HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1848 FOR FI= E'tR? i '72 JAN 26 PN 12i ORDINANCE N0 , COJPI' y AR;<At�SA : ,? LPI KOLLi�i l'�Ft CiRcu ; i AN ORDINANCE CORRECTING THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN ORDINANCE N0 , 1813 ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , an ordinance was duly presented to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on September 7 , 1971 , and approved by said Board on said date and filed for record in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex - Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , on September 22 , 1971 , and appears of record in Deed Record Book 818 at page 197 ; and WHEREAS , the legal description shown in said ordinance does not properly describe the lands intended to be embraced in said ordinance ; and WHEREAS , the correct legal description of the lands is as follows : Beginning at the NW corner of Lot Ten ( 10 ) , Park Village Addition which is a point located on the east ROW line of Park Avenue , thence north along the east ROW line of Park Avenue to the point where the east ROW line of Park Avenue intersects with the south ROW line of Prospect Street , thence east in a Northeasterly direction along the south ROW line of Prospect Street to the point where the south ROW line of Prospect Street intersects with the west ROW line of north - south portion of alley between Block 17 and Block 18 in A . L . Trent ' s Revised Plat of City Park Addition , thence south in a Southwesterly direction along the west line of alley to the southeast corner of Lot 1 , Block 18 in A . L . Trent ' s Revised Plat of City Park Addition , thence westerly along the south line of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , and part of Lot 4 of Block 18 in A : L . Trent ' s Revised Plat of City Park Addition to a point on Lot 4 which is due north of west ROW line of Lollar Lane , thence south to the southeast corner of Lot 6 in Park Village Addition , thence west along south line of Lot 6 to the southwest corner of Lot 6 , thence south in a Southwesterly direction along the south line of Lot 7 of Block 18 A . L . Trent ' s Revised Plat of City Park Addition to the northeast corner of Lot 10 in Park Village Addition , then west along the north line of Lot 10 in Park Village Addition to the point of beginning . Q y DEED 824 PAGE 589 MICRO I MEW 1916 DATE—C-� REEL s I - 2 - NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . That the legal descriptions of the land embraced in said ordinance , is found and declared to be as hereinabove set out . Section 2 . That Ordinance No . 1813 is hereby amended and corrected insofar as the same does not properly describe said lands so as to show that the legal description of the lands covered and embraced in said ordinance is as herein - above set out . Section 3 . That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage , approval , and publication . APPROVED : MAY R ATTEST : ITY CLERK DEED 824 PnE590 r 1 L E D , VOR RE WC .72 JAEl26 Pik 3: 21 w:SHIINr1,AId AUNTY ACIRCUIT CLERK R CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE S�ur. ?AN pAc Eley . I , nc> ° ,^ , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Ige �"W Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , therein set forth , and the same is as it appearsof Record in 40� // Rt-d4 Volume at Page(V�G ,%.,, ),thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand� and C�affixed rm�y official G� (y /tiil .� fAY(j��?� seal this day of ♦ `00e , 19 oev- CITY CLERK D D 824 PAGE 591 CERTIFICATE OF RECORIS State of Arkansas SS Cityor` Facetto-„ 9ile I Suzanne C. Ke•r .edy, City Gorl. and E Officio recorder fair tie Cay of F =Yea- 11e, do hereby c�rti Y that t112 a u1” 1 orf going is is of record in 1111y of`icc z d t'• e STIAu aP- pears in Ordinance i3 Rsso::ttiart b ,io.: `_' ' �__ o ' _ —at Page— Witless �nY hand and seal this-- l _.clay of City Clerk and Es-officio Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RECORD. STATE OF ARKANSAS ] SS. Washington County ] I, Alma L.