HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1750a cD 170 JUL I 0 gFi I I: 23 Coup"T'i pr.{AN;o P,L;1F !IJLLNEYER Llr�r;Ul CLER;t ORDINANCE NO.� ` AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND ITS AREA OF PLANNING JURISDICTION; REQUIRING AND REGULATING THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS FOR SUCH PURPOSES; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM SUBDIVI- SION DESIGN STANDARDS; PROVIDING MINIMUM IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE OR GUARANTEED TO BE MADE BY THE SUBDIVIDER; SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN APPLYING THESE RULES, REGULA- TIONS AND STANDARDS; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY BOARD OF. DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Purpose The purpose of these regulations is to set forth the procedures, requirements and mini- mum standards governing the subdivision of land under the jurisdiction of the Fayette- ville City Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Planning Commission"). B. Authority These subdivision regulations are adopted in accordance with the authority granted by Act 186 of the 1957 General Assembly of the State of Arkansas. C. Jurisdiction The territorial jurisdiction of these regula- tions includes the land within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville and the surrounding area within five miles of those corporate limits except as designated on the Planning Area Map adopted on -June 29, 1970 by the Planning Commission. MICROFkA ET DATE 2 1911 REEL + 1 -.. DEED IcS PACEcSc31 11 191 by the Planning Commission and accepted by the City Board of Directors indicating the general locations recommended for the various land uses, major streets, parks, public buildings, zoning districts and other public improvements Plan, Major Street: a part of the Comprehensive Plan made an a opted by the Planning Commission and accepted by the City Board of Directors clas- sifying certain streets within the planning area jurisdiction as arterial or collector streets Plat, Final: a complete and exact subdivision plat, prepared for official recording as required by statute, to define property boundaries and proposed streets and other improvements Plat, Preliminary: a preliminary plat for a sub- division s a l e a formal plan, drawn to scale, indicating prominent existing features of a tract and its surroundings and the general layout of the proposed subdivision and shall meet the re- quirements outlined herein Rih_t-of -way: the land opened, reserved or dedi- cat a for a street, walk, drainage or other public purposes Setback Lines or Building Lines: a line on a plat generally parallel to t e street right-of-way, indicating the limit beyond which buildings or structures may not be erected except as provided in ordinances Street: a strip of land, including the entire rigt-of-way, intended primarily as a means of vehicular and pedestrian travel which may also be used to provide space for sewers, public util- ities, trees and sidewalks Street, Arterial: a street or road of consider- able continuity which serves or is intended to serve as the principal trafficway between sepa- rated areas or districts and which is the main means of access to the primary street system or expressways Street, Collector: a street which in addition to DEED 785 PACEJJJ Urban Suburban ... A B.. Reinforced concrete monuments 4"x4"x30" at quarter section corners and subdivision corners x x Metal stakes 1/2"x30" at all lot corners, points of tangency, points of curvature and angles in property lines or easements x x Street grading and base accor- ding to city requirements x x Stabilized shoulders at least 4' wide and a sodded drainage swale at least 5' wide and 12" deep with a slope of 3 to 1 on the street side and at least 2 to 1 on the other side x Curb and gutter x Street paving x x Sidewalks - according to city standards x Surface drainage - An adequate drainage system shall be pro- vided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Cross drains shall be provided to accomodate all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit full width roadways and the required natu- ral slopes. The opening size of cross drains shall be deter- mined by the City Engineer using accepted methods and records .available.: - x x Culverts and Bridges x x 13 DEED 785 PAGE 349 13 • STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jr as. County of Washington e hereby certify that I am thV (U'gneral Manger) of Tla NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dailk newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of .,' business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscription" a_ to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Det------- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for----/ eawcsautive. insertionf as follows: The first insertion on the ___------` 2_5P_ _ day of ___ 19_70 the second insertion on the —_____ day ____ _— 19—___ the third insertion on the --------------------------------- day of _____ 19- 4 and the fourth insertion on the -------------------- day of _--------------- _ 19— Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ---_d ___-_ day of ---------------- -- — -------------- - _______________------------ - ----- 19-7�- N Public Commission Expires: Fees for Printing�' Cost of Proof'__,_^__— Total _---- $� .65 —_ -URPRe AVD ttT':? AR nP.DiSARPI7 R .AND •.TP+O T•P SVFiDM�ION T EtrTLAND RTI?tIN . CITY OF FAYR2TLt.E. A NUU l SAS AND TIP ARRA OF PISA AND iREGULATINGi HEpO RINGPREP AND REGULATING THE PREPAM7SON AND A" ENTATIOR OF FORLSTICH ART ARD leIIEiTrA dTs FOR INIT ivintPURPlea; STION d�IO Y TA T- `rVAt 67]RDMffiON DETTGN ATAH- MOVE PROVIDING Yf MAPS.PUM Ivi- CUARANENTR TO BE RBy OR GVAR ANTF.ED FE R1q MAO RY TRE ¢UBDIVDIF.R: EETTINO p'OoTI[ TRP. PRDCF.DVRE 'r of F.N Ol WF.D By THPI PI.AN\TNG CO?R.DS3. IN AP- PLYING TIiF,�E RLR S: REGVI.A- SCITI AND STANDARDS: M AND PRF 6 k"OT:1.O I'F.NAfIOR FOR TFC 4Th} CATION: AND FOR OTHER PCiL POSES row, THEREFORE. HR TT OR- DATNP.T RP MM RIP HOARD OF DTRECLORS OF TIM,, (Tg OF PAY- WrIln.7111.t15. A a, t >. GEREl;.AIA - Rye.- A. POrpaia 'Dae Wrocas A' ft" ' raNYtbm Y M met for% the procedures. rlgw[! menta and minimum standards gov- erning Ila mamivision a land under the jbnsdfeul of the Trayettevdle city Immoral q iasim (nni an" referred In as the "Palming Commission'). R Authority 911pse s MIOMM """Mg ere adopted to steadanai with 60 ao thnnly granted bee' Act I69 of Ne 1p5T General Ar iii of the Stele of Arkam»s. C. dnnmitlim Tba tp-ritor!Al IuYisdltion Of tats. rezLliV ori inrhidj the land wllhln th. t'nrp A1, i'mtte of The fir" Or Faeuevlll. a -i the surrou-?I" arca within rive miles of these tom porate limits except As degwmtM an the Perming Area MAP adopted m Jove J, 1971111 by tams Planting Com. mss!on D. DrpN600m For t'ne purpose of Nese mguiatlms, remain torsos used berets am do- Dined as fai*wr- A6alI a Romer WDDe way AeNealed to puna qe for utmlty emements and vehieulmr access In the Talk Or ado a proP•rwis abutting a Well. Comprebmsive Ilea: a 1mg-reoge pian for the rlann g area aclud:nR plains for land neso, streets and lWri- matlty facilities. canine Toa ms- toDograpalo man linea converting pomnta Or equal Ile- wapaia Dspftd Strmta a street having we sees Opens at tmfle and boung per. I Uy tommated by a vtddmdar "Moment Drvllaiamr bond and Improvements Offered to Ne city, Camtr. or State Send mczpted by them for Debut Ilse. M1MMI. and ma•nton"m DevMepment Pim: a drawing show. Ing all promeal ire Droremrnte to a pale a pr "Y much as strIPPb, terldne Into, pttldinga. drives. ,signs, utilities, dhhage, gmdNg and pler i Ing by sire and location Easement: a grant by Ne Dmmntor owner to tea Wblir, a corimin Vm m' Dermas, net the use of a sop of air for speetfie mrmses bnpgemmts: Physical m a n g e a made to propi To Prepmere it ton development start As street Mdiag, drainage semmares. street Furfgge. aMPwaas, msrbs. Rotten. utilljy lines, bridges and similar flow lett a portico of a subdvti in clan parcel Or land, lnten,$a as a Pull for transfer of ewn<mhlp for for shipren alai order Onegwrep Filo Plan,ebmtwebthe the pan made and Adopted bry the PboyWrtg Otv miaalm and accepted di the The Hort a Di-Prto-s in•Ii"d the thegenvat licaus lands es, major st lar the Terms, Pu lend quem major streets, tinctit o evYdln nubile •ming filer men ane other pubtle imprnvr menti Cont sterno Sheet: s ort a the tel by the Planning Pim made and n old - and M by the Pae Cit cedril a:on and latepel by Ne O,to H string a Direr Lora eaPlam R tertaln rimes n ST; a The p collector ares streets as Nor. m ,Na m streets Ptar, slcn a Complete And coat e.'.l.,m recon plat. premred for oft me, arts Pr ea regwred bri wand deed pro Or b other u end - "axed streets end rias 1mDrove„ --- s Fiat Prep nam: a Dreliminarr pati nine.su tiMslon shall be a Lorean' tire" to Wile. Indlrating P:L fnent exisbne }e2'v'PP .. apt its surnmd'. rise P .- a^out of no Drr .rw ,;yt..:.,r, :: rltl Shn'1 r � _ Lie M^ T^m In'S OLb A. R!ehtMw».: eh• r»nd nriaged,�rw. aWalkerod m dfe or d ror m daft, Tou"m drainage or eche: publlu,pury Ansel line con laws r Hrally Inas n tine street e pat geemlly Igo nn the mitrdllt4a-way, OF Ne omit mayberrontI whirls tat or as plurea may test be erwR ma pmytdM in oMimncw-I g Sheat a miriP a land. indIUSSIC(tho entire right -of way, intendedl!Pri- Tharlly 1a a means Of lmirularvand WPsMen travPI whtrh nay a'an be usoi to pros'!de spa" for r•wors, while uW!tles, tinea and nITNTRMa atrea- Arterial: a street Or road of considerable cmtiaultl' %loch wars or Is Intended to sena At the pprD. Opal trafflmray between arronhud arms or districts and watch IWthe main meas of access to the-rrld, eery street system Per expmaaw'a)s Shows, Catharine: A street %NSA to addition to senna a abating Ilea, intersepta minor mermi recta with community farilitioOz carries. neighborhood Ira W Mal" arterial street < era prmtblp, hoses •howdf - 'm mlbclm streets StrM. Frailaget a all"; which la generally Pa.aa{{sgl Ad- jarent to a major ti!gh�ravh y(�sjail. mad rlghtai and'walrfl Isrovhles reamers to abutting p':oMt4ta'7►ad Iua ICA tans through Iraf`e 8ftswt, AYrsr: a street usad-wimesisM• I to protide amr;s to All, 19 prop• allies Solari n - - subdlvlstse as lotions Sbmpdslm: a tln or Derail of lari i hots or Other d,'.r P. Wrili of ; _ sh Or desreror..; at Ale, Al i o- M e- rshhn4way, why" r fwdm, hwirdinc a or lot Ilnec. O - — w^ere ro roe'^� sh-ess n In not be MichW-' Ina% bot Droiescd as ar I&&: ne rvantr.natinn Or r , than Of parttime nr P atVd lots wbeam life bar c• 'cls 's not Ill P•e 0 1r lIt areas creased: The di"ielmia of land e^la of five arres or To The sumistsion or of land wine roIV, bnpmyPd streets a. end The madlhn' !oi=p the req,: -r-: =n's of "inane. 