HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1859 r FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO . 072 UIR 27 f,ij 9 : 32 WAS* iN,6-10M COUNTY AN ORDINANCE DEFINING . AND REGULATING MOBILE HOM� , ?ARKS':�?� _ . ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING THE CbhfSTRUCTfoN,EYAND I MAINTENANCE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS ; ESTABLISHING Mj�,1IMbML.`STANDARDS �J GOVERNING THE UTILITIES , FACILITIES AND OTHER PHYSICAL THINGS AND CONDITIONS TO MAKE MOBILE HOME PARKS SAFE , SANITARY , AND FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION ; FIXING THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF MOBILE HOME PARKS ;. AUTHORIZING INSPECTION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS ; AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Sec . 1 . That the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended by adding a chapter to be numbered 13B , which said chapter reads as follows : " Chapter 13B MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME PARKS OPENED OR EXPANDED AFTER APRIL 20 , 1972 ARTICLE ---I..-.IN GENERAL Sec . 13B - 1 . Definitions For the purposes of this chapter , the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section : Accessory Structures means any structural addition to the mobile home such as awnings , cabanas , carports , florida rooms , porches , patio covers , and similar additions . Accessory Community Structure means a structure of a portion of a structure for commercial use that is located in a mobile home park and which is intended solely for the convenience of the residents or occupants of the mobile home park . Community Storage Structure is a structure located in an mobile home park for the convenience of the residents to provide storage space for often used outdoor equipment , furniture , tools and other items which cannot be conveniently stored in the typical mobile home . Building Permit means a written permit issued by the enforcement officer permitting construction , erection , alteration , remodeling or repairing of a mobile home park . UCP E. CTM1D3 1918 830 PAGE 292 DATES_ DEED REEL \ ' City Planning Commission means that commission created for the City of Fayetteville by sections 2 - 80 through 2 - 84 , Fayetteville Code of Ordinances . Dependent Mobile Home means a mobile home which does not have a flush toilet and a bath or shower . Enforcement Officer means the chief building inspector of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas or his authorized representative . Health Officer means the County Sanitarian or other legally designated health authority of the City of Fayetteville or his authorized representative . Housing Board means the housing board established by section 12 ( Twelve ) , Fayetteville Code of Ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Independent Mobile Home means a mobile home which has a flush toilet and a bath or shower . Mobile Home means any house trailer or prefabricated structure intended for or capable of human dwelling or sleeping purposes and designed for being moved or transported . Mobile Home Park means any park , court , site , parcel or tract of land designed , maintained , intended or used for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for two ( 2 ) or more mobile homes and shall include all buildings used or intended for use as part of the equipment thereof ; whether or not a charge is made for the use of the court and its facilities . Mobile Home Pad means that part of an individual mobile home lot which has been reserved for the placement of a mobile home . Mobile Home Lot means a plot of ground or a lot in a mobile home park designed for the location for only one mobile home . Mobile Home and Trailer Sales Lot means a lot on which unoccupied trailers are parked for purposes of inspection and sale . Operator ' s Permit means a written permit issued by the enforce- ment officer permitting the mobile home park to operate under this chapter and regulations promulgated thereunder . DEED 836 PACE 293 Person means any individual , firm , partnership , corporation , company or association . Service Building means a building housing toilet and bathing facilities for men and/ or women with laundry facilities and such other facilities as may be required by this chapter . Sec . 13B - 2 . Development Requirements for Mobile Home Park Sec . 13B - 2 . 1 . Official Plat Prior to development of mobile home park ( or extensively remodeling an existing mobile home park ) the developer shall be required to submit to the City Planning Commission for review and approval an official plat of the proposed mobile home park . Said official plat of a mobile home park shall be subject to the provisions of the city subdivision regulations and when approved by the city , shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex - officio Recorder Sec . 13B - 2 . 2 . Mobile Home Park Street Design The official plat shall indicate all interior and adjacent exterior streets and said streets shall be subject to the following : ( a ) The location and width of all streets shall be subject to the City Major Street Plan . (b ) All streets shall be curbed , guttered and constructed to meet the City minimum street design standards . Sec . 13B - 3 Minimum Mobile Home Park Design Standards . Sec . 13B - 3 . 1 . Minimum Park Area Requirements ( a ) Mobile Home Park Site The minimum site for a mobile home park development shall be three ( 3 ) acres . Sec . 13B - 3 . 2 . Park Site Location ; Drainage The mobile home park shall be located on a well - drained site , and shall be located so that its drainage will not endanger any water supply . All such mobile home parks shall be in areas free from marshes , swamps , or other potential breeding places for insects or rodents . DEED 830 PACE294 Sec . 