HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1824 �k FILFED Y.� i •t f :.. �J Yi �y �� ORDINANCE N0 , SLI 22 Pii 2 : 60 / $� AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE OF THE FAYETTEVILLE ' MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ( DRAKE FIELD ) ; TO AUTHORIZE THE LICENSING AND REGUL`AT-f ON OF AERONAUTICALLY ASSOCIATED SERVICES ; AND TO AUTHORIZE THE LICENSING AND REGULATION OF FIXED BASE OPERATORS . WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , deems it desirable to regulate use of the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field ) . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended by adding a chapter to be numbered 3A , which said chapter reads as follows : " Sec . 3A - 1 . License Required . No aeronautically associated service , operation or activity shall be offered or performed at the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field ) without a license for such service , operation , or activity having first been approved by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and issued by the City Manager . Aeronautical activities of scheduled airlines and municipal , state , and federal agencies shall be exempt from this provision . " " Sec . 3A - 2 . Grant of Exclusive Rights Prohibited . No license for exclusive right to provide aeronautical service , operation or activity at the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field ) shall be issued . " " Sec . 3A - 3 . Ground Space and Structures . Licensees for aeronautical activity at the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field ) who are required to provide ground space and structures for such activities shall enter into lease agreements with the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for the rental of such space . " " Sec . 3A - 4 . Privileges , Uses , Rights and Interests . In addition to the privileges , uses , rights and interests granted to a licensee under the terms of the license or lease agreement , the following particular privileges , uses , rights and interests are granted to the licensee , to - wit : ( a ) The loading and unloading of aircraft and any lawful commercial activity in areas and locations designated in the license or lease agreement . DEED [AGE 22O M1CR0fWP2 1818 oATE—r REEL F z (b ) The non - exclusive use of said public airport facilities and navigational aids and facilities relating thereto for the purpose of commercial and non - commercial landings , take - offs , and taxiing of aircraft . ( c ) The right of ingress to and egress from the leased premises without charge therefor , except the con - sideration set out herein or provided by agreement . ( d ) The non - exclusive use of common use areas . " " Sec . 3A - 5 . Licenses Subject to Laws and Regulations . Each licensee and his officers , agents and employes shall carry on their activities and operations at the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field ) in compliance with Federal laws and Federal Aviation Administration regulations , state statutes , rules and regulations govern - ing the use of the airport , and all applicable city ordi - nances . Each licensee shall be responsible for the actions of his officers , agents and employees . " " Sec . 3A - 6 . Fixed Base Operator's Licenses . A fixed base operator ' s license may be issued subject to the condition that such licensee comply with all con - ditions hereinafter imposed and to provide at the Fayette - ville Municipal Airport ( Drake Field ) all of the fixed base operator's aeronautical services hereinafter listed . The fee for each fixed base operator ' s license shall be one hundred dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) per year , payable January 1 of each cal - endar year and such fees shall be in addition to Fayetteville Municipal Airport property rental , landing , and other fees which may be fixed by agreement . Fixed base operator ' s services specifically listed below shall not be provided by any person , firm , or corporation except those having a fixed base operator ' s license . " " Sec . 3A - 7 . Fixed Base Operator ' s Services . Each fixed base operator licensee shall provide the following fixed base operator ' s services : ( a ) Aircraft fuel and oil sales and service . (b ) Aircraft engine , airframe and accessory mainten - ance , including full - time Federal Aviation Administration certified technicians on duty not less than five days per week for airframe and power plant maintenance and , an inven - tory of aircraft and power plant overhaul and maintenance equipment and tools . ( c ) Flight training activities including certified pilots and instructors , on a full - time basis , certified air - craft of the type compatible with the training offered , DEED 818 FACE 24rN9 3 classroom space and restrooms and continuing certification by the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct the training offered . (d ) Aircraft charter and taxi service , including an office , waiting room , and restroom facilities , the mainte - nance of properly certified aircraft to meet the require - ments of such service , and the employment of qualified personnel to operate such service . ( e ) Aircraft rental and sales , including the mainte - nance of currently airworthy certified aircraft available for rental . In addition to the services required to be provided by a fixed base operator licensee described in paragraphs ( a ) through ( e ) above , such operator may , in his discretion , furnish additional services including agricultural chemical , aerial activities , flight instrument and instructor schools , aircraft mechanics schools , ground to air communication service , and any other activity ancillary to fixed base operator activities . " Section 2 . That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this cQ04 day of 54QZ 1971 . APPROVED : �1 OR , mLEsT : %lee TA FZ yj-' CLERK DEED 81,8 PACE 2u0 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , LOVETTA MORE , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , 0 u therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in D4- "Ligg, Volume at Pagep� 5&hereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto f AY(j11 ; Aa ..