HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1879 � � . F OR rzFCORO '72 nuc 28 P l I : IIB ORDINANCE N0 , 0.29 V11'kSHINGTON COUNTY ARKANSAS ALi1A IzO' I MCl' F ;{ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENJ� IQQ ' 16EDAR ' STREET FROM LEWIS AVENUE TO NORTH OAK AVENUE ; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED THEREBY ; STATING THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE ; AND STATING THE TIME WITHIN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE . WHEREAS , a majority in value of the owners of real property benefited by the improvement of Cedar Street from Lewis Avenue to North Oak Avenue have petitioned the Board of Directors for the construction of said improvement and that a portion of the cost thereof be assessed upon the real prop - erty benefited , according to benefits received . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . • Section 1 . That all of the real property situated in the following territory located in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Lots 1 - 4 , 10 - 12 and 12A inclusive in Pittman ' s NW Subdivision as per plat of said subdivision on file in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk and Ex - Officio Recorder ; part of the SW 1 / 4 of the Northeast 1 / 4 of Section 8 , ':Township 16 , Range 30 West of the 5th P . M . , described as follows : Beginning 233 . 96 feet South of the NW corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence E 150 feet ; thence S 91 . 98 feet ; thence West 150 feet ; thence North 91 . 98 feet to the point of beginning , and part of the SW 1 / 4 of the NE 1 / 4 of Section 8 , Township 16 , Range 30 West of the 5th P . M . , described as follows : Beginning 365 . 94 feet South of the NW corner of said 40 acre tract and running East 133 feet ; thence South 116 . 98 feet ; thence West 133 . 33 feet ; thence North 116 . 98 feet to the point of beginning , be and the same is hereby formed into a local assessment district for the purpose of improving Cedar Street from Lewis Avenue to North Oak Avenue . Section 2 . That pursuant to the Report on the Improve - ment of Cedar Street from Lewis Avenue to North Oak Avenue , the Street Department of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby authorized and directed to accomplish the following : MICROFILMED DEiD 837 PAGE. 83 DATE OOr 3 iso REELe (a ) Excavation of existing pavement ; (b ) Construction of base to meet current city standards ; (c ) Repaving twenty eight ( 28 ) feet wide from flow line to flow line with two ( 2 ) inches of hot mix asphaltic materials ; ( d) Installation of a four foot concrete sidewalk on the North side of said street in lieu of curb and gutter ; and ( e ) Installation of curb and gutter on the South side of said street . Section 3 . That the several lots , blocks or other sub - divisions of real property within said assessment district be , and they are , hereby assessed as per the schedule of assess - ments on file with the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas which assessments bear interest at the rate of ten percent ( 10 % ) per annum from October 1 , 1972 , unless the property owner ( s ) choose ( s ) to pay in a lump sum as hereinafter provided.: Section 4 . That ten percent ( 10 % ) of said assessment of the value of the benefits of each of said lots , blocks or subdivisions of land shall be paid annually on or before the time provided by law for paying the final installment of general taxes on the property until the whole of said assessment shall have been paid , beginning October 1 , 1972 . Section S . That the property owner (s ) may pay the assess - ments levied in a lump sum payable within thirty ( 30 ) days after the completion of the proposed improvements . Section 6 . That all Ordinances and all parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this 10 day of 1972 . ATTEST : uLL CITY CLVK DEED 837 PAGE 84 y CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . HELEN YOUNG , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and . �coorrect copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , & e (. 2r, - le?79 therein set forth , andel the same is as it appears of Record in Volume 71L at Page 9FtIDD thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of 19 `a0� FAYf�� • .� ( CITY C RK DE [ o 837 PACE. 85 CERTIFICATE OF R1 CORD \ State of Arkansas ( SS City of F.iyetteviile I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Of ficin recorder f or the City of do hereby certify that the utm^'�cJ or fore- going is of record in my office and t:;e sa;ne ap- pears in Ordinance' f3 ' Rcsoiution book �at pageC• Witness my hand and seal this \N—day of n CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County I SS. I, Alma L. Kollme},er, Circuit Clerk and Ex-offlclo Recorder for Washington County, do hereby °eriiy that the annexed or fore• was filed for record in m of 9��,r/ , MY Office on thday duly record in -'-u-gO clock M, end the record same is� - Wk^acs my hand and seal thi 3 at page--date �A °f Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorded ByuJ ' OePutY Clerk nrtnnesr-a Nn. tenSTATE of ARKANSAS 1 AN ORDINANCE AUT}iORIZiNG THE1 r'tP°°t'EVEUT OF CEDAR STREET' County of Washington FROlt LEWIS A\'F.NUE