HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1734 ORDINANCE NO . 17 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH THE ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO SURVEY STREETS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , certain streets and structures in this City have suffered damage through floods and other Acts of God for which damage reimbursements can be had from Federal Disaster Aid Funds administered by the Federal Civil Defense Administration , under Public Law No . 875 and that such reimbursements can become pay - able only through a technical survey and estimate to determine the extent of such damage and a further Survey and Report to show that such work has been done and that this City is without means of making such survey or estimate . That the Arkansas State Highway Commission is qualified to make such survey and estimates , but that the damage being on streets that are not a part of the State Highway System , the Highway Department can perform such work only if reimbursements of its expense is provided . That it is to the best interest of the City that the services of the Highway Department be secured . IT IS THEREFORE ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in regular session that the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into the following contract with the Arkansas State Highway Department : The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas and the Arkansas State Highway Commission do hereby mutually covenant , agree and contract that : 1 . In consideration of the promise hereafter made by Fay - etteville , Arkansas , the Arkansas State Highway Commission agrees : ( a ) to make a survey of the damage to the streets and structures of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas caused by floods or other Acts of God in order to determine the extent of eligibility of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas for reimbursement for such damage from Federal Disaster Aid as administered by the Federal Civil Defense Administration , and to make an estimate of the cost of such repairs and replacements and any other necessary reports . 2 . In consideration of the promise of the Arkansas State Highway Commission to do and accomplish the hereinabove set out acts necessary to enable the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas to receive reimbursement from Federal Disaster Aid , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas covenants , agrees and contract to pay to the Arkansas State Highway Commission the cost incurred by said Commission in making the survey and cost estimates herein- before agreed upon in the following manner : The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas will deposit with the Arkansas State Highway Commission $ 150 . 00 dollars , said sum being DATE one percent of the City Manager ' s total estimate of allowable federal reimbursement under Public Law 875 . It is understood that upon final disposition of the matter at hand , the City reserves the right to have the return of any unused portion of the above deposit and binds itself to pay any additional sum if the above deposit is insufficient to cover the costs herein provided for . 97 /J Cit Manager I , MaA (/, , , In 5 y, City Clerk , do hreby certify t a the foregoiyg order was duly signed on the ,LL'l day of 1970 , and the same is recorded in Record Book / on Page of the records of Fayetteville , Arkansas . w /.ytn Yw.LAW � pB'l.Q City Cleft PASSED AND APPROVED thiskday of ' 1970 . APPROVED : r Mayor ATTEST : City C erk a LNERTIFICATE OF RECORD $tate of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I , Svmanne C. r;t { ' and U >; .s pews iz nly lt•' of hone; ..•._„^-':, . .. ---- _ _- - --• ,..:- Ci�Y Clerk - p:fieio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS as. IIY1q �" County of Washington vee ogtpl if rrkdriril I ST sT _ U, w LG�1.P\ ET . . I, ----. . . ...-L-------- ------- ------------------, hereby certify that I tures h , 4b am am the ,ene4al Manage) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, tlnoupt W Omar a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not W ha� ob"W less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of minlsleand as business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of K5 and no Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period beaane of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of cal sunt/ am extent of a.lh Asmaga business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City Survey sea a'sirt to & County for a definite price for each co work bas least Goes W copy, or a fixed price per annum, is without rubors of which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Or xgher" se.t based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty mks percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions that nam K , to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an Rab taV ffi t average of more than forty percent news matter. the I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of be TT . THffi OS e,cit . lar Ise. ACity li, b hr Net the City hereby authorized to enter 1�Mfill- ---------------- lowing contract with the Arkansas costa Highway Department: Fayttwas published in the re y newspaper The Cita eaeville. Arkansas and P regular daily issue of said news a er for...__._____. the Arkansas state Highway Commis- owmweuiivr insertion$ as follows: cion do hereby mutually mvea . agree 11 �n / lain nntmonsideration o["�e recall that; I The first insertion on the ____o__�_L___��QP`___ day of _ r____ 19� hereafter made by FayHMvRle. Arkansas, the Arkansas Slate Highway Commis- 1 aim agrees: thd insertion th .__—__ _ ___ of (a) to make a survey of Ne damagal e seconnseron on e ____.__._ - - ----- da y to the streets and structures of Ne City ', a Fayetteville, Arkansas caused by floods or cher Ants M coif In order tothe third insertion on the _ ---___---------------- ---- day of _-_—_____._— 19— determine the extent of eligibility M the City of Faieftevflle, �eralFederal sa1eOi.il d as imbursement for sun adorn s+a ntenti and the fourth insertion on the _.___ c" rl da/y�,/of __ __._______ _\1V19.—__ tion, and to make an estimate M the �,- . l �f ' ", � n mat of such rennin and replacements Said any other necessary reports. —*---------'---"-- —" - 3 In consideration of the Promise of ! The Arkansas state Highwq' Commit. son to do and armwrphsh ate nPrem- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ----- day of .______________ above set out arts necessary, to enable Me City of Fayetteville, Arkansas t0 R ' Pelle reimbursement from Frei Dies- aster ibas(er Aid. NP City of k1YNteville, APloosing - _ ___________— Comma covenants, d -Cts and mnlfs id to pay to the ArkanM State Highway Commission the me< - Me Su by said 'rV Commission in mak4i Ne survey and cost estimates hereinbefore agreed upon --/ry in following manner. Nublis 1C Tic City of a Aetteville,rkansas Arktate sat will deposit with the Arkansas State Highway Commission co dollars, said sum be- ing one percentent M Ne sty reimburses My Commission Expires : total estimate oallowable reimburse- ment under Public law SIS. It Is understood flat upon final City re- serves e ! shave M the matter Bt hand, the Cltyof so - - anreturn of right here the rey unused portion M ade. posit and binds IlaPl( to pay any nY addb flonal sum if the above Meront Is 1n Fees for Printing ______ $__Cz!______�� enff..cient to mer Ne costs herein Pro- vided for. WESLEv M. Ito WE Coat of Proof ---------- $_ Cih- Nlamagei L iTarihm >luore. (tip' Clerk, do here- T b,,amity Net the foregoing was duly Tom nn the 16th day of February'. -------- $- -' - 1 11470. And the same is recorded in Record _ . Rook 1 on Page 98 of the records M Fayetteville. Arkansas. h1ARD.YN MOORE City Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED this lath day of Fehruar}t 19". APPROVED: GARLAND MELTON. JR. ATTPa. )ra-� M y 'l \(UOf.j l]tY ;larer k 31 IM