HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1741 STATE of ARKANSAS l } ss. Count���y�-� of Washington�� J Sm. NI :ITNIII AMENDING SECITONI ird^'�_Wy _\ -'P AN FA O AD P T Il IbnE � I - __._, hereby certify that I ' Ill1ANCiH TO ADOPT ]3Y REF. . . . ..__.... .. --_. .__-_._ --_____ __._-___--_ _ - 'N TIES 7x9 EDITION OF THE ( am the General Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, -FNDRN STANDARD GAS CODE a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not ADDING, XMIE TING, OR DE-1 -.NG CERTAIN 0rMR SECTIONS less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of THE FAYEPTEVII.LP. CODE OF vNANCES TO REVISE SAID CODEi business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of PDATT TIRE REpVntEeCENTH OF, Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period r'1TT GAS CODE. F9:REAS, by Ordtheiii No. 1431 ai of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of ' Tarr 13, 1915. the 1964 Edition of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City namphiet entaled 'If61Rf Pamphlet :d. Standard for the Installation of & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, "°°thepN add Gas r aaF to tri which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, tw the es and as Fl in ]n» Vi P , - em was adopted by referwae: based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty 17 F.REAs. Ne Ward of Directors Ad percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions `v a FayetteElle, Arkansas, finds to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a ,e Ona OMleanl+ needs updating. ,s In the beat Interest of the Citvi period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an - elevdte to revise Ila Gas Ord]- ' average of more than forty percent news matter. and f1lRFA4, the Howard a nireaen ofib I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ,It, of Fayetteville. Arkansas bas rnnsudth ernt]on e adoption a an lit raising to the Installation and 'inn of gas appliances and gas pi xs set forth rte the ISSOdilionthen ESand rd -- /7 �--------- is ard Me". and -rF:RF.As. three r31 copies of iii are kept on No m me 0i a was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for n,' rlerk a the my of Fayetteville. consecutive insertions as follows : :Divas, nes caused a notice to be -,read In a newspaper of general CIM . on within the nt5 of Faveltevllles The first insertion on the _. ___ 9 day of ___ - 19__74 saa. statinNr1 g that It had under 1 iton the adontbn of sA d code was -- is me puhlir that r',> reemaa1 the second insertion on the --____ _ da of ___.____-____ 19-_-__ ^= a some were on e'i^ intree 04 - ___ y m the rite Clerk and rpon to WbIM --. ._If'. o the third insertion on the ----- ----- day of _-_-____ - --------- 19—_ If'. TNF.RF.FI is. HF, rI' OR• I o PIt TFIE % Or I DIRE6 •'Inim �x'h-IfA�q^te°PISA re11 and the fourth insertion on the ___ _ _ _ d of { - by irn 1. •spat +e tel Fele ad as " .>•r Is heron, adopted by the Hoard _ 11 J- "'ertors of the rip' of Fayeneldlle, ! e =ras, b. reference thereto, the Dro• f Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �___-.- day of -----.-__ .. . set torts in the 1%9 Edition of <nuthem Adandard Gas roue•, wave ' except such porliona of said GST . 19-/- O as mal' he Added. deleted, mMitlM. le _..-.--.._-._ _ __.___--_- ..--.. • +uthrou b' the Dof the s Fayetteville Seaton mmurn antes, a cot ronisi . r ie Ordinances,so and the dard one ' . .,.nM in said Adopted standard Gea _---------------_-_----_.___._ are nerenv et out and incolength herein, ! NOt y Public fully as it ant out at len¢tn bar cc . the within ions thereot slim br cone' wtlhln rho e. Arkansas limits a the M eaymevine. coon ex. My Commission Expires : l 'I or I. 'fair Section 1Fa% a the t - nI OIs hereby (rete d Fey adding rnsaa to hereby emended W adding ��y�/-/fig rnserlien to be numbered 1, which _ - • nun] Pur reads as (plows; -, Duni purpose bisersrinser s fru Ionil. �� should AIM mnsler sae filter also nom a City master plumhere h- Fees for Printing ------ I— _I .-..__-__._ censo. one corporest surety license Eaglbn ]5-95.: zeyoon EllParoarops ' bond ]n the amount of two thousand onars ($2,100 tell he sufficient Cost of Proof - ------_ $------------------------ 7D .