HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1753 ORDINANCE N0 . 2 ✓ 3 ]a JUL 23 {'; i 2: { ] AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENT OF LEVEREdL.T'r,T"� AVENUE FROM NORTH STREET TO POPLAR STREET ; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS.i{ QGAI;NST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED THEREBY ; STATING THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE ; AND STATING THE TIME WITHIN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE . WHEREAS , a majority in value of the owners of real property benefited by the improvement of Leverett Avenue from North Street to Poplar Street have petitioned the Board of Directors for the con - struction of said improvement and that a portion of the cost thereof be assessed upon the real property benefited , according to benefits received . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , Section 1 . That all of the real property situated in the following territory located in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Part of the Northwest quarter ( NW 1 / 4) of Section Nine ( 9 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , being more particularly described as follows , to - wit : Beginning at the Southeast corner of the West half (W 1 / 2 ) of the Northwest quarter ( NW 1 / 4 ) and running thence West 160 feet , thence North 680 feet , thence West 79 feet , thence North 210 feet , thence West 160 feet , thence North 420 feet , thence East 199 feet , thence North 320 feet , thence West 51 feet , thence North 90 feet , thence East 90 feet , thence North 210 feet , thence West 220 feet , thence North 70 feet , thence East 220 feet , thence North 105 feet , thence West 220 feet , thence North 215 feet , thence East 210 feet , thence North 223 feet , thence East 30 feet , thence North 107 feet , thence East 75 feet , thence North 640 feet , thence West 15 feet , thence North ' 294 feet , thence West 270 feet , thence North 366 feet , thence East 390 feet , thence North 35 feet , thence East 301 . 62 feet , thence South 1355 feet , thence East to the center of Skull Creek , thence Southerly with center line of Skull Creek to South line of East half ( E 1 / 2 ) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1 / 4 ) of Section Nine ( 9 ) , thence West to the point of beginning , be and the same is hereby formed into a local assessment district for the purpose of improving Leverett Avenue from North Street to Poplar Street . M,CpOFILIA�D 191B DEED 7t J FAGE 9 OAT 2 REELy�- Section 2 . That pursuant to the Report on the Improvement of Leverett Avenue from North Street to Poplar Street , the Street Department of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby authorized and directed to accomplish the following : a) Excavation of existing pavement ; b ) Construction of base to meet current City standards ; c ) Repaving with two inches of hot mix asphaltic materials 26 feet wide . d) Installation of a four foot concrete sidewalk on the West side of said street in lieu of curb and gutter . e ) Installation of a curb and gutter on the East * side of said street . Section 3 . That the several lots , blocks or other subdivisions of real property within said assessment district be , and they are , hereby assessed as per the schedule of assessments on file with the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , which assessments bear interest at the rate of ten percent ( 10 % ) per annum from October 1 , 1970 unless the property owner ( s ) choose ( s ) to pay in a lump sum as hereinafter provided . Section 4 . That ten percent ( 10 % ) of said assessment of the value of the benefits of each of said lots , blocks or subdivisions of land shall be paid annually on or before the time provided by law for paying the final installment of general taxes on the property until the whole of said assessment shall have been paid , beginning October 1 , 1970 , Section 5 . That the property owner ( s ) may pay the assessments levied in a lump sum payable within thirty ( 30 ) days after the completion of the proposed improvements . Section 6 . That all Ordinances and all parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this r �l day of , 1970 . APPROVED : Garland Melton , J . , Mayor ATTEST : Marilyn Mo re , City Clerk7 DEED / � PACE 4L93 ASSESSMENTS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF LEVERETT AVENUE FRO19 NORTH STREET TO POPLAR STREET l� ef� iTI my p Ice . ri►onth Car lerk 9.13AUT A13P)30YJf ATr ASSESSr;rs; ivT Lot: 1 - 2 , Block .l College Add :i. t. :ion ;% 220 . 