HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1804 i ( E. D ORDINANCE N0 . 40 71 JUL 16 o1 2: it 70'J AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO .Ap --,7.4^7.. ,,AND ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , -ARKANSAS , APPROVED `JUNE%2`9 , 1970 , TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM I - 1 , LIGHT INDUSTRIALRDISTRICT AND HEAVY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT , TO R - 3 , HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on June 1 , 1971 , on a petition by James R . Bexley requesting that said Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the Board of Directors enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property presently zoned I - 1 , Light Industrial and Heavy Commercial District , to R - 3 , High Density Residential District , to - wit : A part of Lot One ( 1 ) in County Court Plat of the North - east quarter (NE 1 / 4 ) of the Southwest quarter ( SW 1 / 4 ) of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West of the 5th P . M . in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said NE 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 16 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , thence South to an iron stake driven in the ground in the Southwest corner of the intersection of West Center Street and South Gregg Street , for a point of beginning of the land to be conveyed , thence South 160 feet , thence West to the East line of the St . Louis and San Francisco Railway right - of - way , thence North along the East line of said Rail - way right - of - way 120 feet , thence East 65 feet more or less , forwithin 9 poles of the East line of Said 40 acre tract , thence North 40 feet , thence East to the place of beginning . and , WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing setting forth the " time , date , place and purposes of said hearing and location of the property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in the City , more than fifteen days prior to said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said planning commi - ission certified to the Board of Directors on the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an Ordinance be adopted rezoning the above described property presently zoned I - 1 , Light Industrial and Heavy Commercial District , to R - 3 , High Density Residential District . DEED 8 �f, PAGE 254 , : MICi OFILMED DATE OCT 1.2 1979 - REEL _ 2 NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the above described property which is presently zoned I - 1 , Light Industrial and Heavy Commercial District be , and the same hereby is , rezoned to R - 3 , High Density Residential District . Section 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4XL day of , 1971 APPROVED : t fAYff�� MYMR ATTIST : CITY CLERK DEED 8 PAGE '455 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I . LOVETTA MOORE , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville , Arkansas , LVA46 moot t & /0000r , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in &466.*�Q.4.AL ass &Sa� J9k Volume at Pages. thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto ' set my hand and affixed my official 0� . • • .� f� seal this /6 day of �� • 19 71 J , CITY CLERK DEED 812 PAGE 26 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD. SS CIP I, P _ r e y, City Clerk and E :- `T.` n _. . f _ t':e C of Fayetteville, do hcrc'.� t ^ _, . - —2] or fore- going i ry f r ` c Sime ap- pears in my hand and sear > y of City Ctrs: CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County I SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recordetfo Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed oe foL'F going Ins ent was filed for rec r in my o five on &#,& • of � clo ... PA, and tie sam to duly recorded In ---- recorder Witness my hand and seal this_ � aaga?. S�S� Aday of 191 Circuit .,,er. an Y ' r- " cio Recorded By ' • Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS as. County otf Waehi/a/gton " a - ordl- I, _ _ L £ .-"- 1. £. _..__ _ hereby certify that I - and 'r 1, NO i')" An am the ublisher of T E NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily mance '.,'fia,mr^^ zorng r:.,r , t MAP newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than d F•a , e ,r n 'an .ae. An rd June N, IWC, to rehers certain ,.i,lw -„ from four pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at 11. Light Industrial District. and Heavy a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of ' Commercial District, to R-3, High Dens- hy Reehlenaal Doti Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated wrethp a w,buo hearing o bila and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and before the Planning t hearing d held CIL, of i�tyeuevma Arkansas, on June readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for le felt. on n pthat idns, James R. sex- each co price per annum, which price was fixed at what is ley 71. on la tuts vend. JamesPlanniR Cyn- � copy, Or a fixed mission recommend to br Boar of considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and DiteAors of the City d. Fayetteville, At. kansae. that the Board or Directors enact service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers an embraces rezoning the following de. thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents scribal property Presently arced 1-1. Light Initis l and Heavy commercial or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months : District. to Ra, High Density Residential and that the said newspaper publishes an averse of more than fort Dislrle,. toah: er P P P g Y Percent A part of Tot One - (I) to Coanb news matter. { (\mrt plat Of in, Northeast quarter E d inti 6osixtequarter 4SI further certify that the le al notice hereto attached in the matter of ,SE d eeothm utowen ,16, n g Township Sixteen (161 North. Range nor, I i30, West d the 5m P.M. in s the ray d I.hyettdMOe, Armhole. and being mon parlicularty, described ae -_./� y�jy �----___-/� y--------_--_ - follows: Bed *z at lite NorNeaat corner d uad� IYn K d the BW Y. a section 16, Township IS North, Range was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for 30 West, thence S "i to !n loan I - - stake driven to fte grisdand in she South. eadinseseutisr west of West ea uen°eie we a and So�raa ; insertioryt as follows : �J West Cerner eawin ma SeuN Gr � III@ narrationalregg el Ji ,77 the 160 he street, for a Dein/ d be[Imring d The first insertion on the _ . ._ _ _.._.-. day of -C� of the St. Leads and San Frandeco the second insertion on the - ___ day of _ 19 Railway dnrt-cif-way, mance Norm along the East line d said Railway right-dway 12D 9 used,flet, was East as the third insertion on the _ day of __..-.___. _ _____ 19--.__ het inert or 1eµ to within of the F.eR are of bald M F tad, thence Northa feet lima East w the Wase all beginning. _ __ -----and the fourth insertion on the __.. ... day t _ _ ___ .. . _. _ 19 _ and, WF[etting forth u d mid plical, bear- E 'nC vellN[ forth ilii tears day, Itair pu d Wa se ,hearing li leca- ^r IY! t Jor er was urs, a n s. NorfMrese Atbeaae Tinel, • news- ��11 d [merle dttttl s P o the Clad Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __ ?/ maw fi, an dere prior to Baia ...__._._-- day Of --------------- - r heading, and i g said WMhear- " .aid Ptsntmg commission cerlifietl IP Board 49 Dlmeclor of he Ci[y - _---------- ---------------- _ ------— ----------- 1 .____--.. S9til 1Alim,that • Ordias, Its ncom- ialion that an O deassi b! adopt- ePoem the apove deamibed prep rid Hes I-I. Light Inane- aria Heavy c�rddi m meld w',li Nota Public High DmsllY RE, be aI Dembon W. IxEREfrORn. M it ee City e 13oam , p Animalism: a d the City .,� Fayetteville. Arknar s My Commission Expires: -ectim 1. That the above oned I.I. property rahidr is pHeavy boned I.I. Light Industrial and Briny hereby DeatDoerlh to and High mnsDen hereby ie, L rezoned to R3, HI[h , Devitt' Reeiden tial Distract. Section n. That all flicet ere hi parts ha ominanas in d this ,mance are Fees for Printing -_----- hereby repealed and this crit from shad b! in NII (one and effect frac and atter his paaea[e, approval, antl OrHewn. Cost of Proof -------------- - j_------___....____-_-- PA®ED AND APPROVED this 6th day Jul.; 1971. Approved:tl: J. s inZn Mayor - Total ......_-.__---- ;.._ 0 Attest:tt<&: Lovella Moore, Cut' Clerk in y 20, 1M