13B - 3 . 3 Minimum Mobile Home Lot Requirements in a Park . The minimum mobile home lot shall : ( a ) contain a minimum of 4200 square feet of area ( b ) provide for a hard surfaced off the street parking area for two vehicles . The hard surface shall consist of at least a double asphaltic seal coat . Sec . 13B - 3 . 4 Mobile Home Pad Requirements The mobile home pads in a mobile home park shall be located on the mobile home lot and designed in such a way that : ( a ) Mobile homes , including any attachment thereto , shall be separated from each other at least twenty ( 20 ) feet . ( b ) Mobile homes shall be located at least ten ( 10 ) feet from any exterior boundaries of the mobile home park adjacent to private property . ( c ) Mobile homes shall be located at least twenty - five ( 25 ) feet from any public street . Sec . 13B - 3 . 5 Recreation Area Recreation areas and facilities should be provided to the extent necessary to meet the anticipated needs of the tenants the park is designed to serve . In no event shall less than eight percent ( 8 % ) of the gross park site area be devoted to recreational facilities . Sec . 13B - 3 . 6 Tenant Storage Facilities Tenant storage facilities shall be provided on each mobile home lot , or in compounds located within a reasonable distance , generally not more than 100 feet from each mobile home pad . Storage facilities should be designed in a manner to enhance the appearance of the development and shall be constructed of suitable weather resistant materials appropriate under the use and maintenance contemplated . A minimum of ninety ( 90 ) cubic feet of tenant storage space shall be provided for each mobile home pad . USED 830 PAGE295 Sec . 138- 3 . 7 Mobile Home Supports and Manner of Tiedown ( a ) Adequate Support for Mobile Home The mobile home support shall not heave , shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action , inadequate drainage , vibration or other forces acting on the structure . ( b ) Anchors or Tiedowns Anchors or tiedowns , such as cast - in - place concrete " dead men " , eyelets imbedded in concrete screw augers or arrow head anchors shall be placed at least at each corner of the mobile home and each device shall be able to sustain a minimum load of 4 , 800 pounds . Anchors or tiedown design shall be equal to or better than that recommended by the MOBILE HOMES MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION . Sec . 13B - 3 . 8 Required screening Whenever the external boundaries of a mobile home park abuts property in a R or R - 0 District or a City Street or Highway , there shall be provided in such park along the common boundary line a screening wall meeting the standards of Article 8 - 10 of Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Sec . 13B - 3 . 9 Mobile Home Park Structure Regulations ( a ) Structures placed in a mobile home park shall be for the exclusive use of mobile home park occupants . ( b ) Every park shall provide community sanitary facilities in a community building to be located in the park with the following emergency sanitary facilities : ( 1 ) For each 100 mobile home lots , or fractional part thereof , there shall be one flush toilet and one lavatory for each sex . ( 2 ) The building containing such emergency sanitary facilities shall be accessible to all mobile homes . ( c ) Structures prohibited in mobile home parks Temporary or permanent tents or tent like structures shall not be permitted in a mobile home park and the location of such a structure is prohibited in mobile home parks . p �7�+ Sec . 13B. - 3 . 10 Water Supply DEED 8 3 ® PAGE29II r ; ( a ) An accessible , adequate , safe , and potable water supply shall be provided for each mobile home park , capable of furnishing a minimum of 150 gallons per day for each mobile home space . ( 1 ) Where a public supply of water is available , connection shall be made thereto and its supply shall be used exclusively . ( Z ) Each mobile home shall be proided with an individual water meter and each mobile home shall be individually metered . ( 3 ) All water piping shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local law ; the water piping system shall not be connected with nonpotable or questionable water supplies and shall be protected against the hazards of backflow or back - siphonage . ( 4 ) Where drinking fountains are provided for public use , they shall be of a type approved by the State Board of Health and in locations approved by the enforcement officer . ( 5 ) Individual water - service connections which are provided for direct use by mobile homes shall be so constructed that they will not be damaged by the parking of such mobile homes . Sec . 13B - 3 . 11 Electricity ; Exterior Lighting ( a ) An electrical outlet supplying at least 11S volts shall be provided for each mobile home space . The installation shall comply with all applicable state and local electrical codes and ordinances . Such electrical outlets shall be grounded and weather - proof . No power supply line to the mobile home space shall be permitted to lie on the ground or be suspended less than ten ( 10 ) feet above the ground . No power supply line in a mobile home park shall be suspended less than fifteen ( 15 ) feet over any driveway . (b ) The point of the electrical connection for the mobile home should be within the area of the mobile home pad and approximately forty ( 40 ) feet from the front of the stand . ( c ) Grounding All exposed noncurrent - carrying metal parts of the mobile homes and equipment shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding system . The neutral DEED 83O PACE297 conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment . ( d ) Exterior lighting Adequate public lighting shall be provided for all streets , walkways , buildings , and other facilities subject to nighttime use in all mobiZe home parks . Sec . 