , or structure to which such sign is attached or affixed . (b ) Signs Not to Constitute Traffic Hazard - No sign or other advertising structure as regulated by this ordinance shall be erected or continued to be displayed at the .intersection of any street in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision ; or at any location where , by reason of the position , shape , or color , it may interfere with , obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign , signal or device ; or which makes use of the words , " STOP , " " LOOK , " "DRIVE - IN , " " DANGER , " or any other word , phrase , symbol or character ' in such manner as to interfere with , mislead , or confuse traffic . ( c ) Public Property - No signs other than signs placed by agencies of governments shall be erected on any public property . No sign shall be placed on any private property without the consent of the owner thereof . No sign shall be placed or painted on any tree or rock . No signs shall be placed on any utility pole except for utility identifications or similar purposes . (d ) Sign Illumination - Direct illumination by incandescent light bulbs shall be restricted to light bulbs rated at twenty - five ( 25 ) watts or less . ( e ) Spot Lights and Beacons Prohibited - It shall be unlawful for any person to continue in operation or erect any attraction device or sign which contains a beacon of any type and / or contains a spot light providing direct illumination to the public . ( f ) Fluctuating Illumination Prohibited - It shall be unlawful for any person to erect additional attraction devices or signs or to continue in operation an attraction device or sign which flashes , blinks , or is animated . Illumination of attraction devices or signs located in the City that fluctuates in light intensity shall be prohibited . ( g ) Portable Swinger , "A" Frame , Sandwich , Attraction Sign Boards Prohibited - It shall be unlawful for any person to continue to display or erect any portable swinger , "A" frame , sandwich or temporary attraction sign board in the City . ( h ) Parked vehicles carrying advertising shall be considered a sign unless they are in operable condition and carry a current , valid license tag . DEED 842 PAGE- 48i ( i ) Restrictions Along Controlled Access Highways - No off - site sign shall be permitted within 660 feet of the right of way of any controlled access highway . Section 17B - 8 . Roof Signs . Roof signs shall be prohibited and no roof sign shall hereafter be placed on the roof of any building or structure in any zoning district of the City . Section 17B - 9 . Free Standing Signs . It shall be unlawful to erect any free standing sign whose total height is greater than thirty ( 30 ) feet above the level of the street upon which the sign faces . Free standing signs located on property which abuts both a controlled access highway and a state or federal numbered highway may not be erected where the total height of said sign is greater than thirty ( 30 ) feet above the plane of the pavement of the highest road at that intersection . Free Standing signs shall be permitted to be erected in the City subject to the following : ( a) "A - 1 " District : ( 1 ) Off - site free standing signs shall be prohibited . ( 2 ) On - site free standing signs subject to the following : a . Only one ( 1 ) on - site free standing sign shall be permitted on a lot . b . Display surface area shall not exceed sixteen ( 16 ) square feet . C , Sign may be illuminated by indirect illumination only . d . Sign shall be set back thirty - five ( 35 ) feet from existing street right of way and twenty - five ( 25 ) feet from any " R" or "R- 0" District . (b ) " R" and " R - O" Districts : Free standing signs shall be prohibited and no free standing signs shall hereafter be erected in any " R" or " R - 0 " District of the City . ( c) " C" Districts : ( 1 ) Only one ( 1 ) on - site or off - site free standing sign shall be permitted on a lot . ( 2 ) Only one ( 1 ) off - site free standing sign shall be permitted on any vacant property of one ownership . om 842 PAGE 482 ( 3 ) Free standing signs shall be subject to the following : a . Display surface area shall not exceed 75 square feet except on - site free standing signs located on property which abuts a controlled access highway where the display surface area shall not exceed 200 square feet . b . Shall be setback a minimum of forty ( 40 ) feet from street right of way provided that if a building structure is lawfully located closer than fifty ( 50 ) feet from the street right of way , on - site free standing signs shall be permitted within ten feet of the front face of the building or structure but in no event shall an on - site free standing sign be per - mitted closer than fifteen ( 15 ) feet from street right of way . C . Shall be setback a minimum of twenty - five ( 2S ) feet from the boundary of any " R" or " R - 0" District . d . Signs may be illuminated by direct or indirect illumination . e . May be erected a minimum of one ( 1 ) foot from adjoining property . ( 4 ) The display surface area of joint identification signs may be increased to one ( 1) square foot per five hundred ( 500 ) square feet of gross leasable building area , with a maximum display surface area of three hundred ( 300 ) square feet . ( d) " I " Districts : ( 1 ) On - site free standing signs shall be permitted . ( 2 ) Off - site free standing signs shall be prohibited . ( 3 ) Free standing signs shall be subject to the following : a . Display surface area shall not exceed 300 square feet . b . Shall be set back a minimum of Fifty ( 50 ) feet from street right of way in the I - 1 District , One hundred ( 100 ) feet from street right of way in the I - 2 District . C , May be erected a minimum of one ( 1 ) foot from adjoining property ; provided , however , said signs must be set back twenty - five ( 25 ) feet from the boundary of any " R" or " R- 0" District . ( e ) " P " and " F - 1 " Districts : Free standing signs other than those permitted in Section 17B - 6 shall be prohibited and no free standing sign shall hereafter be erected in the "P " and " F - 1 " Districts . rcy� DEED 842 PAGE. 483