HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1867 ^p� tom ' '72 !UL 12 �"110: 41 ORDINANCE NO . L6 7 y{ASttiiSG'TON COUNTY ARKANSAS � ,_ ALMA KOLLR�E.YE:' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . C !k2'dt7 CA BD ' ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROVED JUNE 29 , 1970 , TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM I - 1 , HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO C - 1 , NEIGHBOR - HOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on June 6 , 1972 , on a petition by Ray Hunt requesting that said Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the Board of Directors enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property presently zoned I - 1 , Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District to C - 2 , Thoroughfare Commercial District , to - wit : A part of the East 100 feet of Lot 14 in County Court Plat , located in the SE 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 16 Township 16 North Range 30 West , City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly des - cribed as follows ; Beginning at the Southeast corner of the said Lot 14 , ( said point being ( 5 ) chains and '( 46 ) links North and ( 6 ) chains and ( 40 ) links East of the Southwest corner of said SE 1 / 4 of SW 1 / 4 of Sec . 16 , T - 16 - N , Range 30 West ) and running thence West 100 feet ; thence North 104 . 8 feet more or less , to an existing fence . Thence in an Easterly direction with said fence to a point on the East line of said Lot 14 which is 104 . 8 feet North of the point of beginning ; thence South 104 . 8 feet to the point of beginning . and , WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing setting forth the time , date , place and purposes of said hearing and location of the property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in the City , more than fifteen days prior to said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an Ordinance be adopted rezoning the above described property presently zoned I - 1 , Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District to C - 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : _ DEED MICR���835 PAGE g6pR��1978 ] Section 1 . That the above described property which is presently zoned I - 1 , Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District be and the same hereby is rezoned to C - 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District . Section 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this � day of , 1972 . APPROVED : J OR ATTEST : CITY CLVK DEED 835 PAGE 969 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . HELEN YOUNG , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , d7E � Cx.,� V2 %Q( �f therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in Volume j/J at Page '71, , :29 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of 197 CITY CLEYK • DEED 835 PAGE 970 H�a10',(lridap Ae Popjoo oiog;0-x3 pug Neap ;m9no lim VW CG6 t ;o ,Ceyr��s/—S!q; leas pue pueq -Ara swum aEetl 3 pap2ozau Amp Sl ewesa4; Pue 'y% 04w U, p�y:�6t�I •"may �iep�sy; uo aog;o �Cw ui �ooai Jo; pang sem wn�La�8bl2Y 0810) ]o paxauue 044 ;eqi A;!l+ao 4gaja4 op'Apnoo 20+Ja{uo3e8 ola !!0 X3 Pue W ar) Nnarr,; 4jaSaurgoA 1 amLVOI [ 44a� ss � 4210038 30 31tl01311830. CERTIFICATE OF RECORTS of F_ri::,nsas ( SS St_t^ t GtY . . . � ' ✓''''e it: and I i)L'. . . . _.,_ .:•.cr'f „- t:.aC:: Yot ,^ ;ri. ;ille. ; 1 . is pe=as ill 'T19 1 1 1 ,at Of hand and City Clerk and E=Jfi_io i`' °rder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ORDIV as. aFf► sn County of Washington J} Av' nr. t,u AAol: .aM INC: OP.UINHNor Wl O n •I INC, DI.ARKAN MAP OR (PAI�INNI OILLE. A ht RRA8 APPRO{RD ItrNE: I, -S/ ' (tL. Y_ �r 1 _ - _ _ -_-- ._ _ , hereby certify that I "!p. 19111. T(1 RF.ZONr (`l;RTATN PRI? . I`lltlww PrRTY FROM I-1. IIEAvx coMMl;a- am the P blfeh0r DY TH NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily rl.aL AND LIDHT