13B - 3 . 12 Fuel All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or cylinders to mobile homes shall be rigid iron pipe or AGA or UL labeled flexible tubing , permanently installed , and securely fastened in place , in such a manner as to exclude the possibility of damage by physical contact . All fuel storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely fastened in place and shall not be located inside or beneath the mobile home or less than 5 feet from any mobile home exit , and shall be located and secured in such a manner as to not be susceptible to damage by physical contact . Sec . 13B- 3 . 13 Fire Protection ( a ) The mobile home park area shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the fire prevention authority of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . (b ) Mobile home park areas shall be kept free of litter , rubbish and other flammable materials . ( c ) Portable fire extinguishers of a type approved by the fire prevention authority shall be kept in service buildings and shall be maintained in good operating condition . Sec . 13B - 3 . 14 Alterations and Additions ( a ) Plumbing and Electrical Repairs All plumbing and electrical alterations or repairs in the mobile home park shall be made in accordance with applicable local regulations . (b ) Permanent Additions No permanent additions shall be builtiont000r become a part of any mobile home unless they are in accordance with building permits issued by the enforcement officer and meet all ,set back requirements . DEED p°30 PACE ��� Sec . 13B - 3 . 1S . Supervision ; Maintenance and Repair The person to whom an operator ' s permit for a mobile home park is issued shall at all times operate the park in compliance with this chapter and the regulations issued thereunder , and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park , its facilities and equipment in good repair and in clean and sanitary condition at all times . Sec . 13B - 3 . 16 . Existing Mobile Home Parks Nothing in this ordinance shall be interpreted to apply to mobile home parks in existence on the effective date of this ordinance . Provided , however , that mobile home parks lawfully operating on the effective date of this ordinance may not expand operations unless the expanded portion of the mobile home park is in compliance with the provisions of this chapter . Further provided , that mobile home parks in existence on the effective date of this ordinance and in compliance with the provisions of ordinance No . 1509 ( Chapter 13A , Fayetteville Code of Ordinances ) but not otherwise in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance , may continue to operate , subject however to those portions of ordinance No . 1509 which are not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance and further subject to the zoning , health and fire prevention laws , ordinances and regulations of the City of Fayetteville and the State of Arkansas . ARTICLE II . PERMITS Sec . 13B - 4 . Mobile Home Park Operator ' s Permit Sec . 13B - 4 . 1 Park Operator ' s Permit Required It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any mobile home park within the limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas , unless he holds a valid operator ' s permit DEED ,3W PAGEZ99 issued by the enforcement officer in the name of such person for the specific mobile home park . All applications for permits shall be made to the enforcement officer , who shall issue a permit , to be valid for one year , then renewable annually , upon compliance by the applicant with provisions of this chapter and of any regulations adopted pursuant thereto , and of any other applicable legal requirements . No permit shall be transferable . Every person holding such a permit shall give notice in writing to the enforcement officer within twenty- four hours after having sold , transferred , given away , or otherwise disposed of such operator ' s right to the control of the mobile home park for which such permit was issued , and any such permit shall then and there expire and immediately be null and void . Such notice shall include the name and address of the person succeeding to the control of such mobile home park . No successor to the right to operate said mobile home park may commence operations until he has been issued a valid permit as herein required . Sec . 13-B- 4 . 2 Park Operator ' s Permit Application Applications for operator ' s permits to operate a mobile home park shall be in writing , signed by the applicant , and accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant as to the truth of the statements and facts set forth in the application and shall contain the following : ( a ) The name and address of the applicant . ( b ) The interest of the applicant in and the location of the mobile home park . Sec . 13B- 4 . 3 Park Operator ' s Permit Renewal Applications for renewals of operator ' s permits shall be made in writing by the holder of the permit and shall contain the following : ( a ) Any change in the information submitted since the time the original permit was issued or the latest renewal granted . ( b ) Such other information as the enforcement officer may require . Sec . 13B - 4 . 4 Opening Park Without Permit No mobile home park may be operated within the city limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas , unless an operator ' s permit shall be issued and in effect at all times during said operation . p rr�� �1 DE [ D 8,30 PACEv0O Sec . 13g- 4 . 5 Denial of Park Operator ' s Permit ; Appeal Any person whose application for a permit under this article has been denied may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the Housing Board under the procedure provided by Sections 13.3 - 14ff of this chapter . Sec . 