00 Lot 3 , Block I College Addition Lot f{ , Block .l College Addition 110 ., 00 Lot 5 , Block 1 College Addition 110 . 00 Lot G , Block .l o a College Addition 11- 0 . 00 Lots 1- 3 , Block 2 (:allege Add ; t ; on 330 . 00 ].lots 1{ - C , Block- 2 Cola.ege Addition 330 . 00 DEED 786 PAGE194 ,I ' d 7A Bloc}: 10 Valley Viet•. Acres 5011 . 00 Lot: 11 , Block 10 Valley Vier! Acres 2711 . 00 . Lots 5 , G , 75 £ S' , Block 9 Vallev View Acres • 1 , 1125 . 00 Lot: 1. 5 , Block 3 Bcl-- Air Acres 2nd Addition 235 . 00 Lot 9 , Block 2 Bel.- Air Acres 2nd Addition 308 . 00 Lot: 10 , Block 3 ' Bel- Air Acres 2nd Addition 32. 1 . 00 Lot 20 , Block 11 Bel- - Air Acres 295 . 00 . Lot l. , Bloc }: 4 Bcl -- Air Acres 295 , 00 Lot .l , }31oc}: 1 Bel.- Ai. zm Acres • 299 . 00 Lot 7b Block 10 Valle • Vier! Acres 227 . 00 Lot 5 , Block 10 Valley Vie : Acres 318 . 00 DEED � �. PACE �C�c� LEG .A.I 1UESCf211' 1') ON : TRACT G Pal of :1che Southe;est Quarter ( SVs':; ) o:E the Norl icvest Qu .u; ter . 'f. N[4i, )' of Sec .- t: i.on ' 9 in' Towt; sh :ip - 1.6 North of Range 30 l•?e. st: of the 5th Pr. i. nci.pal Dleri-di- an , described asfollows , to -xv.iti P_, eg . nning at a point 700 feet North of the SOAt:] 12ilSt corner of e>ai.d forty acre tract , . and rcinn . ng thence North £, S feet ; thence Wcst 239 feet ; thence South 85 reel; ; thence Bast 239 feet: to the point of beginning , less anti excg3t: 20 feet: off. the Bast end no1v included in and used as a part of Lcve.rett Street , i.n the City of Fayetteville , Ark- ansas . LEGAL DESCRIPTION : TRACT G2 A part of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (Pt. Sj�rl of N\VI) of Section Nine ( 9 ) , in Township Sixteen (16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West of the 5th P . 111 . , des -- cribcd as follows , to - wit : Beginning at a point seven hundred and eighty - five (785 ) feet North of the Southeast corner of said forty (40 ) acre tract and running thence North one hundred and five (105 ) feet; thence West two hundred and thirty -nine ( 239 ) feet ; thence South one hundred and five (105 ) feet and thence Last two hundred and thirty -nine ( 239 ) fc�t to the point of beginning , containing fifty - seven himdredths ( 0 . 57 ) of an acre, more or Less . " ASSESSMENT FOR TRACT G AND TRACT G 2 41£3 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : TRACT H Part of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Nine (9 ) Township Si. teen (16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West of the fifth Principal Aleridian, described as be = ginning at a point 890 feet North of the Southeast coiner of said quarter Section; thence North 21.0 feet; thence Nest 4:19 feet; thence South 210 feet; thence East 419 feet to the poing of beginning , containing Two ( 2 ) acres , more or less . ASSESSMENT 462 . 00 l DEED 7C� � PACE 1,ii;Gi1T.. L' i ;SC12i1:"I'IC, : TRACT I _ A p:. rt of llic Soutl ! urest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section N. i! ic (:? i ; Township Si.xtccn (16 ) Nort!T , ' ltan ,c '1'Irirty ( 30 ) West of 1,he ]'ifi:h Princi.pal 111eri.di.an , described as; i) cginning ata point 1.1.00 feet North of the SOni:heaSt corner of said quarter Section ; the:ncc North 210 feet; thence West 419 feet; 19.ience South 21.0 feet; thence: ]? est 409 feet to point of beginning, coniainin ' two ( 2 ) acres , mora or less . ASSESSMENT, 462 . 00 LEGAL. D] SCRIP'YION: TRACT J A part of the West half of the Hort' west Quarter of Section Nine (9 ) in Township Sixteen (16 ) forth of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West, described as follows : Pcgi.nnir!g at a point wiiicii is thirteen hundred ten (1.310 ) feet North of the South West corner of said eighty acre tract, and running , thence North seventy - five ( 75 ) feet; thence NN' est two hunched ( 200 ) feet ; thence South seventy - five ( 75 ) feet; thence East two hundred ( 200 ) feet to the place of be - ginning . ASSESSMENT 165 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : TRACT K Part of the NN! est 'Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nine ( 9 ) in Township Sixteen (1G ) North , of Range Thirty ( 30 ) Wes ' , described as : Beginning at a point Thirteen Hund - red ] igiity - 1 ive (1385 ) feet I�Torth of the Southeast corner of said ]Eighty acre tract, and running , thence North one hundred fifteen (115 ) feet; thence 'West Two Hundred ( 200 ) feet; thence South One IIund.ved Fifteen (115 ) feet; thence East two hundred ( 200 ) feet to the point of begi.nning . ASSESSMENT 253 . 