HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1755 ? i FLED T �, r n ` C0 R D ' 70 HC — 6 n ;a 8 ' 42 �- l;;; SH PJGTO,'1 COU1,1TY ORDINANCE NO . �7 > Ff2rSgNS :A5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENT OF- CHURCH AVENUE FROM ROCK STREET TO SOUTH STREET ; LEVYING .ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED THEREBY ; STATING THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE ; AND STATING THE TIME WITHIN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE . WHEREAS , a majority in value of the owners of real property benefited by the improvement of Church Avenue from Rock Street to South Street have petitioned the Board of Directors for the con - struction of said improvement and that a portion of the cost thereof be assessed upon the real property benefited , according to benefits received . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , Section 1 . That all of the real property situated in the following territory located in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : A part of Blocks 39 and 40 in the Original Town (now City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at the point of intersection of the South line of Rock Street and the center line of Church Avenue , and running thence West 185 feet 10 1 / 2 inches , thence South 429 . 5 feet , thence East 100 feet , thence South 126 . 4 feet to the North line of South Street , thence East 148 feet 10 1 / 2 inches , thence North 67 feet , thence East 37 feet , thence North 50 feet , thence East 20 feet , thence North 106 feet , thence East 63 feet , thence North 100 feet , thence East 1 foot , thence North 33 feet , thence West 70 feet , thence North 25 feet , thence West 3 feet , thence North 130 feet , thence West 111 feet to the point of beginning . be and the same is hereby formed into a local assessment district for the purpose of improving Church Avenue from Rock Street to South Street . Section 2 . That pursuant to the Report on the Improvement of Church Avenue from Rock Street to South Street , the Street Department of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby authorized and directed to accomplish the following : MICROFILM �� DATEO51 78 ,,?REEL�,I,.�—s DEED 1 PAGE a) Excavation of existing pavement ; b ) Construction of base to meet current City standards ; c) Repaving with concrete twenty six ( 26 ) feet wide where grade exceeds 10 % and repaving with 2 inches of hot mix asphaltic materials where the grade is 10 % or less ; d) Installation of a four foot concrete sidewalk on the East side of said street in lieu of curb and gutter ; e ) Installation of curb and gutter on the West side of said street . Section 3 . That the several lots , blocks or other subdivisions of real property within said assessment district be , and they are , hereby assessed as per the schedule of assessments on file with the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas which assessments bear interest at the rate of ten percent ( 10 % ) per annum from October 1 , 1970 unless the property owner ( s ) choose ( s ) to pay in a lump sum as hereinafter provided . Section 4 . That ten percent ( 10 % ) of said assessment of the value of the benefits of each of said lots , blocks or subdivisions of land shall be paid annually on or before the time provided by law for paying the final installment of general taxes on the property until the whole of said assessment shall have been paid , beginning October 1 , 1970 . Section S . That the property owner ( s ) may pay the assessments levied in a lump sum payable within thirty ( 30 ) days after the completion of the proposed improvements . Section 6 . That all Ordinances and all parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this .9-4'� day of 1970 . APPROV �Garland Melton , Jt . , Mayor o� r � ��:. . . T J221 : ' • ar ' � n Moo e , CitClerk DEED ! 8 PACE � jj ASSESSMENTS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF CHURCH STREET FROM ROCK STREET TO SOUTH STREET Filed in my - Fro inj4w rot K ZZ w - ;icy C DEED 786 PACE 440 i.,EGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . 1 Part of Block Number Thirty-nine ( 39 ) in the Original Town (now City) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and being more particularly described as beginning at the Northeast corner of said Block Thirty-nine, thence running West along the South side of Rock Street, a distance of one hundred sixty- five (165 ) feet, ten and one half (102) inches , thence South two hundred and fifty two ( 252 ) feet; thence East parallel with Rock Street, a distance of one hundred sixty-five (165) feet, ten and one- half (102) inches , or to the West side of Church Street, thence North along the Westside of Church Street , and a distance of two hundred and fifty two (252 ) feet, or to the place of beginning . ASSESSMENT 832 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 , 2 A part of Block ( 39 ) in the Original Plat of the Town (now City) of Fayetteville, Arkansas , described as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Block, and running thence South (252 ) feet for a beginning point ; thence West (165 ) feet 10 and 2 inches -, thence South ( 57) feet 6 inches ; thence East (165) feet 10 and 2 inches ; thence North 57 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning . . ASSESSMENT - 179 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . 3 i Part of Block Numbered Thirty-:nine ( 39) in Original Town, (now City) of Fayetteville, i described as follows : Beginning at a point three hundred nine and one-half ( 309 .1 feet iSouth of the North East corner of said Block, and running, thence West one hundred sixty-five (165) feet ten and one-half (102) inches; thence South sixty ( 60 ) feet; thence East one hundred sixty- five (165) feet ten and one-half (102) inches ; thence North sixty (60 ) feet to the place of ' beginning , - ASSESSMENT - 162 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . 4 A part of Block Numbered Thirty- nine ( 39 ) in the Original plat of the Town (now City) of Fayetteville, described as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Block and running, thence South 369 feet and 6 inches for a beginning point, running thence West 165 feet 102 inches ; thence South 60 feet; thence East 165 feet 102 inches ; thence North 60 feet to the place of beginning . ASSESSMENT 7 1628 • BLED PACE4 41 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . 5 'A part of Block Thirty- nine ( 39 ) in the Original Plat of the Town (now City) of Fayette - ville, described as follows : Beginning at the North East corner of said Block, and run- ning, thence South four hundred sixty- one ( 461) feet and six ( 6 ) inches for a beginning point, and running thence South ninety-four and four tenths ( 94 . 4 ) feet; thence West sixty- five (65) feet ten and one half ( 102) inches ; thence North ninety -four and four tenths ( 94 . 4 ) feet; thence East sixty-five ( 65) feet and ten and one half ( 10 y! ) inches to the point of be- ginning, ASSESSMENT. 312 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . 5A A part of Block Thirty- nine ( 39 ) in the Original Plat of the Town (now City) of Fayetteville described as follows : Beginning at a point 429 feet 6 inches South of the Northeast corner of said Block and running thence South 32 feet more or less to a point 5 feet North of a concrete block garage , thence West 6.5 feet 102 inches , thence . North 32 feet more or less to a point 65 feet 102 inches West of the beginning point, thence East 65 feet 102 inches to j the point of beginning , ---- - - --- ---- ----_'ASSESSMENT - - - ------ 106 - ----- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . A A part of Block numbered (40 ) in the original plat of the town, now city, of Fayetteville , Arkansas , described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of said block and running thence East ( 86 ) feet to a point in the center of an eight foot alley or driveway; thence South bearing east with the center line of said alley or driveway to a, point which is (130 ) feet South of the North line of said block ; thence West ( 91) feet, more or less to the West line of said block; thence North (130 ) feet to the place of beginning . ASSESSMENT 429 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . B A part of Block Number Forty (40 ) of the Original Plat of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as beginning at a point 130 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Block and running thence South 55 feet, thence East 164 feet, thence North 33 feet; thence West 70 feet; thence North 25 feet, thence West 94 feet to the point of beginnin", ASSESSMENT 7 182 DEED l 86 PAGE 442 