HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1880 L I i. FOR RECORD '72 SEP 13 PN 3: 38 ORDINANCE N0 . 1 WASHINGTON COUNTY % ARIKANS.AS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0 . 1747 63A 'bfl 7RFHAT DUPLEXES SHALL BECOME A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R - � OW = DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission on July 18 , 1972 on a proposal requesting the Planning Commission to make a recommendation to remove the duplex classification from R - 1 , Low - Density Residential Zoning District , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing the Planning Commission voted to make a recommendation to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville that the duplex classification become a conditional use in the R - 1 , Low - Density Residential District . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Ordinance No . 1747 [Appendix A , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ] is hereby amended by adding the sub - section to be numbered Article 6 , Section [ F ] , Sub - section [ XXVI ] , which said subsection reads as follows : " [ XXVI ] UNIT 26 , SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS [ A ] . Description Unit 26 is provided in order that single family detached dwellings may be located in appropriate residential areas at a density of four families per growth acre . [ B ] . INCLUDED USES Single family detached dwellings . [ C ] . Off - street Parking Space Requirements Two off - street parking spaces shall be required for each single family dwelling unit . Section 2 . That Article S , Section [ II ] of Ordinance No . 1747 [ Appendix A , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ] is hereby amended to read as follows : MICROFILMED Ulu e PAGE. 10WL DATE_OCT 1 3 1978 REEL I l q " [ II ] DISTRICT R - 1 , LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT [A ] Purposes The Low - Density Residential District of four families per acre or less in the case of single family homes and seven families per acre or less in the case of two family dwellings designed to permit and encourage the development of low - density detached dwellings . ,in3 suitable environments , as well as to protect existing developments of these types . [ B ] Uses permitted Unit 1 - City - Wide uses by right . Unit 26 - Single family dwelling . [ C ] Uses Permissible on Appeal to Planning Commission Unit 2 - City - wide uses by conditional use permits Unit 3 - Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 - Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 8 - Single family and two family dwellings . [ D ] Bulk and _ Area Regulations Single Family Two Family Lot Width Minimum 70 feet 7 e Lot Area Minimum 8000 sq . ft . 12 , 000 sq . ft . Land Area per Dwelling Unit 8000 sq . ft . 6 , 000 sq . ft . [ E ] Yards Requirements (Feet ) Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Interior Corner Lot One Other Interior Exterior 25 8 8 25 20 [ F ] Building Area On any lot the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed forty (40 ) per cent of the total area of such lot . Section 3 . That Ordinance No . 1747 is hereby amended by adding a Section to be numbered Article 7 , Section 20 , which said Section reads as follows : DEED 837 " 20 . DUPLEX USES IN R - 1 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Duplex uses in the R - 1 , Low Density Residential District shall be permitted only on appeal to the Planning Comm - ission . Notice of the application to the Planning Commission for a duplex use in the R - 1 , Low - Density Residential Zoning District shall be provided to the adjoining property owners at least ten days prior to the hearing on the application before the Planning Commission . The notice shall be provided by the applicant and shall consist of a certified letter , return receipt requested , mailed to all adjoining property owners at their last known address . Said notice shall also be given by posting a sign or signs , each eighteen (18 ) inches high by thirty (30 ) inches wide , or larger as determined by the building inspector , at conspicuous places in the area involved , ten (10 ) days prior to the date of the public hearing . The return receipts shall be presented to the Planning Administrator prior to the hearing on the application before the Planning Comission . " Section 4 . That this Ordinance being necessary to promote the public health , welfare and safety , and emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS� ' 15 ofC1 1972 , APPROVED : ATTEST : CITY CLERK u DEED c3 PACE :.8J CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , HELEN YOUNG , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy ppoff the Fayetteville , Arkansas , 2zla l�mr1 , �r). Iffe , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in �y Volume at Page /U/ OL thereof . a� td /03 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this / , 3 day of 19�—' r.,t 0 IAT CITY CPERK r OF RECORD STAT- C nh: :. .. ! . s 1 ss. W .-:u ' 'rn Co;in,y I I , r; .r 1 . IC II "iay^r, CirceiPCl-,r!s ^nd Ex-officio Record r for Washinl—wn CDI-n:y, do hercty -:Cr i:y tha. nD '3:1. I I "e- . going instrui .;:nt was file3 .or re os{ in . i,y onn::ice on he 13 day of _39�at�_3f la-':_YL1, _ndh r . a is duly recorded in (,Q.826�record_k 3`�—a'tp_, :A Witness my hand and seal tbisl4daay KOLtNI A Circ;:it Clerk and E•'- - :. i::io Recorded By � '� DEED 83 TACE 48 Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE of RRCORD State of Ar:cansas City of Pay0tt'n0ille SS I. Suzanne C. I{ennedy, City CT and E^ Officio recorder fort!; Ciiy of do 1:crebY Certify t!1' the °. going is of at ai, ; ,.. • , _..L_ 111e, 1 Pears reco ; i11myofFice .