13B:- 4 . 6 Notice of Violations to Mobile Home Park Operators Whenever , upon inspection of any mobile home park , the enforcement officer finds that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of any provision of this chapter , or of any regulations adopted pursuant thereto , the enforcement officer shall give notice in writing in accordance with Section 13.B- 13 to the person to whom the Mobile Home Park Operator ' s Permit was issued . Said notice shall state that unless such conditions or practices are corrected within a reasonable period of time specified in the notice by the enforcement officer , the permit will be suspended . At the end of the specified period , the enforcement officer shall reinspect such mobile home park , and if such conditions or practices have not been corrected , he shall suspend the applicable park operator ' s permit and give notice in writing of such suspension to the person to whom the permit is issued . Sec . 13.B- 4 . 7 Mobile Home Park Operator ' s Right of Appeal ( a ) Any person whose park operator ' s permit has been suspended , or who has received notice from the enforcement officer that his permit will be suspended unless certain conditions or practices at the mobile home park are corrected , may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the Housing Board under the procedure provided by Sections 11B- 14ff of this chapter . ( b ) When no petition for such hearing shall have been filed within ten days following the day on which notice of suspension was served , such operator ' s permit shall be deemed to have been automatically revoked at the expiration of said ten-day period and the operator of such mobile home park shall cease operation of such park . Sec . 13B- 5 . Mobile Home Park Building Permits Sec , 13B- 5 . 1 Building Permit to Construct Park Required Applications for building permits for mobile home ', parks shall be in writing , signed by the applicant , andelaccom- DEED 830 PAGEt2U1 panied by an affidavit of the applicant as to the truth of the statements and facts set forth in the application , and shall contain the following : ( a ) A complete plan of the mobile home park , containing the legal description , showing compliance with all applicable provisions of this Ordinance and regulations promulgated thereunder . ( b ) Such further information as may be requested by the enforcement officer to enable him to determine that the proposed mobile home park will comply with legal requirements . ( c ) No changes or additions may be made in the plot plan or construction of a mobile home park except upon a new application which shall be subject to . the same terms and conditions of the original application . Sec . 13B- 5 . 2 Plans and Specifications Required for Mobile Home Park Building Permit . A complete plan , for the purpose of obtaining a building permit to construct a mobile home park to be issued by the enforcement officer shall show : ( a ) The area and dimensions of the tract of land . ( b ) The number , location , and size of all mobile home spaces . ( c ) The location and width of roadways and walkways . ( d ) The location of service buildings and any other proposed structures . ( e ) The location of water and sewer lines . ( f ) Plans and specifications of all buildings and other improvements constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park pursuant to such application . Sec . 13.B - 5 . 3 Requirement of Plan Approval by City and State Agencies Plans and specifications for mobile home parks must be reviewed and approved prior to starting construction and the issuance of a building permit as follows : ( a ) City Planning Commission ( b ) Arkansas State Board of Health . This applies to the entire site , grocery stores , lunch counters , DEED 830 mnt302 food handling facilities and swimming pools . ARTICLE III . ENFORCEMENT Sec . 13B - 6 . Inspections - Authority of Health Officer ( a ) The health officer is hereby authorized and directed to determine the condition of mobile home parks located within the City of Fayetteville , in order that he may perform his duty of safeguarding the health and safety of occupants of mobile home parks and the general public . ( b ) The health officer shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any mobile home park for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this chapter or of regulations promulgated thereunder . Sec . 13B - 7 Inspections - Duty of Owners or Occupants It shall be the duty of the owners or occupants of mobile home parks , and mobile homes contained therein , or of the person in charge thereof , to give the health officer and/ or enforcement officer free access to such premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection . ( a ) It shall be the duty of the mobile home park operator to see that every occupant of a mobile home makes the grounding connection to his mobile home . ( b ) It shall be the duty of the park operator to see that every occupant of a mobile home install fire resistant mobile home skirting acceptable to . the enforcement officer around his mobile home within sixty ( 60 ) days after the locating of the mobile home on the pad . ( c ) It shall be the duty of the mobile home park operator to furnish suitable anchoring cables or devices acceptable to the enforcement officer for every mobile home located in his mobile home park . It shall be the responsibility of the park operator to supervise the proper placement and use of these anchoring devices . ( d ) It shall be the duty of every occupant of a mobile home to secure the mobile home by attaching the anchoring devices . ( e ) It shall be the duty of the park operator to see that all utility connections are installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Fayetteville . DEED 830 PAGE 2103