'L PFMTrtU1:E F^P- R;".' no ¢:h+'r^den shall forny cedum for the anproval a pl. A. Irte•awlemoot Whes,,,a'apmidisre: ion is o gj�yider Or his agent 5' Abu wmttj�e P:anwrg Ae r SimIC WgrintmQem and glneeri-le became fanduer pUOatim sforpdnree, reou d�Hstm lmpmre de: - a, and taCity'e Clq"s de h : V%Kmina Plat R'heA a aum!vision of ion - pi the first Tarrant . ireabl"l than consist r - k, summed to The r a nl�,g• 1»etQ And shir tlsl ialtio•4g an fornW' solditcolatim for P. 6gbdlvalon Pa( 81D•e Pat, a T r, ! - el' the AFP,. Plat 1st0 •g'; R. Eight copies or s To .plat a The hall Include ncl a -n forma plat saatl in for peh.-!m an, VAtn adicated for F'e:n^.r. -y plate in arthro x f: r...n]'PInf,.arratlns IO e.i:':c . -rot tine Pr. I:m:ria-. prat has been rev^,Pwe:l bS the P:echrc power rroor is which wGl serve the auMmyialm, Arkansas Western Gas Canei Trans -Video Company and saaIlb. western Deli Telephone Cunpanq The above shall be subml"od the pal an n:.^.q A?minis[ v least 15 da>'s Prior to t Ing of the Planning rot at which cooTAFrat m rew t d Planning tbmminalm Art The Penni ng rx,inm'es:c consider the subdioder's a>i. Lim and are!lminary pat n. _r and mmmmts - 'or.. -i C or '-r.- Page) $03MMS FOR STAFFS DESM Man M +ppm bat Bit Y.iltyl. Sezeett aria nal .gMlvleed antic feroetire. Confuter Streets solved X X Summate art ca ere made b pCNed Ilse, health end BRA AK^f design ml- pirmL Ted Pian PracedMfr PA(r alts" Individual sewsf er ineX watgr eet and n 1• Nre IA. p, g1twA Dwln t with' Ide lamer then MI) pi ett telt -n AMA Dyt n)M on are m Private scree All Ax All atIt wiamalaOr utiAv tan 'deaM- Paers to •water sewer All l Inns "vlmenb /hob M instilled according le shall a shell M projected at the bMA m. menta And Others and shall wilt d s mater And q'e by Ipedfied by Ne CLLy ane apprmed b the City City Engineer greater but In no wet IM m0 dare ester the planning Ne standards Urbm Rv Nm ice Standards. Stan A »nip of lea cot B ,A B SuMadmin tial tate is ,rlimi anbplar's plat. Initiate lb 110+ pro RNMbmed Knfnle Mmum"U !"x1 at eo• ng sir: shall de admen Existing slf-wa shall dedicate a],rmry vfl w &Metal With quarter section mica[ and fund Vxsi X X teditimal -way b meet the iliums. auab gspre With coneltlM tanteney, #. M A oft t obi nlaHl N all lot comers. mind• sot systems vrinimum w listed."4311 r with dempprovel or apptwal with II Pmts d Curvature Mend Angles m sproCity seg Ilan ts NlemMta Cu vatu X X sistent Nails of •treats awl : N mdltlens Shelf M seated b Wpn Silttet grading +rid Mae Acceedmg m City rlgW»mems % X be mmielml win n+bnl alignment e Co Ing 10 Ne Mp11oMt Slabllind shoulders at least d' wide and a sodded dralmge a th tell oriels. (21 Na m•Mltatlon of site and extensions of existing Streets, APr-m•al Of the preliminaQQ yyea ing S' wide 1r' deep MIN A steps d i b I m dors L swales end new stylet nestle moat be used she M Subject b the fall Seats At least &M Inn 3 to 1 a Ne other aids X which will not duplicate or be Con - quallncatimst the Onto side ane At X eased with existing names. 1. Such approval data rid con. Curls and gutter X X Tangents: A Straight Wight At least stetub soh =tem to proceed Street Pving Sldewslks—s(ns dMg to city Stand&mA X ... 100' Ion( SMR Sepamte reverse With tae Mn tim until plans have Surface dramne(e—An Adequate drainage system shall M are, noxa marvel. been vpprmed qac No. a M1 I. Tided for the proper drainage Of All surface eater. heat we side Access: AdegMb whidulsf and 100 - 2 Approval of the pwlim•nen. drain• imil br provided Its aetam ata All "&hurl water both sides destrlan across should be prmdded to plat to tmbthRe Pending Nbmis plat Row and shall M Of NHions sought to permit full width 1=4_1sa gide all pa"IS sen and approval M the final roadways and the required natural Slopes The opening [mea 250(300! Acmes Cmeol: 14(Bit Ildvag Unit nlat of "we !rain[ shell M determined As the City Engineer 127 driveways should not detract from J. Approval at the prwlonpul ' using accepted methods AM Kmrds avdWblt X X the efficiency of bordering erterls) plat shall be sNeeRvs fen• me MI Punning Administrator ser no X X routes. veer unit lMreefbr as loss ea Nlverts and sruges qty ralada "b k TiMRet lead street ssw- wort )e m(Mvete pmgr mg M wo "clm WSW Runty be built S"Alfint b Dlan& and speelfiwtlMs �, We subdivider m4 Nhrdt b tem! should M dettgnld eta mine installation of required 1m- theproveTenta. Clb—q'atlm shall 500 TIN thtdugh traffic coMns. 200o Proposed by a demand "gineer And AP X s Seed: faAl streetseMld le so do- e. R im h] nil Nhd'vider of Droved by the Shot* smm d Health M +permed b' the (burin RanWnArt X ataned to dlecovrage excessive speM1. taw Manning nmtMISS to writ Phorate—aymtem Mired before streets are stn ed X X retroaction; Pedestrian - villi tea +pretzel of the pnlurcem Individual Awrvlm Ines—InStalied L Applim[em for TMs Rubdl- rMflid p Should M neftnt onrM for lea Nb plat b authr ganitaq Nater follows to mans sed 20 . 11IA minimum amount N A d)vidor M proceed with: (1) Me CID'—ai'erm shell M built AAcomMg 2S [PM should be devoted As street preparation d site proer•ies sle"Iflwnmt psepomd by • IlKnsed Engineer "d ape 250 220 plass and •pe("Mtms bend- proved by an sure ward a Health X X uses. $03MMS FOR STAFFS DESM topo[rapay. TWO@ drawings Should be at same smile as Me ArChItate rural site plan. Nhere an official street and drainage plan exists, it should M Sun" ed 'for purposes of comparison. I, Wnites MAteralt In addition to Me drawih Ra ether Pertinent Infofine- lion about, spots proposal must The snbmittef M preliminara' tone: Statistical Nmmxr Of pmposel, in. cluding: groan site area: street area;i net site area: number d each variety, Ad dwelling unit, and total number 0 dwelling unnss floor area per dwelling "it than And total Rm area; comm open space area and total open space or@&. Staging plan: a general time Wind. vie M expected mnipletim dabs of elements of plan. Financial plan: a Knmemo deseDP tiro M intended mans a financing the development SIM "d scope d shopping fadllRes, if an,. Sim and scope of any other tmt- munib facilities. PredminarY oweerxhio and maims n"M Plan d cbmmm open spam, If any. Certification d ownership of WWpe Within sd days M receipt of n "an. plate heth ecaiee wit taon ll the spsor w momlr a final submission b erica[• Aged. At cob time stn the e'ammisel well make bloat) My Conditions to ded be Inas Ali In the final Community each a allMe need It Mccommod fa• SUNNY la s need n accommodate SIMM. plans b than of ndtattnt Quest. Alp, the NdnmWlm cony, m. b. Quest Nal certain issionU M sub. emblfo Na Con with n m tadty tete cmminatlm MN other City Agencies. na] Sub TM Samors small proposal awl in - elude all Me following rMlenel: following mUDal:l: DMWbtl: All Ne drawings fmrttthe I)Mllminery AubMtbion must be re. submitted in an uptu.da s forth. PtTere street and drainage plans am new or altered, complete drawings conforming to the regmremenls of Ne qty Planning Commisaem and other approphae qty agencies must M Submitted at MIS time. Wdeea MaMr : All schedules end documents called for in 1M peri. minary Nbmsslm mart M submit. ted in formal form. It is Intended Net. by Me time tea few Submlesim is made, the qwm mission and staff will have been Ade- quately hammed during USE develop rent of final documents SO Net Me fine[ reapOnse mit may be mini mind. and ao Net any problems which tray haw Mlaen con M re, Solved during preperalim of final dommaats. WIthn d dsya of receipt of a mm plated final Submission. Ne Commis. s+on will take anmmeau vetiver nsir. POPOa Man M +ppm bat Bit Y.iltyl. Sezeett Trifle Cmfi note be e Confuter Streets solved X X Summate art ca nm ==1 minimum uber ofInbrMtLMa. BRA AK^f design ml- H Gmrmtees M Ila at street Men: The arrangement M �. Density OCb6B dlw140 Vrbae Rural Vrban ural Urban Rural �pncifsS• 3009-11001 sop••1{QO! 0, 300•oltOD1 300'-1{00• 3 330•-1e001 300'-11001 Soo•0Q4001 3001-14081 .axiS:Ic•eiway 50• cot say ao• eon son eo• so• MOM Width no 2$t 281 241 40.0 sot e09 Sao Seder vertle, 61 sheo2• wertlw s1 shoal• vertiw E1 shools, rot t. a1 Shoals, a th tell oriels. (21 Na m•Mltatlon of site etl narb 6 lora s swales cal curb 6 dors L swales u1 curb 6 ders 8 wales eat curb 6 cars S sales Setter or roll enrb Z'tter or roll curb Sutter or roll curb Sutter or roll curb Chi-S""t 14rRis2 ens se_de tone none none both sides noxa prmnah of BB Raul phi of nose s1Le%alk we side ems We One »predumbie treneparent both sides nage side beta sides ear side 1=4_1sa gide lot us 234"61 250(300! 