00 LEGAL DESCP.IPTiON : . TRACT L Part of the Northwest quarter of the Northnaest quarter of Section Nine (9 ) in Toxvnslii.p Sixteen ( 6 ) North , Range 'fhi.rty ( 30 ) West, being more particularly described as begin- ning at a point two hundred twenty ( 2. 20 ) feet North of the South East corner of said forty. (40 ) acre tract , and running thence North one hundred (100 ) feet; ti?ence Westtwe 11 :!ndreci ( 200 ) feet; thence South one hundred (100 ) feet to the North line of Lawson Street in the City of Fayetteville ; thence East along the North line of Lawson Strect , two hundred ( 200 ) feet to the point of beginning , less and except twenty ( 20 ) feet off the East side thereof, embraced in the ri.ght of way of Levcrett Street . ASSESSMENT 2614 . 00 DEED PAGE197 LEGAL, DE'SC111P'J`10?1 : TRACT M T'ar't• o� thc ' horiLv;cst Quarter ( N1'i% ) of the Nor[liNv : st nuarLcr (N\ ,'; ) of. Section Nine ( 9 ) is 'Cownshi.p Sixteen (I G) N'Orth of hang ' 'L'hirty ( 30 ) Wcst of. the 5th P, his , and being n ore paPti.civarl.y described as beginning at a point 320 feet North of tilt Southeast corner of said forty acre tract, and running them . North 00 feet; thence West 420 feet; %hence South 90 feet and thence Exist 420 feet; Less and except therefrom the fol.lo•wi.ng described tract of land , to - wit: Part of the ATor h . est. Quarter (N\1% ) of tiie Northwest Ctuarter (N\ 1 ) Of said Secti.on , Township and Piange , and described as beginning 320 feet North and 290 feet West of the Southeast corner of said forty acre tract, and running thence West 40 feet, thence North 90 feet; thence East 40 feet and thence South 90 feet to Vic point of beginning . ASSESSMENT 198 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT N Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nine (9 ) , in Township Sixteen (16 ) North, of Range Thirty ( 30 ), West , described as follows : Beginning at a point seven hundred seventy ( 770 ) feet South of the North E: asi corner of said forty acre tract, and running, thence South one hundred forty (14: 0 ) feet; thence West two hundred ( 200 ) feet; thence North one hundred forty (140 ) feet; thence East two hundred ( 200 ) feet to the place of begin!iing, less and except twenty feet Oft: the East end in Leverctt Sireet in the City of. Fayetteville . This Deed is made and excepted subject to a mortgage in favor of the Fayette-vi.11e Building and Loan Association given to secure the payment of indebtedness in the sum of $4500 . 00 on the North half of the above described lot, the unpaid balance of which, the grantees herein assume and agree to pay as part of the consideration of this conveyance . ASSESSMENT 308 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT 0 Part of the Northwest quarter (N\V ) of the Northwest quarter (N\V1) of Section Nine (9 ) in 'Co�vnshi.p Sixteen (1G ) North of Mange Thirty ( 30 ) \Vest , described as follows , to - wit: Beginning at a point 700 feet South of the Northeast corner of said forty acre tract, and running , thence South 70 feet, thence West 200 feet, thence North 70 feet, thence East 200 feet to the place of beginning, less and except 20 feet off the East end of Lever•ett Street, in the City of r ayetteville, Arkansas. ASSESSMENT 154 . 00 1 DEED 7 t' PAGE198 LEGAL DLSC:I,IPTION : TRACT P Pcu• t qr the \Tortirn� cst quari:er of the Nol- Uni est quarter of Section 9 in Township 16 hTorlh of lianas 30 \Vest, desc flied as folio to - wit : Bcginning at a point 630 feeL South of the Northeast corner of saki forty acre tract, thence South 70 feet, thence West 420 feet, thence North 70 feet, thence East 420 feet, tlicnce }iast. 420 feet to the point of begiiuii.ng , containing 67 / 100 of an acre, more or less . ASSESSMENT .154 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : TRACT Q Part of the NI•I, of the Nt93; of Section 9 -- 16X --30L9 0£ the 5th P . 