INDUSTRTAI, DTe- TRbor To r.1 NRtOHDORDooD newspaper string a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than pllfAIFRVTAL TlleTRICr. four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at N1iERFASr a pnnbr heating wag nem before the Planning (Migsim IN top a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of City of Favetteville. Arkini an .role Washington, Arkansas for more thanperiod of twelve months, circulated e, rorl_ on a m•Hllnn br Rai Hant - - � a lobeline that .aid Planning notan ig=imt and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and rerommend to the Hnand or Dilecle" ! or the i or FaSeHevine ArBnomg, readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for that enc Ti erd or nireemn Petrel 1.1 each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is mdinanee rezoning the following dr,urb , pit orneer+.e artgmtly sones I ' IT,' JI ' considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and I met lo and c.glN m�:n., - service value it contains, that at least Lift ctrl m al Tlv,-avnnra In ran AlAl1) m Y Percent of the subscribers ln.trteq en-wit : thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents Apert of the lmd UD feet M10l - 11 in Chard, Ci P:at, m, nlyd in ar through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; the RV , or the "c , M rection 16 and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent Tnwn.hip ig Nn, 'h rae.;e I whet. Oak of Fayedea'ith , wesl,htrion cis nly, news [natter. Arkanens. rularl degerinal ae follow.:regw roll at the southonm I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of eerier or the eai.l IAt 14, (mid Point g hung r;,l etmitig and 1461 bilks North and Ial Idaiaa and t40h links FAA Of the southwest corner of mad SE11 ori \ _ - Q1e•t a ser. lfi Then Range 14 is /� :�.(�✓- /j�s_ „ �� ) 11 e�.: of I S 19nd thence west 141 —__ -J.lG(,L:L—�_-. .. i� ��__.__---- 'th 101.8 feet mnre or Ir,s in e,n P\ cling three. •nrem'P In / an Fasterbdher ion Wan gs id retire was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for . .. to a Point on me east TIM of sand consecutive insertions as follows : int 14 which Ig 107.8 feet North of the point of beginning: metre south Inds rept to the point of begs ining. The first insertion on the ...- � /__ ', ars. - .__. day of ._ . . c ._----- 19L_2__ WHIPIREAS, rg`gd� Of Said ph and parrpoasa or glia be rens liebear- plea: '. the second insertion on the __ _ __.-_. .._ day of _ _ _. ___ 19._---___- Ing getkng 'forth the time. Cate. Mere ----- ion the Northwest Arkaneaa Tr in the ewt l pa Ppr of gems+ t•.n.,dation the third insertion on the --- ____ day of --- ------ 19------____ more ttmn fitted days prior to mull publ'r nearinar amt wHrREAg, h dmrtpg raid ptmuc near- and the fourth insertion on the Ing. said Planning Cornmdaeion chrofihd day Ot ....-___—_-._- _ to the aoard of Pireelors of the City or Faveharg il, Arkan.®e, i" retv^men- Main di en prdeacrce tr adopted re- r eoning lhe chose dbaugg ed padopte Pre- - spnth' Onead Lt, Nesta• CAmmeMal and Light ItMteprlal nlatrgat In CL Nei[n- borbo It comaK at Di'vict Sworn to and subscribed before me on this -_- day of Now. Ttda:R .it. DF. TT ORDAIN r" R4 T4iF:t ARD OF DIRECII OF '17{E OrCr: OF. .FAT97MVTLLF.. ARK%NSAS: section I. ii the above dearribed. ----- .___.____. ----- _---__---- 19 ,mmwfty which V.. pree pi mooed I-1. Heavy Co m and Light Induatrtal nialrirt be and the same (thenilp{14 feemxd to Oor l. Netglrbnood - INetrM. - f/Umic section 2. That all ordinancesorNOtai parts of ordinanepv in ronelm herewith Am hereby refunded and ding ordinance abag the in full furee and effect from Nl Commission Expires : ertd Wer tie pa vege, approval, M4 paR� Iletlldf PAijkl) AND APPROVED Mug 7'LLl lj ��G day or Tune. 19x2. APPROVED: T. F. atarn, { Mirror ATTE:FT: .'J .d •r. Helen Young, t Fees for Printing .._--- City Clerk 170 17 ........ .. __ ___ __ Cost of Proof . - --------- __----___--_._— Total .. ..-----__