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT NO . C A part of Block Number Forty ( 40 ) in the original town of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as same is known and designated upon the plat of said addition now of record in the office of the Recorder of Washington County Arkansas and more particularly described as : Beginning at a point which is one hundred eighty- five (185) feet South of the North West corner of said Block and running thence South seventy ( 70 ) feet, thence East one hundred sixty-four (164) feet, thence North seventy ( 70 ) feet, thence West one hundred sixty- four (164) feet to place of beginning. ASSESSMENT 218 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 , D A part of Block Number 40 in the original town (now city) of Fayetteville, Arkansas , and being more particularly described as beginning at a point 251 feet North of the South- west corner of said Block Number 40 , thence running East 163 feet; thence North 55 feet; thence West 163 feet; thence South 55 feet to the place of beginning . i This conveyance is subject to an easement for a driveway on the south side of the above described property to be used as a joint driveway, and the grantee, her heirs and assigns shall not obstruct said driveway in any manner that will prevent the use of same for in- gress and egress . i ASSESSMENT 182 + LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT NO , E A part of Block Forty (40 ) in the Original Town (now City) of Fayetteville, Arkansas , as per plat of said City on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas , described as follows , to - wit : Beginning at a point 206 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block and running thence East 163 feet, thence North 45 feet, thence West 163 feet, thence South 45 feet to the place of beginning . - - - --- ASSESSMENT... -- --- --- - — 149 . . i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT NO . F • A part of Block Forty ( 40) in the Original Town (now City) of Fayetteville, Arkansas , more particularly described as follows , to - wit : Beginning 153 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block Forty ( 40 ) and running, thence North . 53 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence South 53 feet, thence West 100 feet to the point of beginning , ASSESSMENT 175 DEED PAGE 443 r. a:GAL, DESCRIPTIGN: TRACT N0 . G A part of Block Forty ( 40 ) in the Original Town (now City) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows , to - wit,: Beginning at a point One hundred ( 100 ) feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block Forty ( 40 ) , and running thence North Fifty - three ( 53) feet, thence East One hundred (100 ) feet, thence . South Fifty- three ( 53 ) feet, thence West One hundred (100 ) feet to the point of beginning . ASSESSMENT 175 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . H Part of Block Forty (40 ) Original Town (now City) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning 50 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Block and running thence East 80 feet, thence North 50 feet, thence West 80 feet, thence South 50 feet to the point of beginning . _J ASSESSMENT 165 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N0 . I A part of Block No . ( 40 ) in the Original Plat of the town, now City, of Fayetteville, Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Block No . ( 40 ) , as now located and existing, and running thence East ( 43 ) feet; ,i thence North ( 67) feet; thence West ( 43 ) feet; thence South (67 ) feet to the place of be - ginning , ASSESSMENT 264. +i i I i DEED 786 PACE 44 a i CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYEI'TEVILLE T , MARILYN MOORE, City Clerk orithin and for the City of Fayetteville, ' Arkansas, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true acid correct copy of the Fayetteville, Arkansas , 7/�101 17,45 _S , therein set forth, and the same is as it appears of Record in /J ,Volume at Page thereof . 1 IN WITNESS 1;9E.REOF, I have hereunto - set any hand and affixed my official seal this s y�. day of 19� i l i C TY CLERK ( ( i i GEED 7c'�i PAGE445 i i - i . i , aeptooa2T cn?3,'0Ra t pur. �ia10 f;?0 1� a4rlt� snjj Pas pun purq Rtu ssau;; � � voce not a cszA T [ kI aousur).z0 u? szrad dr, ecucs ai.;; p- c aag}0 Aux [i? pwao 1 -0 s' j azo} ro j:az 11::13 atj; 3-4'. .S;nia, rigs.:ay op ati?eaua,it:1 }: Alnalj; .