HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1806 FLED FOR RECORD '71 JUL 20 W111 : 53 vIIASHiNGTON COUNTY ORDINANCE N0 . /80(0 ARKANSAS ALMA KOLLMEYER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . 17417, ,UTAXLIC!LE 4 , SEC - TION S . SUBSECTION (G ) , TO PROVIDE THAT ALL SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS NOT CONFORMING WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDINANCE SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN A PERIOD OF THREE ( 3 ) YEARS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ZONING ORDINANCE . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Com - mission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on June 15 , 1971 , on a petition by Wesley M . Howe , City Manager , requesting that said Planning Commission amend Article 4 , Section 5 , Subsection (G ) of Ordinance Number 1747 to provide for amortization of non - conforming signs and billboards over a three ( 3 ) year period rather than the one ( 1 ) year period presently required ; and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing setting forth the time , date , place and purposes of said hearing was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in the city , more than 1S days prior to said public hearing , and whereas , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission recommended to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted making the proposed changes . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Article 4 , Section S . Subsection ( G ) , of Ordinance No . 1747 [Appendix A , Code of Ordinances , City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas ] is hereby amended to read as follows : " ( g ) All signs and billboards not conforming with the provisions of this ordinance shall be removed within a period of three ( 3 ) years from the effective date of this ordinance , [ June 29 , 1970 ] , except that : ( 1 ) All non - conforming sign and billboards relating to a building or place of business and located on the same premises as such building or place of business , may be continued during the lawful lifetime of such building or place of business . ( 2 ) If a non - conforming sign or billboard is located off the premises of the building or place of business to which the sign or billboard pertains , the owner of the sign or billboard shall place MICROvJ,l� 1910 DEED 812 PAGES 32 DATE z.4�.---- 2 on record in the office of the Building Inspector , within one ( 1 ) year following the adoption of the ordinance [ June 29 , 1970 ] , information regarding the lease agreement that is in effect , if any , and other information describing the existing sign or billboard . If a lease was in effect on the date of the adoption of the ordinance [ June 29 , 1970 ] , the owner of the sign or billboard shall remove it at the end of the lease period . However , if a lease was not in effect on the date of the adoption of the ordinance jJune 29 , 1970 ] , the owner shall remove the non - confirming sign or billboard within three (3 ) years from the effective date of this ordinance [ June 29 , 1970 ] . " Section 2 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in conflict herewith , are hereby repealed . Section 3 . This ordinance being necessary for the pre - servation of the public peace , health , comfort , convenience , morals , safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Fayetteville , an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force from the date of its approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this Zq& day of _0,1, , 1971 . APPROVED : ASST . MAYOR '��•ATT�ST : .4 .4 A CITYCLERK RK DEED S2 PAGE CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . LOVETTA MOORE , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the AFayetteville , Arkansas , AO . 1d M , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in tUZ V \� �j , Volume at PageS 3 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto 0.6",0 Mot` set my hand and affixed my official . f S j seal this a0 day of 19 • 4 CITY CLERK DEED 812 PAGE3214 l _-T CERTIFICM f � Sante of Atknnso» SS C, . . e r"ry Clerk fifia p ^ ,,yetteviita. - f t, ,e ,.J . L' ro 4 1', 1 or fore_ :f•e a d f Ie senna aP f i i . .. ,nolc , 1 iny 1% of + hand a'. .a _ . ._. . T ,. Cit)' CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ] SS. Washington County ] r 1, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- goinginstru��}}��'''�was filed for record in my office on the�day p !Ci�e_19 �`5record �'�, and tpage a is dplyi eefb ed I—OO �, /record /a