•_ ' t•, ( set my hand and affixed my official ♦ A C4 r, 001 seal this _ p? eA^A day of M : N � _ le 'I f t.0 .W. � , n CITY CLERK DEED 818 PAGE231 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville ( SS I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, . City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certifv that the ann^_�--ecl or fore_ `:'i 1". i of rergrd, in my of`ice I.- CI t'•.e same _ nears Li Orc?ia:rance [Zaso?ati :�s1 b ,o:; p Sv rta^^s my - hand a :d sc:a of City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS SS, Officio Recorder for Washington County or fore 1, Alma L. KOIImeYer, Circuit Clerk and t annexed \ do hereby certify that the day, Washington County, qr�d in my office on t going instrument was filed d foab?` eccloc O M and the Same is A record - at pagj 1 duly recorded in $ Way of Witness my hat nd and seal hi AL Circuit clerk and ., Ex-Offic' ecorded uty CIerK � NO. im - "P!C I . tTF7 1111111 II '.I' %Tu. .:In, ; \ SP STATE of ARKANSAS Ell to:Gtl -i.>. ASP TO AU- THORIZE. THE LICFNXINO AND as. RFOtMATION OF FIXED SAGE OPER- 1 County of Washington a eal Nal - 1 `��. a • �� , hereby certify that I I ' (Doke i THF.R FFYfuF. All rr ose am the ubli her of T E NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily ^ s.- ,r!= r,uro O!- I•TRXC. newspR. ape having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than . . . . _ CrC.. four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed plane of business and at gree, a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of ..,ete�m. Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated ' as and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price fill "r'rselt each copy, or a fixed price ,.r bl per annum, which price was fixed at what i . up considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ,1pde service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers ' I by thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agoid , of e by or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six no , ' % t- and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty It t Vo re.r. a::n ordeal axencire shse news matter. be exempt flmn this gwiebe.•• •rwr. 3A•1 Dant of d Exuslfa Rights y g I further certify that the le al notice hereto attached in the matter of Po lhlyd. Of n was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for / 1.,,.to eaxeeentiva insertionl as follows : ,�ehl The first insertion on the __ / day of D l,4 _ 19. IIhl� the second Insertion on the - day of 19 owe, u. e or the third insertion on the _. day of 19 na r. ' M and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 M /y qs,4 -area S1��r1G`- ' Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _ Zs•+-K.. day of __...__. ... . on. — ..' o-t ue'e :i o: prm'IEed .r. rxrluerve use of oofnmm . S :oiect to 1,&w51 Notary Public I l Noce", ,ipso es Shall tai on My Commission Expires: .+ ild oq ldbleffAirport at the Nmddce with Ipret< nnplls Av with Federal ^^^ a use M rib• , - "Ming M1°am Fees for Printing __ ;. Ya . 35 . 7J Cost of Proof _ ._ _. - $......._.____------------ � �a 3s . pile Total _._... - f----'-------------- r At n haM here- base Iced ..arM q fl and nd Far• party Which -f ape, .. ... shall not he pt> . ,n•d hT any person. firm. or crampt9t t,nn wren( Ihpee hsvhW a axed be" operators Ilrense.' le. .'.A 4. Fixed Rase Operstors Ur• I n , . 1 p d base operator llceneetI a i the following fixed bast sore c N a tel and Ali pies and tt[- tn .\ matt engine. airframe and . ureemry maintenance, including fuil- tlme Federal Aviation Administration cerilficatim technicians on duty not less then five days per week for air- frame and power plant maintenance end, an inventory of Aircraft and pow- plant overhaul and maintenance equip ment and tools. (c1 Flight training activltln Inalad- Ing certified pilots and instruclore m a full-time basis, certified aircraft of the type compatible with the training offered, classroom space and reel- loorllR and continuing cel'tlfleatlOn by the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct the training offered. IdI Aircraft charter and laxl MMIC0: 1 Including an Office, wailing man. and '. restroom facilities, the maintenance of properly ri rtifiAf aircraft to meet the reQuirementa of such service, and that employment of 'Qualified personnel b operate such service iel Aircraft rental and flee, including the maintenance of currently airworthyl cArtified aircraft available fm rental. In addition to . the services required to be provided by A fixed be" oper- ator licensee described N paragraphs W through fel above, such operator cony. in his discretion, furnish addi- tional services including agricultural cheniral, aerial activities, flight In- strument and instructor sClfni Air- craft mechanics schools, ground to air communication xrvice, and any other activity ancillary to fixed base op- erator Activities." Section 2. 42nat thio Ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and After ' its passage, approval and publication. PARSED AND APPROVED this Uh day of September, 1971. APPROVED: J. F. STARR, Mayo ATTEBr: IaVella Moore City Clerk Oct. 1 llc