HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1736 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE TO EXPRESS THE POLICIES OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REGARDING AND CONCERNING THE MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SEWER LINES WITHIN SAID CITY . 0 WHEREAS , it appears necessary for the better operation of efforts concerning and regarding the maintenance and construction of water and sewer lines in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that certain policies should be expressly stated and enacted into ordinance form . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE . ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That from and after the proper passage of this ordinance , the policies of the City of Fayetteville concerning and regarding the maintenance and construction of water and sewer lines shall be as follows : A . In the event a substantial portion of the property owners in any part of the City of Fayetteville express a desire that the water and/or sewer line in any district of said city be improved , and that the costs of said improvements be assessed against property owners in said district , or in the event the Board of Directors find that the improvement of water and/or sewer line is necessary for the public welfare , safety , and convenience , the Board of Directors shall , by resolution , declare the improvements needed and direct that a study be made to determine the costs. of said improvement , which reso - lution shall be published once in the newspaper of general circulation in Fayetteville , Arkansas , B . Upon receipt of the study report and a finding that pro - ceedings with the proposed improvement is financially feasible , the Board of Directors shall set a date for a public hearing on the proposed improvement and notify all property owners , within said district , by mail , of the proposed improvement , and the estimated cost of such improvement , and the date of the public hearing on the proposed improvement , and cause notice of such public hearing to be published once in a news - paper of general circulation in Fayetteville , Arkansas , not less that five days prior to the date fixed for the hearing . C . Following the public hearing the Board of Directors shall make a finding and ruling as to whether the improvement should be accomplished . If the Board of Directors finds and rules that the improvement shall be accomplished , said Board of Directors shall pass an appropriate ordinance authorizing the M1CROF�`D 2 0% DATE REEL improvement to be made , stating the method of making the assessments and stating the amount of the assessments . The assessment is to be based on the cost of the improvement and shall be borne by the property owners in proportion to the value of each lot or parcel of land as assessed for taxation under the general laws of the State of Arkansas . A copy of the assessment shall be filed with the City Clerk . Notice that such assessments have been filed with the City Clerk shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in Fayetteville , Arkansas , and such assessments shall be final and conclusive unless questioned by action filed in the Chancery Court of Washington County , Arkansas within thirty days after the publication of notice of the filing of the assessments . D . All such assessments are payable to the City in the manner and within the time prescribed in the resolution . This may include the option to pay the assessment in one lump sum or in installments within the time and at the rate of interest specified . E . The assessment against each lot or parcel of property shall constitute a lien on such property in favor of the City of Fayetteville . F . When an annual assessment against any lot or parcel of property has not been paid for two years from the date due , such delinquent assessment , plus a ten percent penalty shall be certified by the City to the County Clerk and the County Clerk shall place the assessment and penalty on the tax books as a delinquent tax to be collected and paid over to the City by the collector . Section 2 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publi - cation . PASSED AND APPROVED this oZOP'day of , 1970 . APPROVED : Garland Melton , Jr . , Mayor ATTEST : Mar lynore , Cite k CERTIFICATE OF RECORD St-!t� of Arkanss UJ City of Fayettecil'e I. Suzanne C. Ke:v :e'y, ^,', C'oii and Iss-Officio recnrdet for £�� C�;y _•I F�i•^.`t�•,iile, do hereby certi"y- +!-at t}... .. * . .. e . ar . . . going is of record in my office _ -dt'•:esa-:r. ap- pears in Ordinance & Rz::oiutio i ':r o:: ..—.A--at eny hand and seal this ;:y of 19 City C'_e:f OAlIINANfrr No. ltdlt IAN O9DINANCF. 10 E7IPREW THE IV1[.Ir1Ea OF TNF. CrR OF Fay. F'ITGVILLfu REGARDING AND CON- cERNLNG THE MAINTENANCE AND %ON$TRU(11'ION - Or WATER AND SEWER, Wry_ [Er RAID cm. STATE of ARKANSAS Jly sameness, forss. the : `asks MMM- County of Washington Init and Owaaoa and L 1 Cal newer liras In EM, ^times. ly �U{+D� < oda bm evrewv G --...., hereby certify that I Relief. I, _--- --._ Y.-__..-------- ---------- ---------------------- NOW" - IIB Pf OR- am the General Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, DAIM4, ..,C.= cy IRD OFDTMVZZ- ( a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not tan and after the less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of that ord°Y°n• the business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of of lrayeNM R use a 1lla Pa+- t'1 % Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period or .rarer ane .rarer of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of talbwa:' t a eaeetanael Por- business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & Count eww at a lear � F►vewnl. e elly for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, t aw anter and/or which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, alstridt Of did city be „aed that the Dente of based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty eta i IN •.weed &"lost in percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions In Hiat�yt co st P P P the of` ffiasa re find to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a that ata "Rio` period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper ublishers an wwerltde ' eencaary far . . , Pun P eat P P P Ile welfam .rhty. and M average of more than forty percent news matter. flit Board 7�siLD Ire�c�torl, stag. by reso- lutlm. tM�*.`• lease en I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of needed i be made to of ofd ImPmvemwt, rrtire- InellYon ebnll be Pull me 1 of seven file. 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