15t 1511 lit 127 "Rol net "I TannlnR lYanmiYim's sp As ray, Na NMion" Filters ase m Agreenwel m Cm- ■6t% SY) In the in MI Punning Administrator ser no bah wlm me CBs. It the Sunn r Jr. P"St flal Abets Domed -End Streets 11RI M Me preim " Nat is qty ralada �, We subdivider m4 Nhrdt b chooses M begin his tmrtmcum !.rnatb 500 1000 200o Soo lots wide, temps where Scintigraphy,wldfh fur approwl d me final Nat (lit eppees an »pmdaetims ansa-� Aidius (AM 3o 5o r,tm Which Man mi all �• Use requited Impnv"renU, he ml- other physical featuring will m per. L Applim[em for TMs Rubdl- 25esign 5:)eea 25 SA 20 25 30 33 2S 30 S1e':t Ms amG tt centerline 2i0 250 220 371 350 3SO ISO ism Ltarsec'tiou to Curb Get sot toe $of 501 s01 SOI Sol (50T £etsen Gorb Cuts 251 251 252 2s• 309 301 301 3c• Street Lighting Yes Yes miesia. Pa'wtbNle pgyre [dicot Yes Provide fat Initb lines and NAam Yes bdud. Bre Ittoerne Installed topo[rapay. TWO@ drawings Should be at same smile as Me ArChItate rural site plan. Nhere an official street and drainage plan exists, it should M Sun" ed 'for purposes of comparison. I, Wnites MAteralt In addition to Me drawih Ra ether Pertinent Infofine- lion about, spots proposal must The snbmittef M preliminara' tone: Statistical Nmmxr Of pmposel, in. cluding: groan site area: street area;i net site area: number d each variety, Ad dwelling unit, and total number 0 dwelling unnss floor area per dwelling "it than And total Rm area; comm open space area and total open space or@&. Staging plan: a general time Wind. vie M expected mnipletim dabs of elements of plan. Financial plan: a Knmemo deseDP tiro M intended mans a financing the development SIM "d scope d shopping fadllRes, if an,. Sim and scope of any other tmt- munib facilities. PredminarY oweerxhio and maims n"M Plan d cbmmm open spam, If any. Certification d ownership of WWpe Within sd days M receipt of n "an. plate heth ecaiee wit taon ll the spsor w momlr a final submission b erica[• Aged. At cob time stn the e'ammisel well make bloat) My Conditions to ded be Inas Ali In the final Community each a allMe need It Mccommod fa• SUNNY la s need n accommodate SIMM. plans b than of ndtattnt Quest. Alp, the NdnmWlm cony, m. b. Quest Nal certain issionU M sub. emblfo Na Con with n m tadty tete cmminatlm MN other City Agencies. na] Sub TM Samors small proposal awl in - elude all Me following rMlenel: following mUDal:l: DMWbtl: All Ne drawings fmrttthe I)Mllminery AubMtbion must be re. submitted in an uptu.da s forth. PtTere street and drainage plans am new or altered, complete drawings conforming to the regmremenls of Ne qty Planning Commisaem and other approphae qty agencies must M Submitted at MIS time. Wdeea MaMr : All schedules end documents called for in 1M peri. minary Nbmsslm mart M submit. ted in formal form. It is Intended Net. by Me time tea few Submlesim is made, the qwm mission and staff will have been Ade- quately hammed during USE develop rent of final documents SO Net Me fine[ reapOnse mit may be mini mind. and ao Net any problems which tray haw Mlaen con M re, Solved during preperalim of final dommaats. WIthn d dsya of receipt of a mm plated final Submission. Ne Commis. s+on will take anmmeau vetiver nsir. POPOa Man M +ppm bat Bit afgatr onnarfan X X Trifle Cmfi note be e log: in) s••eet Tone& pmAt@a NMea r tic • eCn ion IRMb "r w lima—msUlled before solved X X Summate art ca nm ==1 minimum uber ofInbrMtLMa. BRA AK^f design ml- H Gmrmtees M Ila at street Men: The arrangement M b- p,iA an A'v Ms and %. 1h) CUWim<. Ili: alarm drainafre Ing. fnb" imwevewsab Ionil sirens shOule pernnt eoai Fdleelag apleel l of eat Mal Plat •t•ne Planning Cnmmisslm may ape cal and incomings pan' septi Ind pbne, end apedRwtbna ryxed by 1M Punnmg rbmmissim the Plat prove Plat d a arses d deMlopnmt Pmels. scans, tar amts analyaea shall rr Submitted Na City Rosh allMeSubdivision b the insblletln d all Me ra e bus TnPgnDM1r: Local etrceb sande be and deign miminnms end rel o M Dluedms ion From apprpyel. prim o ImprovemMnta R Ne N1M1- related M topograph>'. water and sewer plans. profiles pyben ne final Plat Me been ape vier: E. use his and sDecifivatlms Acid ice Droved tar the qty HwM d Ditty Desodb sash or • PerMrmanca Dep DeYfra Rtandaedei by design wlcWallmA, to M rat WE. Man Nbrpil the eaering, fid' ✓tach d4 d mea w •per- Odlnvf viewed +ed tW Sty d- t original dnwMg. with Na approval aj whit City WV M farmance bend with cods htwM SKed 2So f TSP a th tell oriels. (21 Na m•Mltatlon of site M Me City cettined therapy. to tea fo the MWaled M to 8i(M Disbntt W ft qr R eight Impmvemmts after plans and rimming Adrolnisbslw to be Island M amount peel et no hmpmvem"ns es do- Oradea winds ion' rat 1v(, prWeim fat such itnprma ft by Ne qty Chert with Ne CaMb by e.t PermMCITY 75s have been approved by Me Ate by the Clngtneer or E Minimum angio M. officials, end (m) Recorder as no offldal put d rule Mhrr City oOtmal for the entire Nb Minimum Curb Radius prmnah of BB Raul phi of '•Mw divieMn m pmefm ihrreof. Upon Manor streets m0' Nr preparatlm the su dltislon W of a portico ami One »predumbie treneparent aadpf&es0" C vieum a Ilse ion• Collecbr Streets Sr SD the subdivision. ler' copy Containin¢ me ttrtlficetim ma firnvenlents, ice Nbdivid" May Welh- Minimum Jose of Bre qty Bard of Ie &Mil m City l S ll draw any deposit made. Minor frtreeU Lim Sono' R "Rol net "I TannlnR lYanmiYim's sp As ray, Na NMion" Filters ase m Agreenwel m Cm- Coiteda Streets A]b 10m In the in MI Punning Administrator ser no bah wlm me CBs. It the Sunn r Jr. P"St flal Abets 11RI M Me preim " Nat is qty ralada �, We subdivider m4 Nhrdt b chooses M begin his tmrtmcum Width: iii c A scall M tea lien d • Morning AdminbtoW An +pplb Tb@ subdivider shall submit slay" program Or to sots limb within Me lots wide, temps where Scintigraphy,wldfh fur approwl d me final Nat (lit eppees an »pmdaetims NMeveStm prim b the mStgWlm d highways. utility M r,tm Which Man mi all Of ee Original enw g to Me Tan- Use requited Impnv"renU, he ml- other physical featuring will m per. L Applim[em for TMs Rubdl- ring AdmbieMo " Net me may enter Into a with" Rsreement win mit it Haim Plot Approval Men " Is Bye nanmm CeMmhabn. Bre Cin, Whim shall lr d de but tatgtht Ste&@ Mall be at Inst Am 3 Pawn"t M the fine pal Me res ea , WE City water and rid M Inspired Its the following tat- feet Img, but n0 letter than 1,100 in sewer reap Mt. mw Pty fe' dims: feet. b. TM e r i g 1 n • 1 Mmedadbie mrtment. that Rediesns tnSmcmr, the no Final Tet Is eMerwee ape 0 Fa M" rRins"nont "Mylnf appy of Ila WE o M"7, tea Electric mmanv, Vf bit by the Planning Cpmmir Easemenb at INet 2P widt MSR M I' -,al substitution Plat alma with toe "Iephme (xamPny. NurthweM RM, tendered along may ice Idiom and fair aapoenrnaw m Cmra 4 Ar nna Ragl l Planning Cern' no required imptev"re to atoll •Img side IM linen when needed b Std rnal Nat wlerso put doll miesia. Pa'wtbNle pgyre [dicot M Irtsrells It all tea Improve- Provide fat Initb lines and NAam bdud. Bre Ittoerne Installed AdmMt tbM n, sed Be Cib Clert meals Mve not Man prissuded. drainage. Tha Tanning O issim tear f' -AI pian M *u F. hat Wads receipts, aphid no period M M axed by the may regain larger res "m tea l A#Mr ever the bateau D. bfarmw Tat m mm The terms of any surib major utility linea unusual wmin mart Indicated M the DMI Nat When a properly a�I" wiabem b mnAitt"l Final Tat Appmvl M drainage Problems and/or rkgmsd by t oaul•- transfer large Varttls M pmPerty in shall be irdrd An Me Final Plat b, iG RWdeaWl leis tion{ atm M MslaVod m cam- arts d meant less Net do nM Me Planning (tam Wm bdera no TM on and design of Ids Wil almmed which aswmw Rae to"" "Sting dedimbme, vaw- Find Plat is filed for me ; Bud Conform to neprm'Islms of Me Consist at: tonna, reaervatime. Changes in ell"- when Me mrMibma have Men mel. timing ominance where p mg Is M With Na efty b 04 "o�tllte�t .wade MIS fact shall M noted by In* Cos'' effectre . Whom no Main[ applies iiia I A reacted rmnwd tatem•w (World the me An. ext umtles Clerk m Me orlgieel remfdgl Nat following slandamt shall: means whim embed awl ben- Planning C niiaslon ret] waiw eM with his matim to be attested by Mlal = Ste•dards: that npnaPam9 AT tea avid- PKltmiMry Tet and &p a IM the County Rexawder. Urban lima) cab division BJR he I- led bo Me Final Rat for filing win the County C. Mambnanre Gvarantea Area 8.00 10.51110 Cin man tea imlWmemanU a» Recorder. Approval MA M signed An aecepbble mIWt"enm hand Width TO 123 Wait and accepts Iry one MTotm m seers of the Shall M provided M Me Amount of Side Sem in 10 (2) M asmmAAmble surety limit rimming Companions re the ba of the emtod ptiw at the humeri Rear Yard m 2D "u ting Installation, d ne�e1m meet Blame detrimentalM werkmanehip SIM: The sin and amm of no MIS required impr^vem"U. unit maurlals fm a period of Me shall not M required b (mfortn to (31 A mat deport s1v(K1 seg fo lVhen Me inbdhrd" Wb IU s Plat vena from tea data of acceptance d any atlOuuted PaWrn but. insofar ` a stimabd mR IM pm centRM e to We rNming tbmwal+sjm he scall Such Improwm"te TM bond shall as Predicable. udt tat Vnee should 1 a this required lmpospnenb. Krait Me following fees: M filed win the City F.matr@i prim be at right angles to etraeghl street (e) Mrtmwllm b] tea Chl' PretldnarR Put (trim M no ac PWt - of Me Impece Imes Or mWi M minimal street lines. Manager net At Y"wb is anal Pette > up mmu by We City When a tract of unit is suMbided Mw beta bsblls titM D. Ce m d Aaeebe(rs Into larger Man normull lots. each M application fat ap M"d d a Real d im TM Cry •boli nM have any respt soh sell b AS Arrgn*d m to KDmI Nbdlvisbn plat shall be mbr iNed M P. PIM R"Uhw nab Simony with respect to Any street. AT the ing al locatima and Opening of Me Planning Admmistnbr cot ]ria no Ardennes Nat shell M dawn ether lmprm•enMb, nolwtNa &ng future stmeb and Sppmprbte re Man 1S days Iwtm b me meeting Of in waterproof ink An molar for ice use d no Mme by no While. subdniSim of Ne lobo, Borth pmvi- the Planning Commisflm at which mM1er reproducible. stable Most mm- nnlese the Sheet w otliwr IMProw- utility nnedims scan for adequate m consldemtion is requests bull at a Seen M I., - for a menu WR MCA Men ae<eped by for Net re-Nbdlvrsim. Within W days alley rettipl d to V = 700' asderided by tea qty the City. Y LAreeo DevOlOP r rim[ put. amumtlm and other is Tmneng AdmWlg r. ®leets shall poor b m"W"g final npeplantt A development plan meet be sub - quirts drormAHm. the P1gmm1 M ls• S a"' d streets and eeninsy and (torn milted to the Tanner (lanmissim Ct"missim shell epProw a itis PIM IMerm•llm: Tvs following Ian- mewera the drveloper shall furriM for BAY special dev@i p U urger the final Dlat, whits aD fmmatlm Shall M submitted M the 'In-buil'• dorrpirs M MpreduciNe Man Mw gem such as »sededual approve pmx'al m dissonant mall M amt- MarringCanmiss,m for a plat re fort". NMIHsims with aartmenb and ..mumented to Me &P*D t m WDb r:M and apprm'al no City Ma1L withinw,thirty (mai row balsea. •hopped[ atn[erf, mMlle _. rMdl mm "MPI Inr,rMal days after flow oubhe improvrm"ts home parka, Industrial sites or recrre- f.GNERAL nal real nal have been o fared for dedlcabnn to such times whether they Ara Nb ]lime and address a Owner, deper. emalmn. sur- the qty, sccept the improvement{ abided into Ices or rid. Ndividual along with Water coarses and rook mlemwmg X ..