1=I , , the same being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 525 feet South of the NL corner of said 40 . acre tract and running thence LVest 200 feet ; thence South 105 feet ; thence Last 200 feet ; thence XTorth 105 feet to the point of beginning , containing 1 acre , more or less . ASSESSMENT 231 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION : TRACT R Part of the Northwest quarter of the Norm IIWCst quarter of Section nine ( 9 ) in Township sixteen (16 ) North of Range thirty ( 30 ) West, described as bcgi.nning at a point four hund - reel twenty (420 ) feet South of the North bast corner of said forty acre tract, and running , thence West four hundred twenty (420 ) fee:, thence South one hundred five (105 ) feet , thence )East four hundred twenty (420 ) feet, thence North one hundred five (105 ) feet to the point of beginning , containing one (1. ) acre , more or less , the East twenty ( 20 ) feet of said tract lying and being in Leverett Avenue in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . The grantors retain an easement of ten (10 ) feet along the North side of said tract for drainage purposes , Also retained is a Ri.gllt of Way basement for the future extension of Storer Avenue in said City, a forty foot street with a turn - around. with 20 foot radius at the North line of said trach the said forty feet lying between the East 290 feet of said tract and the Wc.st 90 feet of said tract. ASSESSMENT 231 . 00 I,ls'GAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT S Pt , NP? X19 9 - 1. 6 - 30 Seginni. ng at a point 310 ' S of the NL corner of said 40 acre tract , thence South 1. 1.01 ; thence best 4201 ; thence North 21. 0 ' ; thence East 210 ' ; thence South 1. 001 ; thence Last 210 ' to point of begi. nni. ng . ASSESSMENT 242 . 00 DEED. 786 PACE193 T .1i.GA?;. DESC:;tII'TIOI : TRACT T : . Part of the I orthv7cst Quarter of the Northwest Quart:cr , Section 9 , 'Township 16 North , P, aiige 30 \Vest of 5th P . X1 described as beginning 21.0 ft . South of Northeast corner of said 40 acre tract, thence South 100 ft , thence PJest 21.0 ft. thence North 100 ft . , thence East 21.0 ft . to point of beginning , Fayetteville , Arkadisas . (Washington County ) ASSESSMENT 220 . 00 L13CAL DESC)UPTION: TRACT U Part of the Northwest quarter (NAV 'D of the Northwest quarter (NWiD of Section Dine ( 9 ) in Township Sixteen (16 ) North of Pange Thirty ( 30 ) West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, being described as follows , to - wit : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said forty acre tract , thence South 210 feet for beginning point , thence Nest 21:0 feet, thence North 60 feet, thence East 210 feet, thence South GO feet to the point of beginning.1 ASSESSMENT 132 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT. V Part of the Northwest quarter (1`2FV � ) of the Northwest quarter (NW ) of Section Nine ( 9 ) in 'Township Sixteen (16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) Nest, described as follows , to - wit: Beginning 87 feet South of the Northeast corner of said forty acre tract, and running thence South 63 feet, thence West 230 feet, thence North 63 feet, thence East 230 feet to the point of beginning . ASSESSMENT 139 . 00 LEGAL DESCRIPTIOATc TRACT la Part of Nk%1 MV4 of 9 - 16 -30 , beginning at NE corner of said 40 acre tract . and running thence South 87 feet ; thence tVest 180 feet ; 'thence North 87 feet ; thence Gast 180 feet to point of beginning , ASSESSMENT 169 . 00 DEED PAGE �rtf � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A ,part of Lot Numbered Seven ( 7 ) in Block Numbered Ten ( 10 ) in Parke.rts Plat of Valley View Acres , as designated upon the recorded plat of said subdivision , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot Numbered Seven ( 7 ) , and running thence East one hundred ( 100 ) feet ; thence North one hundred . .three and twenty four hundredths ( 103 . 24 ) feet ; thence West one hundred ( 100 ) feet ; thence South one hundred . three and twenty four hundredths ( 103 . 24 ) feet to the point of beginning , ASSESSMENT 227 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: iLot 63 Blke 10 Parkers Plat of Valley View Acres , ---- ASSESSMENT 318 i- ... ._ . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: i - Lot 4 , Block 10, Parker ' s Plat of Valley View Acres , as designated on the recorded plat of said Addition, _._. _ ASSESSMENT 274 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5 - 6 - 7-8 Blk . 