• 1 • c,l or f ,in Ordinance t t' t .o ssmc ap- ``` l�eso_ation boots �at page hand and my seal this��___ i 9___.� City Cleric and L�Ulficio geCorder ORDINANCE NO. IM' AN ORDINANCE AsMlgDTNO OR NAN", NO. 1141 TO PROVIDE nUPLEXES RHALL BECOME A TTONAL USR IN =, R-1. T,OW-D bITY RESIDENTIAL nISTRIC[: A FOR Oil PURPOSES. STATE of ARKANSAS 1 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held )} ss. ' hefore the Planning Canmissim m JulyI County of Washington IS, 1915 on a proposal requesting the planning Commission 4 make a recerq mendatim to remove the duplex class celtat from R-1. tow-Del Resides sal Zoning District and // ' - I, _cc _[' _ hereby certify that I winuml following sell public Well a C - - - [� In{ the Planning Commission voted to am the AubHs er o • THPNORTHW ST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily mate a endalim 4 the Based of u Directors 4 . city of Fayetteville 1 le thae having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than she duplex dssslficatlm become a cen- four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at ditimal use In the R.I. TAw- l$ib Rep- denual Dislrirta fixed (daily) Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of NOWTHEREFORE. RE IT OR-. Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated PAINED RY THE ROARD OF nIRM TORS OF THF. CTIT OF FAYWLa and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and nTiE. ARKANSAS: readers generally of all classes in the Cit & County for a definite price for sects. 1.L That Ordinance Na 1747 Y (Appendix A, code of ordinances, City each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is a Fayetteville. Arkansas) is hereby I amended Ip- adding the subseaim to be considered the value of the publication, based Upon the news value and ' numbered Article 4. serion til 911e1 service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Motion (XXVIi. which said subsection reads as follows: thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents '•f AVEL UNIT 26. AINOLE FAAIII.Y Dli'ELLTNOb or through recogn ized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; (A,. 1)eaeelpdon and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent Unit 76 is provided in order dust sin- MA family demean dwellings may be news matter. located in appropriate residential asps at a density a four amusias Pa I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of growm aeras (a.) Included Uses Single farrtliy Y lached "Onngs. (C.1 Perstresl Pasting bpeca Regdme masb Two off-street parkin{ spaces ehalrb ---- - ---' ------ --- -- --- -- required for each single family landfill. !ng unit. section ±. Thal Article ;. Sectim (m was published in the regular daily issue of said newspa er for_. a ordinance No. 174T (Apper ion .s. Cole consecutive insertions as follows : a Omiwaxcea, city of Fayetteville, Ar- kansas) is hereby amended to read ore - follows: The first insertion on the - . ""_" •'In, PT>'rnici RI LDH• DP:NSITY �...-__... day RESIDENTIAL DISTF.IC'r IN) Pugass The Inw-Density Residential In rirt the second insertion on the ._ . """"."_.-____._ day of __. _. ---- 19 of four families per acre or less In the case of single family hones a seam families per acre or less m t e case the third insertion On the ___.---------------- __ of two family dwellings designed to day Of .""-"-_" 19_ --___. - . .. __- perrnh and enrptlrage the develop- 1 mens or low-density detached dwellings and the fourth insertion on the -------------- -- _____ su:table environments: as well as to -- - day Of _-""""-"'."""""'-- _ ___ 19- amtert existing developments of Nese pass . R) Uses ed Unit I-City lly - Wide aces bin right Ifmt R-bogie holly chiselling - , Ok Grew Parmiesltle an Appeal ro � Plasma[ transmission Sworn to and subscribed be[ore me on this __ Unit "- sty-wide uses by conditions? --------- day Of ------------- use permits. Unit 1-Public protection and utility facilities. Unit 4 -Cultural and recreational la- - ---- --- I9-- cillhes. Unit b--single family and two family dwellings, (O1 Bulk was .Area Regulations &ape "rally Two Family Lot WidthNotaef Public ylinimum to feel Ae feet "al DUPLEX USES IN R4 REsl- Lot Area DENTIAL DIB[RWr y1minum 8100 sq. ft. 12,000 W. M M Commission Expires: Dinner uses in the R-l. Low Density band Area pee DwellingSOOD only in sal to shall se ing Con. Unit rement ft. 6.180 p. fti -- - 1D��7 only on appal to use Panmag Conn. 4r) Yards Requirements Or ` i mission. ing1a1 sg the application a du to Ftunt 3artl - Interior ---`-� — the Planning Oanmbsim ford duplex One Omer [// use in ma RL Low-bennlly Residential a d ( �,,.n: nisi ren horn xe nrovsaM ro me 3� , �� _ '. ... Side Yard Comer ITC Rear Yards Fees for Printing _...... _- _ Interior Eztenop d i 20 _shad n .. a . . (F) Building Arca Cost of Proof .----_---.... i-------------------- Oe any lot me alta aCCupied by all bulldines sM1ell not exceed forty (40) per pent of the Oral arca N such lot Total ..".-_. I post g a s high by ns, i fh eighteen 3. That Ordinance f 1Ta is _"- ----`- Said he given h, hereby ampndpe, 1, add u a Section to ling a alga or sl thirty (3 Inches metes s _ 10, which wide. g 4Wer inspector, de4rmined bfi the building ainvlv at ennapimma fix r to me area involved, ten 110) dens p' to the deo of the public heeling1'o- n return a `el Pls bpresentee i d n the Planning Administrator iprebf mior in Ilre hea^ng m the amncallm before Ing3' in August, I:ED APPROVED: P stairs,J. . Ma>wr AT rE T: Relen Yoon[, City Qarh