- — pmvlded the bnwovim"U have Ices for Single family cane• M A 1 RdWd Om name. date, gm" vette, north bean ®aD 4 be *confidence wren di$lrid aro excluded from Ws l tat Trow, Soma[@ and Amen[ di"d Z X X the rotpift rib and amendment of The plan Wn show: Late description of tea Property with dimensions this ^meaanw and the SPecifimtlms The larmtlon of buildings. Outdoor Rol angles sufficient to locale kit Imes m tea of Me City. no developer Shall advertising and improvements an Me ¢mend. Lob and black AMR M Identified. }urian prod Mkt All impmve U lots; boundaries shell M shown by distance, And an free of rein And debt. no lossi sin and errang"amt -�m sal M uwted by sectim. range [. l)Z1MGmE RTANDARDg of Curb cob, drivMays, parking and and township and by Corporate limitsZ Z X These mneaeds am Mended In help loading ar"s; tecellm and deaenplem d all StakesX Ne developw achieve development Nat TM proposed stern d MW. land - Bud uents d mnnm — X Is rife etfldenle plmWlt, s idle b KapML planning and IT r a it 1 n g Vicinity sketch in sivrw Me relatims Of put be build and eery• b m murn. Changes; Aimed; and development NrrouMmg tea sura A. Va"Rtlms The proposed utility Imes And esAe- division also other Information plamested b' the pmvisims a Nen Standards Ram menta: .-.uing Comms :Pll % X am Shown be Mt NMiHd" b must The Kop dedimtlms for v'sm- Pfelmmerr anal tnlormal undue hardship as they apply to his thins. EXISTt\T. CONDpt'10NS nal Tat Plat DDapaed subtivisim, tea qty Pun- Ihrge same developments AM to be Coabbl tiyyurraphy at taw foot rmtmr ti ring Cmuninim may front a var. reviewed an their mdbidal tmems along win water rtureem and rock mbcroppnif X .-- X once to We Subdivider from such upon specific application of a devpmop I.Oratim and names ce existing nr platted DroWebnF A^ Met substantial Itt, er. The develtpmept shall M approved streets And uW,b esswnenis WIMM or nK may be time and the public W. lav the Planning Commission before abutting the subdivisim Z X X Unrest femred; provided Mat Na building permits mayM issued. Any LA tem of all prominent As fmtum Nch as vsreetlm will ett haw W Offset d substantial derlatinn frau me Ran buildings. mtmseds. arks, nullifying ice Ment and Pmw@ of %elopment Pians shall M grounds for - creeks and public open Spm X — — this oHinanw. dental of building Permits unless Rama M adjacent NMivlstres and In grontMg verimnms and rtiolNm- changes art resubmitted and spproled -@when of adjacent 1,10141 X dome, the Fuming ca issm puny by the Tanning CCpretation. PtetlMbe] FIRM hof of impose Nth emanate as will, M W Prdbminsty Sobmlmlm Location and Stan of UlditY braes, xr+W psi buying Judson"t. mature NMlannenr the The spernaM WR submt the following g• yelverte, wood areas. isles. RSM plains and mderground objectives of Me standards m re- materiel, during the Preparation d • hstallatems antro at adjacent to the NMivisrm X quimm"ts a0 varied or modified which Ne spl apt 1a encouraged to 'PROPORAIR Phi TM no B. Cmf^rmlb keep Me Cevmrlfsim informed As bin QeaerRf CralnAge Plan X ... TTe sub,170sim shall emAmm b Ne progress and to Consult with Nen of I ina" Plan Both proposed ouU end RRA .-. X __ offrial plans and ttgulatims Mat env queeums or problems ansa. Sued joeetlm anti dimensions of all Proposed for Imes. make up the Canwehensive plan M. tonsWutlon Will speed the process As IM and bmek ambers. building lines, street eluding the asnd use plan. Me street approval. 'cknes, eaumenls, dedimtems And reservations X X X plan. Accent a til. setback At Drawings: (Near: Siert si»f should PAdul and linear dimensions. McludiM ARgles, ban panne, Me Community facilities pian be no larger than 2!"X36" Mme Man Klercnee OR true Nan. and distances ad- "d the tionlM commerce. m@ sheet may M used.) ..IMS, +- fedent b MPr um no past m the ground X It For a Prlod M six (61 months Atter site plan Mowing existing features: F'Dgaosed use of all land In the Nbdjrlsion X "bmneng an apNlmnm for on, Contours at P Intervals, low[Im and Illcation and sire a utility lines X X .... proal d m Frriminary Tal win diameter d all trees 6" in diameter tion and size Or any pr^pertI' M M deTwMll m Ne Planning Commission, no Plan' and larger• lomitlm of wale[ murete, reserved win Conditions for special vseg X IT was Cammusbn may require the ponds and streams, existing star- P f%'MR]fA4"0N TO RUPPIlott NT Trc1lmlmq Teal Informal subdivider to reserve at" for white tures and mads, and env most tea. Of 'INE PWT PIM PIM Tal use Mat aro indicated within We turps: anrh as large rock interop Letter of transmittal X X X boundaries of ice si a dml Nbdivi. Pings, whim may be distinctive or A Profiles M street and Sim wltich are indicated m an As unusual an a partlmler Site. Single: ui.'. itv plans with Profiles X bristly adopted den• to permit Me I" -100. Prolective rm'enants X X X Pelle board, commissim or body Site se limn Sufficient to indicate Certificate of Survey and pimratw by Nrieyw .. X X caving jurudidim or financial re- the malor sits profiles, PKnnted at cecpficate of ownerMtp, title and dedimtim __ X X smnfibillty the opportunity to ae same $idle am sib pian. Cprtnir m M aemreq by the developer x mems" X quese nid sites. An architectural site plan (bowing signature block for Me qb Planning Commission X X X The subdivider it No omim may pmmsed sheab. Id sins and 5 ishisturr block to certlr- RPoveval M streets. sue provide such gross or max' he re shares. parking, -Curb ala all mento, grading, and dmoage by WE qty Earthen ._ X X quired b make them Available fm pedestrian ways, Placement$ M Signature block to certify ameDtanq of deitmUma amubltlm by Me qty under slalu- buildings An IW, earimwlty foods. Is the Civ Smim of Dlretws X X I= rVisesIUM. All NM areas shell ties and span since locatim and Signature block for Rehr A Sewn Fort. Be be maintained It the egp"n Be the treatment Scale: 1"_loon. certify State Ranh hp. approval qlv w Other body which may M in. Drawings m models IMlwting the of WSW and ewer pian _ X X voided. front dimensional character d the esuaranl"a in lieu a fmprevemenns (bond• mkt The PSAntrg Cmominirn may rl- proPsal in an emirate wev. The Air contract with qty or Comb's _ X X quire the subdivider to establish drawMgs may M peopedivee, see- n 1liPROVE.l1rocTS building lines b allow for future ac tam& elervabms, wxmomethm or iso Peiore Final Plat apprmal may be granted by The Tapping g isM , the SuA quirtim a ri[M-d-way for arterial metria In any combination m at any divider shall My@ Installed w Mall have made Pmwim b MMil. e1N" at his streets. Male tet is appropriate for aam- expann or in accordance with no oximbng Pod" M Ne qty. We following im- C. neat for Devebprnat municalh[ Me Mender a to pro provements, of of which must Mve prim approval by the Pulling Commission. Raced An topographic maps. Sell Poel. A. RwgMred Imprmemab survey prepared by ice Digsza sit (Required rely where am m alteued Two Sets of regmred emnrO%e MU Ara listed IWlm. TM t ie M"tg luted at Amrlo tubo and drainage in. Street Plan is included mart d Bob. to A Wll M metalled In urban development• win loan "WI" Man ion ride fomutim friend Me oompreh"ive musico.) Preliminary abets and and 10,500 square fed Ia area Net an served by tnr•imWily fewer and water Plan, the Planning Canmissim may drainage Duns. sharing Cignm"t d facilities. no requirements ItstM under R mar be installed In suburb" sub require test steep grades. hatable straight and direCiim of RM d rtotm dM ms wrh lots larger than 100' and 10,500 quare feet in aha Must ars on sent and need Nims M tel aside and sanitary Mwen M i:dW 10 wan tea IMW Action IS app eiri. Ate, W NmpuINIM will move ex- pedlBM[L9 to hold uta hearing and make its report W Na City Board M Directors. en tea event that a sposmr N early' wishes b make minor moodu if. canpyn M an approved development., inch modifications shall M Submit. ted b Ne C ftnion in a form which ComMrce Ne approved eubmis- xim with the desired Changes. The Cammissim may authorize such ion• nor modificehm wethml public Mery Inas or City Bard of Dlredom ao� bon. Mento m•MdICIUMS sepanlly MY M mnstmed b mean subMm- tons M one approved house type for another, or aninor vatlatlms M place- ment M buildings in such a way that Me overall limits M apwmed Door area, open space or moms Par aced are not mereesed. Any Nbstanbal Change$ from an ap Proved plan will M Subject M the mama procedure as nM NbnlseiML AIM flTaRT ATION A. Interpretation tvTen a developer or property owner desegMs with an interpretation M Nese regulations by Me Planning AdmMulretor, it MY M Appealed b the Planning Commisslon for a d! ewon. B. Appeal In the event Na plat as submitted by the applicant is di Mppmved by Me Planntos (xmrmenon, the apple. cant may petition Ne Qty Board of Di»clon for a review M the put vote. The Pearl of Directors may sustain Ne disapproved M We Cam miMim or refer Ne plat back to Ne Planning Commiulm for restudy and for such action as may M mnsiet. Bat win Na repUARA Erms AT Mese regulaums. C. Sovereignty It any Mctim. Paarmah, clause, person or part M Men subdlxision regulations is for My reason invalid, such decision thall not Affect Ne validity of the Mountains provisions Of Men mvu tims and Me appli- cation of thou pmveeeme to any persons or efrmmgrencem WII not M effected thereby. D. EUMrcmment In order to carry out Ne purposes of Me" McNlaums and to Ensure an orderly program a land devel^pm"t after Me Effective date Of thew reg- matimf: No plat of any tram of lA-11, within We planning area turd tion of WE Meaning Coma Sim shell M accepted h' CountyO- •. o - less th• ... .. _. by th• NO ro bounds or tiAo, definition M surd 1 Oempllan with Me provisems of this on I amendments tllercb stall 1 mitted, This provision is A at preventing any attempt in cumvent Mese mgmatima h- veyeng by metes and I,,n out taking the nesis.sa filing an approved p, No dedimtlm of strew; *(monied b' Me City ur;r uses of the adjoining affected is shown; R the Prise of Ing Ne stilet u to MAkr famed bond avaiuhe. •, a subdivbim• she strer M accepted until acid: Me respond Net No building permit Mau tat ed for censtleimm M any t, Ing. no Pbon. him w cnm lion Mall sell an Offer f, any lot, no water, siv electric sai shot' Ad! b !Ke any stet••. - lot, nor awl any corn cepled for dedicatlm by Mp ty Recorder unless: (1) no building or strUMUK WAS r listed wore Me adolmm n ordinanK; (2) Me