•Kollmeyer, Circuit Clark and Ex-Officio Recorder for / Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going in7nt was filed for record in my office on Opa day lfryy/d�Zo'c!oc!y�&KEYTER 9and the same is duly recorded in inracordat 19�a Witnass my hand and seal thv7�P— _ M �K� Circuit Clerk and Ex-0fc _ o Recorded By —� r Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS a County of Washington l I nt f, � C'f '�. hereby certify that I UNtl l\ nNr w lam am the Pu lisher of THE - NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily I -[ I % % 1: ^c Rfl! rIxr: tttr, newspaper h ving a second class mailing privilege, and being not leas than u:>r7lrno> n' OR rervanrle four a P P �, . :at.t ADOMEo av ME BOARD pages of five columna each, published at a fixed lace of business and m nl.' DrilmlCrE 9bR . or AIRS epic or a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of OFTP'11'CVUA.R. AR KANa.Ac WBORRAa an ordaanre wit duty Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated vi worm to the RPm a Domchwr or and distributed from an established lace of business to subscribers and the twtr a ru<ttavllle. ArrlIrranus, mq1 p aeplemher 1, 1911, ane /MMml br readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for copy, or a fixed eac Nis Boom goldu id se and nlra for oro Insa orrice !Alla amen east each co price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Ag ane E ,OMs Retardor a Washington considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and cnunly. ArkAn Ne, at seplewhpr C, 19x1, and apri or rem N Dow Ratorri service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscriber- Rook PIR at page 197: mod agent , thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its a wnERII the lent description P Pg Known in mid dminsaca fpr a t proper- or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months . 1, desrnhe the [.lift mlerrded b be emniared In mid aMw.w; and and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty perceul WBERSAa the caowct bastdifill newt[ matter. turn a the lands is as folldwe: R ginning at 1110, NW corner of LK ran elm, Park vdtage Addition whim I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ie a point located w the cart ROW line of Park Avrnuq tamps north along the text ROW I,ne of Park Avenue to the paint where the Nal ROW YN,a Pari Avenue mteleerb with the Snum ____..__..................__..__ ROW line M I'Msptrt °[real, menta rest in a Noriheealerly direction Roth Iona alai b w Mint where toe mum Row re the vwlh RPrnaPstreet Was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for t ROW Street intersects with ll» consecutive insertions as follows : west ROW Line a 0 17south Porten a aIle) DetwNaa,, 9 Re 11 and ldldr2 u m A. A 'Itwara therm Plat e0, ptr The first insertion on the - day of `__ 19_ L Park Aalisly MNce aonm In a apumwMeriY dlRcam slut this - west line a aper tow Mthwst 'tar the second Insertion on the day of - 19.. nor of tat 1, Block 1/ in A 6 Tresses ---- Revlaet Plat a City Part Addlaan, thmo wNlerly olein the Mn lint at the third insertion 011 the da o[ _. 19 Iota 1. 2 >, and! pact a tat d a auddt y - IN on A r Total Rev Plat as p park Additionmoth to • vett on Int 4 wnitaW p due Ldonand the fourth insertion on y the da of ______.. _ 19 t c went ROW Ln! a olane, thence lanihentt aduth to the 'Its Adt turner n I.ol / In a Pact south 'age 9 Ifigif 6 thence want alOn/ prep `n! a fat / b w 0th In al comer _- 1� /. IhNw apdt6 N • °Quin; 'e Ldill ofwoum • w NutI Re- 1.a t t of Olpck la L TanlY Re - 'ed Plata sty ll AtWnm to mal Sworn to and subscribed before me on this - -. day of _____ -------_. -n liffe t Meer th la ]0 In Park Itaae Addition, leen weal aloes w Addition to w V s. im lM1 line a Int 10 In part 9 minea -------- -------'------------ ----'---... 19-- -�— NOW. by the ORR Y Pl' and a. PAINEDStiM by of he be t mreeldn of the City a Fayetteville, Arkansas: Racmo 1. 4bat ins leu[ dtacn Plirne n, _---- - _ __dY/Q /f iM land nd dean In amid as [her m. al found end feebrrtl m M ne nere1P NO PUbIiC ' at210 tel out. aMltn R ndet and confirmed No. 1/u b here►y amended and nmrrectedrl mw i COmmlaetOn Expires : Nor u me "me fora scrlM Said lands An as to singe that ane Ieral dearrlin s d me laude covered ,f��C�, 1 , natinand i arca in aria ordinance Ishere __ ._..._..._._...._._.._. --.�_.._ _ 9e, 1 - ' 'l- a' all mtltnenri and parts n it n.-re in rnsia herewith am nerrM ,!pealed. This dmmNRi 'J shall M In wt form and of upon its Fees for Printing . ...... Pexaaaq App or al, And Publication. AP11i IOF, FREn RrARR. Mai Cost of Proof ...... ;._..----.-------__._..__. vil'RM " >IACKEY. An'.ng 0,n.- i`lel4 1 Ion; Tota]