at page3� MUM m2 band and seal this:Lday of m7l AI MA wo , M .. prcuit Clerk and � .. ' Elc. ffiei Recorded STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ss. __ County of Washington ' ORDINAN(S ma lois N Olsoll ('E AMJfi FMG ZONING n14NANCK NO. IHT. 471 1•ON x. soeemoflili tin. 70 1� hereby certify that I , D m ih� Pub'Lher of HE NORTH EST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily l}n: PROVISIONSOF ANOa9HdLL AE REMOVED A PFfenewspr having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than TIDO oy' 7HaEE 101 tf O FROM SAID four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at %hoTILE iFfEturEK ll RS FROM 7XININD OCDINAVe'a: ' a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of AHE a BeS. a Duma• - vu bell Washington, Arkansas for more than a ro-le me rlarn,g of Na period of twelve months, circulated P.p ette°.'.I' . A ar and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and " e, c,ts Dlalnager,t. - miss ' readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for I Plennmg : nmmla rtl' each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which r /. s<roon s. su hz price was tided at what is e .,:Omer rrr I.for considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and III-9: U41111111 i °IO """- service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers and bu - rI-.nd soler than the Ise thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents rIf treFAF.sPTills ''ea•.Ilef o• through recognized news dealers over a d th e.E.v. Owl,• ,x _ I period of at least six months ; � .<rnR mr)n r.,e t JI and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent '1 rlrvO•e: cf said ..area -:, me Nonnaieet news matter. ,I1*I , pore then e15 ,4 1 farther certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of I Is bearu� and aide public It %Mbd said M Catrt- lo retJl)tllim Is N yflualoaM o, to,a o' sA1 V of on than ori � q / do 410 o endanon tat an ordb 1 Da as y.:be{mrAles,lmnkmg WsaaoWeed _. ..._ -_ . .. . -. Ree. IN on , tiaYk81rc7R7d. Rn rr DR. was published in the (egular daily issue of said newspaper for �._ . Ston 1.1 That Art a ;4. QVL olevhot to77aeenEive inaertion� as follows : DN NEiD BOARD OF DIR Zs tf ix Date of 0 M. *rg har o i .c!. Or O The first insertion on the __ 073 day of )ULt _ 19_ 7�__ OF 11IE rtTl OF FAYETTE• • iled Loitered Oma annsbdfObo.mr set ears, tine second Insertion on the day of 19_— Z, Allr_ si Ne rin' I'lons of We or, r 'kilP shot x removed within a t>sthe third insertion on the - _-. da of .. 19. rid a three III years team firs, r[ , y --- r I t LIMP of this oid:nsntt, h nim an is ttmg to ,,, shalhe DAdI J old the fourth insertion on the day of __ ____ 1 . .91, exnetl hill lJ!lat , I Ail wt m,e coin I ams misting 1 a bull so ori 1 w e dl bualnma and 10(wted m We 11v/'l1 �i)tt_ uAry\ e Loathing as )ch bail at drla ed __ __-. - _ -----_-------.._-`- nr ",¢ the ho is Lei me to RrAI -_- - 11 1? i or phue or busmesh. - li d i notelard t nifW sigh er bil4 qq a� boars is ng or mf tin• tremor a ' Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _f-Q...__ day of Nlan Me h n niece of business to Ie owne nl Rn a sig Mand pelboard / ll er of reo d in the office billboard q I` emassa an specto m the owe or __-____ _ ____.__--��3 ` !/ _—... 19._!_. P IIL tl I1 IM1e Boniingloil inspector.a epthinat we (D nal following the etlninm of the n ga dune 2n, a ran egarmthe (ease agreement Vry that ., in effect. :f aw, and othermason IM-Meng the mistingNb11C sign or dollar d. If a Kam WAS in : trtroth I int e data of Be sdmam of ,e ..rmreme I:Tunr -:n. ':1970,, We My Commission Expires: owner w We Ago or blatsoard eau I ercoeF it its the end of MA IN1, to- I clod. Hoseend. Is a lease bas not In effrci on 9ie''Mit of we adoMlm M - -- - ----- - file OMahC dune 29119701. the : --- owner owS 411'9a for Paabmfdrm. Ing slip or blllarrd withu three ' Cr, .'ears lrota the &7 L-Dve dint of the Fees for Printing 5 ordinance. Nine 19, 197011.' g f--.-_ --------__..__. Arretain 2 /1,11 ordinances or parts or mance: vii-sale qtr or FeTenevtta Cost of Proof Antennas M Saa�ipt insertion. ars here. - $.................__----.-. repeated. Section a. This ardias" beans deers /f saris for .thr. femervation of ate pubb< Total5. 5� _.........__. pears. dei dreleased.Lfaof Me'I elt, m.,ralo eMe. and f Fac M the cat, zeag a is designed ed to exit ande. en ord"Lanle to declared m exist and this me dale att sbap ea In Ndl IOrte trap the ' axle a D . apD AJS PASSED AND Ai7ftOV)rD this 19N dais of July, LATI. - APPROVED: ST ERNEBr Ti LANCASTER. Ant. j4iyaF. PEST: b» ark Tdtc