lea is pm" a Nbdm9tre approved In Meaning �isslOn, P. Am@dmmts on any proposed sm�-' West regulations. Ne Pc, mission shall bond s for which fifteen ,. notice in a coral oral dlstributinn Following such a Eard of D1rMtors r amendment Or amemmnl-• ommended by Me Plana aim or as determined by vote of the (hty Boom M In LY.GAI• STATUS A. Coanicang orft n Repeal, All ordinances or Parts of ore cog of the City d Fayetteville in co Dict herewith. including but not I1- mred An Ne following ordinances, are hereby repealed: Ordinance Na Item, NO. l"'M and No. 1390. S. Fllntive Dab This ordinance Ming necessary any the preeervmim of the public Pett, health. comfort, Convenience. ma rets, safety and welfare Of the City Of Fayetteville, an emergency D do- flared to exist and its Ordinance shell be in full force from Ne date d Its approval. AMMD AND APPROVED the gib day July, Tra. lindane Melton, Jr., Mayor 112ST: Marilyn Mean. City q"k. 14 Urban Suburban A.11 B Water Supply City - system shall be built according to plans and speci- fications prepared by a licensed engineer and approved by the State Board of Health x Private - system shall be approved by the County Sani- tarian x Individual Service Lines installed before before streets are paved x x Sanitary Sewer System City - system shall be built according to plans and speci- fications prepared by a licensed engineer and approved by the State Board of Health x x Private - system shall be approved by the County Sani- tarian x Individual Service Lines installed before -streets efore-streets are paved x x B. Guarantees in Lieu of Installed Improvements The Planning Commission may approve the Final Plat of a subdivision prior to the installation of all the re- quired improvements if the subdivider: De osits Cash or a Performance Bond. Such deposits o cas or a per ormance on wit the City shall be in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the im- provements as determined by the City Engineer or other city official for the entire subdivision or portion thereof. Upon satisfactory completion of the improvements, the subdivider may withdraw any deposit made. Enters into an Agreement or Contract with the City. If the subdivider chooses to begin his construction program or to sell lots within the subdivision prior 14 DEED 785 PAGE3350 C D. to the installation of the required improvements, he may enter into a written agreement with the City, which shall include but not be limited to the follow- ing conditions: The Final Plat is otherwise approvable by the Planning Commission. The required improvements shall be installed, if all the improvements have not been provided, with- in the period to be fixed by the contract. The terms of any such conditional Final Plat Approval shall be noted on the Final Plat by the Planning Commission before the Final Plat is filed for record; and when the conditions have been met, this fact shall be noted by the City Clerk on the original recorded plat with his notation to be attested by the County Recorder. Maintenance Guarantee An acceptable maintenance bond shall be provided in the amount of the contract price of the improvement against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one years from the date of acceptance of such improvements. The bond shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to the acceptance of the improve - ments by the City. Condition of Acceptance The City shall not have any responsibility spect to any street, or other improvements, standing the use of the same by the public, the street or other improvements shall have cepted by the City, with re- notwith- unless been ac - Prior to requesting final acceptance of streets and sanitary and storm sewers the developer shall furnish "as -built" drawings in reproducible form. The City shall, within thirty (30) days after the public improvements have been offered for dedication to the City, accept the improvements provided the improvements have .been constructed in accordance with the requirements and conditions of this ordinance and the specifications of the City. The developer shall furnish proof that all improvements are free of lein is DEED 85 PAGE35i is C 0 The Planning Commission may require the subdivider to establish building lines to allow for future acquisi- tion of right-of-way for arterial streets. Fitness for Development Based on topographic maps, soil surveys prepared by the Department of Agriculture and drainage information from the comprehensive plan, the Planning Commission may require that steep grades, unstable soil and flood plains be set aside and not subdivided until correc- tions are made to protect life, health and property. Street Design Principles Extensions: All street extensions shall be projected at tie same or greater width, but in no case less than the standards. Substandard Widths: Subdivisions that adjoin existing streets shall e icate additional right-of-way to meet the minimum widths listed. Street Names: Names of streets shall be consistent w1tT_n_a_t_u_r_aI alignment and extensions of existing streets, and new street names must be used which will not duplicate or be confused with existing names. Tangents: A straight tangent at least 100' long shall separate reverse curves. Access: Adequate vehicular and pedestrian access sFoulJ be provided to all parcels. Access Control: Local streets and driveways should not detract rom the efficiency of bordering arterial routes. Through Traffic: Local street systems should be �ignninimize through traffic movements. Speed: Local streets should be designed to discourage excessive speeds. Pedestrians: Pedestrian -vehicular conflict points s ou e minimized. Economy: A minimum amount of space should be devoted to street uses. 17 DEED 785 PAGET)3 17 E. • Traffic Conflict: intersections. • There should be a minimum number of Street Pattern: The arrangement of local streets should permit economical and,practical patterns, shapes and sizes of development parcels. To_ pography: Local streets should be related to topog- rap lyai Intersections Design Standards: Ordinary Hilly Approach Speed 25mph 20mph Sight Distance 90 ft 70 ft Grades within 100' Flat I 4% 0 0 Minimum angle 75 75 Minimum Curb Radius Minor Streets 30' 30' Collector Streets s0, .50, Minimum Jogs Minor Streets 150' 150' Collector Streets 200' 2001. F. Residential Blocks Width: Blocks shall be two tiers of lots wide, except w�iere topography,. highways, railroads, utility lines or other physical features will not .permit it.. Length: Blocks shall be at least 400 feet long, but no than 1,400 feet. G. Easements Easements at least 251 wide shall be centered along rear lot lines and along side lot lines where needed to provide for utility lines and surface drainage. The Planning Commission may require larger easements for major utility lines, unusual terrain or drainage problems. �7 HU 0785 KE�SS'� 19 6 H.' Residential Lots The use and design of lots shall conform to the pro- visions of the zoning ordinance where zoning is in effect. Where no zoning applies the following stan- dards shall: Minimum Standards: Area Width Side Yard Rear Yard Urban Rural 89000 100500 70 125 10 -10 20 _ 20 Size: The size and shape of the lots shall not required to conform to any stipulated pattern but, insofar as practicable, side lot lines should be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines. When a tract of land is subdivided into larger than normal lots, such lots shall be so arranged as to permit the logical location and opening of future streets and appropriate re -subdivision of the lots, with provision for adequate utility connections for such re -subdivision. I. Large -Scale Development A development plan must be submitted to the Planning Commission for any special developments larger than one acre such as residential subdivisions with apart- ments and row houses, shopping centers, mobile home parks, -industrial sites or recreation areas whether _ they are subdivided into_lots or not. si'Individual lots for single family homes in A-1 district are excluded from this rule. The plan shall show: The location of buildings, outdoor advertising and improvements on the lots; The location, size and arrangement of curb cuts, driveways, parking and loading areas; The proposed storm drainage, landscaping, planting and grading changes; DEED I�J PAGEc3u. 20 21. The proposed utility lines and easements; The proposed dedications or vacations, Large Acale•developments are to be reviewed on their individual merits upon specific application of a devel- oper. The development shall be approved by the Planning j Commission before building permits may be issued. Any: substantial deviation from the development plans shall; — — be grounds for denial of building permits unless changes are resubmitted and approved by the Planning Commission. Preliminary Submission The sponsor shall submit the following material, during . the preparation of which the.sponso.r is encouraged to keep the Commission informed of his progress and to consult with them if any questions or problems arise, Such consultation will speed the process of approval. Drawings: (Note: Sheet sizes should be no larger t Nan� xWl More than one sheet may be used.) Site plan showing existing features: contours at 5' intervals, location and diameter of all trees 6" in 'diameter and larger, location of water courses, ponds and streams, existing structures and roads, and any other features, such as large rock outcroppings, which may be distinctive, or unusual on a -particular site. Scale: 1"=1001. - Site sections sufficient to indicate the major site profiles, presented at same scale as site plan. An architectural site plan showing proposed streets, lot sizes and shapes, parking, curb cuts, all•pedes= trian ways, placements of buildings on lots, com- munity facilities and open space location and treat- ment, Scale: 1"=1001 . Drawings or models indicating the.three dimensional character of the proposal in an accurate way. The drawings may be perspectives, sections, elevations, axonometrics or, isometrics in any combination or at any scale that is appropriate for communicating the character of -the proposal. (Required only where new or altered street plan is included as part of submission.) Preliminary street and