9 Parkers Plat of Valley View Acres , ASSESSMENT __ .. .. _ - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part Lot 25 of the Evans Farm Subdivision of Section 9 - 16 -30 $ described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at NW corner of said lot , thence South 210f ; thence East 2101 ; thence South 1051 ; thence West 210 ' ; thence South 118 , thence East to Skull Branch , thence Northerly along Skull line of said lot , thence West to point of beginning . Branch to North ASSESSMENT 660 UEEU � a7 PAGE G:01 - LEGAL DESCR1PTION: Part of Lot 25 of the Evans Farm Subdivision of Section 9 - 16 -30 , described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at a point 2101 South of the NW corner of said lot , thence East 2101 ; thence South 1051 ; thence West 2101 ; thence North 1051 . to point of beginning , ASSESSMENT 231 . - - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 25 of the Evans Farm Plat Subdivision of Section 9 - 16 -30 described as beginning at the SW corner of said lot , thence North 2271 ; thence East to Skull Branch ; thence in a Southerly direction . with Skull Branch to the South line of said lot ; thence West to the point of be ! ginning , -ASSESSPfENT .. . . . . . . . . ... . . 462 _ • . . ... LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of the N2 of the SW4 of the NE4 0£ the NW4 of Section 9 - 16 -30 W. , of the 5th PaMol containing 5 acres , more or less , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at the NW corner of said 5 acre tract and running thence East 160 feet ; thence South 135 feet ; , thence West 160 feet ; thence North 135 feet to the point of beginning , i except 20 feet of equal and uniform width off of the West side thereof embraced in Leverett Street , Also known as part of the N3g of Block 26 - i of the Plat of Evins Farm, as designated on the recorded plat of - said r subdivision , ASSESSMENT 297 r LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part NZ SW-4L NE-41 NW--41 9 - 16 - 30 of Evins Farm, as designated upon the recorded plat of said Subdivision and described a5 follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point 160 ' East of the NW corner of said 5 acre tract, thence South 135 ' ; thence West 1601 ; thence South 1951 ; thence East to Skull Branch; thence Northerly along Skull Branch to North line d said 5 acre tract; thence West to point of beginning . ASSESS14EN^1 429 DEED "66 PAGE202 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of t112 Southeast Quarter ( SEQ ) of the Northwest Quarter ( NA ) of Sec - tion Nine ' ( 9 ) 3 ' Town'ship Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West of the 5th P . M . , described as beginning at a point twenty seven ( 27 ) feet South of the Northwest corner of said forty acre tract ; thence South one hundred five ( 105 ) feet ; thence East three hundred twenty three ( 323 ) feet ; thence North thirteen degrees and fifty six minutes East to a point due East of the beginning point ; thence West to the point of beginning . ASSESSHENT -- -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A part of SE '—, of NW 's of 9 -16 - 30 , described as beginning ata point 132 feet South of NW corner of said 40 acre tract, thence East 323 feet, thence South 130 56 ' West 92 . 72 feet; thence West 300 . 7 feet, to West line of said SEq of NWS'— of 9 -16 - 30, thence North 90 feet to point of beginning. ASSESSME14T 198 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A part of the Southeast quarter ( SEq ) of the Northwest Quarter (NW4 ) of Section Nine ( 9 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , described as beginning at a point 132 feet South of the Northwest corner of said forty acre tract , thence East 323 feet , thence South 13 degrees 56 1 minutes West 92 . 72 feet , thence West 300 . 7 feet to the West line .of said Southeast quarter ( SEq ) of the Northwest Quarter ( NW4 ) of Section 9 , Town - ship 16 North of Range 30 West , thence North 90 feet to the point of begin - ning . ASSESSMENT 183 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ; Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nine ( 9 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , described as be - ginning at a point three hundred five and twenty -five hundredths ( 305 . 25 ) feet South of the northwest corner of said forty acre tract , and running thence East three hundred ( 300 ) feet ; thence South two hundred ( 200 ) feet ; thence West three hundred ( 300 ) feet ; thence North two hundred ( 200 ) feet to the place of beginning . DEED "7S6 PAGE �; t 0J ASSESSMENT 440