-and plumber or both the gas fill" reregreph m L hereby added M non ,,, hrenxr - f if . "M. ._...,.. - permit bond reVSR5 of t $- 2 Eli,... =Is of 3. enrI aotmn Isis ter me Total 1C . . Is a Ordl nerves. ri D' d Fto read as anaew, 1n hereby amended to reed a Ilan mreflgnl home foundation must dist o n,a P F.nme undar mull ries n . erme iSSS PMlen 2N Pesaro Dhl - bre, mon Diem amended SUPMe Patent eatlf a the taper tin •a rag rape (e) o section oom a the ha extent if b none a the weigh of the amended to reed as from the ••gas i axis@ Thal be Earthed M the wheels, roofine gas Piping iron min ¢an axles or springs a the lrellan. •r to rr Heat aelive aMdion S All IrNinahre end parts al ' gas opening in oMNen,ea iv eonnisd herewith M1pi ming swell he tea lase than one ata neve- r 01I lInwri II that In N it u pmt In' fel ford, and er frons , be M1nwrc If tont this rM,s in in, In full force and effect drren and atter f.., M , �a us��. a >nrsw> r„ m+ Its passage, approval and pthis 19 di s, rr PJune, AND APPROVI?.'p this 1st tlay of June. 1"79. APPROVED: 'sI Garland Melton. Jr_. Mayor .v . h .a 1 „Ivor. reads AS : A1TEa'L: 'sI Marilyn Monte, oIII, clerk a ' ORDINANCE N0 , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 - 61 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1969 EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD GAS CODE AND ADDING , MODIFYING , OR DELETING CERTAIN OTHER SECTIONS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REVISE SAID CODE TO UPDATE THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY GAS CODE . WHEREAS , by Ordinance No . 1432 of February 15 , 1965 , the 1964 Edition of the pamphlet entitled " NBFU Pamphlet No . 54 , Standard for the Installation of Gas Appliances and Gas Piping , " as issued by the National Board of Fire Underwriters , was adopted by refe - rence ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , finds that the Gas Ordinance needs updating , and it is in the best interest of the City of Fayetteville to revise its Gas Ordinance ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas has under consideration the adoption of an ordinance re - lating to the installation and inspection of gas appliances and gas piping as set forth in the 1969 Edition of the Code entitled , " Southern Standard Gas Code " ; and WHEREAS , three ( 3 ) copies of said Code are kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has caused a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , stating that it had under consideration the adoption of said Code and advising the public that the requisite copies of same were on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open to public examination . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 15 - 61 of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to read as follows : SECTION 15 - 61 adopted . There is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by reference thereto , the provisions set forth in the 1969 Edition of the " Southern Standard Gas Code " , save and except such portions of said Gas Code as may be added , deleted , modified , or amended by the provisions of Sections 15 - 85 through 15 - 85 . 1 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , and the provisions contained in said Southern Standard Gas Code are hereby adopted and MICROF11.1,AuD DATE�'I.�1J?-1918 REEIy-� incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein , and the pro - visions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 2 . That Section 15 - 77 of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby amended by adding a sub - section to be numbered 1 , which said sub - section reads as follows : ( 1 ) Dual purpose license permit bond . Should such master gas fitter also hold a City master plumbers license , one corporate surety license bond in the amount of two thousand dollars ( $ 23000 ) will be sufficient for both the gas fitter and plumber license permit bond requirements . Section 3 . That Section 15- 85 of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 15 - 85 Section 204 . 1 Paragraph ( a ) amended . Paragraph ( a ) of Section 204 . 1 of the code is amended to read as follows : " ( a ) All consumers gas piping from the gas meter to the first active gas opening in the building shall be not less than one and one - fourth ( 1 1/ 4 ) inches in size , provided , however , that this requirement may be waived when acceptable to the gas supplier and the City Gas Inspector . " Section 4 . That the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 15 - 85 . 1 which said section reads as follows : Section 15 - 85 . 1 Section 214 Paragraph ( f ) added . Paragraph ( £ ) is hereby added to Section 214 of the Code , which paragraph shall read as follows : ( f ) Before any gas piping in or to a mobile home trailer shall be approved , the mobile home trailer must rest on a firm continuous foundation , or on piers supporting each corner of the trailer to the extent that none of the weight of the trailer shall be carried by the wheels , axles or springs of the trailer . Section 5 . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1970 . APPROVED : Garland Melton , Jr , Mayor ATTEST : Marilyn Moore , City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( Ss Ci4y of Fayetteville 1, anne C. Kennedy, City Cin r't ,a rid )(:i rio recorder for the Ci Ly of 'r ayettet+ ce. tiFy thit the a:u7.r:ed M. foro- d0 1L• - ' • F' 1 ' ili g• ; _; rf * co*d.in toy of`'"e -'nsl tile. C; ml sP- r caelu'aor, b.�os Peals in Orc.:ua::ce - D E' 1 �l^it :ess zna� �y of City C'er aad L- Oaicio i:ecorder