drainage plans, showing alignment of streets and GEEG *785 PAGE 357 ..: r _ t 21. The proposed utility lines and easements; The proposed dedications or vacations, Large Acale•developments are to be reviewed on their individual merits upon specific application of a devel- oper. The development shall be approved by the Planning j Commission before building permits may be issued. Any: substantial deviation from the development plans shall; — — be grounds for denial of building permits unless changes are resubmitted and approved by the Planning Commission. Preliminary Submission The sponsor shall submit the following material, during . the preparation of which the.sponso.r is encouraged to keep the Commission informed of his progress and to consult with them if any questions or problems arise, Such consultation will speed the process of approval. Drawings: (Note: Sheet sizes should be no larger t Nan� xWl More than one sheet may be used.) Site plan showing existing features: contours at 5' intervals, location and diameter of all trees 6" in 'diameter and larger, location of water courses, ponds and streams, existing structures and roads, and any other features, such as large rock outcroppings, which may be distinctive, or unusual on a -particular site. Scale: 1"=1001. - Site sections sufficient to indicate the major site profiles, presented at same scale as site plan. An architectural site plan showing proposed streets, lot sizes and shapes, parking, curb cuts, all•pedes= trian ways, placements of buildings on lots, com- munity facilities and open space location and treat- ment, Scale: 1"=1001 . Drawings or models indicating the.three dimensional character of the proposal in an accurate way. The drawings may be perspectives, sections, elevations, axonometrics or, isometrics in any combination or at any scale that is appropriate for communicating the character of -the proposal. (Required only where new or altered street plan is included as part of submission.) Preliminary street and drainage plans, showing alignment of streets and GEEG *785 PAGE 357 ..: r _ 21. The proposed utility lines and easements; The proposed dedications or vacations, Large Acale•developments are to be reviewed on their individual merits upon specific application of a devel- oper. The development shall be approved by the Planning j Commission before building permits may be issued. Any: substantial deviation from the development plans shall; — — be grounds for denial of building permits unless changes are resubmitted and approved by the Planning Commission. Preliminary Submission The sponsor shall submit the following material, during . the preparation of which the.sponso.r is encouraged to keep the Commission informed of his progress and to consult with them if any questions or problems arise, Such consultation will speed the process of approval. Drawings: (Note: Sheet sizes should be no larger t Nan� xWl More than one sheet may be used.) Site plan showing existing features: contours at 5' intervals, location and diameter of all trees 6" in 'diameter and larger, location of water courses, ponds and streams, existing structures and roads, and any other features, such as large rock outcroppings, which may be distinctive, or unusual on a -particular site. Scale: 1"=1001. - Site sections sufficient to indicate the major site profiles, presented at same scale as site plan. An architectural site plan showing proposed streets, lot sizes and shapes, parking, curb cuts, all•pedes= trian ways, placements of buildings on lots, com- munity facilities and open space location and treat- ment, Scale: 1"=1001 . Drawings or models indicating the.three dimensional character of the proposal in an accurate way. The drawings may be perspectives, sections, elevations, axonometrics or, isometrics in any combination or at any scale that is appropriate for communicating the character of -the proposal. (Required only where new or altered street plan is included as part of submission.) Preliminary street and drainage plans, showing alignment of streets and GEEG *785 PAGE 357 ..: direction of flow of storm and sanitary sewers in relation to topography. These drawings should be at same scale as the architectural site plan. Where an official street and drainage plan exists, it should be submitted for purposes of comparison. Written Material: In addition to the drawings, other .pertinent in ormation about sponsor's proposal must be submitted in preliminary form: Statistical summary of proposal, including: gross site area; street area; net site area; number of each variety of dwelling unit, and total number of dwelling units; floor area per dwelling unit type and total floor area; common open space area and total open space area, Staging plan: a general time schedule of expected completion dates of elements of plan. Financial plan: a general description of intended means of financing the development. Size and scope of shopping facilities,.if any. Size and scope of any other community facilities. Preliminary ownership and maintenance plan of Nom - mon open space, if any. Certification_ of ownership of property. Within 45 days of receipt of a complete preliminary submission,.the Commission will tell the sponsor whether a final submission is encouraged. At this time also the Commission will make known any conditions to be included in the final submis- sion,.such as allowance for community facilities or the need to accommodate street plans to those of adjacent areas. Also, the.Commission may request that certain documents be submitted to the Commission to facilitate coordination with other City agencies. Final Submission The sponsor's final proposal shall include all the WJ DEED PAGE'ji)� 22 ,bra • following material: Drawings: All the drawings from the preliminary su mission must be resubmitted in an up-to-date form. Where street and drainage plans are new or altered, complete drawings conforming to the requirements of the City Planning Cbmmission and other appropriate City agencies must be submitted at this time. Written Material: All schedules and documents called or in t e preliminary submission must be submitted in final form. It is intended that, by the time the final submis- sion is made, the Commission and staff will have been adequately informed during the development of final documents so that the final response period may be minimized, and so that any problems which may have arisen can be resolved during prep- aration of final documents. Within 45 days of receipt of a completed final sub- mission, the Commission will take appropriate action: normally, either granting administrative approval. or fixing a public hearing. Where the latter action is appropriate, the Commission will move expeditiously to hold the hearing and make its report to the City Board of Directors. In the event that a sponsor subsequently wishes to make minor modifications to an approved development, such modifications shall be submitted to the Commis- sion in a form which compares the approved submis- sion with the desired changes. The Commission may authorize such minor modification without public hearings or City Board of Directors action. Minor modifications generally may be construed to mean sub- stitutions of one approved house type for another, or minor variations in placement of buildings in such a way that the overall limits of approved floor area, open space or rooms per acre are not increased. Any substantial changes from an approved plan will be subject to the same procedure as new submissions. S. ADMINISTRATION 23 DEED85 PACE359 23 25 City unless the use of the adjoining affected land is shown; if the purpose of opening the street is to make the affected land available for sale as a subdivision, the street may not be accepted until accompanied„by.'the,.'requi red plat. No building permit shall be issued for construction of any building, no person, firm or corporation shall sell or offer for sale any lot, no water, sewer, gas or electric service shall be extended to serve any structure on any lot, nor shall any land be accepted for dedication by the County Recorder unless: (1) the lot, building or structure was established before the adoption of this ordinance;. (2) the lot is part of a subdivision approved by the Planning Commission, F. Amendments On any proposed amendments to these regulations, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing, for which fifteen (15) days advance notice in a local news- paper of general distribution has been published. Fol- lowing such a hearing the City Board of Directors may adopt the amendment or amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission or as determined by a majority vote of the City Board of Directors. 6. LEGAL STATUS A. Conflicting Ordinances Repealed All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Fayetteville in conflict herewith, including but not limited to the following ordinances, are hereby re- pealed: Ordinance No. 1245, No. 1273 and No. 1340, B. Effective Date This Ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, comfort, convenience, morals, safety and welfare of the City of Fayetteville, an.. emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force from the date of its approval. 25 f2f,�”— 04O/ - CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYEPTEVILLE I, MARILYN MOORE, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true anA correct copy of the Fayetteville, Arkansas, /1, ' c5' d , therein set forth, and the same is as it appea s of Record in at Page o2 to thereof. IN WITNESS UiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this �/�day of C?TY Ci DEED 785 PAGE 31600 • 1 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD' State of Arkansas ity, of Fayetteville ( $3 C X; Suzanne C. Kenne,IY, City Clerk and ,Vx=Officio recorder fort! City ::f i :iy tte n11e, Ho hereby cerkcy that t,In :i:,n^-,el or fore- going is of record fn nly, o..ffice d t"e %�me aP 3 [:.:;v:.�ti:xi »ok hears in Or tinancc V4Itness my of CERTIFICATE OF RECORD MMM OB ARKMISAS ] M3091on county ] ss. 4AIma V. Kollmayer, Circuit Clerk and Ex -Officio Recorder for weehington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. going Instru nt was filed for record in my o fico on the tgday oul� 'lL`�cloc M, and the same is duly recorded in 'Fecord Witness my hand and seal this AV ,.s /!