HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1746 FILCD " � FOR RE-Co ' (.l ORDINANCE NO . — i/Y Z4 '70 JUS' 2J Peli 2: 42 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENT OF H6'=Y91PBT ZT!JNTY FROM SANG STREET TO PORTER ROAD ; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS , QfiRTN0�.", 5 THE PROPERTY BENEFITED THEREBY ; STATING THE MANNER Ft �' � ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE ; AND STATING THE TIME WITHIN WHJ ASSESSMENTS ARE PAYABLE . WHEREAS , a majority in value of the owners of real property benefited by the improvement of Holly Street from Sang Street to Porter Road have petitioned the Board of Directors for the construction of said improvement and that a portion of the cost thereof be assessed upon the real property benefited , according to benefits received : NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That all of the real property situated in the following territory located in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Lots 1- 28 , Block 2 Ottis Watson Subdivision as per plat of said subdivision on file in the office of Circuit Clerk and Ex - Officio Recorder for Washington County , Arkansas be and the same is hereby formed into a local assessment district for the purpose of improving Holly Street from Sang Street to Porter Road . Section 2 . That pursuant to the Report on the Improvement of Holly Street from Sang Street to Porter Road , the Street Department of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby authorized and directed to accomplish the following : a ) Excavation of existing pavement ; b ) Construction of base to meet current City standards ; c ) Repaving with two ( 2 ) inches of hot mix asphaltic materials , twenty -six ( 26 ) feet wide ; d ) Installation of concrete curb and gutter or sidewalk on the south side of said street ; e ) Installation of a four ( 4 ) foot concrete sidewalk on the northside of said street in lieu of curb and gutter . Section 3 . That the several lots , blocks , or other subdivisions of real property within said assessment district , be and they are , hereby assessed as follows : _ 8z MICROFI 2 191e quo 785 ?AGE gEE1.� TRACT ASSESSMENT Lot 1 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision $ 314 Lot 2 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lots 27 and 28 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 611 Lot 26 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 3 , Block 23 Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 4 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 25 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 5 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 24 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 6 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 23 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 7 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 22 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 8 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 21 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 9 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 29.7 Lot 20 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 29.7, Lot 103 Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision p 29.7 DEED 785 PAGE _ 83 TRACT ASSESSMENT Lot 19 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision $ 297 Lot 11 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 18 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 12 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 17 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 16 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 13 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 297 Lot 153 Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 314 Lot 14 , Block 2 , Ottis Watson Subdivision 314 which assessments bear interest at the rate of ten per cent ( 10 % ) per annum from October 1 , 1970 unless the property owner ( s ) choose ( s ) to pay in a lump sum as hereinafter provided . Section 4 . That ten per cent ( 10 % ) of said assessment of the value of the benefits of each of said lots , blocks or sub - divisions of land shall be paid annually on or before the time provided by law for paying the final installment of general taxes on the property until the whole of said assessment shall have been paid , beginning October 1 , 1970 . Section 5 . That the property owner ( s ) may pay the assess - ments levied in a lump sum payable within thirty ( 30 ) . days after the completion of the proposed improvements . DEED 785 PAGE 84 Section 6 • That all Ordinances and all parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . Passed and approved this day of APPROVED : Garland Melton , Jr , l Mayor o` [ Arffl� 1% and n Moor C ler .� 1.06 * . . . DEED 785 PACE _ 85 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I , MARILYN MOORE, City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Fayetteville, /Arkansas , �✓l//�� ��"l (O ; therein set forth, and the same is as ' t appea7soRecord in Volume at Page thereof. IN WITNESS jlhEREOF, I have hereunto set alY hand and affixed my official ( AYf/ / �� / seal this � / day of 1 T i . .N = • r . �. �. 4.. Y CLERK I ••......u.•• i I { 'i I i 1 I i i 1 i i . 8.03 i DEED 785 7 8 5 PACE p0 i Y J CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arl:'Insas SS City of Fayetteville I. S'iz:utne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and recorder for the City of FaTcttwille, do h,,,-eh v ccrti:v that the annc%e:l or fn_c is o£ record in my office and ne s'1e a Boit .; Reso lutian hoo!: a l III Ordinance pears Z�jitacss my at page of ` hand ai�h� 1,� --� --Ff; • City Clerk and L%-C) - 'O 't'=core,order c ' CERTIFICATE OF RECORD $TATE OF. ARKANSAS ISS. yV,ashington 'County. '] ],'Alma C. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex•Offlclo Raeorder for Washlo&o Oounty,do hereby certify that the annexed or forla- goinglnstr entwasfliedforrecordInmyofficeontha2.'Fdal! lid y+�'clock�d and the4ama is duly re rded in ttthIq§tyj*"4ay eco I Witness my hand and seal oMA K MEYER Circuit Clerk and Ex- fficio Rec r add ' By s Clark STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J ae. County of Washington p '-------___—-----_-, hereby certify that I r axc amt a (General Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, - ef' '• ` a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not *K� tng or the less than four pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of own a behmted Dr m. Vbusiness and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of lmnror0p�,'�f 8aar' Hireet lean Bene s<reer tr-i�pRga qq.•a wJum.a the Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period aoato sal ' lnabn for tM - meaWdion d widAt•oeaopt and that a portio!l of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of d tim Qua thenpp be aamaeed apoin tI business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City real,.ieNlV t8wited•. acartdma G n,,•ents received, & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, rcow E -aD rr ORDAIN FIT which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, RY, AHE Oa DIRF.(nbR9 Of nn, cX. oe Fnr>serevtu.E. ARK- based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty `gig^s' percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions 9rcla� L Must All fallollowing the teat prep r„y al�w`tea m me tdlowmR teri to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a eated m I civ a 3'ayet1ei Art- period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an sono: diva stave sl t of saidWe"nal su gnD- f average of more than forty percent news matter. n�.�'u b per vtat or said aaml I ,. na A,me in the ofacw or amult I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ( 'ierl •nd Ex-offinto Recorder for Wishiiipton fbunty, Arkansas nr and me same is hereny formed cob a Intal afseacment dlstri[•t for the par- Pole ofalmpmAin8 Holly Street from I _ , �✓� `.--'? /j-__ �_______.________ >neotnTh Road. 2. vcdon 2. That pursuant to the Re r••'t on the Improvement a Hnh% sheet was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_._�___. - onm gang Street to Porter Road. the J ueparwept of the cin of Fil eefeseembi a insertion as follows : V 11N Ile, pd to f.a hereby Sunni oll wing: �L a d!rMed m e(A existing 1M following: / it �d a> $h%ctm d exlaunq Meet m . The first insertion on the ____-_ _ _ 5L_-- day o4 t ! 'n t Of%-st of Dere m deet run rent CUy standards; I hot miwith two i2ner tort=e a _ __..____.._ day rt= the second insertion on the ____—__--_colsx uan.0rru ic terlW, twenty. _ toe 19-- nix lif feet wide; d, raat.nauon a conoida turn and the third insertion on the ---------__-_-__ ---------- day of gutter de Shinning on one South aide of Sam "rest; a, lostalatim d e four al cont ron- and the fourth insertion on the _.. .__-_-_----- day o4 ref sidewalk on the north side of said Street 1n Ilea of N[D and e. cutter. grruon 3. TTS[ ma xa!n asst=ammP. .. - . nrrrM sass Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _____30_________ day of ---------------- --------- --- --------- ----- _______________--------------------- --------- - 19-z�- - -- - - NVPublic My Commission Expires : Fees for Printing Cost of Proof __.__.__- $--..._�../_._-_._.--___ Total --------- nr,e WeLe.r lnf 2 Nlrox is Otto 11,eUun -"� sandivisiop i wa. 44 IAiC 2i and W wl W Blocon.l2, OU IAf 9F, Block 2 ml�,? 3 mS. ock 9� inn ;nf d. M 1, OUIort 1, Odie Watson No- ,,n ?S. Block ubdi 2, WatsonWala 717 Week iaionm . _.._._._ Alae .... Lot 5. is otti. .. Watson tut U. Mork is 011ier Walton Subdivision .__._....... 3c Bd d, R1nJk 2.todd , ison Watson sYh,lk1, n ....__..... 3n .list 73. Alhdh 2 Otis Watson sand yition ._.._....... 291 Int '!, AJrck ?. Wefann (o Iut 9. H..n e 1 Otus aC6.wn . . _ J, ....� Lot 8, isi•x ,. ows Watson k Solid situ(, Lot 11, AIo„F 2, Collis Watson ^ _ s, 6 , lon 1. ___ 7J7 Lot 9. Rho-k '?, ou!a Watson cnhaia lion ?'T Lot ao. Julud ?. Watson =Yhm. _ ^'r 2.Oan R lot ]a, Nhawl Watson Subdivisis oion Iqt 19, Alrct 2 Gills Watson fiubei2, _ _......... 29T I.aR iL Alert 8, st __Watson aim ! rWi _ _._...... S( Mo Lot IP. Aldk 2, OGIe Wiliam �f fllnv ' Lk Lot 1^, i'dw2 Welam Suock Won nn _.._..__. 797 ll, Block is on Watson Suludiv 297 Iut 18, Alwt is WatsonOUIS acubdlriaionnn —._ E/ Lot 13, Alork 2. loins Watson es Lot 16, Sundt 2. elite WeLLm Subdivision Lot 31. Alak i ons . Watson Subdivwhits esbred interest at a ten h the rate err ion per cent Q9 per annum Imm October 1, 1ocunless the property Ower s d ere n eNto pay in a lump sumum a eiaGer Section 4. That len per rent the s M � Via f each of of the valor M the bmf fits io each M said ll bs. blocks n ally divisions b of land shell be pale Amway m or berme top time Dmcieea by lea ,tor paying the final Installment of general taxes on the property until the whole of said assessment shall hovel been paid, beginning October 1, 1919. section 5. That Me property owneri .o may pay Me assessments levied in a Jump sum laayable within thirty Nni days after the cm1hPletim of Me pro- pored improvements. section 8. That all Ordinances and all parts of Ordinance! In Millet herewith ere hereby repealed and this Ordinance shall be in full to" slid effect from and sftee its cpaasli Passed and approeM lops 32nd day of lune, 19111. Garland �14PUM. Jr., Nator AT ,Sr[: mariuyn Morn. city Aart