T'o NORTR n1K .At'ENUE: LEVYING ASSESS tfE:NTS AGAINST THE PROPERTr,', BENEFITED THEREAT: STATING THE m %VNER IN WHICH SUM AesESs_ I hereby certify that I VENTS ARE PAY.ABLE', AND STATING - - - - - - THE TIME WITHof THE NORTHWEST ARKANS IN WH adm Aa ion the Pu lishet AS TIMES, a daily SXSSMF,NTS APE PAYABLE B . IRFAREAS. a majority W value of fine newspaper h v{ng a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than owners or real property rental by file four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at mpmtement of Cedar 54eet frau Lewis A ,enue to North oak Avenue have pen- a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Timned me Board or Directors roc the Washington, Arkfperiod of twelve months, circulated .irmtru the of said improverPa At and anam or more than a a par ion a the cos thereof be as- and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and .es,ed upon Ne reel prop" ►Wfited, according to budidds recelved, readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for N"i THEREFORE. BE rr on each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which DIINED BY THE BOARD OF mRF.C- P price WSB fixed at what 18 TORS OF THE Cli OF FAYETTE- considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and % ILLS.. ARKANSAS. Seotion 1. net all of the real Property service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers s Lusted in me following territory located thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents In the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas: Data 14, 19-12 and ll A inclusive W or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months : Penman's Niv -itatAn fle as Per plat and that the said newspaper publishes an averse of more than fort rf maaid •ubeiviesubdivision hie m the office P g y percent the washingtan County Cir tin Clerk news matter. d Ex-0fficln Recopied part of the ,lV T , of me Northeast a5 of Section s. I lurcher certify that the IC Township I6. Range X went of the gal notice hereto attached in the matter of T P.sf., described as follows: Begin- is ^-34.96 feet South of the NW con, -er ni saitl 40 acre tract and running y Q t`Tmce E 120 feet: Ibence S 5144 feet: ..-�- Treece West 1..->D feet; thence North 91.98 feet to the pint of beginning, and part of the SW ' , of the NE 14 of Section Tnwnsnia 16. Range M west of the Was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for-.-..__.... dh P.m., descrihai as follows: Begin- consecutive insertions as follows: no :$2.91 feet South M the NW Cor ner of said 40 acre tract and running / Hast In feet thence South IIA M feet; I- ienre west l7an feet: thence Norlis The first insertion on the ______._____. day 11598 feet : thence West 133.M feet: trance North 116.98 feet W the pointe or beginning. the second insertion on the __ ________ day of _________----- .. 18---.____ he and the same is hereby formed into a local assessment district for the Wr. Pove of Improving cedar Street from the third insertion on the _. ----- _ _ __ day of _..-.. ..... 18------_- Lewis Avenue to North Oak Avenue. Section 1 net Pursuant W the Report on the Improvement of Cedar Street from and the fourth insertion on the Luis Avenue W North Oak Avenue, the -- day Of """""'—"""__ 1p. Street Department of the CTU' of Fey. li Stleville. Arkansas of the c eumn Fay- and directed to accesstplish the following: £, at Excavation Per existing pavement: , hi ristruction of hsse W meet cur. rent city standards: fci Repaving twenty eight t28a feel wide from now une W now line Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _.__-______-- day of -- ---- with two f2T inches of hot mix As- fal ltle materials, Ids Installation of a four foot concrete sidewalk on the North side of said --------- ---- -------------- --- ----- __---- street in lieu of curb and gutter; and (e) thet South a furl and gutter on the South t t of said street. --__--__-_«�-----_.-_ _-----_-------------_-- ---Ig. Section 3. Thal the several 10w decks within other assessment or real property NOta Pnbl{C within saitl tee by asst district be, end they are, hereby assessed as per the schedule of assessments on file with the y Commission Expires: City Clerk of the City a Fayetteville, ,Arkansas which assessments beer inter- est at the rale of ten unlessPercent per annum from October rte 1. 1942, unless me Droperty Placentia) chooselsi at pay in a lump um as hereinafter pmaided: Section 4. net lee percent fl c 4 of said assessment of the value or the bene- f:ts of each of mid LOU. blocks or sub- Fees for Printing TI' divisions of land shall W peed annually on or before the time provided by law for Pi the Duel installment of gen- Cost of Proof ----- ---------- j. m the Property -� prat taxes p pall' until the whole of said g omemerR shall have been paid "ginning 5. t t 1. man. Total _._.___--. 9ectimn 5. T1ut the property 11,11 pay the assessments levieded in n A a itsum payable within thirty (301 daps s alter the completion file e proposedted - Sectmn S. That all Ordinances and all aorta of Ofdlnenm in ad this hem. m are nl be repealed and iia ffd4 .ace shall a In NII fume and effect loth and aver its Painful PASSED AND APPROVED this lel day of August, ]8R T. F. F1'ARR. Mayo( ATTEST' Helen Young, City Clerk 3 llc