<c3 ..aj react a?=?'K:' - i pull _xzal0 �3?J . `�Pacua i 0 auu:::.r:g •I /. SS ) srsunxaV 30 ajn;g Q2I00U 30 2,LV0I3I.LNSO CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ] SS. Washington County ] I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instrument was filed for record in my office on the !L day of Q& ;ge- 1Vf2at5 -. '8'clocW45;ZM, and the same is duly, recorraed in record G at pageffAf Witness my, he and seal ihiy a lY1d ACircuit Clerk and ) x. fficio Record eputy park _ ' tutul� s>f MqrATIN( "'" "MSTATE of ARKANSASI.FF, TTIR P 88.nll•:axsrlllisat County of Washington P>YAH local Il : IIC%Of t�iTlna A�1 , a P a m, m I. tlOnewspaper �_.. . . --__ _-__ -- -_ _ hereby certify that I ^,,e°n°�b;r am theral Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, &Otho` ten,°' a dail having a second class mailing privilege, and being not Bald 'ifa/Iwsen•r less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of "f the Coat °` business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of thnreel, yro,• herNOanr � r Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period nlE Hoesn , _ of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of -',r: CIT` OF business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City 1 \SAF. Iat all a the & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, - 'ii t m the tauowm!, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, e. �. P Inrn,rtl - the Cil)' a lM1yc•.r kannaeq- based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty n i•zrt or Rol 39 and , t . , ,. I Tnwn (now City elle- percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions -f„"lp;Wee!t ` _ ,;n to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a Of btrn illn if period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an P roct 6Upa and the t' urch Avenue, and m1i average of more than forty percent news matter. V,"'d 195 reel 10 SS In feet. thence Eea I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of . ,„mh lae.a rent to the, Act then” Eas' c thence lfee, thencece N 6 orr apn� st al feet, thmtt / t lnest 63 feet, ---- i • '. J let. thence East 1 Tent re sari" v feet' thence west was published in the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for_____l et, thence North 2 fee. thence 1) ga y 3 fee, thence North lsg feet, eawsew6iv e ' insertion/ as follows: \Gant 111 fee to Ne point of ,/y� //fJ �7 .,ane is herebv famed mb The first insertion on the __—__ _f�_ day of 1d6�.. 19L0 -,eat dlstreet for the pur- rhurch Anpye from - ' aree1 the second insertion on the _____. ,: scant to iM Rrport ----- day Of _ 19_ ent of Clarice Avenue - '..e�� r spur area' the the third insertion on the ________________. __ da 'melrt✓ a Cara sew ---_________ y of ._—_______ 19— ken a Ice haeft kaamiud ann duelled 6 .Oa 7etbw- ing. rl and the fourth insertion on the day of __--___— 19—_ al Dirt lateral: b) r meet cur not of R Caen` twenty six 116) w1Q\ ansa exceeds lit - With Inches 1 or ha sola sephaltic materiels Til share ter Taus Is After for leas: Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ____1d:7-______ day of __.-.._._-_- , .,aus,iorde o R A bur foot of mid fie s�ppaa East side ut seas In of a flsrrb and antler: �n curb .and gutter an 19Z4 Side ii rte allot a lane `sentrtv h ,l.aslme a testl property ' _ asess dendAM assessed elenla m Me IJSf�� _ reel, senses as per the .�,lse,s°ments m ale with the Not Public d the f%ty a Fayetteville, t k:., which - saeeassmanls hear ion well a, the rate a ten pV !T ❑s%) per annum from October 1. rid My Commission Expires: Me property owner'(¢ chvee, _ in a lump tum as hereinafter pm-lielde 8acllon a. Taal ten parcent 119ro) or /ate ql;zz__ lam a°¢¢°manna Ne wa(ye of the bene- er fits a44aeb a mid las, anions or Nb 607 awlaiyA a lw "it ber pale annually Vl Ar blare 8k thin provlaed by law x/ 1 " `arias w final iteranmeit of ger Fees for Printing _ j edproperty l Li an the until the wi ale a mid %Ffestna t shell leve been peed, beginning October 1, 1970. Cost of Proof .-_-- sada` S That the mortally, carail el $------------ mace list the :u to Israel in a Imp sora payable 'wirb thirty (30) days after 'mr+yeaflp�nm a the pro- TotalIreland ----- $---:�� 9ectlon a Mmes a noes Ana _ all parts of O INt here- with are 's Ordi adlsct ATTIOT: madlyn mosta, Cie• Olen .,,. . 6 Ilr