—itpage`�j� F,.Officio R orded By Oe ty Clerk N A .-I F o 1Cd U F rl - - O u.T r-1 •H w '3 1 O O x p VI N O CL - a0 M UI VI F O rl N: o F C N C M eo b O C O O p O A b N C v F •N �+ roti - 1 7 F ul ar N A I O O •ei 1„) 0 N V1 z 0 > O Cdo O � M > U M A F N O OA U ro O O O 1 3 U N H O r-1 VI N ro4 7 ti b p FN- O4T0 •N NP U 7 1 0 0 4O F O F O O ro O - N F O C q M ao •b O 9O F uS m VI O O y O A b b C < F N ro •� U U F ul vi d A 1 0 O N �D o Z X00 � F N 1� N IJ M C7 O N ro 7 O O > U w A A N W ul .-1 F F ro C w 0 3U W x 0 pu'To LO .i 1 0 �' O M O I N f3i - IO (v V! UI F N 1/n O I N o F C 0 O O - p F O h ro w M w ro o LC N O A N C v F b O Z 'N roti - 1 7 F •rl o Q F A 1 0 00 •M U O VI v O 1 O (n V7 O O F rl z O O ro a O C In N rl U bD C O ti E ro U N O 0.0 a ti F ro C o 13 U roa o � rlo NJ x o 0 00 0 In In F O ti o� M F o F C o O F O H C M wb O C N F uY O C < F b •O A 1 0 0� •N U N In N O O O M M > U w O O bo • 18 O - - 1+1 O O O N N O M M O M N h O O p N N 0 N "I 111 N H O In N 0 N DEED 76' PACEjaLl I C u N V co ro N •x ..I o � on _ U U •N T •d L4 b F O 10 C N C A i+ ro"� ro N FL O ro C O F 41•H •M ++ 7 .0 b0 U •o x I/1 !a •N F U U a T mo C F .'Y -I Ca 0 a+ C 1 p F 1-+ ro O W CO•N C N A O u .�.N N E O M 3 E 1 C.•O 00 V C F F N N N U= O -J I O •.a •ro O ro .N x p O 3 N C ro M > F W b X ro a tY' N by U N U V F p a ro o w .� ro v o • o v� z C4 a as o In ^z o o cn n 'c DEED 76' PACEjaLl I Location and dimension of all proposed lot lines, lot and block numbers, building lines, street lines, ease- ments, dedications and reservations Radial and linear dimensions including angles, bearings, reference to true North, and distances sufficient to reproduce the plat on the ground Proposed use of all land in the subdivision Location and size of utility lines Location and size of any property to be dedicated or reserved with conditions for special uses INFORMATION TO SUPPLEMENT THE PLAT Letter of transmittal Profiles of street and utility plans with profiles Protective covenants Certificate of survey and accuracy by surveyor Certificate of ownership,' title and.dedication. Certificate of accuracy by . the developer's engineer Signature block for the City Planning Commission 0 X X Prelimi- Final Informal nary Plat Plat Plat X X X DEED 785 PAGE347 X ... X ... X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Prelimi- Final Informal nary Plat Plat Plat X X X DEED 785 PAGE347 11 X ... X ... X X X - X X 11 X X X X X X 11 Signature block to certify approval of streets, ease- ments, grading, and drainage by the City Engineer Ix Signature block to certify acceptance of dedications by the City Board of Directors :X Signature block for Water $ Sewer Supt. to certify State Health Dept, approval of water and sewer plans X Guarantees in lieu of improvements (bond, cash or contract with City or County) X 3, IMPROVEMENTS Before Final Plat approval may be granted by the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have made provision to install, either at his expense or in accordance with the existing policy of the City, the following improvements, all of which must have prior approval by the Planning Commission. is A. Required Improvements Two sets of required improvements are listed below. The requirements listed in A shall be.installed.in urban developments with lots smaller than.100' side and 10,500 square feet in area that are served by community sewer and water facilities. The require- ments listed under B may be installed in suburban subdivisions with lots larger than 100' and 10,500 square feet in area that are on either individual sewer or individual water systems and in suburban subdivisions with lots larger than 20,000 square feet in area that are on private water and sewer systems. All improvements shall be installed according to the standards specified by the City and approved by the City Engineer. DEED PAGE JJ 0 X -)X X 12 A. Pre -application When a subdivision is proposed, the sub- divider or his agent should consult with the Planning Administrator, Street Superintendent and City Engineer to become familiar with application procedures, required subdivision improvements, design standards, and the City's development plans. Preliminary Plat When a subdivision of land is proposed, the first formal application for approval shall consist of the following, directed to the City Planning Commission and sub- mitted to the Planning Administrator; 1. Application for Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval Payment of the preliminary plat fee 3. Eight copies of a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision which plat shall include the information indicated for pre- liminary plats in section F. Supplemental information including verification that the preliminary plat has-been reviewed by the electric power company which will serve the subdivision, Arkansas Western -Gas Company, Trans -Video Company and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. The above shall be submitted to the Planning Administrator at least 15 days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which consideration is requested. Plann-IR Commission Action. T e Planning Commission shall consider the subdivider's applica- tion and preliminary plat along DEED 785 FACE J'4"1 I with all reports and comments by utility companies, City departments and others and shall within 30 days after the Planning Administrator' receipt of the preliminary plat, indicate its approval, disapproval or approval with conditions. Such approval, disapproval or approval with conditions shall be stated in writing to the applicant, Approval of the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following qualifications: 1. Such approval does not constitute authorization to proceed with construc- tion until plans have been approved (see #4 below). 2. Approval of the preliminary plat is tentative pending submission and approval of the final plat, 3. Approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for one year and thereafter as long as work is actively progressing on the installa- tion of required improvements. 4. Receipt by the subdivider of the Planning Commission's written approval of the preliminary plat is authorization fo.r the subdivider to proceed with: (1) the preparation of site improvement plans and speci- fications including: (a) street plans, profiles and specifications accompanied by soils analyses and design calcula- tions, (b) storm drainage plans, pro- files and specifications accompanied by soils analyses and design calcula- tions and (c) water and sewer plans, profiles and specifications accom- panied by design calculations, to be reviewed and approved by City officials, (2) the installation of site improve- ments after plans and profiles for such improvements have been approved by the appropriate officials, and (3) preparation of the final plat of the subdivision or of a portion of the subdivision. DEED 785 PAGE 342 0 Final Plat While the Planning Commission's approval of the preliminary'plat is in effect, the subdivider may submit to the Planning Administrator an application for approval of the final plat which shall consist of: 1. Application for Final Subdivision Plat Approval 2.. Payment of the final plat fee 3. The original reproducible Transparent "Mylar" copy of the final subdivision plat along with four reproductions or _copies of said final plat which plat shall.include the information included for -final plats in Section F. 4. Assurance that the improvement indi- cated in the final plat and/or required by these regulations will be installed or.constructed which assurance may consist of: 11 (1) A contract with the City to install the required improvements which contract shall indicate that occupancy:of the subdivision will be denied'by:the City until.the improvements are installed and accepted. (2) An acceptable surety bond guaranteeing installation of the required improvements. (3) A cash deposit amounting to 100 per cent of the estimated total cost of the required improvements. (4) Certification by the City Manager that all requirements have been installed. An application for approval of a final subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Planning Admini- strator not less than 15 days prior to the meet- ing of the Planning Commission at which consid- eration is requested. _ DEED 785 PAGE 34 3 7 C. 0 Final Plat While the Planning Commission's approval of the preliminary'plat is in effect, the subdivider may submit to the Planning Administrator an application for approval of the final plat which shall consist of: 1. Application for Final Subdivision Plat Approval 2.. Payment of the final plat fee 3. The original reproducible Transparent "Mylar" copy of the final subdivision plat along with four reproductions or _copies of said final plat which plat shall.include the information included for -final plats in Section F. 4. Assurance that the improvement indi- cated in the final plat and/or required by these regulations will be installed or.constructed which assurance may consist of: 11 (1) A contract with the City to install the required improvements which contract shall indicate that occupancy:of the subdivision will be denied'by:the City until.the improvements are installed and accepted. (2) An acceptable surety bond guaranteeing installation of the required improvements. (3) A cash deposit amounting to 100 per cent of the estimated total cost of the required improvements. (4) Certification by the City Manager that all requirements have been installed. An application for approval of a final subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Planning Admini- strator not less than 15 days prior to the meet- ing of the Planning Commission at which consid- eration is requested. _ DEED 785 PAGE 34 3 7 Within 60 days after receipt of the final plat, application and other required information, the Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the final plat, which approval or disapproval shall be communicated.to the applicant inwriting. Following approval of the.final plat by the Planning Commission the plat shall be submitted to the City Board of Directors for Board approval. When the final plat has been -approved by the City Board of