HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1869 AG t � a 'R IA 1l � • •� � JUI. l4 1{ . o� ORDINANCE N0 . �' SNtl,jOn CUjIPISY �I pRK :,hS \c AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . l ?kV%J4 T AULATE THE LOCATION OF MOBILE HOMES ; PROVIDING FOR ACCE� Y COMMERCIAL USES IN MOBILE HOME PARKS ; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY PERMITS ; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEM - PORARY PERMITS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on June 6 , 1972 , on a proposed amendment to regulate the location of mobile homes ; and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing setting forth the time , date , and place and purposes of said hearing was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circu - lation in the City , more than fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to said public hearing , and ; WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an Ordinance be adopted amending Ordinance No . 1747 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That -Article 7 , Section 12 of Ordinance No . 1747 [Appendix A , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ] is hereby amended to read as follows : " 12 . Mobile Homes A . Mobile Home Parks Mobile home parks shall be subject to the provisions of the City Mobile Home Park Ordinance and the City Sub - division Regulations . ( 1 ) Accessory Commercial Uses In a mobile home park there may be provided accessory commercial uses intended solely for the convenience of the residents of the development , provided that : ( a ) All such units are operated within an enclosed structure . MICROFILMED - 835 PAGF4 DATE OCT 1 31978 DEED REEL (b ) The gross floor area of such accessory uses shall not exceed 25 square feet for each mobile home space in the park . ( c ) No such structure shall be closer than 100 feet to any property in an R or R - 0 District outside the development . ( d ) All accessory commercial uses shall be located in a manner that the use is surrounded by the mobile home park and is not located on the outer boundaries of said park . . B . Location of Mobile Homes Mobile homes are permitted in mobile home parks and shall not be placed in any other location in the city , except : ( 1 ) Temporary occupancy permits may be issued when permitted by the other provisions of this ordin - ance and the building code . ( 2 ) Temporary occupancy permits may be issued for mobile homes subject to the following requirements : ( a) The owner of three acres or more of land having no permanent residences and zoned A - 1 may install one ( 1 ) mobile home on this property for his own personal use or for a use beneficial to the owner but not for rental for money to the general public . (b ) The owner of three or more acres of land having only one permanent residence on the entire property , which he uses for his own personal residence , and zoned A - 1 may install one ( 1 ) mobile home for a use beneficial to the owner but not for rental for money to the general public . Upon application the enforcement officer may , if no nuisance to neighbors is apparent , issue a temporary occupancy permit for the location of a mobile home under the provisions of this ordinance . Provided , however , that the issuance shall be subject to the following conditions : ( 1 ) The applicant shall sign a statement recognizing that : ( a ) the permit is temporary ; DEED 835 PACE 97.5 ( b ) the permit is an exception under the Mobile Home Ordinance ; and ( c ) he will abide by the conditions contained in this ordinance . ( 2 ) Permits must be renewed annually . ( 3 ) The mobile home may not be sold as a part of the conveyance of the property on which it is located . ( 4 ) Permits are not transferrable . ( 5 ) If , by action of the owner the property is rezoned the temporary permit is automatically revoked and the mobile home must be removed . ( 6 ) If the property is reduced in size to less than three acres the temporary permit is automatically revoked and the mobile home must be removed . ( 7 ) If a residence or additional residence is located on property where a temporary permit for the location of a mobile home has been issued , the temporary permit is automatically revoked and the mobile home must be removed , unless the use meets the standards found in paragraph B ( 2 ) (b ) above . ( 8 ) The mobile home must be located at least 100 feet from any property line . " Section 2 . Should any section or provision of this ordinance be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid , such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole , or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be uncon - stitutional or invalid . Section 3 . That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . DEED 835 PAGE 97,6 PASSED AND APPROVED this /7(l2 day of 1972 . APPROVED : j\ N YO ATTEST : CITY DEED 835 PACF 977 w CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , HELEN YOUNG , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , �lcitLGl//7Q.� rGc� 7 (A . a6 therein set forth , and three same is 'as it appears of Record in �Q/J�/in/Ymnc . oG 7�Pnn`utc�ri , Volume at Page 8 _ thereof . 92 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this J�f� day of 19-22=L. FAV11 CITY CLE DEED 835 PACF 9 18 � paoWaj,d opgo'x3 Id • ' ' Pue Malo }mono A� 3WIl�H siu GS ;o ,Cep-grrslyl9eas pug PUN a2zd z3`QX—P,Jooal�i -jPe �„s�r,� . sl owus col PUC Vl�ry2ao!�,�/lie�6T y} uo aol;}o 6w plpio3a� 10; Pall} sem ua Rep �� a R unoo uc}2u.'93 9 -arc} a , Paxouuz e4', tz4; 6!!Y•ao Rga�ay 10 � ; ew' 11 Io; J=PAoaaa 0log;0-Y3 Pue )��al0 ;mmio v jqunoo}{ of ils` ( F.;unoo uo;9wysery� . . - 'SS ( S:'S!.ty-,MV ;o 31VL; 0 ?;0�3b _! 0 31V f1�13 � CER"7F?^ATE OF "RDW ,.T Cit pe.:rs i:: O:.:i t-r: _c —(--C} 7::.^.,C —�2_SL.. �a�lii72$: nl s' hand and seal this__ 11y of -- 19 • City 161h br.d E--O'f: ij �;r..�:order %ica m hoar£ raan; STATE of ARKANSAS 1 v J} County of Washington as. Tie I, P I " 1 • i.�+�f� - , hereby certify that I am the P blish r of TH� NORTHWEggggT ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper string a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscriber= thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agent or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months : and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent I]tT rnnpene R' � Owes w 1 news matter. „ ,,•, ,,,n- S� m"r::eed to ei; �0 , I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ienir e > t,. .. H I , "G 4 m,-.s.on Y dsamet was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for. consecutive insertions as follows : a The first insertion on the _ �� ._. day of -- c"y_____ 19_2-3:.. r the second Insertion on the day of , t the third insertion on the _. __ day of _._______ _------- 19______ and the fourth insertion on the day of ------ --- ____...._ 19_—.. al 1p^ Sworn to and subscribed before me /on this __.....X...d.__ day of --- %C — - ^ ----- --- . $ Mi Notalff Public ne n,nr f M Commission Expires: Fees for Printing .------- , „„,p,ie"s,a1efor a nO a Coat of Proof ..._....._..... j....___.._,___— �'.. .fent in the owner. put not for rents) for nogsy W IM Yene,a) Total --- ' IIpon - Ilia tion fps mfircentent o[f,- Z Mar. J ni noLvuln to ntgpbors rl� iEpy!fDhpgadr�Tr�0.n�IsM1x��fye�pa location of ron, miknnnre, T'roleldndair i E, how t; 4 Ons IBALtnCe S 1 lie $ 3117er1 to the l6Tow- n.r .,,nmtr:.. . G r e tcani Man sip, s $tate ^,r:,i rrrgy,islnR )pet; we ,ye,Ttu r f tears: $- " dam AM too pM'°o". ted . w p>$�'ya,ClAen$ an,b :n.t $ a yti� lR tbt ylpagl'RMLt F erWn M M tl�oer ISl h s auto IM ttly M A p and h mobile automatically ro- , TAWre ane Ne mdtlie Mae mwt � W removed. ({) in the property Is redueed In sett to less mitis 1,; a ecrcs the temised!porw� permit h mobile tically hemes revoked and the mobile M1ame roue[ be removed. pi If a resident or additional recti where I� lasted an property where a tnMOf a permit me the location enis e a mobile home hes been issued, the tempvoked permit u mobile lidho revoked and the mobile haus must IW removed, sNe found nd use marls Me standards 4 found in pan- graph o le horrid above. lel Tim mobile home must he 10- craw at kelt 100 feet from end Drgxiih line." Section t s ordinance any W de or Pro, vision M this * unconstitutional be declared or M' the courts ro be n stall not el or " valid, such decision shell na whl the aabtlity a the of other as n whole, o any pert Hereof other Nen the part so declared to unoonalMutronal « Invalid. Section n That all flirt h re or at he OMinai in conflict rilin"N ere be in repealed and Nk Orom and after be in Lull torte and shade from and eller its passage. app AP OV DUblihis 1. PAMMID Ju AND APPROV® this 19th day a June. ' APPROVEDn T. F. SCARR. $av« ji1I FT ifelen Young rIc CRYi•'�erk lA-N