Directors, the subdivider shall submit the original drawing_, with the approval of the City certified thereon, to the Planning Admini- strator to be filed.by the City Clerk with the County Recorder as the official plat of record. One reproducible itransparent "Mylar" copy containing the certifica- tion of the City Board of Directors shall be submitted by the subdivider to the Planning Administrator for the City records. The subdivider shall.submit eleven (11) copies which are reproductions of the original draw- ing to the Planning Administrator.so that one copy shall go to the Planning Commission, the tax assessor, the City Water and Sewer Depart- ment, the Street Department., the Building Inspector, the gas company, the electric company, the telephone company, Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission, Fayetteville Public School Administration,.and the City Clerk for their records. D. Informal Plat When a property owner wishes to transfer large parcels of property or parts of recorded lots that do not require replatting dedications, vacations, reservations, changes.in alignment of easements or rights-of-way or extension of utilities, then the Planning Commission may waive the Preliminary Plat and approve the Final Plat for filing with the County Recorder. Approval must be signed by the Chairman or Secretary of the Planning Commission on the face of the plat. DEED 785 PACE D 4 I E. Fees When the subdivider submits a plat^to the Planning Commission he shall remitithe follow- ing fees: Preliminary Plat $10.00 Final Plat $1.00 per lot up to maximum of $25.00 F. Plat Requirements. The original plat shall be drawn in waterproof ink on mylar or other reproducible, stable base material at a scale of 1" = 100' or 1" = 200' as directed by the City Planning.Administrator. Sheets shall be 18" x 231t . Plat Information: The following information shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for a plat review and approval: Prelimi- Final Informal GENERAL nary Plat Plat Plat Name and address of owner, developer, engineer, sur- veyor and person preparing the plat X X X Subdivision name, date, graphic scale, north arrow, acreage and zoning districts X X X Legal description of the' property with dimensions and angles sufficient to locate all lines on the ground. Lots.and block shall be identified, boundaries.shall be shown by distance, and property shall be located. by section, range and town- ship and by corporate limits X X X DEED 85 PAGE T" 9 Location and description of all stakes and monu- ments r Vicinity sketch to.show the relation of plat to streets and develop- ment surrounding the sub- division and other infor- mation requested by the Planning Commission 10 X X X X: . Prelimi- Final Informal EXISTING CONDITIONS nary Plat Plat Plat Original topography at five foot contour inter- vals along with water, courses and rock out - croppings X Location and names of exist- ing or platted streets'.and _ utility easements within or abutting the subdivision X X Location of all prominent physical features such as buildings, railroads, parks, creeks and public open spaces X Names of adjacent subdivi- sions and owners of adja- cent property X Location and size of utility lines, water courses, bridges, culverts, wooded areas, lakes, flood plains and underground installations within or adja- cent to the subdivision X . Prelimi- Final PROPOSALS nary:.Plat Plat General drainage plan X Drainage plan with proposed cuts and fills . ... X , 9 !~4 DEED 185 FAZE 3� a Informal Plat D. Definitions For the purpose of these regulations, certain terms used herein are defined as follows: Alley: a minor public way dedicated to public use—Tor utility easements and vehicular access to the back or the side of properties abutting a street Comprehensive Plan: a long-range plan for the planning area including plans for land use, streets and community facilities Contour Intervals: topographic map lines con- necting points of equal elevations Dead -End Street: a street having one end open to traffic an eing permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround Dedication: land and improvements offered to the City, County, or State and accepted by them for public use, control, and maintenance Development Plan: a drawing showing all pro- posed improvements to a piece of property such as streets, parking lots, buildings, drives, signs, utilities, drainage, grading and plant- ing by size and location Easement: a grant by the property owner to the puETIc, a corporation or persons, of the use of a strip of land for specific purposes Improvements: physical changes made to property To prepare it for development such as street grading, drainage structures, street surface, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, utility lines, bridges and similar items Lot: a portion of a subdivision or other parcel oiFland, intended as a unit for transfer of own- ership or for development Parcel: an area under one ownership Plan, Comprehensive: the plan made and adopted 74 - 338 r �- serving abutting properties, intercepts minor streets, connects with community facilities and carries neighborhood traffic to the major arterial street system. Where possible, houses should not front on collector streets Street, Frontage: a minor street which is gen- erally parall to and adjacent to a major high- way or railroad right-of-way and which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic Street, Minor: a street used primarily to pro- vide access to abutting properties Subdivider: a person, firm or corporation under- ta i'ng to develop a subdivision as defined in these regulations Subdivision: a division of a lot, tract or parcel oT_Ta­n_J into two or more lots or other division of land, for the purpose of transfers of ownership or development, extension of utilities, dedication of easements or right-of-way, whether immediate or future, including all changes in street or lot lines, provided, however, that where no new streets or easement of access is involved the following shall not be included in this definition and may be processed as an informal plat: The combination or recombination of portions of previously platted lots where the total number of lots is not increased and the orig- inal lot areas are not decreased; The divisions of land into parcels of five acres or more; The subdivision or resubdivision of land where public sewers and improved streets are avail- able and the resultant lots comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 2.. PROCEDURE.FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL The subdivider shall follow this procedure for the approval of plats: DEED 785 FAA40 0 and debts. 4. DESIGN STANDARDS These standards are intended to help the developer achieve development that is safe, efficient, pleasant, .economic to build and easy to maintain. A. Variations If the provisions of these standards are shown by the subdivider to cause undue hardship as they apply to his proposed subdivision, the City Planning Commission may grant a variance to the subdivider from such pro- visions, so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured; provided that the var- iation will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this ordinance. In granting variances and modifications, the Planning Commission may impose such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified. Conformity The subdivision shall conform to the official plans and regulations that make up the comprehensive plan includ- ing the land use plan, the street plan, access control, setback ordinances, the community facilities plan and the zoning ordinance. For a period of six (6) plication for approval Planning Commission, tt quire the subdivider tc that are indicated wit} posed subdivision whicl adopted plan, to permit or body having jurisdic the opportunity to acgi months after submitting an ap- of a Preliminary Plat with the e Planning Commission may re - reserve sites for public use in the boundaries of the pro - are indicated on an officially the public board, commission tion or financial responsibility ire said sites. The subdivider at his optio may be required to make the by the City under statutory shall be maintained at the body which may be involved, 16 n may provide such areas or m available for acquisition procedure. All such areas expense of the City or other DEED 785 PAGEc15)21 0 rRM C Interpretation When a developer or property owner disagrees with an interpretation of these regulations by the Planning Administrator, it may be appealed to the Planning Com- mission for a decision. Appeal In the event the plat as submitted,by the applicant is disapproved by the Planning Commission, the applicant may petition the City Board of Directors for a review of the plat vote. The Board of Directors may sustain the disapproval of the Commission or refer the plat back to the Planning Commission for restudy and, for such action as may be consistent with the requirements of these regulations. -Severability If any section, paragraph, clause, phrase or part of these subdivision regulations is for any reason in- valid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the .remaining provisions of these regulations and the application of those provisions to any persons or cir- cumstances shall not be affected thereby. D. Enforcement In order to carry out the purposes of these regulations and to assure an orderly program of land development after the effective date of these regulations: No plat of any tract of land within the planning area jurisdiction of the Planning Commission shall be ac- cepted by the County Recorder for filing unless the plat has been approved by the Planning Commission. No conveyance by metes and bounds of tracts coming under the definition of subdivision without compli- ance with the applicable provisions of this ordinance or amendments thereto shall be permitted. This pro- vision is aimed at preventing any attempt to circum- vent these regulations by conveying by metes and bounds without taking the necessary steps for filing an approved plat. No dedication of streets shall be accepted by the 24 24 PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1970. ATTEST: wroff/..um �/I ..1 Garland Melton, J .& Mayor r DEED PACE 362 26 1